def calculate_vulnerability(iso3, country_folder, country_bounds, pop_folder, pop_files): ''' The hospitalization rates listed in the vul_def dictionary (at the top of this script) are combined to create a vulnerability layer INPUTS iso3 [string] - iso3 code for country of interest country_folder [string] - path to output folder country_bounds [geopandas dataframe] - boundary within which to extract pop_files [list of file paths] - list of global demographic rasters which are clipped out with country_bounds RETURNS NA - creates a file called WP2020_vulnerability_map.tif in country_folder ''' # clip out the temporary vulnerability metrics out_vulnerability = os.path.join(country_folder, "WP2020_vulnerability_map.tif") if not os.path.exists(out_vulnerability): wp_files = [] if not os.path.exists(country_folder): os.makedirs(country_folder) for pFile in pop_files: curR =, pFile))) out_file = os.path.join(country_folder, pFile) if not os.path.exists(out_file): rMisc.clipRaster(curR, country_bounds, out_file) wp_files.append(out_file) #Calculate vulnerability wp_file_objects = [vulmap.wp_demographics(os.path.join(country_folder, x)) for x in wp_files] vul = vulmap.wp_vulnerability(wp_file_objects, vul_def) vul.calculate_vulnerability() vul.combine_results(out_vulnerability, '') for f in wp_files: os.remove(f)
def extract_data(inG, inG1, inG2, inL, inR): country_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, iso3) adm0_file = os.path.join(country_folder, "adm0.shp") adm1_file = os.path.join(country_folder, "adm1.shp") adm2_file = os.path.join(country_folder, "adm2.shp") lc_file = os.path.join(country_folder, "LC.tif") if not os.path.exists(country_folder): os.makedirs(country_folder) country_bounds = inG.loc[inG['ISO3'] == iso3].to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'}) if not os.path.exists(adm0_file): country_bounds.to_file(adm0_file) if not os.path.exists(adm1_file): try: country_adm1 = inG1.loc[inG1['ISO3'] == iso3].to_crs( {'init': 'epsg:4326'}) country_adm1.to_file(adm1_file) except: misc.tPrint("%s Could not extract ADMIN 1" % iso3) if not os.path.exists(adm2_file): try: country_adm2 = inG2.loc[inG2['ISO3'] == iso3].to_crs( {'init': 'epsg:4326'}) country_adm2.to_file(adm2_file) except: misc.tPrint("%s Could not extract ADMIN 2" % iso3) if not os.path.exists(lc_file): rMisc.clipRaster(inL, gpd.read_file(adm0_file), lc_file) calculate_vulnerability(iso3, country_folder, country_bounds, pop_folder, pop_files) misc.tPrint("***%s Calculated Vulnerability" % iso3) try: create_urban_data(iso3, country_folder, country_bounds, inR, calc_urban=False) misc.tPrint("***%s Calculated Urban Extents" % iso3) except: misc.tPrint("%s errored on HD clusters" % iso3) try: create_urban_data(iso3, country_folder, country_bounds, inR, calc_urban=True, calc_hd_urban=False) except: misc.tPrint("%s errored on all clusters" % iso3)
def create_urban_data(iso3, country_folder, country_bounds, inR, calc_urban=True, calc_hd_urban=True, verbose=False, urb_dens=300, urb_pop=5000, hd_urb_dens=1500, hd_urb_pop=50000): ''' Extract urban areas from gridded population data following the EC density methodology INPUTS: iso3 [string] - iso3 code for country of interest country_folder [string] - path to output folder country_bounds [geopandas dataframe] - boundary within which to extract inR [rasterio object] - population datasets from which country specific pop layer is extracted [optional] calc_urban [boolean] - whether to calculate urban (lower density) extents [optional] calc_hd_urban [boolean] - whether to calculate hd urban (higher density) extents [optional] urb_dens/hd_urb_dens [int] - population density threshold for calculating urban areas IN THE PER PIXEL UNITS OF inR [optional] urb_pop/hd_urb_pop [int] - total population threshold for calculating urban areas RETURNS: NA - the function calculates a number of files in the folder country_folder: -- WP_2020_1km.tif: population dataaset clipped from inR -- urban_areas.shp: vectorization of urban areas calculation -- urban_areas_hd.shp: vectorization of high density urban areas calculation -- urban_fishnets/URBAN_XX.shp: a 1 km fishnet is created over the five highest population areas in urban_areas.shp -- hd_urban_fishnets/HD_URBAN_XX.shp: a 1 km fishnet is created over the five highest population areas in hd_urban_areas.shp ''' country_pop = os.path.join(country_folder, "WP_2020_1km.tif") urban_pop = os.path.join(country_folder, "WP_2020_1km_urban_pop.tif") hd_urban_pop = os.path.join(country_folder, "WP_2020_1km_hd_urban_pop.tif") urb_bounds = os.path.join(country_folder, "urban_areas.shp") hd_urb_bounds = os.path.join(country_folder, "urban_areas_hd.shp") urban_fishnets = os.path.join(country_folder, "urban_fishnets") hd_urban_fishnets = os.path.join(country_folder, "hd_urban_fishnets") # Clip pop raster if not os.path.exists(country_pop): rMisc.clipRaster(inR, country_bounds, country_pop) if not os.path.exists(urban_pop) and calc_urban: urbanR = urban.urbanGriddedPop(country_pop) urban_vec = urbanR.calculateUrban(densVal=urb_dens, totalPopThresh=urb_pop, smooth=True, queen=False, raster_pop=urban_pop) urban_vec.to_file(urb_bounds) if not os.path.exists(hd_urban_pop) and calc_hd_urban: urbanR = urban.urbanGriddedPop(country_pop) urban_vec = urbanR.calculateUrban(densVal=hd_urb_dens, totalPopThresh=hd_urb_pop, smooth=True, queen=True, raster_pop=urban_pop) urban_vec.to_file(hd_urb_bounds) #Generate Fishnets if not os.path.exists(urban_fishnets): os.makedirs(urban_fishnets) if not os.path.exists(hd_urban_fishnets): os.makedirs(hd_urban_fishnets) if calc_urban: create_fishnet(urb_bounds, urban_fishnets, "URBAN") if calc_hd_urban: create_fishnet(hd_urb_bounds, hd_urban_fishnets, "HD_URBAN")