예제 #1
    def test_td3_exploration_and_with_random_prerun(self):
        """Tests TD3's Exploration (w/ random actions for n timesteps)."""
        config = td3.TD3_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
        config["num_workers"] = 0  # Run locally.
        config["num_gpus"] = 1
        obs = np.array([0.0, 0.1, -0.1])

        # Test against all frameworks.
        for _ in framework_iterator(config):
            lcl_config = config.copy()
            # Default GaussianNoise setup.
            trainer = td3.TD3Trainer(config=lcl_config, env="Pendulum-v0")
            # Setting explore=False should always return the same action.
            a_ = trainer.compute_action(obs, explore=False)
            self.assertEqual(trainer.get_policy().global_timestep, 1)
            for i in range(50):
                a = trainer.compute_action(obs, explore=False)
                self.assertEqual(trainer.get_policy().global_timestep, i + 2)
                check(a, a_)
            # explore=None (default: explore) should return different actions.
            actions = []
            for i in range(50):
                self.assertEqual(trainer.get_policy().global_timestep, i + 52)
            check(np.std(actions), 0.0, false=True)

            # Check randomness at beginning.
            lcl_config["exploration_config"] = {
                # Act randomly at beginning ...
                "random_timesteps": 30,
                # Then act very closely to deterministic actions thereafter.
                "stddev": 0.001,
                "initial_scale": 0.001,
                "final_scale": 0.001,
            trainer = td3.TD3Trainer(config=lcl_config, env="Pendulum-v0")
            # ts=0 (get a deterministic action as per explore=False).
            deterministic_action = trainer.compute_action(obs, explore=False)
            self.assertEqual(trainer.get_policy().global_timestep, 1)
            # ts=1-29 (in random window).
            random_a = []
            for i in range(1, 30):
                random_a.append(trainer.compute_action(obs, explore=True))
                self.assertEqual(trainer.get_policy().global_timestep, i + 1)
                check(random_a[-1], deterministic_action, false=True)
            self.assertTrue(np.std(random_a) > 0.5)

            # ts > 30 (a=deterministic_action + scale * N[0,1])
            for i in range(50):
                a = trainer.compute_action(obs, explore=True)
                self.assertEqual(trainer.get_policy().global_timestep, i + 31)
                check(a, deterministic_action, rtol=0.1)

            # ts >> 30 (BUT: explore=False -> expect deterministic action).
            for i in range(50):
                a = trainer.compute_action(obs, explore=False)
                self.assertEqual(trainer.get_policy().global_timestep, i + 81)
                check(a, deterministic_action)
예제 #2
파일: test_td3.py 프로젝트: theTrident/ray
    def test_td3_exploration_and_with_random_prerun(self):
        """Tests TD3's Exploration (w/ random actions for n timesteps)."""
        config = td3.TD3_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
        config["num_workers"] = 0  # Run locally.
        obs = np.array([0.0, 0.1, -0.1])

        # Test against all frameworks.
        for fw in ["tf", "eager", "torch"]:
            if fw != "tf":
            config["eager"] = True if fw == "eager" else False
            config["use_pytorch"] = True if fw == "torch" else False

            # Default GaussianNoise setup.
            trainer = td3.TD3Trainer(config=config, env="Pendulum-v0")
            # Setting explore=False should always return the same action.
            a_ = trainer.compute_action(obs, explore=False)
            for _ in range(50):
                a = trainer.compute_action(obs, explore=False)
                check(a, a_)
            # explore=None (default: explore) should return different actions.
            actions = []
            for _ in range(50):
            check(np.std(actions), 0.0, false=True)

            # Check randomness at beginning.
            config["exploration_config"] = {
                # Act randomly at beginning ...
                "random_timesteps": 30,
                # Then act very closely to deterministic actions thereafter.
                "stddev": 0.001,
                "initial_scale": 0.001,
                "final_scale": 0.001,
            trainer = td3.TD3Trainer(config=config, env="Pendulum-v0")
            # ts=1 (get a deterministic action as per explore=False).
            deterministic_action = trainer.compute_action(obs, explore=False)
            # ts=2-5 (in random window).
            random_a = []
            for _ in range(29):
                random_a.append(trainer.compute_action(obs, explore=True))
                check(random_a[-1], deterministic_action, false=True)
            self.assertTrue(np.std(random_a) > 0.5)

