예제 #1
def easypatch_content(df, content, loc, **kwargs):
    file = raws.rawfile(path=loc, content=content)
    return easypatch_file(df, file, **kwargs)
예제 #2
def easypatch_tokens(df, tokens, loc, **kwargs):
    file = raws.rawfile(path=loc, tokens=tokens)
    return easypatch_file(df, file, **kwargs)
예제 #3
def easypatch_tokens(df, tokens, loc, **kwargs):
    file = raws.rawfile(path=loc, tokens=tokens)
    return easypatch_file(df, file, **kwargs)
예제 #4
def easypatch_filepath(df, path, loc=None, root=None, **kwargs):
    file = raws.rawfile(path=path, loc=loc, root=root)
    return easypatch_file(df, file, **kwargs)
예제 #5
def easypatch_content(df, content, loc, **kwargs):
    file = raws.rawfile(path=loc, content=content)
    return easypatch_file(df, file, **kwargs)
예제 #6
def easypatch_filepath(df, path, loc=None, root=None, **kwargs):
    file = raws.rawfile(path=path, loc=loc, root=root)
    return easypatch_file(df, file, **kwargs)
예제 #7
def diff(df, paths):

    # Get all the files in the mods
    newfiles = []
    for path in paths:
        if os.path.isfile(path) and path.endswith('.txt'):
            with open(path, 'rb') as rfilestream:
                rfiles = (raws.rawfile(rfile=rfilestream, path=path), )
        elif os.path.isdir(path):
            rfiles = raws.dir(path=path).files.values()
            return pydwarf.failure('Failed to load raws from path %s.' % path)

    operations = {}
    conflicts = 0

    currentfiletokensdict = {}
    for newfilelist in newfiles:
        for newfile in newfilelist:
            pydwarf.log.info('Handling diff for file %s...' % newfile.header)

            # Get list of tokens for current file (And don't do it for the same file twice)
            currentfiletokens = None
            if newfile.header in currentfiletokensdict:
                currentfiletokens = currentfiletokensdict[newfile.header]
            elif newfile.header in df.files:
                currentfiletokens = list(df.getfile(newfile.header))
                currentfiletokensdict[newfile.header] = currentfiletokens

            # Do a diff
            if currentfiletokens:
                newfiletokens = list(newfile.tokens())
                diff = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, currentfiletokens,
                if newfile.header not in operations:
                    operations[newfile.header] = {
                        'insert': [],
                        'delete': [],
                        'replace': [],
                        'equal': []
                for item in diff.get_opcodes():
                    if item[0] != 'equals':
                        op = item[0]
                            diffrecord(currentfiletokens, newfiletokens,
                                       newfile.path, *item))

            # File doesn't exist yet, don't bother with a diff
                pydwarf.log.debug('File didn\'t exist yet, adding...')

    for fileheader, fileops in operations.iteritems():
        # Do some handling for potentially conflicting replacements
        for i in xrange(0, len(fileops['replace'])):
            irecord = fileops['replace'][i]
            if not irecord.ignore:
                for j in xrange(i + 1, len(fileops['replace'])):
                    jrecord = fileops['replace'][j]
                    # Replacements overlap?
                    if (jrecord.bpath is not irecord.bpath) and (
                            irecord.afrom <= jrecord.auntil
                            and jrecord.afrom <= irecord.auntil):
                        jrecord.ignore = True
                        if not raws.helpers.tokensequal(
                                irecord.btokens(), jrecord.btokens()):
                            # Replacements aren't identical (this means there's a conflict)
                            if not irecord.conflicts: irecord.conflicts = []

        # Make replacements (insertions)
        for record in fileops['replace']:
            if not record.ignore:
                if record.conflicts is None:
                    tokens = record.btokens()
                    # Handle conflicts
                        'Encountered potentially conflicting changes in %s, block replaced by %d input files.'
                        % (fileheader, len(record.conflicts) + 1))
                    tokens = []
                    lasttoken = None
                    for conflict in record.conflicts + [record]:
                        conflict.blower.prefix = '\n<<<diff from %s;%s' % (
                            conflict.bpath, conflict.blower.prefix
                            if conflict.blower.prefix else '')
                        for token in conflict.btokens():
                            lasttoken = token
                        lasttoken.suffix = '%s\n>>>\n' % (
                            lasttoken.suffix if lasttoken.suffix else '')
                        0].prefix = '\n<<<<<<diff potential conflict! block modified by %d files %s;\n%s' % (
                            len(record.conflicts) + 1,
                            ', '.join([r.bpath for r in record.conflicts] +
                            tokens[0].prefix if tokens[0].prefix else '')
                    lasttoken.suffix = '%s\n>>>>>>\n\n' % (
                        lasttoken.suffix if lasttoken.suffix else '')
                    conflicts += 1
                tokens = record.alower.add(

