예제 #1
def sprout(surface):
    print 'sprout grass..'
    params = {}
    sprout = {}
    # precompute some stuff for performance
    for y in range(surface.height):
        for x in range(surface.width):
            t = surface.tile(x, y)
            wind_cover = 1 + sum(
                [n.elevation - t.elevation for n in t.neighbours.values()])
            wind = max(1., 10 + (t.elevation**2 / 10000))
            slope = 1. + (t.slope**2 / 500)
            params[t] = (wind_cover, wind, slope)
            if rndf() < .2:
                sprout[t] = rndf() * 2
    # disperse seeds in range
    # as many times as:
    for i in range(30):
        # just throw seed randomly into neighbourhood!
        for y in range(surface.height):
            for x in range(surface.width):
                t = surface.tile(x, y)
                for i in range(int(t.vegetation)):
                    n = surface.tile(x - 4 + rnd(9), y - 4 + rnd(9))
                    if n:
                        if n.elevation < t.elevation + 20:
                            sprout[n] = sprout.get(n, 0) + t.vegetation / 3
        # compute if seeds spawn
        for t, g in sprout.items():
            if t.waterlevel > 5 or t.slope > 30 or t.elevation > 30:
                # this is not a place where plants can grow
                t.vegetation -= rndf() * .1
                # this might be
                wind_cover, wind, slope = params.get(t)
                # under water:
                if t.waterlevel > 0:
                    chance = (t.waterlevel - 1.5)**2 * rndf()
                    chance /= slope
                else:  # not under water
                    chance = (i / 5.) + wind_cover / wind / slope
                    chance *= rndf() * (2. + t.vegetation) * g
                if chance > .1:
                    t.vegetation += g
                    sprout[t] = 0
예제 #2
def sprout(surface):
	print 'sprout grass..'
	params = {}
	sprout = {}
	# precompute some stuff for performance
	for y in range(surface.height):
		for x in range(surface.width):
			t = surface.tile(x,y)
			wind_cover = 1+sum([n.elevation-t.elevation
				for n in t.neighbours.values()])
			wind = max(1.,10+(t.elevation**2/10000))
			slope = 1.+(t.slope**2/500)
			params[t] = (wind_cover, wind, slope)
			if rndf()<.2:
				sprout[t] = rndf()*2
	# disperse seeds in range
	# as many times as:
	for i in range(30):
		# just throw seed randomly into neighbourhood!
		for y in range(surface.height):
			for x in range(surface.width):
				t = surface.tile(x,y)
				for i in range(int(t.vegetation)):
					n = surface.tile(x-4+rnd(9), y-4+rnd(9))
					if n:
						if n.elevation < t.elevation+20:
							sprout[n] = sprout.get(n,0)+t.vegetation/3
		# compute if seeds spawn
		for t,g in sprout.items():
			if t.waterlevel > 5 or t.slope > 30 or t.elevation>30:
				# this is not a place where plants can grow
				t.vegetation -= rndf()*.1
				# this might be
				wind_cover, wind, slope = params.get(t)
				# under water:
				if t.waterlevel > 0:
					chance = (t.waterlevel-1.5)**2 * rndf()
					chance /= slope
				else: # not under water
					chance = (i/5.) + wind_cover / wind / slope
					chance *= rndf() * (2.+t.vegetation) * g
				if chance > .1:
					t.vegetation += g
					sprout[t] = 0
예제 #3
def init_heightmap(surface, maxheight):
	Generates a new topography for the given Map instance. It can be
	expected to have some hills, plateaus, and even some cute pits
	for water to filling them.
	Elevation levels will be between (-maxheight/10, maxheight) or 
	beneath	or below."""
	print 'generate heightfield for map {}x{} with max level {}'.format(
		surface.width, surface.height, maxheight)
	# create elevation seed points
	for i in range(min(surface.width*surface.height/100,200)):
		y = rnd(surface.height)
		clusters+=[(rnd(surface.width), y,
			(rndf()-(.5*y/surface.height)) * maxheight)]
	# landschaftsgaertnerei
	# unten flach
		for x in range(surface.width)[::4]])
	# oben schoen berge
		for x in range(surface.width)[::4]])
	print 'generate heightmap'
	# assign elevation init values with clustering algorithm
	for y in range(surface.height):
		print '\r','.'*(30*y/surface.height),
		for x in range(surface.width):
			t = surface.tile(x,y)
			clsts = [((c[0]-x)**2+(c[1]-y)**2, c[2]) for c in clusters]
			nearest=sorted(clsts, key=lambda c:c[0])[0]
			if nearest[1] > maxheight*2/3:
				t.elevation = nearest[1]+ maxheight/5.*rndf()
			elif nearest[1] < 0:
				t.elevation = nearest[1]
				t.elevation = nearest[1]+ maxheight/4.*(-.5+rndf())
			t.elevation = t.elevation + maxheight/4.*(-.5+rndf())
예제 #4
def init_heightmap(surface, maxheight):
	Generates a new topography for the given Map instance. It can be
	expected to have some hills, plateaus, and even some cute pits
	for water to filling them.
