예제 #1
    def _wait_for_ready_callbacks(
        timeout_sec: float = None,
        nodes: List['Node'] = None
    ) -> Generator[Tuple[Task, WaitableEntityType, 'Node'], None, None]:
        Yield callbacks that are ready to be executed.

        :raise TimeoutException: on timeout.
        :raise ShutdownException: on if executor was shut down.

        :param timeout_sec: Seconds to wait. Block forever if ``None`` or negative.
            Don't wait if 0.
        :param nodes: A list of nodes to wait on. Wait on all nodes if ``None``.
        timeout_timer = None
        timeout_nsec = timeout_sec_to_nsec(timeout_sec)
        if timeout_nsec > 0:
            timeout_timer = Timer(None,

        yielded_work = False
        while not yielded_work and not self._is_shutdown:
            # Refresh "all" nodes in case executor was woken by a node being added or removed
            nodes_to_use = nodes
            if nodes is None:
                nodes_to_use = self.get_nodes()

            # Yield tasks in-progress before waiting for new work
            tasks = None
            with self._tasks_lock:
                tasks = list(self._tasks)
            if tasks:
                for task, entity, node in reversed(tasks):
                    if (not task.executing() and not task.done()
                            and (node is None or node in nodes_to_use)):
                        yielded_work = True
                        yield task, entity, node
                with self._tasks_lock:
                    # Get rid of any tasks that are done
                    self._tasks = list(
                        filter(lambda t_e_n: not t_e_n[0].done(), self._tasks))

            # Gather entities that can be waited on
            subscriptions: List[Subscription] = []
            guards: List[GuardCondition] = []
            timers: List[Timer] = []
            clients: List[Client] = []
            services: List[Service] = []
            waitables: List[Waitable] = []
            for node in nodes_to_use:
                    filter(self.can_execute, node.subscriptions))
                timers.extend(filter(self.can_execute, node.timers))
                clients.extend(filter(self.can_execute, node.clients))
                services.extend(filter(self.can_execute, node.services))
                node_guards = filter(self.can_execute, node.guards)
                waitables.extend(filter(self.can_execute, node.waitables))
                # retrigger a guard condition that was triggered but not handled
                for gc in node_guards:
                    if gc._executor_triggered:
            if timeout_timer is not None:


            entity_count = NumberOfEntities(len(subscriptions), len(guards),
                                            len(timers), len(clients),

            for waitable in waitables:
                entity_count += waitable.get_num_entities()

            # Construct a wait set
            with _WaitSet() as wait_set, ExitStack() as context_stack:
                sub_capsules = []
                for sub in subscriptions:
                    except InvalidHandle:
                        entity_count.num_subscriptions -= 1

                client_capsules = []
                for cli in clients:
                    except InvalidHandle:
                        entity_count.num_clients -= 1

                service_capsules = []
                for srv in services:
                    except InvalidHandle:
                        entity_count.num_services -= 1

                timer_capsules = []
                for tmr in timers:
                    except InvalidHandle:
                        entity_count.num_timers -= 1

                guard_capsules = []
                for gc in guards:
                    except InvalidHandle:
                        entity_count.num_guard_conditions -= 1

                context_capsule = context_stack.enter_context(
                    wait_set, entity_count.num_subscriptions,
                    entity_count.num_guard_conditions, entity_count.num_timers,
                    entity_count.num_clients, entity_count.num_services,
                    entity_count.num_events, context_capsule)

                for sub_capsule in sub_capsules:
                    _rclpy.rclpy_wait_set_add_entity('subscription', wait_set,
                for cli_capsule in client_capsules:
                    _rclpy.rclpy_wait_set_add_entity('client', wait_set,
                for srv_capsule in service_capsules:
                    _rclpy.rclpy_wait_set_add_entity('service', wait_set,
                for tmr_capsule in timer_capsules:
                    _rclpy.rclpy_wait_set_add_entity('timer', wait_set,
                for gc_capsule in guard_capsules:
                                                     wait_set, gc_capsule)
                for waitable in waitables:

                # Wait for something to become ready
                _rclpy.rclpy_wait(wait_set, timeout_nsec)
                if self._is_shutdown:
                    raise ShutdownException()
                if not self._context.ok():
                    raise ExternalShutdownException()

