def update_velocity(particle, global_best, max_v, c1, c2, omega): import random for i in range(len(particle['velocity'])): v = particle['velocity'][i] v1 = c1 * random.random() * (particle['b_position'][i] - particle['position'][i]) v2 = c2 * random.random() * (global_best['position'][i] - particle['position'][i]) particle['velocity'][i] = v*omega + v1 + v2 if particle['velocity'][i] > max_v: particle['velocity'][i] = max_v if particle['velocity'][i] < -max_v: particle['velocity'][i] = -max_v
def initialize_network(n_inputs, n_hidden, n_outputs): network = list() hidden_layer = [{'weights': [random.random() for i in range(n_inputs + 1)]} for i in range(n_hidden)] network.append(hidden_layer) output_layer = [{'weights': [random.random() for i in range(n_hidden + 1)]} for i in range(n_outputs)] network.append(output_layer) return network
def update(self, fitness_population_): fitness_population = deepcopy(fitness_population_) allChildren = [] generator = self.selectParents(fitness_population) nb_iterations = 0 while len(allChildren) < len(fitness_population) and nb_iterations < 100000: nb_iterations+=1 parents = next(generator) if random.random() > self.CrossThreshold: children = self.crossover(parents) else: children = parents for child in children: if random.random() > self.MutationThreshold: ch = self.mutation(child) if ch not in self.archive: allChildren.append(ch) else: if child not in self.archive: allChildren.append(child) if len(allChildren) < len(fitness_population): tmp = [] for i in range(len(fitness_population)-len(allChildren)): tmp.append(list(np.random.randint(0, + 1, self.dim) * TICS)) return allChildren.extend(tmp) return allChildren[:len(fitness_population)] # May exceed
def bounce(particles): color = ["white", "green", "yellow", "red", "blue", "orange", "pink"] for i in range(100): xi = engine.width / 2 yi = engine.width / 2 dxi = random.randint(-10, 10) * random.random() dyi = random.randint(-10, 10) * random.random() r = random.randint(0, 5) ball = Particle(engine.canvas, xi, yi, r, dxi, dyi, color=random.choice(color), charge=-10) particles.append(ball) while True: for particle in particles: particle.dy += 0.1 particle.step() particle.constrain() engine.update()
def __init__(self, ilosc): super(PunktyUderzajaceWKule, self).__init__(ilosc) self.polozenie_x_min = -0.74 self.polozenie_x_max = 0.74 self.polozenie_y_min = 1.74 self.polozenie_y_max = 2.74 self.polozenie_z_min = -0.74 self.polozenie_z_max = 0.74 self.predkosc_x_min = 1.2 self.predkosc_x_max = 2.4 wspolczynnik_odbicia = 0.1 wspolczynnik_tarcia = 0.2 srodek = Wektor(2.5, 0, 0) promien = 1.0 self.obszar_zabroniony = Kula(wspolczynnik_odbicia, wspolczynnik_tarcia, srodek, promien) for i in range(0, ilosc): polozenie_x = random.random() * ( self.polozenie_x_max - self.polozenie_x_min) + self.polozenie_x_min polozenie_y = random.random() * ( self.polozenie_y_max - self.polozenie_y_min) + self.polozenie_y_min polozenie_z = random.random() * ( self.polozenie_z_max - self.polozenie_z_min) + self.polozenie_z_min predkosc_x = random.random() * ( self.predkosc_x_max - self.predkosc_x_min) + self.predkosc_x_min punkt = self.pobierz_punkt_materialny(i) punkt.ustaw_polozenie(Wektor(polozenie_x, polozenie_y, polozenie_z)) punkt.ustaw_predkosc(Wektor(predkosc_x, 0, 0))
def update(self): # if self.stateMachine != None: if self.hitWall == True: self.stateMachine.nextState((0,1,0)) else: self.stateMachine.nextState((0,0,0)) currentState = self.stateMachine.getCurrentState() if isinstance(currentState, StateMoveCurrentDirection): self.moveX = 0 self.moveY = 0 if self.direction == LEFT: self.next_frame() self.isMoving = True self.movement = (WALK_SPEED, 0, LEFT) if random.random() > 0.9: self.is_firing = True else: self.is_firing = False elif self.direction == RIGHT: self.next_frame() self.isMoving = True self.movement = (WALK_SPEED, 0, RIGHT) if random.random() > 0.9: self.is_firing = True else: self.is_firing = False elif isinstance(currentState, StateChangeDirection): self.hitWall = False self.isMoving = False self.set_reverse_direction()
def renew(self, sv, num): #self.remove_dead() goodbois = self.Creatures[:sv] self.Creatures = [] for i in range(num): if i < goodbois.__len__(): id = goodbois[i].id if random.random( ) < self.mutate_rate and i > self.supremacy_num: goodbois[i].brain.mutate() id = None self.create_creature( id=id, brain=goodbois[i].brain.get_params(), starting_energy=goodbois[i].starting_energy) else: if random.random() < self.breed_rate: c_1 = random.choice(goodbois) c_2 = random.choice(goodbois) p_3 = self.breed(c_1, c_2) self.create_creature(brain=p_3, starting_energy=c_1.starting_energy) else: #self.create_creature(starting_energy= float(random.randint(1,10))) self.create_creature(starting_energy=0.0)