	Elevation levels will be between (-maxheight/10, maxheight) or 
	beneath	or below."""
    print 'generate heightfield for map {}x{} with max level {}'.format(
        surface.width, surface.height, maxheight)
    # create elevation seed points
    clusters = []
    for i in range(min(surface.width * surface.height / 100, 200)):
        y = rnd(surface.height)
        clusters += [(rnd(surface.width), y,
                      (rndf() - (.5 * y / surface.height)) * maxheight)]
    # landschaftsgaertnerei
    # unten flach
    clusters.extend([[x, surface.height - 1, 0]
                     for x in range(surface.width)[::4]])
    # oben schoen berge
    clusters.extend([[x, 0, maxheight] for x in range(surface.width)[::4]])
    print 'generate heightmap'
    # assign elevation init values with clustering algorithm
    for y in range(surface.height):
        print '\r', '.' * (30 * y / surface.height),
        for x in range(surface.width):
            t = surface.tile(x, y)
            clsts = [((c[0] - x)**2 + (c[1] - y)**2, c[2]) for c in clusters]
            nearest = sorted(clsts, key=lambda c: c[0])[0]
            if nearest[1] > maxheight * 2 / 3:
                t.elevation = nearest[1] + maxheight / 5. * rndf()
            elif nearest[1] < 0:
                t.elevation = nearest[1]
                t.elevation = nearest[1] + maxheight / 4. * (-.5 + rndf())
            t.elevation = t.elevation + maxheight / 4. * (-.5 + rndf())
    smoothen(surface, 2)
예제 #5
>>> import pico2d as p
>>> p.open_canvas()
>>> p.close_canvas()
>>> random.randint(1,6)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#8>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'random' is not defined
>>> from random import randint
>>>  randint(1,6)
SyntaxError: unexpected indent
>>> randint(1,6)
>>> from random import uniform as rndf
>>> rndf(0.1,0.5)
>>> r = rndf
>>> r(0.1,0.5)
>>> from random import *
>>> randrange(10,20)
>>> uniform(10,20)
>>> random()
>>> from pico2d import *
>>> import os
>>> os.getcwd()
예제 #6
def rain(surface, amount, springs=None):
	Simulates a given amount of water falling down onto the given
	tile map."""
    print 'It rains: {} units of rain water'.format(amount),
    if springs:
        print 'and {} springs.'.format(len(springs)),
    # water already in map
    drops = {
        t: t.waterlevel
        for t in surface.tiles.values() if t.waterlevel > 0
    }  # key: tile, value: water
    while amount > 0:
        x, y = rnd(surface.width), rnd(surface.height)
        t = surface.tile(x, y)
        n = rndf() * 10 + 2
        drops[t] = drops.get(t, 0) + n
        amount -= n
    print 'Number of wet tiles at beginning is {}.'.format(len(drops))
    wettrans = [1]
    speed = 1.
    count = 0
    erosion = 0.
    greenest = 0
    while max(wettrans) > .1 and count < 5000:
        count += 1
        #fldd = {k:v for k,v in drops.items()}
        fldd = {}
        wettest = 0
        # quellen
        if springs:
            for s in springs:
                drops[s] = drops.get(s, 0) + (.05 + 4. / (1. + count / 10.))
        # flooding
        for t, w in drops.items():
            for n in sorted(t.neighbours.values(),
                            key=lambda n: drops.get(n, 0)):
                # see how much this neighbour can possibly take
                nw = drops.get(n, 0)
                gap = min(w + t.elevation - (nw + n.elevation), w)
                # if neighbour has potential, transfer 1/3 of it
                if gap > 0:
                    share = gap / 3
                    # nivellate water levels a bit
                    fldd[n] = fldd.get(n, 0) + share  # take
                    fldd[t] = fldd.get(t, 0) - share  # give
                    w -= share  # now theres less water
                    wettest = max(share, wettest)
                    # erode!
                    #if share>.5:
                    #if max([nn.elevation-n.elevation
                    #for nn in n.neighbours.values()])<17:
                    if nw < 5:
                        n.elevation -= share / 10
                        t.elevation -= share / 20
                        erosion += share * 3 / 20
                    # fertilize
                    if share < .2:
                        n._veget = min(n._veget + .01, 100.)
