예제 #1
def update_stats(suite, arch, stats, pkgset_name):
    result = query_db("""
            SELECT datum, meta_pkg, suite
            FROM stats_meta_pkg_state
            WHERE datum = '{date}' AND suite = '{suite}'
            AND architecture = '{arch}' AND meta_pkg = '{name}'
        """.format(date=YESTERDAY, suite=suite, arch=arch, name=pkgset_name))

    # if there is not a result for this day, add one
    if not result:
        insert = "INSERT INTO stats_meta_pkg_state VALUES ('{date}', " + \
                 "'{suite}', '{arch}', '{pkgset_name}', '{count_good}', " + \
                 "'{count_bad}', '{count_ugly}', '{count_rest}')"
        log.info("Updating db entry for meta pkgset %s in %s/%s on %s.",
                 pkgset_name, suite, arch, YESTERDAY)
            "Not updating db entry for meta pkgset %s in %s/%s on %s as one exists already.",
            pkgset_name, suite, arch, YESTERDAY)
def update_stats_breakages(diffoscope_timeouts, diffoscope_crashes):
    # we only do stats up until yesterday
    YESTERDAY = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    result = query_db("""
            SELECT datum, diffoscope_timeouts, diffoscope_crashes
            FROM stats_breakages
            WHERE datum = '{date}'

    # if there is not a result for this day, add one
    if not result:
        insert = "INSERT INTO stats_breakages VALUES ('{date}', " + \
                 "'{diffoscope_timeouts}', '{diffoscope_crashes}')"
            "Updating db table stats_breakages on %s with %s timeouts and %s crashes.",
            YESTERDAY, diffoscope_timeouts, diffoscope_crashes)
            "Not updating db table stats_breakages as it already has data for %s.",
예제 #3
def db_update():
    Update the database schema.
    Get a list of queries to perform from schema_updates.
    The need for an update is detected by checking the biggest value in the
    rb_schema table against the biggest value in the schema_updates dictionary.
    current = query_db('SELECT MAX(version) FROM rb_schema')[0][0]
    if not current:
        log.warning('This is probably a new database, there are no ' +
                    'previous updates noted')
        current = 0
    last = max(schema_updates.keys())
    if current == last:
        return False
    if current > last:
        print_critiacal_message('The active database schema is higher than' +
                                '  the last update available.\nPlease check!')
    log.info('Found schema updates.')
    for update in range(current + 1, last + 1):
        log.info('Applying database update #' + str(update) + '. Queries:')
        startTime = datetime.now()
        for query in schema_updates[update]:
            log.info('\t' + query)
            str(len(schema_updates[update])) + ' queries executed in ' +
            str(datetime.now() - startTime))
    return True
예제 #4
def gather_meta_stats(suite, arch, pkgset_name):
    pkgset_file = os.path.join(PKGSET_DEF_PATH, 'meta_pkgsets-' + suite,
                               pkgset_name + '.pkgset')

        with open(pkgset_file) as f:
            pkgset_list = [s.strip() for s in f.readlines()]
    except FileNotFoundError:
        log.warning('No meta package set information exists at ' + pkgset_file)
        return {}

    if not pkgset_list:
        log.warning('No packages listed for package set: ' + pkgset_name)
        return {}

    package_where = "s.name in ('" + ("', '").join(pkgset_list) + "')"
    root_query = """
        SELECT s.name
        FROM results AS r
        JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id
        WHERE s.suite='{suite}'
        AND s.architecture='{arch}'
        AND date(r.build_date)<='{date}'
        AND {package_where}

    stats = {}
    good = query_db(root_query + "AND r.status = 'reproducible' " +
                    "ORDER BY s.name;")
    stats['good'] = [t[0] for t in good]
    stats['count_good'] = len(stats['good'])

    bad = query_db(root_query + "AND r.status = 'FTBR'" +
                   "ORDER BY r.build_date;")
    stats['bad'] = [t[0] for t in bad]
    stats['count_bad'] = len(stats['bad'])