def plot(self, n_cluster=3, title='Clusters', xlabel='feature 1', ylabel='feature 2'): from random import random for i in range(n_cluster): r, g, b = random.random(), random.random(), random.random() color = (r, g, b) plt.scatter(self.X[self.y == i, 0], self.X[self.y == i, 1], s=100, c=color, label='Cluster' + str(i + 1)) if self.kmeans: plt.scatter(self.clusterer.cluster_centers_[:, 0], self.clusterer.cluster_centers_[:, 1], s=300, c='yellow', label='Centroids') plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.legend()
def train(self): best_rew = 0 for i in range(self.n_learning_trials): cum_rew = 0 self.env.reset() state = self.env.state # flag = 0 action = [[random.random(), random.random()]] nx_state, rew, done, _ = self.env.evaluateAction(action[0]) if rew > best_rew: best_rew = rew best_action = action # best_action = [[0,0.78]] for i in range(1,5): best_action.append(best_action[i-1][::-1]) return best_action
def transform(image, boxes, labels, difficulties, split, config={}): """ Apply the transformations above. :param image: image, a PIL Image :param boxes: bounding boxes in boundary coordinates, a tensor of dimensions (n_objects, 4) :param labels: labels of objects, a tensor of dimensions (n_objects) :param difficulties: difficulties of detection of these objects, a tensor of dimensions (n_objects) :param split: one of 'TRAIN' or 'TEST', since different sets of transformations are applied :return: transformed image, transformed bounding box coordinates, transformed labels, transformed difficulties """ assert split in {'TRAIN', 'TEST'} # Mean and standard deviation of ImageNet data that our base VGG from torchvision was trained on # see: mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] new_image = image new_boxes = boxes new_labels = labels new_difficulties = difficulties # Skip the following operations if validation/evaluation if split == 'TRAIN': # A series of photometric distortions in random order, each with 50% chance of occurrence, as in Caffe repo if 'distort' in config and config['distort']: new_image = photometric_distort(new_image) # Convert PIL image to Torch tensor new_image = FT.to_tensor(new_image) # Expand image (zoom out) with a 50% chance - helpful for training detection of small objects # Fill surrounding space with the mean of ImageNet data that our base VGG was trained on if random.random() < 0.5 and 'expand' in config and config['expand']: new_image, new_boxes = expand(new_image, boxes, filler=mean) # Randomly crop image (zoom in) if config['crop']: new_image, new_boxes, new_labels, new_difficulties = random_crop( new_image, new_boxes, new_labels, new_difficulties) # Convert Torch tensor to PIL image new_image = FT.to_pil_image(new_image) # Flip image with a 50% chance if random.random() < 0.5 and 'flip' in config and config['flip']: new_image, new_boxes = flip(new_image, new_boxes) # Resize image to (300, 300) - this also converts absolute boundary coordinates to their fractional form if 'resize' in config and config['resize']: new_image, new_boxes = resize(new_image, new_boxes, dims=(300, 300)) # Convert PIL image to Torch tensor new_image = FT.to_tensor(new_image) # Normalize by mean and standard deviation of ImageNet data that our base VGG was trained on if 'normalise' in config and config['normalise']: new_image = FT.normalize(new_image, mean=mean, std=std) return new_image, new_boxes, new_labels, new_difficulties
def get_random_letter_charin(length: int) -> str: result = '' for _ in range(length): result += chr(65 + int(random.random() * 25) + (32 if random.random() > 0.5 else 0)) return result
def generate_random_pos_3(center, xdiff=3, ydiff=3): """ Generates a random position near the center within an elliptical radius of xdiff and ydiff """ offset_x = 2 * xdiff * random.random() - xdiff # bound by (-xdiff, xdiff) offset_y = 2 * ydiff * random.random() - ydiff # bound by (-ydiff, ydiff) offset_theta = 2 * np.pi * random.random() # bound by (0, 2*pi) return np.add(center, np.array([offset_x, offset_y, offset_theta]))
def get_rejection_sample_disk() -> (float, float): sx = sy = 0.0 while True: sx = 1.0 - 2.0 * random.random() sy = 1.0 - 2.0 * random.random() if sx * sx + sy * sy > 1.0: break return sx, sy
def FightPredator(self, targetPredator): preyDefeated = False strengthCheck = random.random() if self.Genotype[1] == "SS": if targetPredator.Genotype[1] == self.Genotype[1]: if random.random() >= 0.5: if strengthCheck > 0.5: preyDefeated = True else: self.TimeGoingRandomDirection = 180 return elif targetPredator.Genotype[1] == "Ss" or targetPredator.Genotype[ 1] == "sS": if strengthCheck > 0.75: preyDefeated = True else: if strengthCheck > 0.95: preyDefeated = True elif self.Genotype[1] == "Ss" or self.Genotype[1] == "sS": if targetPredator.Genotype[1] == self.Genotype[1]: if random.random() >= 0.5: if strengthCheck > 0.5: preyDefeated = True else: self.TimeGoingRandomDirection = 180 return elif targetPredator.Genotype[1] == "SS": if strengthCheck > 0.25: preyDefeated = True else: if strengthCheck > 0.75: preyDefeated = True else: if targetPredator.Genotype[1] == self.Genotype[1]: if random.random() >= 0.5: if strengthCheck > 0.5: preyDefeated = True else: self.TimeGoingRandomDirection = 180 return elif targetPredator.Genotype[1] == "Ss" or targetPredator.Genotype[ 1] == "sS": if strengthCheck > 0.25: preyDefeated = True else: if strengthCheck > 0.05: preyDefeated = True if preyDefeated: dispatcher.send(signal=EventSignals.organismDeath, sender=targetPredator) self.SetEnergyLevel(self.EnergyLevel + (targetPredator.EnergyLevel * 0.9)) self.TimeGoingRandomDirection = 180 else: targetPredator.SetEnergyLevel(targetPredator.EnergyLevel + (self.EnergyLevel * 0.9)) self.Death
