def RunAndSaveImage(self, ax, plt): start_time = time.time() start_point = random_map.Point(0, 0) self.open_set.append(start_point) while True: p = self.SelectPointInOpenList() if not p: print('No path found, algorithm failed!!!') return if (not (p.x == 0 and p.y == 0)) and (not ( p.x == - 1 and p.y == - 1)): rec = Rectangle((p.x, p.y), 1, 1, color='c') ax.add_patch(rec) # plt.draw() plt.pause(0.05) if self.IsEndPoint(p): return self.BuildPath(p, ax, plt, start_time, baseName="DFS") self.close_set.append(p) # Process all neighbors x = p.x y = p.y # 启发函数为曼哈顿距离,遍历下左上右4个点 # 因为终点在右上方,所以优先向上和右遍历 self.ProcessPoint(x, y - 1, p) self.ProcessPoint(x - 1, y, p) self.ProcessPoint(x + 1, y, p) self.ProcessPoint(x, y + 1, p)
def ProcessPoint(self, x, y, parent): # 不合法的点 if not self.IsValidPoint(x, y): return # Do nothing for invalid point p = random_map.Point(x, y) # 邻点在close_set中,跳过 if self.IsInCloseList(p): return # Do nothing for visited point # 邻点p在open_set,比较g(n)是否比原来更小,如果更小则更新其g(n)、优先级f(n)和其父节点 # 这里可以删除open_set中的对应点,修改后重新加入;也可以调用函数返回这个点然后对其修改 open_p = self.IsInOpenList(p) if open_p: p = open_p # 比较该点前一次遍历的点和该点的父节点的g_cost,前一个遍历点小则更新父节点为前一个遍历点 if parent.g_cost < p.parent.g_cost: p.parent = parent p.g_cost = self.BaseCost(p) # p.g_cost = parent.g_cost + 1 p.f_cost = self.TotalCost(p) # 邻点p既不在open_set,也不在close_set中,设置节点p的parent为节点n,计算节点p的优先级f(n),将节点m加入open_set中 else: p.parent = parent p.g_cost = self.BaseCost(p) # p.g_cost = parent.g_cost + 1 p.f_cost = self.TotalCost(p) self.open_set.append(p) print('Process Point [', p.x, ',', p.y, ']', ', f_cost: ', p.f_cost)
def ProcessPoint(self, x, y, parent): # 不合法的点,不做处理 if not self.IsValidPoint(x, y): return p = random_map.Point(x, y) # 邻点在close_set和open_set中,跳过 if self.IsInCloseList(p) or self.IsInOpenList(p): return # Do nothing for visited point else: p.parent = parent self.open_set.append(p) print('Process Point [', p.x, ',', p.y, ']')
def ProcessPoint(self, x, y, parent): # 不合法的点,不做处理 if not self.IsValidPoint(x, y): return p = random_map.Point(x, y) # 邻点在close_set,跳过 if self.IsInCloseList(p): return # Do nothing for visited point open_p = self.IsInOpenList(p) if open_p: p = open_p if p.parent and parent.g_cost < p.parent.g_cost: p.parent = parent # p.g_cost = parent.g_cost + 1 p.g_cost = self.BaseCost(p) else: p.parent = parent p.g_cost = self.BaseCost(p) self.open_set.append(p) print('Process Point [', p.x, ',', p.y, ']')
def RunAndSaveImage(self, ax, plt): start_time = time.time() start_point = random_map.Point(0, 0) start_point.g_cost = 0 start_point.f_cost = 0 self.open_set.append(start_point) while True: index = self.SelectPointInOpenList() if index < 0: print('No path found, algorithm failed!!!') return p = self.open_set[index] if (not (p.x == 0 and p.y == 0)) and (not ( p.x == - 1 and p.y == - 1)): rec = Rectangle((p.x, p.y), 1, 1, color='c') ax.add_patch(rec) # plt.draw() plt.pause(0.05) # self.SaveImage(plt) if self.IsEndPoint(p): return self.BuildPath(p, ax, plt, start_time, baseName="AStar") del self.open_set[index] self.close_set.append(p) # Process all neighbors x = p.x y = p.y # 启发函数为曼哈顿距离,可以遍历上右下左4个点 self.ProcessPoint(x + 1, y, p) self.ProcessPoint(x, y + 1, p) self.ProcessPoint(x - 1, y, p) self.ProcessPoint(x, y - 1, p)