    ugly = query_db(root_query + "AND r.status = 'FTBFS'" +
                    "ORDER BY r.build_date;")
    stats['ugly'] = [t[0] for t in ugly]
    stats['count_ugly'] = len(stats['ugly'])

    rest = query_db(root_query + "AND (r.status != 'FTBFS' AND " +
                    "r.status != 'FTBR' AND " +
                    "r.status != 'reproducible') ORDER BY r.build_date;")
    stats['rest'] = [t[0] for t in rest]
    stats['count_rest'] = len(stats['rest'])

    stats['count_all'] = (stats['count_good'] + stats['count_bad'] +
                          stats['count_ugly'] + stats['count_rest'])
    stats['count_all'] = stats['count_all'] if stats['count_all'] else 1
    stats['percent_good'] = percent(stats['count_good'], stats['count_all'])
    stats['percent_bad'] = percent(stats['count_bad'], stats['count_all'])
    stats['percent_ugly'] = percent(stats['count_ugly'], stats['count_all'])
    stats['percent_rest'] = percent(stats['count_rest'], stats['count_all'])
    return stats
예제 #5
def db_create_tables():
    Check whether all tables are present, and create them if not.
    The check is done against sqlite_master, a reserved sqlite table
    containing all database metadata.
    changed = False
    for table in db_schema:
        if not table_exists(table['name']):
            log.warning(table['name'] + ' does not exists. Creating...')
            for query in table['query']:
                log.info('\t' + re.sub(' +', ' ', query.replace('\n', ' ')))
                changed = True
    return changed
def pbuilder_dep_fail():
    log.info('running pbuilder_dep_fail check...')
    bad_pkgs = []
    # we only care about these failures in the !unstable !experimental suites
    # as they happen all the time in there, as packages are buggy
    # and specific versions also come and go
    query = '''SELECT s.name, r.version, s.suite, s.architecture
               FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id
               WHERE r.status = 'FTBFS'
               AND s.suite NOT IN ('unstable', 'experimental')
               ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC'''
    results = query_db(query)
    for pkg, version, suite, arch in results:
        eversion = strip_epoch(version)
        rbuild = RBUILD_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + '_' + \
            eversion + '.rbuild.log'
        if os.access(rbuild, os.R_OK):
            log.debug('\tlooking at ' + rbuild)
            with open(rbuild, "br") as fd:
                for line in fd:
                    if re.search(b'E: pbuilder-satisfydepends failed.', line):
                        bad_pkgs.append((pkg, version, suite, arch))
                        log.warning(suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + ' (' +
                                    version +
                                    ') failed to satisfy its dependencies.')
    return bad_pkgs
def unrep_with_dbd_issues():
    log.info('running unrep_with_dbd_issues check...')
    without_dbd = []
    bad_dbd = []
    sources_without_dbd = set()
    query = '''SELECT s.name, r.version, s.suite, s.architecture
               FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id
               WHERE r.status='unreproducible'
               ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC'''
    results = query_db(query)
    for pkg, version, suite, arch in results:
        eversion = strip_epoch(version)
        dbd = DBD_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + '_' + \
            eversion + '.diffoscope.html'
        if not os.access(dbd, os.R_OK):
            without_dbd.append((pkg, version, suite, arch))
            log.warning(suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + ' (' + version +
                        ') is '
                        'unreproducible without diffoscope file.')
            log.debug(dbd + ' found.')
            data = open(dbd, 'br').read(3)
            if b'<' not in data:
                bad_dbd.append((pkg, version, suite, arch))
                log.warning(suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + ' (' + version +
                            ') has '
                            'diffoscope output, but it does not seem to '
                            'be an HTML page.')
    return without_dbd, bad_dbd, sources_without_dbd
def packages_matching_criteria(arch, suite, criteria):
    "Return a list of packages in (SUITE, ARCH) matching the given CRITERIA."
    # TODO: Rewrite this function to query all suites/archs in one go
    issue, status, built_after, built_before = criteria
    del criteria