def generate_pointwise_data(length, indexExistsProb=0.5, valueMean=2, fp=sys.stdout): """Generate random pointwise data. """ import random for index in xrange(int(length/indexExistsProb)): if random.random() > indexExistsProb: fp.write("%i\t%f\n" % ( index, 2*valueMean*random.random() ))
def rand_point(self) -> List[float]: x = (random.random() - 0.5) * 2 y = (random.random() - 0.5) * 2 new_r = pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2) if new_r > 1: return self.rand_point() x = x * self.radius + self.x_center y = y * self.radius + self.y_center return [x, y]
def CreateStudent(self, phone): cuser = self.CreateCUser(phone, "Student") if random.random() < 0.5: p = m.Person.objects.all() pind = int((len(p) - 1) * random.random()) guard = p[pind] s = m.Student.objects.create(CUser = cuser, Guardian = guard) else: s = m.Student.objects.create(CUser = cuser) return s
def test_rand(self): for _ in range(20): a, b = randint(2, 100000), randint(2, 100000) if a == b: continue self.assertEqual(find_uniq(generate_test_arr(a, b, 1000)), a) for _ in range(20): a, b = randint(2, 100000) + random.random(), randint(2, 100000) + random.random() if a == b: continue self.assertEqual(find_uniq(generate_test_arr(a, b, 1000)), a)
def estimate_pi(p): amount = 0 for trial in range(1, p + 1): x = random.random() y = random.random() length = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) if length <= 1: amount += 1 piEstimate = 4 * (amount / p) return piEstimate
def randomboards(numboards): boards = [] for i in range(numboards): b = zeros((8,8)) ran = random.randint(6,16) b[(random.random(ran)*7).astype(int), (random.random(ran)*8).astype(int)] = 1 ran = random.randint(6,16) b[(random.random(ran)*7).astype(int)+1, (random.random(ran)*8).astype(int)] = 2 boards.append(b) return boards
def getNewVelocity(particle, nAntennae, gBest, initialVelocity=False, inertiaCo=0.721, socCogCo=1.1193): r1Vec = [random.random(), random.random()] r2Vec = [random.random(), random.random()] pos = particle['position'] vel = particle['velocity'] pBest = particle['personalBestPos'] if initialVelocity: randPos = randDesign(nAntennae) iniVel = [ velEl for velEl in [ abs(pos[index] - randPos[index]) / 2 for index in list(range(nAntennae - 1)) ] ] print('###############') print('iniVel: ', iniVel) print('###############') return iniVel inertia = [inertiaCo * velEl for velEl in vel] print('subList: ', [pBest[index] - pos[index] for index, el in enumerate(vel)]) cognitiveAttractionPt1 = [ socCogCo * r1Vec * postEs for postEs in [pBest[index] - pos[index] for index, el in enumerate(vel)] ] socialAttraction = [ socCogCo * float(r2Vec) * postEs for postEs in [gBest[index] - pos[index] for index, el in enumerate(vel)] ] print('###############') print('inertia: ', inertia) print('###############') print('cognitiveAttraction: ', cognitiveAttraction) print('###############') print('socialAttraction: ', socialAttraction) print('###############') newVel = [ newVelEl for newVelEl in [ inertia[index] + cognitiveAttraction[index] + socialAttraction[index] for index in enumerate(vel) ] ] print('newVelocity: ', newVel) print('###############') return newVel
def generate_points(npoints, radius): points = [Point() for _ in range(npoints)] # note: this is not a uniform 2-d distribution for p in points: r = random.random() * radius ang = random.random() * 2 * pi p.x = r * cos(ang) p.y = r * sin(ang) return points
def CreateTutorObj(self, phone): myuser = self.CreateMyUser( phone, "Tutor") q = m.Qualification.objects.all() qind = int((len(q) - 1) * random.random()) qual = q[qind] a = "".join([chr(int(i) + 97) for i in str(phone)]) lat = random.random() * 0.3 + 24.7 long = random.random() * 0.8 + 66.6 latlong = str(lat) + ","+ str(long) hash = encode(lat, long, precision = 5) t = m.Tutor.objects.create(MyUser = myuser, Highest_Qualification = qual, Degree_Name = a, Institution = a, Degree_Image = self.photograph, location = latlong, hash = hash) return t
def generate_quaternion(): s = random.uniform(0, 1) sig_1 = sqrt(1 - s) sig_2 = sqrt(s) angle_1 = 2 * pi * random.random() angle_2 = 2 * pi * random.random() w = cos(angle_2) * sig_2 x = sin(angle_1) * sig_1 y = cos(angle_1) * sig_1 z = sin(angle_2) * sig_2 return quaternion.quaternion(w, x, y, z)
def generate_pointwise_data(length, indexExistsProb=0.5, valueMean=2, fp=sys.stdout): """Generate random pointwise data. """ import random for index in xrange(int(length / indexExistsProb)): if random.random() > indexExistsProb: fp.write("%i\t%f\n" % (index, 2 * valueMean * random.random()))