            # ts > 30 (a=deterministic_action + scale * N[0,1])
            for _ in range(50):
                a = trainer.compute_action(obs, explore=True)
                check(a, deterministic_action, rtol=0.1)

            # ts >> 30 (BUT: explore=False -> expect deterministic action).
            for _ in range(50):
                a = trainer.compute_action(obs, explore=False)
                check(a, deterministic_action)
예제 #3
파일: test_td3.py 프로젝트: yuishihara/ray
    def test_td3_compilation(self):
        """Test whether a TD3Trainer can be built with both frameworks."""
        config = td3.TD3_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
        config["num_workers"] = 0  # Run locally.

        # Test against all frameworks.
        for _ in framework_iterator(config, frameworks=["tf"]):
            trainer = td3.TD3Trainer(config=config, env="Pendulum-v0")
            num_iterations = 2
            for i in range(num_iterations):
                results = trainer.train()
예제 #4
파일: test_td3.py 프로젝트: wuisawesome/ray
    def test_td3_compilation(self):
        """Test whether a TD3Trainer can be built with both frameworks."""
        config = td3.TD3_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
        config["num_workers"] = 0  # Run locally.

        # Test against all frameworks.
        for _ in framework_iterator(config, with_eager_tracing=True):
            trainer = td3.TD3Trainer(config=config, env="Pendulum-v1")
            num_iterations = 1
            for i in range(num_iterations):
                results = trainer.train()
예제 #5
파일: test_td3.py 프로젝트: theTrident/ray
    def test_td3_compilation(self):
        """Test whether a TD3Trainer can be built with both frameworks."""
        config = td3.TD3_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
        config["num_workers"] = 0  # Run locally.

        # Test against all frameworks.
        for fw in ["tf", "eager", "torch"]:
            if fw != "tf":
            config["eager"] = True if fw == "eager" else False
            config["use_pytorch"] = True if fw == "torch" else False
            trainer = td3.TD3Trainer(config=config, env="Pendulum-v0")
            num_iterations = 2
            for i in range(num_iterations):
                results = trainer.train()
예제 #6
파일: test_td3.py 프로젝트: Yard1/ray
    def test_td3_fake_multi_gpu_learning(self):
        """Test whether TD3Trainer can run SimpleEnv w/ faked multi-GPU."""
        config = td3.TD3_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
        # Fake GPU setup.
        config["num_gpus"] = 2
        config["_fake_gpus"] = True
        env = "ray.rllib.agents.sac.tests.test_sac.SimpleEnv"
        config["env_config"] = {"config": {"repeat_delay": 0}}

        for _ in framework_iterator(config, frameworks=("tf", "torch")):
            trainer = td3.TD3Trainer(config=config, env=env)
            num_iterations = 2
            for i in range(num_iterations):
                results = trainer.train()
ModelCatalog.register_custom_model("MLPModelV2", MLPModelV2)

if algorithm == 'A2C':
    RLAgent = a2c.A2CTrainer(env=env_name, config=config)
elif algorithm == 'APEX_DDPG':
    RLAgent = apex.ApexDDPGTrainer(env=env_name, config=config)
elif algorithm == 'DDPG':
    RLAgent = ddpg.DDPGTrainer(env=env_name, config=config)
elif algorithm == 'IMPALA':
    RLAgent = impala.ImpalaTrainer(env=env_name, config=config)
elif algorithm == 'PPO':
    RLAgent = ppo.PPOTrainer(env=env_name, config=config)
elif algorithm == 'SAC':
    RLAgent = sac.SACTrainer(env=env_name, config=config)
elif algorithm == 'TD3':
    RLAgent = td3.TD3Trainer(env=env_name, config=config)

num_runs = 50
totalRewards = np.empty((num_runs, ))