    formatter = dict(suite=suite, arch=arch, notes_table='')
    log.info('Querying packages with given issues/status...')
    query = "SELECT s.name " + \
            "FROM sources AS s, {notes_table} results AS r " + \
            "WHERE r.package_id=s.id " + \
            "AND s.architecture= '{arch}' " + \
            "AND s.suite = '{suite}' AND r.status != 'blacklisted' "
    if issue:
        query += "AND n.package_id=s.id AND n.issues LIKE '%%{issue}%%' "
        formatter['issue'] = issue
        formatter['notes_table'] = "notes AS n,"
    if status:
        query += "AND r.status = '{status}'"
        formatter['status'] = status
    if built_after:
        query += "AND r.build_date > '{built_after}' "
        formatter['built_after'] = built_after
    if built_before:
        query += "AND r.build_date < '{built_before}' "
        formatter['built_before'] = built_before
    results = query_db(query.format_map(formatter))
    results = [x for (x, ) in results]
    log.info('Selected packages: ' + ' '.join(results))
    return results
예제 #9
def create_pkgset_graph(png_file, suite, arch, pkgset_name):
    table = "stats_meta_pkg_state"
    columns = ["datum", "reproducible", "FTBR", "FTBFS", "other"]
    where = "WHERE suite = '%s' AND architecture = '%s' AND meta_pkg = '%s'" % \
            (suite, arch, pkgset_name)
    if arch == 'i386':
        # i386 only has pkg sets since later to make nicer graphs
        # (date added in commit 7f2525f7)
        where += " AND datum >= '2016-05-06'"
    query = "SELECT {fields} FROM {table} {where} ORDER BY datum".format(
        fields=", ".join(columns), table=table, where=where)
    result = query_db(query)
    result_rearranged = [dict(zip(columns, row)) for row in result]

    with create_temp_file(mode='w') as f:
        csv_tmp_file = f.name
        csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(f, columns)

        graph_command = os.path.join(BIN_PATH, "make_graph.py")
        main_label = "Reproducibility status for packages in " + suite + \
                     " from " + pkgset_name
        y_label = "Amount (" + pkgset_name + " packages)"
        log.info("Creating graph for meta pkgset %s in %s/%s.", pkgset_name,
                 suite, arch)
            graph_command, csv_tmp_file, png_file, '4', main_label, y_label,
            '1920', '960'
def alien_rbpkg():
    log.info('running alien_rbpkg check...')
    query = '''SELECT s.name
               FROM sources AS s
               WHERE s.name='{pkg}' AND s.suite='{suite}'
               AND s.architecture='{arch}'
               ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC'''
    bad_files = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(RB_PKG_PATH):
        if not files:
        # Extract the "suite" and "arch" from the directory structure
        if os.path.split(root)[1] == 'diffoscope-results':
            # We are presently inspecting package pages in the
            # RB_PKG_PATH/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/diffoscope-results directory
            suite, arch = os.path.split(root)[0].rsplit('/', 2)[1:]
            # We are presently inspecting package pages in the
            # RB_PKG_PATH/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/ directory
            suite, arch = root.rsplit('/', 2)[1:]
        for file in files:
            pkg = file.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
            if not query_db(query.format(pkg=pkg, suite=suite, arch=arch)):
                bad_files.append('/'.join([root, file]))
                log.warning('/'.join([root, file]) + ' should not be there')
    return bad_files
예제 #11
def gen_all_rb_pkg_pages(no_clean=False):
    query = 'SELECT DISTINCT name FROM sources WHERE suite = ANY(:s)'
    rows = query_db(sqlalchemy.text(query), s=SUITES)
    pkgs = [Package(str(i[0]), no_notes=True) for i in rows]
    log.info('Processing all %s package from all suites/architectures',
    gen_packages_html(pkgs, no_clean=True)  # we clean at the end
예제 #12
def generate_live_status_table(arch):
    averagesql = select([
        func.coalesce(func.avg(cast(stats_build.c.build_duration, Integer)), 0)
            stats_build.c.status.in_(('reproducible', 'FTBR')),
            stats_build.c.name == sources.c.name,
            stats_build.c.suite == sources.c.suite,
            stats_build.c.architecture == sources.c.architecture,

