def camera_test(): rl.SetTraceLogLevel(rl.LOG_ERROR) rl.SetConfigFlags(rl.FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) rl.InitWindow(512, 256, b'Test') rl.SetTargetFPS(60) rl.DisableCursor() flycam = CameraFly() while not rl.WindowShouldClose(): flycam.update() cam = flycam.get_camera() rl.BeginDrawing() rl.ClearBackground((0, 200, 255, 255)) rl.BeginMode3D(cam[0]) # NOTE(pebaz): For whatever reason, this can solve a percentage of artifacts rl.DrawGizmo([100000000, 100000000, 100000000]) rl.DrawGrid(32, 1) rl.EndMode3D() rl.EndDrawing() rl.CloseWindow()
""" This shows how to use the CFFI dynamic (ABI) binding. Note that is slower and more likely to run into silent errors and segfaults. But it doesnt require any C compiler to build. """ from raylib.dynamic import ffi, raylib as rl from raylib.colors import * rl.InitWindow(800, 450, b"Raylib dynamic binding test") rl.SetTargetFPS(60) camera = "struct Camera3D *", [[18.0, 16.0, 18.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], 45.0, 0]) image = rl.LoadImage(b"examples/models/resources/heightmap.png") texture = rl.LoadTextureFromImage(image) mesh = rl.GenMeshHeightmap(image, [16, 8, 16]) model = rl.LoadModelFromMesh(mesh) print( model.materials ) # SHOULD BE A pointer to a 'struct Material' but some is NULL pointer to 'Material' ? model.materials.maps[rl.MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = texture rl.UnloadImage(image) rl.SetCameraMode(camera[0], rl.CAMERA_ORBITAL) while not rl.WindowShouldClose(): rl.UpdateCamera(camera) rl.BeginDrawing() rl.ClearBackground(RAYWHITE) rl.BeginMode3D(camera[0]) rl.DrawModel(model, (-8.0, 0.0, -8.0), 1.0, RED)
python3 flow-field flow-field bees """ import sys, math, time, random import glm from raylib.dynamic import raylib as rl, ffi from raylib.colors import * CTM = lambda: round(time.time() * 1000) BEES = bool(sys.argv[1:]) rl.SetTraceLogLevel(rl.LOG_ERROR) rl.SetConfigFlags(rl.FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) rl.InitWindow(512, 512, b'Friendly Bees') rl.SetTargetFPS(60) #rl.DisableCursor() canvas = rl.LoadRenderTexture(rl.GetScreenWidth(), rl.GetScreenHeight()) rl.SetTextureWrap(canvas.texture, rl.WRAP_MIRROR_REPEAT) def random_point_in_circle(center, radius): a = random.random() * 2 * math.pi r = radius * math.sqrt(random.random()) x = r * math.cos(a) z = r * math.sin(a) return glm.vec3(x + center.x, center.y, z + center.z)
from raylib.dynamic import raylib as rl, ffi from raylib.colors import * screenWidth = 1260 screenHeight = 768 rl.InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, b'Skymap Demo') camera ='struct Camera3D *', [[1, 1, 1], [4, 1, 4], [0, 1, 0], 70, 0]) cube = rl.GenMeshCube(100, 100, 100) skybox = rl.LoadModelFromMesh(cube) skybox.materials[0].shader = rl.LoadShader(b'resources/shaders/skybox.vs', b'resources/shaders/skybox.fs') rl.SetShaderValue( skybox.materials[0].shader, rl.GetShaderLocation(skybox.materials[0].shader, b"environmentMap"),'int[]', [rl.MAP_CUBEMAP]), rl.UNIFORM_INT) shdrCubemap = rl.LoadShader(b'resources/shaders/cubemap.vs', b'resources/shaders/cubemap.fs') rl.SetShaderValue(shdrCubemap, rl.GetShaderLocation(shdrCubemap, b'equirectangularMap'),'int[]', [0]), rl.UNIFORM_INT) texHDR = rl.LoadTexture(b'resources/dresden_square.hdr') skybox.materials[0].maps[rl.MAP_CUBEMAP].texture = rl.GenTextureCubemap(
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from raylib.dynamic import raylib as rl, ffi from raylib.colors import * # a few functions ported from raymath from rlmath import * #// Initialization #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- screenWidth = 800 screenHeight = 450 rl.SetConfigFlags(rl.FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT | rl.FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) # Enable Multi Sampling Anti Aliasing 4x (if available) rl.InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, b"raylib [shaders] example - basic lighting") camera = 'struct Camera3D *', [[2, 12, 6], [0, .5, 0], [0, 1, 0], 45, rl.CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE]) imBlank = rl.GenImageColor(1024, 1024, BLANK) texture = rl.LoadTextureFromImage( imBlank) #// Load blank texture to fill on shader rl.UnloadImage(imBlank) #// NOTE: Using GLSL 330 shader version, on OpenGL ES 2.0 use GLSL 100 shader version shader = rl.LoadShader(b"", b"resources/shaders/glsl330/cubes_panning.fs") time ="float *", 0.0) timeLoc = rl.GetShaderLocation(shader, b"uTime")
