class TestGetDnsRecords(TestCase): @patch.object(DNSaaS, '_get_oauth_token') def setUp(self, mocked): mocked.return_value = 'token' self.dnsaas = DNSaaS() @patch.object(DNSaaS, 'get_api_result') def test_return_empty_when_api_returns_empty(self, mocked): mocked.return_value = [] found_dns = self.dnsaas.get_dns_records(['']) self.assertEqual(found_dns, []) def test_return_empty_when_no_ipaddress(self): found_dns = self.dnsaas.get_dns_records([]) self.assertEqual(found_dns, []) @patch.object(DNSaaS, 'get_api_result') def test_return_dns_records_when_api_returns_records(self, mocked): data = { 'content': '', 'name': '', 'type': 'A', 'id': 1 } mocked.return_value = [data] found_dns = self.dnsaas.get_dns_records(['']) self.assertEqual(len(found_dns), 1) self.assertEqual(found_dns[0]['content'], data['content']) self.assertEqual(found_dns[0]['name'], data['name']) self.assertEqual(found_dns[0]['type'], RecordType.a) @override_settings(DNSAAS_URL='') def test_build_url(self): self.assertEqual(self.dnsaas.build_url('domains'), '') @override_settings(DNSAAS_URL='') def test_build_url_with_version(self): self.assertEqual(self.dnsaas.build_url('domains'), '') @override_settings(DNSAAS_URL='') def test_build_url_with_id(self): self.assertEqual(self.dnsaas.build_url('domains', id=1), '') @override_settings(DNSAAS_URL='') def test_build_url_with_get_params(self): self.assertEqual( self.dnsaas.build_url('domains', get_params=[('name', 'ralph')]), '') @override_settings(DNSAAS_URL='') def test_build_url_with_id_and_get_params(self): self.assertEqual( self.dnsaas.build_url('domains', id=1, get_params=[('name', 'ralph')]), '')
def is_in_dnsaas(ip): if not settings.ENABLE_DNSAAS_INTEGRATION: return False dnsaas_client = DNSaaS() url = dnsaas_client.build_url('records', get_params=[('ip', ip), ('type', 'A')]) return len(dnsaas_client.get_api_result(url)) > 0
class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Compare DNS records in DNSaaS with state of IP-hostname in Ralph' # TODO (mkurek): add possibility to exclude some domains def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.dns = DNSaaS() def _fetch_dns_records(self): """ Fetch DNS Records (A and PTR) from DNSaaS. Returns two nested dicts, where key on the first level is record type, and key-values on the second level are name-content and content-name respectively. Example output: ( # regular order: name -> [content] { 'A': { '': ['', ''], '': [''] }, 'PTR': { '': [''], '': [''], '': [''] } }, # reversed order: content -> [name] { 'A': { '': [''], '': [''], '': [''] }, 'PTR': { '': [ '', '' ], '': [''] } } ) """ url = self.dns.build_url('records', get_params=[ ('limit', 1000), ('offset', 0), ] + [('type', t) for t in {'A', 'PTR'}]) api_results = self.dns.get_api_result(url) records_by_types = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) records_by_types_rev = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for record in api_results: records_by_types[record['type']][record['name']].append( record['content']) records_by_types_rev[record['type']][record['content']].append( record['name']) return records_by_types, records_by_types_rev def _get_ips(self): """ Return dict with IP-hostname from Ralph. """ ips = IPAddress.objects.filter( ethernet__base_object__cloudhost__isnull=True, hostname__isnull=False).values_list('address', 'hostname') return dict(ips) def get_missing_a_records_in_dnsaas(self, ips, dns, dns_rev): """ Return pairs of (ip, hostname) which are present in Ralph, but not in DNSaaS """ for ip, hostname in ips.items(): if ip not in dns_rev['A']: yield (ip, hostname) def get_wrong_a_records_in_dnsaas(self, ips, dns, dns_rev): """ Return triplets of (ip, ralph_hostname, dns_hostname) for Records which are both in Ralph and DNSaaS, but are inconsistent """ for ip, hostname in ips.items(): if ip in dns_rev['A']: dns_hostnames = dns_rev['A'][ip] if hostname not in dns_hostnames or len(dns_hostnames) != 1: yield (ip, hostname, dns_hostnames) def get_missing_a_records_in_ralph(self, ips, dns, dns_rev): """ Return pairs of (ip, list of hostnames) for Records (ips) which are present in DNSaaS, but they are not in Ralph. """ for ip, hostnames in dns_rev['A'].items(): if ip not in ips: yield (ip, hostnames) def check_ralph_ptrs(self, ips, dns, dns_rev): """ Return pairs of (ip, hostname) which has not properly configured PTR records. """ for ip, hostname in ips.items(): if ip in dns_rev['A'] and hostname in dns_rev['A'][ip]: ptr = get_ptr(ip) if ptr not in dns['PTR'] or hostname not in dns['PTR'][ptr]: yield (ip, hostname, dns['PTR'].get(ptr)) def get_zombie_ptrs(self, ips, dns, dns_rev): """ Return pairs of (ip, hostname) which has not properly configured PTR records. """ for hostname, ptrs in dns_rev['PTR'].items(): for ptr in ptrs: ip = '.'.join(ptr.split('.')[3::-1]) if hostname not in dns['A'] or ip not in dns['A'][hostname]: yield ptr, hostname def get_duplicated_ptrs(self, ips, dns, dns_rev): """ Return pairs of (ip, hostname) which has not properly configured PTR records. """ for ptr, hostnames in dns['PTR'].items(): if len(hostnames) > 1: yield ptr, hostnames def handle(self, **options): dns, dns_rev = self._fetch_dns_records() ips = self._get_ips() for func, headers, description in [ (self.get_missing_a_records_in_dnsaas, ['IP', 'hostname'], 'A records missing in DNSaaS'), (self.get_missing_a_records_in_ralph, ['IP', 'hostname'], 'A records missing in Ralph'), (self.get_wrong_a_records_in_dnsaas, ['IP', 'ralph hostname', 'dnsaas hostnames'], 'Inconsistent A records'), (self.check_ralph_ptrs, ['IP', 'ralph hostname', 'PTR content'], 'Missing or wrong PTR records'), (self.get_zombie_ptrs, ['PTR', 'hostname (content)'], 'Zombie PTR records'), (self.get_duplicated_ptrs, ['PTR', 'hostnames'], 'Duplicated PTR records'), ]: result = func(ips, dns, dns_rev) self.stdout.write( TEMPLATE.format( description=description, headers='\t'.join(headers), content='\n'.join( ['\t'.join(map(str, line)) for line in result]), ))