    query = select([
    ]).select_from(sources.join(schedule).join(results, isouter=True)).where(
            schedule.c.date_build_started != None,
            sources.c.architecture == bindparam('arch'),
    html = ''
    rows = query_db(query.params({'arch': arch}))
    html += '<p><table class="scheduled">\n' + tab
    html += '<tr><th class="center">#</th><th class="center">src pkg id</th><th class="center">suite</th><th class="center">arch</th>'
    html += '<th class=\"center\">source package</th><th class=\"center\">version</th></th>'
    html += '<th class=\"center\">build started</th><th class=\"center\">previous build status</th>'
    html += '<th class=\"center\">previous build duration</th><th class=\"center\">average build duration</th><th class=\"center\">builder job</th>'
    html += '</tr>\n'
    counter = 0
    for row in rows:
        counter += 1
        suite = row[1]
        arch = row[2]
        pkg = row[3]
        duration = convert_into_hms_string(row[7])
        avg_duration = convert_into_hms_string(row[8])
        html += tab + '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>' + str(row[0]) + '</td>'
        html += '<td>' + suite + '</td><td>' + arch + '</td>'
        html += '<td><code>' + Package(pkg).html_link(
            suite, arch, bugs=False) + '</code></td>'
        html += '<td>' + str(row[4]) + '</td><td>' + str(row[5]) + '</td>'
        html += '<td>' + convert_into_status_html(
        ) + '</td><td>' + duration + '</td><td>' + avg_duration + '</td>'
        html += '<td><a href="https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/cgi-bin/nph-logwatch?' + str(
            row[9]) + '">' + str(row[9]) + '</a></td>'
        html += '</tr>\n'
    html += '</table></p>\n'
    return html
def alien_log(directory=None):
    if directory is None:
        bad_files = []
        for path in RBUILD_PATH, LOGS_PATH, DIFFS_PATH:
        return bad_files
    log.info('running alien_log check over ' + directory + '...')
    query = '''SELECT r.version
               FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id
               WHERE r.status != '' AND s.name='{pkg}' AND s.suite='{suite}'
               AND s.architecture='{arch}'
               ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC'''
    bad_files = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
        if not files:
        suite, arch = root.rsplit('/', 2)[1:]
        for file in files:
            # different file have differnt name patterns and different splitting needs
            if file.endswith('.diff.gz'):
                rsplit_level = 2
            elif file.endswith('.gz'):
                rsplit_level = 3
                rsplit_level = 2
                pkg, version = file.rsplit('.', rsplit_level)[0].rsplit('_', 1)
            except ValueError:
                    bcolors.FAIL + '/'.join([root, file]) +
                    ' does not seem to be a file that should be there' +
                rversion = query_db(
                    query.format(pkg=pkg, suite=suite, arch=arch))[0][0]
            except IndexError:  # that package is not known (or not yet tested)
                rversion = ''  # continue towards the "bad file" path
            if strip_epoch(rversion) != version:
                    if os.path.getmtime('/'.join([root, file
                                                  ])) < time.time() - 86400:
                        os.remove('/'.join([root, file]))
                            '/'.join([root, file]) +
                            ' should not be there and and was older than a day so it was removed.'
                        bad_files.append('/'.join([root, file]))
                            '/'.join([root, file]) +
                            ' should not be there, but is also less than 24h old and will probably soon be gone. Probably diffoscope is running on that package right now.'
                except FileNotFoundError:
                    pass  # that bad file is already gone.
    return bad_files
예제 #14
def purge_old_pages():
    for suite in SUITES:
        for arch in ARCHS:
            log.info('Removing old pages from ' + suite + '/' + arch + '.')
                presents = sorted(
                    os.listdir(RB_PKG_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch))
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:  # that's 'No such file or
                    raise  # directory' error (errno 17)
                presents = []
            log.debug('page presents: ' + str(presents))

