def splitfile(filename, filename1, filename2, weight): newfile = open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') file1 = open(filename1, 'a') file2 = open(filename2, 'a') for line in newfile: if dice(1, weight) == 1: file2.write(line) else: file1.write(line) newfile.close() file1.close() file2.close() return True
def main(): print("Welcome to this game") pp1=input("Enter your name : ") po=0 while(1): print("Rolling a dice.....") time_delay() secret_number=int(dice(1,6)) choise=int(input("What's your guess : ")) if(secret_number==choise): print("Hurray you nailed it!") po += 1 elif(secret_number>choise): print("You're too low!\nKeep Trying") elif(secret_number<choise): print("You're too high!\nKeep Trying") descision=input("Can we continue : Y/N : ") descision.lower() if(descision=='n'): break thank(pp1,po)
# Updated: 2019-10-30 ### MODULES ### # modules - import extra functionality import random # whole module print(random.randint(1, 10)) from random import randint # specific functions print(randint(1, 10)) from random import randint as dice # specific functions with a custom name print(dice(1, 6)) # importing modules to Python pip install module_name ### ELEMENTARY COMMANDS ### # print - output text to console print('text') # r'' - treat text as raw print(r'\text') # \text # Arithmetic operators # + addition # - subtraction # * multiplication # / division)
from random import randint as dice secret_number = dice(1, 9) count = 0 name = input( "Let's play a dice game, shall we? You will have 5 attempts. Input your name to confirm: " ) guest_number = 0 while (guest_number != secret_number and count < 5): guest_number = input(name + " Please pick a interge number between 1 to 9 : ") guest_number = int(guest_number) count = count + 1 if (guest_number > 9 and count < 5): print("It must be a number between 1 to 9") elif (guest_number > secret_number and count < 5): print("Try a smaller number, you have used " + str(count) + " try") elif (guest_number < secret_number and count < 5): print("Try a bigger number, you have used " + str(count) + " try") elif (guest_number != secret_number and count >= 5): print("Sorry, the game is ended") else: print("Congradulation!You have found the correct number " + str(secret_number))
def dice_roll(): return dice(1, 6) + dice(1, 6)
def gen_seq(length): seq = list() for _ in range(length): seq.append(dice(-100, 100)) return tuple(seq)
def __init__(self): sg.change_look_and_feel('Reds') layout = [[ sg.Text('Nome:', size=(12, 0)), sg.Input(size=(15, 0), key='no') ], [ sg.Text('Habilidade:', size=(12, 0)), sg.Input(dice(1, 6) + 6, key='ha', size=(15, 0)) ], [ sg.Text('Energia:', size=(12, 0)), sg.Input(dice(1, 6) + dice(1, 6) + 12, key='en', size=(15, 0)) ], [ sg.Text('Sorte:', size=(12, 0)), sg.Input(dice(1, 6) + 6, key='so', size=(15, 0)) ], [ sg.Text('Fé:', size=(12, 0)), sg.Input(dice(1, 6) + 3, key='fe', size=(15, 0)) ], [ sg.Text('Provisões:', size=(12, 0)), sg.Slider(range=(0, 15), default_value=0, orientation='h', size=(15, 15), key='pro') ], [ sg.Text('Ouro:', size=(12, 0)), sg.Slider(range=(0, 50), default_value=0, orientation='h', size=(15, 15), key='ouro') ], [sg.Button('Atualizar')], [sg.Text('Equipamento.')], [ sg.Checkbox('1:', key='I1'), sg.Input(size=(24, 10), default_text='Arma', key='i1') ], [ sg.Checkbox('2:', key='I2'), sg.Input(size=(24, 10), default_text='Escudo', key='i2') ], [ sg.Checkbox('3:', key='I3'), sg.Input(size=(24, 10), default_text='Armadura', key='i3') ], [ sg.Checkbox('4:', key='I4'), sg.Input(size=(24, 10), default_text='Jóia', key='i4') ], [ sg.Checkbox('5:', key='I5'), sg.Input(size=(24, 10), default_text='Encantamento', key='i5') ], [sg.Text('Log de mudanças.', size=(24, 0))], [sg.Output(size=(30, 12))]] self.janela = sg.Window('Ficha').layout(layout)