def jugar(self): self.apuesta_inicial = (1 + theta + self.ansiedad) * 1 if self.destino.estado == True and self.accion == "ruleta": self.destino.visitas += 1 for i in self.destino.personal: if i.coludido == True and self.coludido == True: self.probabilidad_ganar += self.probabilidad_ganar * \ kappa / 100 if self.prediciendo == True: self.probabilidad_ganar += psi / 100 self.destino.numero_color = random.choice(["color", "numero"]) self.destino.color = random.choice(["verde", "negro", "rojo"]) self.probabilidad_ganar = self.destino.probabilidad_juego_ruleta + \ 0.2 * self.suerte - 0.1 if random.random() <= self.probabilidad_ganar: self.dinero += self.apuesta_inicial * self.destino.ganancia self.destino.perdida += self.apuesta_inicial * \ self.destino.ganancia else: self.destino.pozo_casino += self.apuesta_inicial * \ self.destino.ganancia else: if self.destino.estado == True: self.destino.visitas += 1 self.probabilidad_ganar = self.destino.probabilidad_tragamoneda\ + 0.2 * self.suerte - 0.1 if random.random() <= self.probabilidad_ganar: self.dinero += self.destino.pozo self.destino.perdida += self.destino.pozo self.destino.pozo = 0 else: self.destino.pozo += self.apuesta_inicial * 0.9 self.destino.pozo_casino += self.apuesta_inicial * 0.1 if self.tiempo < int(self.tiempo_espera) and self.destino.estado == \ True and self.prediciendo == True and self.personalidad == \ "kibitzer": self.tiempo += 1 self.estado = True self.accion = "ruleta" else: self.tiempo = 0 self.estado = False
def __init__(self,n,rnd=False): self.dim = n self.w = np.zeros(n) self.m = np.zeros((n,n)) = np.zeros((n,n,n)) self.quartw = np.zeros((n,n,n,n)) if rnd: self.b += 5*(2*random.random() -1) for i in range(self.dim): self.w[i] += 20*(2*random.random() -1) for i in range(self.dim): for j in range(self.dim): self.m[i][j] += 10*(2*random.random() -1)
def update_velocity(particle, global_best, max_v, c1, c2, omega): import random for i in range(len(particle['velocity'])): v = particle['velocity'][i] v1 = c1 * random.random() * (particle['b_position'][i] - particle['position'][i]) v2 = c2 * random.random() * (global_best['position'][i] - particle['position'][i]) particle['velocity'][i] = v * omega + v1 + v2 if particle['velocity'][i] > max_v: particle['velocity'][i] = max_v if particle['velocity'][i] < -max_v: particle['velocity'][i] = -max_v
def environment_update(self): #reset some parameters after a day prev_home_range=self.dragon.home_range d_range=self.dragon.home_range-prev_home_range d_l_num=(d_range* d_s_num=(d_range* #if d_range>0: #print(, "\033[32m New in sight:\033[0m",int(d_l_num)," ",int(d_s_num)) if d_l_num>1.0: for i in range(int(d_l_num)): self.new_l_agent() else: self.accum_l+=d_l_num while self.accum_l >1.0: self.accum_l-=1.0 self.new_l_agent() if d_s_num>1.0: for i in range(int(d_s_num)): self.new_s_agent() else: self.accum_s+=d_s_num while self.accum_s >1.0: self.accum_s-=1.0 self.new_s_agent() #daily update for new born animals growth_seed=random.random() self.anim_update()*self.dragon.home_range n=self.n_l prob=n**(ds-n)/(ds) #print("curr l_dens:",n/self.dragon.home_range, "\texp:", #print(self.dragon.home_range," large ",prob) if prob>1.0: for i in range(int(prob)): self.new_l_agent() elif growth_seed<prob: #print("born l agent") self.new_l_agent() growth_seed=random.random()*self.dragon.home_range n=self.n_s prob=n**(ds-n)/(ds) #print(self.dragon.home_range," small ",prob) #print("curr s_dens:",n/self.dragon.home_range, "\texp:", if prob>1.0: for i in range(int(prob)): self.new_s_agent() elif growth_seed<prob: #print("born l agent") self.new_s_agent()
def profit(unit_price, findprofit): item1 = random.choice( ['pens', 'pencils', 'rulers', 'sweets', 'KitKats', 'Mars Bars']) item2 = random.choice( ['Twix', 'Kitkats', 'cans of coke', 'bottles of Lucozade']) name = name_chooser() if unit_price == 0: total = random.randint(10, 20) profit = random.randint(total, 2 * total) total = total + round(random.random(), 2) profit = profit + round(random.random(), 2) if findprofit == 1: q = name + " buys some " + item1 + " for £" + round_2_money( total) + " and sells them all for £" + round_2_money( total + profit) + ". How much profit does " + name + " make?" ans = round_2_money(profit) else: q = name + " buys some " + item1 + " for £" + round_2_money( total) + " and sells them all for £" + round_2_money( profit ) + " profit. How much does " + name + " sell them for?" ans = round_2_money(profit + total) else: unit_spend_price = random.randint(0, 2) + round(random.random(), 2) quantity = random.choice([10, 20, 30, 40]) total_spend = unit_spend_price * quantity if unit_price == 1: total_sales = random.randint(round(total_spend, 0), 2 * round(total_spend, 0)) profit = total_sales - total_spend q = name + " buys " + str( quantity) + " " + item1 + " for £" + round_2_money( unit_spend_price ) + " each and sells them all for £" + round_2_money( total_sales) + ". How much profit does " + name + " make?" ans = round_2_money(total_sales - total_spend) else: unit_sale_price = random.randint( round(unit_spend_price + 1, 0), 2 * round(unit_spend_price + 1, 0)) + round(random.random(), 2) total_sales = unit_sale_price * quantity q = name + " buys " + str( quantity) + " " + item1 + " for £" + round_2_money( unit_spend_price ) + " each and sells them for £" + round_2_money( unit_sale_price ) + " each. How much profit does " + name + " make?" ans = round_2_money(total_sales - total_spend) return q, ans
