예제 #1
def gather_information(directory, pattern, force=False, report=None, verbose=0):
    Read Information for NetCDF global attributes about time and position of GPS RO event

    directory   search directory for GPS RO NetCDF files
    pattern     search pattern


    Can take quite long to collect (2h)
    stores info in outdir/GPS_info.h5
    from ncio import read_history
    from raso.config import outdir
    # check midpoints of GPS profiles and create a list with

    filename = outdir + '/GPS_info.h5'
    if os.path.isfile(filename) and not force:
        tmp = pd.read_hdf(filename, 'data')
        journal('GPSRO_info : %s %s' % (filename, tmp.shape), report, verbose)
        return tmp

    # filenames , lon, lat, time
    files = find_files(directory, pattern, recursive=True)
    data = {}
    pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=len(files))
    for i, ifile in enumerate(files):
        hist = read_history(ifile)
        data[i] = {'file': ifile, 'lon': hist['lon'],
                   'lat': hist['lat'],
                   'date': datetime(hist['year'], hist['month'], hist['day'], hist['hour'], hist['minute'])}
        pbar.update(i + 1)
    data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index')
    # save
    data.to_hdf(filename, 'data', format='table', append=False)
    journal('GPSRO_info : %s %s' % (filename, data.shape), report, verbose)
    return data
예제 #2
def from_gruan(sonde, directory=None, save=True,
               var=['cor_temp', 'temp', 'press', 'cor_rh', 'rh', 'WVMR', 'alt', 'u_temp', 'u_rh', 'u_press'],
               force=False, attach=None, attach_var=None, verbose=0, **kwargs):

    Read GRUAN Data and convert to a radiosonde class object
    Read and convert time to std_times, rename temp and press to t and p.
    Drop duplicate entries.

    Possible Station Names:
    'BAR', 'BEL', 'BOU', 'CAB', 'LAU', 'LIN', 'MAN', 'NAU',
    'NYA', 'PAY', 'POT', 'REU', 'SGP', 'SOD', 'TAT'

    sonde       str         Appreviation of Sonde Station
    directory   str         Directory of GRUAN data
    var         list        of variables to include
    save        bool        Save radiosonde to store ?
    force       bool        Force a raw data reread ?
    attach      radiosonde  Attach to radiosonde class object
    attach_var  list        Variables to attach from HDFStore
    verbose     int         Level of verbosity
    kwargs      dict        Additional Keywords

    radiosonde class object

    ValueError  sonde not in possible Stations

    from raso.standard_dates_times import _fix_datetime
    from raso.config import outdir
    from raso import radiosonde
    from . import from_store
    from ncio import read_netcdf, read_history

    avail_sondes = ['BAR', 'BEL', 'BOU', 'CAB', 'LAU', 'LIN', 'MAN', 'NAU', 'NYA', 'PAY', 'POT', 'REU', 'SGP', 'SOD',

    if not isinstance(sonde,str):
        raise ValueError("Requires a str: sonde")

    if attach is not None:
        if not isinstance(attach,radiosonde):
            raise ValueError("Requires a radiosonde class object: attach")

    if sonde not in avail_sondes:
        raise ValueError("Only one of %s allowed!" % str(avail_sondes))

    filename = outdir + "/GRUAN_" + sonde + ".h5"

    if os.path.isfile(filename) and not force:
        print "Recovering: %s"%filename
        isonde = from_store(0, filename=filename)

        if attach is not None:
            if attach_var is None:
                attach_var = isonde.vars

            for ivar in isonde.vars:
                if ivar in attach_var:
                    attach.add_data(ivar, getattr(isonde,ivar), history="GRUAN, %s %s" %(sonde, ivar))

            return isonde

    if directory is None:
        raise RuntimeError("[GRUAN] requires a directory!")
    print_verbose("[GRUAN] Find files ...", verbose)
    files = find_files(directory, '*' + sonde + '*.nc', recursive=True)
    print_verbose("[GRUAN][%s] Files found: %d" % (sonde, len(files)), verbose)
    data = []
    if verbose > 0:
        pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=len(files))
        i = 0

    for ifile in files:
        tmp = pd.DataFrame(read_netcdf(ifile, verbose=verbose - 2))  # convert it all to a big Frame
        # select only necessary information
        tmp = tmp[ var ]
        tmp.index.name = 'orig_date' # retain original sounding times
        tmp.rename(columns=lambda x: x.replace('temp', 't').replace('press', 'p').replace('rh','r'), inplace=True) # rename
        tmp.p *= 100.  # from hPa to Pa
        # WVMR to q
        tmp['q'] = tmp.eval("WVMR/(WVMR+1)") # specific humidity
        tmp['date'] = tmp.index.to_period(freq='h').to_datetime() # truncate to hours
        tmp = tmp.reset_index().set_index('date') # change index
        rx = map(_fix_datetime, tmp.index)  # change time to 0, 6, 12, 18 UTC
        tmp.index = rx

        if verbose > 0:
            pbar.update(i + 1)
            i += 1

    if verbose > 0:

    hist = read_history(ifile) #
        ident = "%06d" % int(hist['g.General.SiteWmoId'])
        ident = sonde

    lat = float(hist['g.MeasuringSystem.Latitude'].split(' ')[0])
    lon = float(hist['g.MeasuringSystem.Longitude'].split(' ')[0])
    alt = float(hist['g.MeasuringSystem.Altitude'].split(' ')[0])
    print_verbose("[GRUAN] Concatenate data ...",verbose)
    data = pd.concat(data, axis=0)
    # drop duplicates
    # print_verbose("[GRUAN] Drop duplicates ...", verbose)
    # data.drop_duplicates(inplace=True)
    if attach is None:
        print_verbose("[GRUAN] Create radiosonde object ...", verbose)
        isonde = radiosonde(ident)
        isonde.filename = filename
        isonde.add_attr('lon', lon)
        isonde.add_attr('lat', lat)
        isonde.add_attr('alt', alt)
        isonde.add_data('gruan', data, history="GRUAN, %s " %(sonde))
        if save:
            isonde.save(filename=filename, verbose=verbose)
        return isonde
        attach.add_data('gruan', data, history="GRUAN, %s " %(sonde))
        if save: