예제 #1
def test_check_vector():
    """Test the check_vector function of the validation module.
    valid_params = [
        (1, 2, 3),
        (0, 0, 0),
        (1.0, 0.5, 10988),
        (-4.5, 0, 7.54)
    expect_type_errors = [
        [1, 2, 3],
        ("4", 5, 6)
    expect_value_errors = [
        (1, 2, 3, 4),
        (1, 2),
        (float("nan"), 2, 3),
        (float("inf"), 2, 3),
        (float("-inf"), 2, 3)
    for param in valid_params:
        result = validation.check_vector(param)
        assert isinstance(result, tuple) and len(result) == 3
    for param in expect_type_errors:
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
    for param in expect_value_errors:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def calc_dot_product(vec1, vec2):
    """Calculate the dot product of two 3D vectors.

        vec1 (tuple (float, float, float)): The first 3D vector
        vec2 (tuple (float, float, float)): The second 3D vector

        float: The dot product of the two 3D vectors
    checked_vec1 = check_vector(vec1)
    checked_vec2 = check_vector(vec2)
    return (checked_vec1[0] * checked_vec2[0] +
            checked_vec1[1] * checked_vec2[1] +
            checked_vec1[2] * checked_vec2[2])
def sum_vectors(vec1, vec2):
    """Calculate the sum of two vectors.

        vec1 (tuple (float, float, float)): The first 3D vector
        vec2 (tuple (float, float, float)): The second 3D vector

        tuple (float, float, float): The sum of both vectors
    checked_vec1 = check_vector(vec1)
    checked_vec2 = check_vector(vec2)
    return (checked_vec1[0] + checked_vec2[0],
            checked_vec1[1] + checked_vec2[1],
            checked_vec1[2] + checked_vec2[2])
def calc_cross_product(vec1, vec2):
    """Calculate the cross product of two 3D vectors.

        vec1 (tuple (float, float, float)): The first 3D vector
        vec2 (tuple (float, float, float)): The second 3D vector

        tuple (float, float, float): The cross product of the two 3D vectors
    checked_vec1 = check_vector(vec1)
    checked_vec2 = check_vector(vec2)
    return (checked_vec1[1] * checked_vec2[2] -
            checked_vec1[2] * checked_vec2[1],
            checked_vec1[2] * checked_vec2[0] -
            checked_vec1[0] * checked_vec2[2],
            checked_vec1[0] * checked_vec2[1] -
            checked_vec1[1] * checked_vec2[0])
def calc_magnitude(vec):
    """Calculate the magnitude of a 3D vector.

        vec (tuple (float, float, float)): The 3D vector whose magnitude shall be calculated

        float: The magnitude of the 3D vector
    checked_vec = check_vector(vec)
    return math.sqrt(checked_vec[0]**2 + checked_vec[1]**2 + checked_vec[2]**2)
def scale_vector(vec, scale):
    """Multiply each vector element with the scale factor.

        vec (tuple (float, float, float)): The vector that shall be scaled
        scale (float): The scale factor

        tuple (float, float, float): The scaled vector
    checked_vec = check_vector(vec)
    checked_scale = check_geometry_parameter(scale)
    return tuple([checked_scale * vec_elem for vec_elem in checked_vec])
예제 #7
    def from_normal_form(cls, normal_vec, position_vec, radius):
        """Factory method to create a plane when having the plane
        parameters in the plane's normal form.

            normal_vec (tuple (float, float, float)): The normal vector of the plane
            position_vec (tuple (float, float, float)): An arbitrary point on the plane.
              That point is also used as the center point for the plane point creation radius
            radius (float): The plane point creation radius

            Plane: The plane object
        n_vec = check_direction_vector(normal_vec)
        n0_vec = normalize_vector(n_vec)
        ref_point = check_vector(position_vec)
        d_origin = calc_dot_product(n0_vec, ref_point)
        return cls(normal_vec, d_origin, ref_point, radius)
def rotate_vector(vec, axis, angle):
    """Rotate a vector around an axis by an angle (radiant).

        vec (tuple (float, float, float)): The vector that shall be rotated
        axis (tuple (float, float, float)): The rotation axis
        angle (float): The rotation angle (radiant) for a right-handed rotation

        tuple (float, float, float): The rotated vector
    (vec_x, vec_y, vec_z) = check_vector(vec)
    (quat_w, quat_x, quat_y, quat_z) = get_as_rotation_quaternion(axis, angle)
    # rotation of a vector p via a quaternion q is defined as: q * p * (q*)
    qpq = reduce(multiply_quaternions, [(0.0, vec_x, vec_y, vec_z),
                                        (quat_w, -quat_x, -quat_y, -quat_z)],
                 (quat_w, quat_x, quat_y, quat_z))
    return (qpq[1], qpq[2], qpq[3])
def calc_perpendicular_vector(vec):
    """Calculate an arbitrary perpendicular vector.

        vec (tuple (float, float float)): The 3D vector for which an arbitrary
          perpendicular vector shall be calculated

        tuple (float, float, float): The perpendicular vector
    checked_vec = check_vector(vec)
    magnitude = calc_magnitude(checked_vec)
    if math.isclose(magnitude, 0.0, abs_tol=0.000001):
        raise ValueError("""Invalid vector. Expected a vector with
          a magnitude greater than zero""")
    if math.fabs(checked_vec[0]) < math.fabs(checked_vec[1]) and \
      math.fabs(checked_vec[0]) < math.fabs(checked_vec[2]):
        return calc_cross_product((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), checked_vec)
    elif math.fabs(checked_vec[1]) < math.fabs(checked_vec[2]):
        return calc_cross_product((0.0, 1.0, 0.0), checked_vec)
    return calc_cross_product((0.0, 0.0, 1.0), checked_vec)
예제 #10
    def __init__(self, normal_vec, d_origin, ref_point, radius):
        """Plane constructor

            normal_vec (tuple (float, float, float)): The normal vector of the plane
            d_origin (float): The smallest distance of the plane from the origin
            ref_point (tuple (float, float, float)): The center point
              for the plane point creation radius
            radius (float): The plane point creation radius
        n_vec = check_direction_vector(normal_vec)
        self.normal_vec = normalize_vector(n_vec)
        self.d_origin = check_geometry_parameter(d_origin)
        self.radius = check_radius(radius)
        self.ref_point = check_vector(ref_point)
        if not math.isclose(calc_dot_product(self.normal_vec, self.ref_point) -
            raise ValueError(
                """Invalid reference point. Expected the reference point
              to lie on the plane""")