            # get the existing packages
            query = "SELECT name, suite, architecture FROM sources " + \
                    "WHERE suite='{}' AND architecture='{}'".format(suite, arch)
            cur_pkgs = set([(p.name, p.suite, p.architecture)
                            for p in query_db(query)])

            for page in presents:
                # When diffoscope results exist for a package, we create a page
                # that displays the diffoscope results by default in the main iframe
                # in this subdirectory. Ignore this directory.
                if page == 'diffoscope-results':
                pkg = page.rsplit('.', 1)[0]

                if (pkg, suite, arch) not in cur_pkgs:
                    log.info('There is no package named ' + pkg + ' from ' +
                             suite + '/' + arch + ' in the database. ' +
                             'Removing old page.')
                    os.remove(RB_PKG_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' +

            # Additionally clean up the diffoscope results default pages
            log.info('Removing old pages from ' + suite + '/' + arch +
                presents = sorted(
                    os.listdir(RB_PKG_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch +
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:  # that's 'No such file or
                    raise  # directory' error (errno 17)
                presents = []
            log.debug('diffoscope page presents: ' + str(presents))
            for page in presents:
                pkg = page.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
                if (pkg, suite, arch) not in cur_pkgs:
                    log.info('There is no package named ' + pkg + ' from ' +
                             suite + '/' + arch + '/diffoscope-results in ' +
                             'the database. Removing old page.')
                    os.remove(RB_PKG_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' +
                              'diffoscope-results/' + page)
def alien_history():
    log.info('running alien_history check...')
    result = query_db('SELECT DISTINCT name FROM sources')
    actual_packages = [x[0] for x in result]
    bad_files = []
    for f in sorted(os.listdir(HISTORY_PATH)):
        full_path = os.path.join(HISTORY_PATH, f)
        if f.rsplit('.', 1)[0] not in actual_packages and not os.path.isdir(full_path):
            log.warning('%s should not be there so it has been removed.', full_path)
    return bad_files
예제 #16
def load_notes():
    { 'package_name': {'version': '0.0', 'comments'<etc>}, 'package_name':{} }
    with open(NOTES) as fd:
        possible_notes = yaml.load(fd)
    log.debug("notes loaded. There are " + str(len(possible_notes)) +
                  " package listed")
    notes = copy.copy(possible_notes)
    for package in possible_notes:   # check if every package listed on the notes
        try:                         # actually have been tested
            query = "SELECT s.name " + \
                    "FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id " + \
                    "WHERE s.name='{pkg}' AND r.status != ''"
            query = query.format(pkg=package)
            query_db(query)[0]  # just discard this result, we only care of its success
        except IndexError:
            log.warning("This query produces no results: " + query)
            log.warning("This means there is no tested package with the name " + package + ".")
            del notes[package]
    log.debug("notes checked. There are " + str(len(notes)) +
                  " package listed")
    return notes
예제 #17
def query_untested_packages(suite, arch, limit):
    criteria = 'not tested before, randomly sorted'
    query = """SELECT DISTINCT *
               FROM (
                    SELECT sources.id, sources.name FROM sources
                    WHERE sources.suite='{suite}' AND sources.architecture='{arch}'
                    AND sources.id NOT IN
                       (SELECT schedule.package_id FROM schedule)
                    AND sources.id NOT IN
                       (SELECT results.package_id FROM results)
                    ORDER BY random()
                ) AS tmp
                LIMIT {limit}""".format(suite=suite, arch=arch, limit=limit)
    packages = query_db(query)
    print_schedule_result(suite, arch, criteria, packages)
    return packages
def query_old_depwait_versions(suite, arch, limit):
    criteria = 'status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 2 days ago, ' + \