def CastSeedLocation(self): valid = False while not valid: radius = random.random() * self.dataParser.MaxSeedCastDistance angle = random.random() * 2 * math.pi if (int(self.X + radius * math.cos(angle)) > 1000 or int(self.X + radius * math.cos(angle)) < 0 or int(self.Y + radius * math.sin(angle)) > 750 or int(self.Y + radius * math.sin(angle)) < 0): valid = False else: valid = True return (int(self.X + radius * math.cos(angle)), int(self.Y + radius * math.sin(angle)))
def _adv_training(self, segmentators: List[Segmentator], lab_data_iterators: List[iterator_], unlab_data_iterator: iterator_, eplision: float = 0.05, fsgm_ratio=0.5): assert segmentators.__len__( ) == 2, 'only implemented for 2 segmentators' axises = range(self.C) adv_losses = [] ## draw first term from labeled1 or unlabeled img, img_adv = None, None if random.random() <= fsgm_ratio: [[img, gt], _, _] = lab_data_iterators[0].__next__() img, gt =, with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") img_adv, _ = FSGMGenerator(segmentators[0].torchnet, eplision=eplision) \ (dcopy(img), gt, criterion=self.criterions['sup']) else: [[img, _], _, _] = unlab_data_iterator.__next__() img = img_adv, _ = VATGenerator(segmentators[0].torchnet, eplision=eplision, axises=axises)(dcopy(img)) assert img.shape == img_adv.shape adv_pred = segmentators[1].predict(img_adv, logit=False) real_pred = segmentators[0].predict(img, logit=False) adv_losses.append( KL_Divergence_2D(reduce=True)(adv_pred, real_pred.detach())) if random.random() <= fsgm_ratio: [[img, gt], _, _] = lab_data_iterators[1].__next__() img, gt =, img_adv, _ = FSGMGenerator(segmentators[1].torchnet, eplision=eplision) \ (img, gt, criterion=CrossEntropyLoss2d()) else: [[img, _], _, _] = unlab_data_iterator.__next__() img = img_adv, _ = VATGenerator(segmentators[1].torchnet, eplision=eplision, axises=axises)(dcopy(img)) adv_pred = segmentators[0].predict(img_adv, logit=False) real_pred = segmentators[1].predict(img, logit=False) adv_losses.append( KL_Divergence_2D(reduce=True)(adv_pred, real_pred.detach())) adv_loss = sum(adv_losses) / adv_losses.__len__() return adv_loss
def download_map_sat(dir_out, t, lat, lng, zoom, out_w, out_h): ''' Download images ''' #path_map = "%s/map/map%05d_%f,%f.%s"%(dir_out, t,lat,lng, 'jpg') path_sat = "%s/sat/sat%05d_%f,%f.%s" % (dir_out, t, lat, lng, 'jpg') w, h = out_w, out_h if args.augment: w, h = min(1280, 1.5 * out_w), min(1280, 1.5 * out_h) #url_map = get_style(args.style_map, (lat, lng), zoom, int(w), int(h), 'jpg') url_sat = get_style(args.style_sat, (lat, lng), zoom, int(w), int(h), 'jpg') #urllib.urlretrieve(url_map, path_map) urllib.urlretrieve(url_sat, path_sat) #with open(path_map,'wb') as img: # img.write(requests.get(url_map).content) #with open(path_sat,'wb') as img: # img.write(requests.get(url_sat).content) #pdb.set_trace() if args.augment: #img_map = img_sat = ang = -19 + 38 * random.random() #img_map = img_map.rotate(ang, resample=Image.BICUBIC, expand=False) img_sat = img_sat.rotate(ang, resample=Image.BICUBIC, expand=False) #x1, y1 = int((img_map.width-out_w)*0.5), int((img_map.height-out_h)*0.5) x1, y1 = int((img_sat.width - out_w) * 0.5), int( (img_sat.height - out_h) * 0.5) #img_map = img_map.crop((x1, y1, x1+out_w, y1+out_h)) img_sat = img_sat.crop((x1, y1, x1 + out_w, y1 + out_h)) flipv = random.random() < 0.25 fliph = random.random() < 0.25 if flipv: #img_map = img_map.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) img_sat = img_sat.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) if fliph: #img_map = img_map.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) img_sat = img_sat.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
def explorar(self): if random.random() <= 0.2: pokemon = random.choice(POKEMONS) print( 'Um pokemon selvagem apareceu.Que sorte!: {}'.format(pokemon)) escolha = input('Deseja capturar pokemon?(s/n)') if escolha == 's': if random.random() >= 0.2: self.capturar(pokemon) else: print('Pokemon escapou') else: print('Ok, boa viagem') else: print('Essa exploração nao deu em nada')
def q(x): if x == min_bin: return min_bin + 1 elif x == max_bin: return max_bin - 1 else: return x- 1 if random.random() < .5 else x + 1