Vec2 = lambda p: glm.vec2(p.x, p.y) CTM = lambda: round(time.perf_counter() * 1000) monitors = screeninfo.get_monitors() drag = False offset = Vec2(rl.GetMousePosition()) width = height = 160 window_vel = glm.vec2() window_pos = glm.vec2(monitors[0].width - width, monitors[0].height - height) rl.SetConfigFlags(rl.FLAG_WINDOW_TRANSPARENT | rl.FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED | rl.FLAG_VSYNC_HINT | rl.FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT) rl.InitWindow(width, height, b'') rl.SetWindowPosition(int(window_pos.x), int(window_pos.y)) #rl.SetTargetFPS(500) target = rl.LoadRenderTexture(width, height) # Top-Level Window Support Only On Windows if sys.platform == 'win32': import win32gui, win32con, pywintypes # Set window to always top without moving it win32gui.SetWindowPos( pywintypes.HANDLE(ffi.cast('int', rl.GetWindowHandle())), win32con.HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, win32con.SWP_NOSIZE | win32con.SWP_NOMOVE) #tint = glm.vec4(255, 255, 255, 255) When mouse over, brighten everything fade
""" Example converted to Python from: """ from raylib.dynamic import raylib as rl, ffi from raylib.colors import * rl.SetConfigFlags(rl.FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT | rl.FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) rl.InitWindow(1280, 768, b'Fog Test') camera ='struct Camera3D *', [[2, 2, 6], [0, 5, 0], [0, 1, 0], 45, rl.CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE]) model = rl.LoadModelFromMesh(rl.GenMeshTorus(0.4, 1, 16, 32)) model2 = rl.LoadModelFromMesh(rl.GenMeshCube(1, 1, 1)) model3 = rl.LoadModelFromMesh(rl.GenMeshSphere(0.5, 32, 32)) texture = rl.LoadTexture(b'resources/test.png') model.materials[0].maps[rl.MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = texture model2.materials[0].maps[rl.MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = texture model3.materials[0].maps[rl.MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = texture shader = rl.LoadShader(b'resources/shaders/fogLight.vs', b'resources/shaders/fogLight.fs') shader.locs[rl.LOC_MATRIX_MODEL] = rl.GetShaderLocation(shader, b'matModel') shader.locs[rl.LOC_VECTOR_VIEW] = rl.GetShaderLocation(shader, b'viewPos') amb = rl.GetShaderLocation(shader, b'ambient') rl.SetShaderValue(shader, amb,'float[]', [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0]),
import toml, pprint, math, sys from raylib.dynamic import raylib as rl, ffi from raylib.colors import * from haishoku.haishoku import Haishoku TILE_SIZE = 64 colors = toml.load(open((sys.argv[1:] or ['palettes/painting.toml'])[0])) pprint.pprint(colors) WIDTH = 640 HEIGHT = 512 rl.SetConfigFlags(rl.FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) rl.InitWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT, b'Palettizer - Press E To Export Palette') rl.SetTargetFPS(30) def get_dropped_files(): files = [] if rl.IsFileDropped(): file_count ='int *') files = rl.GetDroppedFiles(file_count) files = [ffi.string(files[i]).decode() for i in range(file_count[0])] rl.ClearDroppedFiles() return files while not rl.WindowShouldClose(): for file in get_dropped_files(): h = Haishoku.loadHaishoku(file)
from raylib.dynamic import raylib as rl, ffi from raylib.colors import * from camera import CameraFly rl.SetTraceLogLevel(rl.LOG_ERROR) rl.SetConfigFlags(rl.FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) rl.InitWindow(512, 256, b'Test') rl.SetTargetFPS(60) rl.DisableCursor() flycam = CameraFly() while not rl.WindowShouldClose(): flycam.update() cam = flycam.get_camera() rl.BeginDrawing() rl.ClearBackground((0, 200, 255, 255)) rl.BeginMode3D(cam[0]) # NOTE(pebaz): For whatever reason, this can solve a percentage of artifacts rl.DrawGizmo([100000000, 100000000, 100000000]) rl.DrawGrid(32, 1) rl.EndMode3D() rl.EndDrawing() rl.CloseWindow()