        # Make insertions
        for record in fileops['insert']:

        # Make deletions
        for record in fileops['delete']:
            for token in record.atokens():

        # Make replacements (deletions)
        for record in fileops['replace']:
            for token in record.atokens():

    if conflicts == 0:
        return pydwarf.success('Merged %d mods without conflicts.' %
        return pydwarf.failure(
            'Merged %d mods with %d conflicts. Recommended you search in outputted raws for text like "<<<<<<diff potential conflict!" and resolve manually.'
            % (len(paths), conflicts))
예제 #8
def addfile(df, filename):
    with open('%s/%s' % (rawsdir, filename), 'rb') as rawfile:
        df.add(raws.rawfile(path='raw/objects/%s' % filename, file=rawfile))
    return pydwarf.success('Added file "%s".' % filename)
예제 #9
def diff(df, paths):
    # Get all the files in the mods
    newfiles = []
    for path in paths:
        if os.path.isfile(path) and path.endswith('.txt'):
            with open(path, 'rb') as rfilestream:
                rfiles = (raws.rawfile(rfile=rfilestream, path=path),)
        elif os.path.isdir(path):
            rfiles = raws.dir(path=path).files.values()
            return pydwarf.failure('Failed to load raws from path %s.' % path)
    operations = {}
    conflicts = 0
    currentfiletokensdict = {}
    for newfilelist in newfiles:
        for newfile in newfilelist:
            pydwarf.log.info('Handling diff for file %s...' % newfile.header)
            # Get list of tokens for current file (And don't do it for the same file twice)
            currentfiletokens = None
            if newfile.header in currentfiletokensdict:
                currentfiletokens = currentfiletokensdict[newfile.header]
            elif newfile.header in df.files:
                currentfiletokens = list(df.getfile(newfile.header))
                currentfiletokensdict[newfile.header] = currentfiletokens
            # Do a diff
            if currentfiletokens:
                newfiletokens = list(newfile.tokens())
                diff = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, currentfiletokens, newfiletokens)
                if newfile.header not in operations: operations[newfile.header] = {'insert': [], 'delete': [], 'replace': [], 'equal': []}
                for item in diff.get_opcodes():
                    if item[0] != 'equals':
                        op = item[0]
                        operations[newfile.header][op].append(diffrecord(currentfiletokens, newfiletokens, newfile.path, *item))
            # File doesn't exist yet, don't bother with a diff
                pydwarf.log.debug('File didn\'t exist yet, adding...')
    for fileheader, fileops in operations.iteritems():
        # Do some handling for potentially conflicting replacements
        for i in xrange(0, len(fileops['replace'])):
            irecord = fileops['replace'][i]
            if not irecord.ignore:
                for j in xrange(i+1, len(fileops['replace'])):
                    jrecord = fileops['replace'][j]
                    # Replacements overlap?
                    if (jrecord.bpath is not irecord.bpath) and (irecord.afrom <= jrecord.auntil and jrecord.afrom <= irecord.auntil):
                        jrecord.ignore = True
                        if not raws.helpers.tokensequal(irecord.btokens(), jrecord.btokens()):
                            # Replacements aren't identical (this means there's a conflict)
                            if not irecord.conflicts: irecord.conflicts = []
        # Make replacements (insertions)
        for record in fileops['replace']:
            if not record.ignore:
                if record.conflicts is None:
                    tokens = record.btokens()
                    # Handle conflicts
                    pydwarf.log.error('Encountered potentially conflicting changes in %s, block replaced by %d input files.' % (fileheader, len(record.conflicts)+1))
                    tokens = []
                    lasttoken = None
                    for conflict in record.conflicts + [record]:
                        conflict.blower.prefix = '\n<<<diff from %s;%s' % (conflict.bpath, conflict.blower.prefix if conflict.blower.prefix else '')
                        for token in conflict.btokens():
                            lasttoken = token
                        lasttoken.suffix = '%s\n>>>\n' % (lasttoken.suffix if lasttoken.suffix else '')
                    tokens[0].prefix = '\n<<<<<<diff potential conflict! block modified by %d files %s;\n%s' % (len(record.conflicts)+1, ', '.join([r.bpath for r in record.conflicts] + [record.bpath]), tokens[0].prefix if tokens[0].prefix else '')
                    lasttoken.suffix = '%s\n>>>>>>\n\n' % (lasttoken.suffix if lasttoken.suffix else '')
                    conflicts += 1
                tokens = record.alower.add(tokens=raws.helpers.copytokens(tokens))
        # Make insertions
        for record in fileops['insert']:
        # Make deletions
        for record in fileops['delete']:
            for token in record.atokens():
        # Make replacements (deletions)
        for record in fileops['replace']:
            for token in record.atokens():
    if conflicts == 0:
        return pydwarf.success('Merged %d mods without conflicts.' % len(paths))
        return pydwarf.failure('Merged %d mods with %d conflicts. Recommended you search in outputted raws for text like "<<<<<<diff potential conflict!" and resolve manually.' % (len(paths), conflicts))