def sim_anneal(state,splits,merges): old_cost = cost(state,splits,merges) T = 10.0 T_min = 0.01 alpha = 0.97 iterations = 500 old_cost_plot = [] new_cost_plot = [] oplist = [1,2] while T > T_min: i = 1 if i <= iterations: if i < 4*iterations/5.0 : operator = choice(oplist) if operator==1: [new_state,new_splits,new_merges] = neighbor_switch_jumps(state,splits,merges) else: [new_state,new_splits,new_merges] = look_ahead(state,splits,merges) else: new_state,new_splits,new_merges = neighbor_merge_split(state,splits,merges) new_cost = cost(new_state,new_splits,new_merges) ap = acceptance_probability(old_cost, new_cost, T) print('new cost: ' +str(new_cost) +' vs old cost: '+ str(old_cost)) if ap > random.random() and old_cost != new_cost: print('accepted') state = deepcopy(new_state) splits=new_splits merges=new_merges plot(state,splits,merges) old_cost = new_cost i += 1 T = T * alpha return state,splits,merges,old_cost
def __init__(self, retention): self.retention = retention for x in range(0, self.initial_amount): new_user = User() new_user.idle = random.random() < retention self.users.append(new_user)
def runcmd_threadpool(cm,runwith): shell = 'bash' #runwith ='ssh auv@archipelago srun /bin/bash ' if len(runwith) > 0: match ='([\w.-]+)@([\w.-]+)', runwith) if match: username = curruser = getpass.getuser() if curruser != username: reps = {curruser:username} cm = replace_all(cm, reps) cmd= '%s "%s -c \'%s\' "' % (runwith[:-1],shell,cm[:-1]) else: cmd= '%s -c \'%s\' ' % (shell,cm[:-1]) s,o = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if s != 0: print 'problem running: ', cmd print 'output : ',o errfn='./%s/%d-cmd-%03d.txt'% ('.',os.getpid(),random.random()) print 'wrote log to %s ' % errfn f = open(errfn, 'w') f.write( 'problem running: %s' % cmd) f.write('output : %s' % o) f.close() return 0
def runIC2(G, S, p=.01): ''' Runs independent cascade model (finds levels of propagation). Let A0 be S. A_i is defined as activated nodes at ith step by nodes in A_(i-1). We call A_0, A_1, ..., A_i, ..., A_l levels of propagation. Input: G -- networkx graph object S -- initial set of vertices p -- propagation probability Output: T -- resulted influenced set of vertices (including S) ''' from copy import deepcopy import random T = deepcopy(S) Acur = deepcopy(S) Anext = [] i = 0 while Acur: values = dict() for u in Acur: for v in G[u]: if v not in T: w = G[u][v]['weight'] if random.random() < 1 - (1-p)**w: Anext.append((v, u)) Acur = [edge[0] for edge in Anext] print i, Anext i += 1 T.extend(Acur) Anext = [] return T
def add_informe(self, date): ''' figure out the last date ''' list_fechas = self.__finacial_inform.keys() list_fechas_order = list_fechas.sort() fecha_anterior = list_fechas_order[-1] ''' new account year: frist, it was good (>0.5) or bad year, improve = generate better range of bad year company less money = 0.9 good year company improve, more money= 1.1 then change the value ''' if random.random() < 0.5: value = 0.9 else: value = 1.1 self.__finacial_inform[date] = financial_inform(value*self.__finacial_inform[fecha_anterior]._activo_inm, value*self.__finacial_inform[fecha_anterior]._activo_cir, value*self.__finacial_inform[fecha_anterior]._pasivo_lar, value*self.__finacial_inform[fecha_anterior]._pasivo_cor, value*self.__finacial_inform[fecha_anterior]._ingresos, value*self.__finacial_inform[fecha_anterior]._costes, value*self.__finacial_inform[fecha_anterior]._amortia, )
def getRandom(min, max, k): ints = dict() k -= 1 while k >= 0: ints.update( math.floor(min + (max-min)*random.random()) ) k -= 1 return ints
def update(obj, event): if l.getIteration() < args.steps and l.getIteration() > 0: # add the new point points.InsertPoint(l.getIteration(), l.getValue()) points.Modified() # and update the lines accordingly lines.InsertNextCell(2) lines.InsertCellPoint(l.getIteration()-1) lines.InsertCellPoint(l.getIteration()) lines.Modified() else: sigma, r, b = randomLorenzParameters() print "starting with new parameters (sigma, r, b) = ", sigma, r, b l.setParams(sigma, r, b) # reset the points array, does not free the space # and therefore makes sure we don't always allocate/free memory points.Reset() points.InsertPoint(l.getIteration(), l.getValue()) points.Modified() # ... and do the ame for the lines lines.Reset() lines.InsertNextCell(1) lines.InsertCellPoint(0) lines.Modified() # let the actor paint in a new random color actor.GetProperty().SetColor(random.random(), random.random(), random.random()) if not l.eval(): import sys.exit exit(1) # resets the camera (only "zoom out") to include the complete line ren.ResetCamera() # and rotate the view a little (we could have used Yaw instead to rotate the scene instead of the camera) ren.GetActiveCamera().Azimuth(0.5) # the obj is the RenderWindowInteractor since the callback was registered for it # render again obj.GetRenderWindow().Render()
def mutate(individual, mutation_rate): """ (list of int, double) -> list of int Return the individual which mutated each parameter with the chance given by the mutation_rate. """ for j in xrange(len(individual)): if random.random() < mutation_rate: individual[i] = (individual[i] + 1) % 2 return individual