               'no new version available, sorted by last build date'
    date = (datetime.now()-timedelta(days=2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    query = """SELECT s.id, s.name, max(r.build_date) max_date
                FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON s.id = r.package_id
                WHERE s.suite='{suite}' AND s.architecture='{arch}'
                AND r.status='depwait'
                AND r.build_date < '{date}'
                AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT schedule.package_id FROM schedule)
                GROUP BY s.id, s.name
                ORDER BY max_date
                LIMIT {limit}""".format(suite=suite, arch=arch, limit=limit,
    packages = query_db(query)
    print_schedule_result(suite, arch, criteria, packages)
    return packages
def query_e404_versions(suite, arch, limit):
    criteria = """tested at least 12h ago, status E404,
               sorted by last build date"""
    date = (datetime.now()-timedelta(days=0.5)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    query = """SELECT s.id, s.name, max(r.build_date) max_date
                FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON s.id = r.package_id
                WHERE s.suite='{suite}' AND s.architecture='{arch}'
                AND r.status = 'E404'
                AND r.build_date < '{date}'
                AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT schedule.package_id FROM schedule)
                GROUP BY s.id, s.name
                ORDER BY max_date
                LIMIT {limit}""".format(suite=suite, arch=arch, limit=limit,
    packages = query_db(query)
    print_schedule_result(suite, arch, criteria, packages)
    return packages
def lack_rbuild():
    log.info('running lack_rbuild check...')
    bad_pkgs = []
    query = '''SELECT s.name, r.version, s.suite, s.architecture
               FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id
               WHERE r.status NOT IN ('blacklisted', '')
               ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC'''
    results = query_db(query)
    for pkg, version, suite, arch in results:
        rbuild = os.path.join(RBUILD_PATH, suite, arch) + \
                '/{}_{}.rbuild.log.gz'.format(pkg, strip_epoch(version))
        if not os.access(rbuild, os.R_OK):
            bad_pkgs.append((pkg, version, suite, arch))
            log.warning(suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + ' (' + version +
                        ') has been '
                        'built, but a buildlog is missing.')
    return bad_pkgs
def alien_buildinfo():
    log.info('running alien_buildinfo check...')
    query = '''SELECT r.version
               FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id
               WHERE r.status != '' AND s.name='{pkg}' AND s.suite='{suite}'
               AND s.architecture='{arch}'
               AND r.status IN ('reproducible', 'unreproducible')
               ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC'''
    bad_files = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(BUILDINFO_PATH):
        if not files:
        suite, arch = root.rsplit('/', 2)[1:]
        for file in files:
                pkg, version = file.rsplit('.', 1)[0].split('_')[:2]
            except ValueError:
                    bcolors.FAIL + '/'.join([root, file]) +
                    ' does not seem to be a file that should be there' +
                rversion = query_db(
                    query.format(pkg=pkg, suite=suite, arch=arch))[0][0]
            except IndexError:  # that package is not known (or not yet tested)
                rversion = ''  # continue towards the "bad file" path
            if strip_epoch(rversion) != version:
                    if os.path.getmtime('/'.join([root, file
                                                  ])) < time.time() - 86400:
                        os.remove('/'.join([root, file]))
                            '/'.join([root, file]) +
                            ' should not be there and and was older than a day so it was removed.'
                        bad_files.append('/'.join([root, file]))
                            '/'.join([root, file]) +
                            ' should not be there, but is also less than 24h old and will probably soon be gone.'
                except FileNotFoundError:
                    pass  # that bad file is already gone.
    return bad_files
def query_old_versions(suite, arch, limit):