                        if n._veget > greenest:
                            greenest = n._veget
        # update water map
        for k, v in fldd.items():
            level = drops.get(k, 0) + v
            drops[k] = level
            if level < .05 and abs(v) < .05:
                del drops[k]
        wettrans = [wettest] + wettrans[:4]
        if max(wettrans) < speed / 2:
            speed /= 2
            print 'Floating deccelerated under {:.2f} after {} iterations.'.format(
                max(wettrans), count)
        #print 'Wettest transfer had {:.2f} units water.'.format(
        #print 'Total amount is {:.2f}, max {:.2f}'.format(
        #sum(drops.values()), max(drops.values()))
    # ok enough
    for t in surface.tiles.values():
        t.waterlevel = drops.get(t, 0)
        t.vegetation = t._veget
    print '{} floodings. Last transfer: {:.2f}. Total on map: {:.2f} on {} tiles.'.format(
        count, wettest, surface.water(), len(drops)),
    print 'Grade of erosion was {:.2f}, greenest node has {:.2f} fert ix.'.format(
        erosion, greenest)
예제 #7
def rain(surface, amount, springs=None):
	Simulates a given amount of water falling down onto the given
	tile map."""
	print 'It rains: {} units of rain water'.format(amount),
	if springs:
		print 'and {} springs.'.format(len(springs)),
	# water already in map
	drops={t:t.waterlevel for t in surface.tiles.values()
		if t.waterlevel > 0} # key: tile, value: water
	while amount>0:
		x,y = rnd(surface.width), rnd(surface.height)
		n = rndf()*10+2
		drops[t] = drops.get(t,0) + n
		amount -= n
	print 'Number of wet tiles at beginning is {}.'.format(len(drops))
	while max(wettrans)> .1 and count<5000:
		count += 1
		#fldd = {k:v for k,v in drops.items()}
		fldd = {}
		# quellen
		if springs:
			for s in springs:
				drops[s] = drops.get(s,0) + (.05+4./(1.+count/10.))
		# flooding
		for t,w in drops.items():
			for n in sorted(t.neighbours.values(), 
				key=lambda n:drops.get(n,0)):
				# see how much this neighbour can possibly take
				nw = drops.get(n,0) 
				gap = min(w + t.elevation - (nw + n.elevation), w)
				# if neighbour has potential, transfer 1/3 of it
				if gap > 0:
					share = gap/3
					# nivellate water levels a bit
					fldd[n] = fldd.get(n,0)+share # take
					fldd[t] = fldd.get(t,0)-share # give
					w -= share # now theres less water
					wettest = max(share, wettest)
					# erode!
					#if share>.5:
						#if max([nn.elevation-n.elevation 
							#for nn in n.neighbours.values()])<17:
					if nw < 5:
						n.elevation -= share/10
						t.elevation -= share/20
						erosion += share*3/20
					# fertilize
					if share < .2:
						n._veget = min(n._veget+.01, 100.)
						if n._veget > greenest:
							greenest = n._veget
		# update water map
		for k,v in fldd.items():
			level = drops.get(k,0)+v
			drops[k] = level
			if level<.05 and abs(v)<.05:
				del drops[k]
		wettrans = [wettest] + wettrans[:4]
		if max(wettrans)<speed/2:
			speed /= 2
			print 'Floating deccelerated under {:.2f} after {} iterations.'.format(
				max(wettrans), count)
		#print 'Wettest transfer had {:.2f} units water.'.format(
		#print 'Total amount is {:.2f}, max {:.2f}'.format(
			#sum(drops.values()), max(drops.values()))
	# ok enough
	for t in surface.tiles.values():
		t.waterlevel = drops.get(t,0)
		t.vegetation = t._veget
	print '{} floodings. Last transfer: {:.2f}. Total on map: {:.2f} on {} tiles.'.format(
		count, wettest, surface.water(), len(drops)),
	print 'Grade of erosion was {:.2f}, greenest node has {:.2f} fert ix.'.format(
		erosion, greenest)