def mutate(ind): if len(ind) < 2: raise TypeError("Individuum too short") for i in range(len(ind)): if random.random() < 1/len(ind): if ind[i] == '0': replace = '1' else: replace = '0' ind = ind[:i] + replace + ind[i+1:]
def mutate(an_individual, p): """ Change each bit by chance p individual: the individual to mutate p: probability for each parameter to mutate """ for i in xrange(len(an_individual)): if random.random() < p: an_individual[i] = not an_individual[i] return an_individual
def mutate(self, mutate_prob, parents): """ Add or subtract 0.01 from every solution that is going to be mutated the sign of the operation is decided at random with .5 probability at each option (.5 for + and .5 for -) """ for i in range(len(parents)): if mutate_prob > random.random(): if random() > 0.5: parents[i] += 0.01 if parents[i] <= 0.99 else 0.0 else: parents[i] -= 0.01 if parents[i] >= 0.01 else 0.0
def generate_weights(layers): input_layer_size = layers[0] output_layer_size = layers[len(layers)-1] hidden_layers = layers[1:len(layers)-1] thetas = [] prevSize = input_layer_size for i in range(0,len(hidden_layers)): eint = sqrt(6)/sqrt(prevSize + hidden_layers[i]) temp = [] for j in range(0,(hidden_layers[i] * (prevSize + 1))): temp.append(random.random() * 2 * eint - eint) thetas.append(array(temp)) thetas[i].resize(hidden_layers[i],(prevSize + 1)) prevSize = hidden_layers[i] eint = sqrt(6)/sqrt(prevSize + output_layer_size) temp = [] for j in range(0,output_layer_size * (prevSize + 1)): temp.append(random.random() * 2 * eint - eint) thetas.append(array(temp)) thetas[len(thetas)-1].resize(output_layer_size,(prevSize + 1)) return thetas
def vector(base_seq, mut_factor, CDR_list): """base_seq - sequense in str format, mut_factor in range (0,1) return vector of integers""" vector = [] list_ref = [translator(i) for i in base_seq] for i in range(len(list_ref)): if i not in CDR_list and mut_factor > random.random() and list_ref[i] not in ['C', 2]: vector.append(translator(res_choice())) else: vector.append(list_ref[i]) return vector
def acceptance(E1,E2): if E2<E1: return True elif E2>E1: #probability pr = np.exp(-beta*(E2-E1)) #choosing a random number to check with the probability distribution ran = random.random() if ran < pr: return True elif ran > pr: return False
def runcmd_threadpool(cm): cmd= 'csh -c \'%s\'' % cm[:-1] s,o = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if s != 0: print 'problem running: ', cmd print 'output : ',o errfn='./%s/%d-cmd-%03d.txt'% ('.',os.getpid(),random.random()) print 'wrote log to %s ' % errfn f = open(errfn, 'w') f.write( 'problem running: %s' % cmd) f.write('output : %s' % o) f.close() return 0
def addRandomLittleJump(w): """ Adds a small and random change to the weight vector. """ out = list(w) counter = 1 + w[0] for index in range(len(w)-counter): #Try to keep the hypothesis sparse. if(w[index+counter] != 0 or random.random() < 0.05): out[index+counter] += random.gauss(0.0, 0.005) return out
def randomHypothesis(n, database): """ Returns a set of weights in the form of a vector. These are to be used in the ANN. The idea is that this should return a random function. But a random ANN is the next best thing. It uses the Pearson r-correlation coefficient to find out which of the the attributes that might be connected. n is the number of inputs of the function. """ #Generate the hidden layers! #The number of hidden layers is geometrically random numHiddenLayers = georand(0.8) hiddenLayers = [0]*numHiddenLayers #The number of nodes in each layer is geometrically random as well for i in range(numHiddenLayers): hiddenLayers[i] = georand(0.95) #How many weights are required in the ANN? numWeights = howManyWeightsInTheANN(hiddenLayers, numHiddenLayers, n) out = [0.0]*(numWeights+numHiddenLayers+1) out[0] = numHiddenLayers index = 1 for element in hiddenLayers: out[index] = element index += 1 #Decide which attributes that are important attributesInHypothesis = chooseAttributes(database, n) #Set the first row of the network numWeightsFirstRow = n*hiddenLayers[0] for i in range(hiddenLayers[0]): for j in range(n): if(attributesInHypothesis[j] == True): out[index] = random.gauss(0,10) index += 1 #And then all of the other rows for i in range(numWeights-numWeightsFirstRow): if(random.random()<0.2): out[index] = 10.0*random.gauss(0.0,1.0) index += 1 return out
def get_object(self): #for q in Question.objects.all(): # q.created_by=User.objects.get(username='******'); pk = self.request.GET.get("question") q = None if pk: q = Question.objects.get(pk=pk) if not q: l1 = Question.objects.filter(Q(difficulty__isnull=True) | Q(reviewed=False)) if l1.exists() and random.random()>.25: q = l1.order_by('?').first() else: q = Question.objects.all().order_by('?').first() return q