    criteria = """tested at least {minimum_age} days ago, no new version available,
               sorted by last build date""".format(minimum_age=MINIMUM_AGE[arch])
    date = (datetime.now()-timedelta(days=MINIMUM_AGE[arch]))\
           .strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    query = """SELECT s.id, s.name, max(r.build_date) max_date
                FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON s.id = r.package_id
                WHERE s.suite='{suite}' AND s.architecture='{arch}'
                AND r.status != 'blacklisted'
                AND r.build_date < '{date}'
                AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT schedule.package_id FROM schedule)
                GROUP BY s.id, s.name
                ORDER BY max_date
                LIMIT {limit}""".format(suite=suite, arch=arch,
                                        date=date, limit=limit)
    packages = query_db(query)
    print_schedule_result(suite, arch, criteria, packages)
    return packages
def not_unrep_with_dbd_file():
    log.info('running not_unrep_with_dbd_file check...')
    bad_pkgs = []
    query = '''SELECT s.name, r.version, s.suite, s.architecture
               FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id
               WHERE r.status != 'unreproducible'
               ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC'''
    results = query_db(query)
    for pkg, version, suite, arch in results:
        eversion = strip_epoch(version)
        dbd = DBD_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + '_' + \
            eversion + '.diffoscope.html'
        if os.access(dbd, os.R_OK):
            bad_pkgs.append((pkg, version, suite, arch))
            log.warning(dbd + ' exists but ' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg +
                        ' (' + version + ')'
                        ' is not unreproducible.')
    return bad_pkgs
def lack_buildinfo():
    log.info('running lack_buildinfo check...')
    bad_pkgs = []
    query = '''SELECT s.name, r.version, s.suite, s.architecture
               FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id
               WHERE r.status NOT IN
                ('blacklisted', 'not for us', 'FTBFS', 'depwait', '404', '')
               ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC'''
    results = query_db(query)
    for pkg, version, suite, arch in results:
        eversion = strip_epoch(version)
        buildinfo = BUILDINFO_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + \
            '_' + eversion + '_' + arch + '.buildinfo'
        if not os.access(buildinfo, os.R_OK):
            bad_pkgs.append((pkg, version, suite, arch))
            log.warning(suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + ' (' + version +
                        ') has been '
                        'successfully built, but a .buildinfo is missing')
    return bad_pkgs
def query_new_versions(suite, arch, limit):
    criteria = 'tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date'
    query = """SELECT s.id, s.name, s.version, r.version, max(r.build_date) max_date
               FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON s.id = r.package_id
               WHERE s.suite='{suite}' AND s.architecture='{arch}'
               AND s.version != r.version
               AND r.status != 'blacklisted'
               AND s.id IN (SELECT package_id FROM results)
               AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT schedule.package_id FROM schedule)
               GROUP BY s.id, s.name, s.version, r.version
               ORDER BY max_date
               LIMIT {limit}""".format(suite=suite, arch=arch, limit=limit)
    pkgs = query_db(query)
    # the next line avoids constant rescheduling of packages:
    # packages in our repository != official repo,
    # so they will always be selected by the query above
    # so we only accept them if there version is greater than the already tested one
    packages = [(x[0], x[1]) for x in pkgs if apt_pkg.version_compare(x[2], x[3]) > 0]
    print_schedule_result(suite, arch, criteria, packages)
    return packages
def create_breakages_graph(png_file, main_label):
    png_fullpath = os.path.join(DISTRO_BASE, png_file)
    table = "stats_breakages"
    columns = ["datum", "diffoscope_timeouts", "diffoscope_crashes"]
    query = "SELECT {fields} FROM {table} ORDER BY datum".format(
        fields=", ".join(columns), table=table)
    result = query_db(query)
    result_rearranged = [dict(zip(columns, row)) for row in result]