for j in range(num_runs):
    observations = env.reset()
    rewards, action_dict = {}, {}
    for agent_id in env.agent_ids:
        assert isinstance(agent_id, int), "Error: agent_ids are not ints."
        action_dict = dict(
                [env.action_space_dict[i].sample() for i in env.agent_ids]))
        rewards[agent_id] = 0
예제 #8
def render(checkpoint, home_path):
    Renders pybullet and mujoco environments.
    alg = re.match('.+?(?=_)', os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(home_path))).group(0)
    current_env = re.search("(?<=_).*?(?=_)", os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(home_path))).group(0)
    checkpoint_path = home_path + "checkpoint_" + str(checkpoint) + "/checkpoint-" + str(checkpoint)
    config = json.load(open(home_path + "params.json"))
    config_bin = pickle.load(open(home_path + "params.pkl", "rb"))
    import pybullet_envs
    ModelCatalog.register_custom_model("RBF", RBFModel)
    ModelCatalog.register_custom_model("MLP_2_64", MLP)
    ModelCatalog.register_custom_model("linear", Linear)

    if alg == "PPO":
        trainer = ppo.PPOTrainer(config_bin)
    if alg == "SAC":
        trainer = sac.SACTrainer(config)
    if alg == "DDPG":
        trainer = ddpg.DDPGTrainer(config)
    if alg == "PG":
        trainer = pg.PGTrainer(config)
    if alg == "A3C":
        trainer = a3c.A3CTrainer(config)
    if alg == "TD3":
        trainer = td3.TD3Trainer(config)
    if alg == "ES":
        trainer = es.ESTrainer(config)
    if alg == "ARS":
        trainer = ars.ARSTrainer(config)
#   "normalize_actions": true,

    if "Bullet" in current_env:
        env = gym.make(current_env, render=True)
        env = gym.make(current_env)
    #env.unwrapped.reset_model = det_reset_model
    env._max_episode_steps = 10000
    obs = env.reset()

    action_hist = []
    m_act_hist = []
    state_hist  = []
    obs_hist = []
    reward_hist = []

    done = False
    step = 0

    for t in range(10000):
        # for some algorithms you can get the sample mean out, need to change the value on the index to match your env for now
        # mean_actions = out_dict['behaviour_logits'][:17]
        # actions = trainer.compute_action(obs.flatten())
        # sampled_actions, _ , out_dict = trainer.compute_action(obs.flatten(),full_fetch=True)
        sampled_actions = trainer.compute_action(obs.flatten())
        # sampled_actions, _ , out_dict = trainer.compute_action(obs.flatten(),full_fetch=True)
        actions = sampled_actions
        obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(np.asarray(actions))
        # env.camera_adjust()
        # env.render()
        # env.render(mode='rgb_array', close = True)
        # p.computeViewMatrix(cameraEyePosition=[0,10,5], cameraTargetPosition=[0,0,0], cameraUpVector=[0,0,0])

        # if step % 1000 == 0:
        #     env.reset()
        # step += 1
        if done:
            obs = env.reset()
    # print(sum(reward_hist))
    # print((obs_hist))

    # Reminder that the bahavior logits that come out are the mean and logstd (not log mean, despite the name logit)
    # trainer.compute_action(obs, full_fetch=True)
예제 #9
# General options
config = td3.TD3_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
config["framework"] = "tf"
config["eager_tracing"] = True
config["log_level"] = logging.DEBUG if DEBUG else logging.ERROR
config["seed"] = SEED

# Environment options
config["horizon"] = 1000

# TD3-specific options
config["learning_starts"] = 10000
config["exploration_config"]["random_timesteps"] = 20000

# ====================== Run the optimization ======================

train_agent = td3.TD3Trainer(config, "env", logger_creator)
checkpoint_path = train(train_agent, max_timesteps=1000000)

# ===================== Enjoy a trained agent ======================

test_agent = td3.TD3Trainer(config, "env")
test(test_agent, explore=False)

# =================== Terminate the Ray backend ====================