def act_as_baboon(my_id, init_side): side = init_side random.seed(my_id) global westers global easters for i in xrange(NUM_CROSSINGS): print (side) print (westers) print (easters) if side == 0: westqueue.acquire() else: eastqueue.acquire() with mutex: if (easters > westers) or (westers <= 0): #print ("east") eastqueue.release() elif (easters <= westers) or (easters <= 0): westqueue.release() #print ("west") #print("Got here") with turnstile: switches[side].lock(rope) with multiplex: sleep(random.random()) # crossing; Seeded random number switches[side].unlock(rope) with mutex2: if side == 0: easters += 1 westers -= 1 else: westers += 1 easters -= 1 side = 1 - side if (easters > westers) or (westers <= 0): #print ("east") eastqueue.release() elif (easters <= westers) or (easters <= 0): westqueue.release() #print ("west") #print("Got to run") print ("Baboon %d finished" % my_id)
def create_a_close_parties(self): print 'begin' #creates many parties close to UCSB server_url = self.server_url self.get(server_url + "/users/sign_up", description="View the user signup page") auth_token = extract_token(self.getBody(), 'name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="', '"') email = Lipsum().getUniqWord() + "@" + Lipsum().getWord() + ".com" name = Lipsum().getUniqWord() print 'create a user' + "/users", params=[['user[name]',name], ['user[email]', email], ['user[password]', 'alphabet'], ['user[password_confirmation]', 'alphabet'], ['authenticity_token', auth_token], ['commit', 'Sign up']], description="Create New User") print 'go to party page ' self.get(server_url + "/new", description="create party page") auth_token = extract_token(self.getBody(), 'name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="', '"') rand = random.random() ran=rand/10 lat=34.42 lon=-119.9+ran print 'posting a party' + "/parties", params=[['party[name]', Lipsum().getUniqWord()], ['party[owner]', name], ['party[date]', '2016-12-03'], ['party[time]', '17:00'], ['party[location]',''+str(lat)+', -'+str(lon)], ['party[latitude]',lat], ['party[longitude]',lon], ['party[description]',Lipsum().getUniqWord()], ['authenticity_token', auth_token], ['commit', 'Sign up']], description="Create New party") print 'all done'
def downsample(states,M): p_total = sum(p for m,p in states) new_states = states[:] n = len(new_states) while n > M: i,j = randrange(n),randrange(n) if i == j: continue mi,pi = new_states[i] mj,pj = new_states[j] r = random.random() if r > pi/(pi+pj): #i gets killed new_states[j] = (mj,pi+pj) new_states.pop(i) else: #j gets killed new_states[i] = (mi,pi+pj) new_states.pop(j) n = len(new_states) p_after = sum(p for m,p in new_states) return new_states
def randomPlay(board, gui): board, dummy, dummy, dummy = spawn(board) while True: empty = board.count(0) if empty == 0: if not legalMoves(board): break # gui.drawBoard(board) var = random.random() if var < 0.25: dir = 'w' elif var < 0.5: dir = 'd' elif var < 0.75: dir = 's' elif var < 1: dir = 'a' board, modified = move(board, dir) if modified: board, dummy, dummy, dummy = spawn(board) gui.drawBoard(board) return board
def fetch_html(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Like ``fetch_xml``, but we expect an HTML response. A keyword argument ``encoding`` can be specified to override the page's default encoding. ''' from eureka.xml import HTMLParser from lxml import etree encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', None) error = None for retry in xrange(self.retries+1): try: with self.fetch(*args, **kwargs) as fp: if self.sanitize: from StringIO import StringIO raw = processed = raw.decode('ascii', 'ignore').encode( 'utf-8', 'ignore') result = etree.parse( StringIO(processed), parser=HTMLParser(encoding=encoding) ).getroot() else: result = etree.parse( fp, parser=HTMLParser(encoding=encoding)).getroot() result.make_links_absolute(fp.geturl(), handle_failures='ignore') return result except httplib.IncompleteRead, e: error = error or e import time import random print 'passing_INCOMPLETE_READ.retry:' + str(retry) time.sleep(5 * 2**min(retry, 8) * random.random())
def findCCs(G, Ep): # remove blocked edges from graph G E = deepcopy(G) edge_rem = [e for e in E.edges() if random.random() < (1-Ep[e])**(E[e[0]][e[1]]['weight'])] E.remove_edges_from(edge_rem) # initialize CC CCs = dict() # each component is reflection of the number of a component to its members explored = dict(zip(E.nodes(), [False]*len(E))) c = 0 # perform BFS to discover CC for node in E: if not explored[node]: c += 1 explored[node] = True CCs[c] = [node] component = E[node].keys() for neighbor in component: if not explored[neighbor]: explored[neighbor] = True CCs[c].append(neighbor) component.extend(E[neighbor].keys()) return CCs
def sim_anneal(state): old_cost = cost(state) T = 0.001 T_min = 0.00001 alpha = 0.9 old_cost_plot = [] new_cost_plot = [] while T > T_min: i = 1 while i <= 500: print(i) new_state = neighbor_onespot(state) new_cost = cost(state) ap = acceptance_probability(old_cost, new_cost, T) print(str(new_cost) +'vs'+ str(old_cost)) if ap > random.random(): print('accepted') state = new_state plot(new_state) old_cost = new_cost i += 1 T = T * alpha return state, old_cost