    with create_temp_file(mode='w') as f:
        csv_tmp_file = f.name
        csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(f, columns)

        graph_command = os.path.join(BIN_PATH, "make_graph.py")
        y_label = "Amount (packages)"
        log.info("Creating graph for stats_breakges.")
        check_call([graph_command, csv_tmp_file, png_fullpath, '2', main_label,
                    y_label, '1920', '960'])
def process_pkg(package, deactivate):
    if deactivate:
        _good('Deactivating notification for package ' + str(package))
        flag = 0
        _good('Activating notification for package ' + str(package))
        flag = 1

    sources_table = db_table('sources')
    update_query = sources_table.update().\
                   where(sources_table.c.name == package).\
    rows = conn_db.execute(update_query).rowcount

    if rows == 0:
        log.error(bcolors.FAIL + str(package) + ' does not exists')
    if DEBUG:
        log.debug('Double check the change:')
        query = 'SELECT * FROM sources WHERE name="{}"'.format(package)
예제 #28
def build_page_section(page, section, suite, arch):
        if pages[page].get('global') and pages[page]['global']:
            suite = defaultsuite
            arch = defaultarch
        if pages[page].get('notes') and pages[page]['notes']:
            db_status = section['status'].value.name
            query = queries[section['query']].params({
                'status': db_status,
                'suite': suite,
                'arch': arch
            section['icon_status'] = section['status'].value.icon
            query = queries[section['query']].params({
                'suite': suite,
                'arch': arch
        rows = query_db(query)
        print_critical_message('A query failed: %s' % query)
    html = ''
    footnote = True if rows else False
    if not rows:  # there are no package in this set, do not output anything
        log.debug('empty query: %s' %
                  query.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}))
        return (html, footnote)
    html += build_leading_text_section(section, rows, suite, arch)
    html += '<p>\n' + tab + '<code>\n'
    for row in rows:
        pkg = row[0]
        html += tab * 2 + Package(pkg).html_link(suite, arch)
        html += tab + '</code>\n'
        html += '</p>'
    if section.get('bottom'):
        html += section['bottom']
    html = (tab * 2).join(html.splitlines(True))
    return (html, footnote)
예제 #29
def generate_oldies(arch):
    log.info('Building the oldies page for ' + arch + '...')
    title = 'Oldest results on ' + arch
    html = ''
    for suite in SUITES:
        query = select([
            sources.c.suite, sources.c.architecture, sources.c.name,
            results.c.status, results.c.build_date
            and_(sources.c.suite == bindparam('suite'),
                 sources.c.architecture == bindparam('arch'),
                 results.c.status != 'blacklisted')).order_by(
        text = Template('Oldest results on $suite/$arch:')
        rows = query_db(query.params({'arch': arch, 'suite': suite}))
        html += build_leading_text_section({'text': text}, rows, suite, arch)
        html += '<p><table class="scheduled">\n' + tab
        html += '<tr><th class="center">#</th><th class="center">suite</th><th class="center">arch</th>'
        html += '<th class="center">source package</th><th class="center">status</th><th class="center">build date</th></tr>\n'
        for row in rows:
            # 0: suite, 1: arch, 2: pkg name 3: status 4: build date
            pkg = row[2]
            html += tab + '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>' + row[0] + '</td>'
            html += '<td>' + row[1] + '</td><td><code>'
            html += Package(pkg).html_link(row[0], row[1])
            html += '</code></td><td>' + convert_into_status_html(str(
                row[3])) + '</td><td>' + row[4] + '</td></tr>\n'
        html += '</table></p>\n'
    destfile = DISTRO_BASE + '/index_' + arch + '_oldies.html'
    desturl = DISTRO_URL + '/index_' + arch + '_oldies.html'
    left_nav_html = create_main_navigation(arch=arch)
    log.info("Page generated at " + desturl)
예제 #30
def purge_old_notes(notes):
    removed_pages = []
    to_rebuild = []
    presents = sorted(os.listdir(NOTES_PATH))
    for page in presents:
        pkg = page.rsplit('_', 1)[0]
        log.debug('Checking if ' + page + ' (from ' + pkg + ') is still needed')
        if pkg not in notes:
            log.info('There are no notes for ' + pkg + '. Removing old page.')
            os.remove(NOTES_PATH + '/' + page)
    for pkg in removed_pages:
        for suite in SUITES:
                query = "SELECT s.name " + \
                        "FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id " + \
                        "WHERE s.name='{pkg}' AND r.status != '' AND s.suite='{suite}'"
                query = query.format(pkg=pkg, suite=suite)
            except IndexError:  # the package is not tested. this can happen if
                pass            # a package got removed from the archive
    if to_rebuild:
        gen_packages_html([Package(x) for x in to_rebuild])