                # get ready entities
                subs_ready = _rclpy.rclpy_get_ready_entities(
                    'subscription', wait_set)
                guards_ready = _rclpy.rclpy_get_ready_entities(
                    'guard_condition', wait_set)
                timers_ready = _rclpy.rclpy_get_ready_entities(
                    'timer', wait_set)
                clients_ready = _rclpy.rclpy_get_ready_entities(
                    'client', wait_set)
                services_ready = _rclpy.rclpy_get_ready_entities(
                    'service', wait_set)

                # Mark all guards as triggered before yielding since they're auto-taken
                for gc in guards:
                    if gc.handle.pointer in guards_ready:
                        gc._executor_triggered = True

                # Check waitables before wait set is destroyed
                for node in nodes_to_use:
                    for wt in node.waitables:
                        # Only check waitables that were added to the wait set
                        if wt in waitables and wt.is_ready(wait_set):
                            handler = self._make_handler(
                                wt, node, lambda e: e.take_data(),
                            yielded_work = True
                            yield handler, wt, node

            # Process ready entities one node at a time
            for node in nodes_to_use:
                for tmr in node.timers:
                    if tmr.handle.pointer in timers_ready:
                        with tmr.handle as capsule:
                            # Check timer is ready to workaround rcl issue with cancelled timers
                            if _rclpy.rclpy_is_timer_ready(capsule):
                                if tmr.callback_group.can_execute(tmr):
                                    handler = self._make_handler(
                                        tmr, node, self._take_timer,
                                    yielded_work = True
                                    yield handler, tmr, node

                for sub in node.subscriptions:
                    if sub.handle.pointer in subs_ready:
                        if sub.callback_group.can_execute(sub):
                            handler = self._make_handler(
                                sub, node, self._take_subscription,
                            yielded_work = True
                            yield handler, sub, node

                for gc in node.guards:
                    if gc._executor_triggered:
                        if gc.callback_group.can_execute(gc):
                            handler = self._make_handler(
                                gc, node, self._take_guard_condition,
                            yielded_work = True
                            yield handler, gc, node

                for client in node.clients:
                    if client.handle.pointer in clients_ready:
                        if client.callback_group.can_execute(client):
                            handler = self._make_handler(
                                client, node, self._take_client,
                            yielded_work = True
                            yield handler, client, node

                for srv in node.services:
                    if srv.handle.pointer in services_ready:
                        if srv.callback_group.can_execute(srv):
                            handler = self._make_handler(
                                srv, node, self._take_service,
                            yielded_work = True
                            yield handler, srv, node

            # Check timeout timer
            if (timeout_nsec == 0
                    or (timeout_timer is not None
                        and timeout_timer.handle.pointer in timers_ready)):
                raise TimeoutException()
        if self._is_shutdown:
            raise ShutdownException()
예제 #2
    def _wait_for_ready_callbacks_priority(
        timeout_sec: float = None,
        nodes: List['Node'] = None,
        condition: Callable[[], bool] = lambda: False,
    ) -> Generator[Tuple[Task, WaitableEntityType, 'Node'], None, None]:
        Yield callbacks that are ready to be executed.

        :raise TimeoutException: on timeout.
        :raise ShutdownException: on if executor was shut down.

        :param timeout_sec: Seconds to wait. Block forever if ``None`` or negative.
            Don't wait if 0.
        :param nodes: A list of nodes to wait on. Wait on all nodes if ``None``.
        :param condition: A callable that makes the function return immediately when it evaluates
            to True.
        timeout_timer = None
        timeout_nsec = timeout_sec_to_nsec(timeout_sec)
        # timeout_nsec = timeout_sec_to_nsec(1) #haya
        # print("timeout_sec", timeout_sec)
        # print("timeout_nsec", timeout_nsec)
        if timeout_nsec > 0:
            timeout_timer = Timer(None, None, timeout_nsec, self._clock, context=self._context)

        yielded_work = False
        while not yielded_work and not self._is_shutdown and not condition():
            # Refresh "all" nodes in case executor was woken by a node being added or removed
            nodes_to_use = nodes
            if nodes is None:
                nodes_to_use = self.get_nodes()

            nodes_to_use_priority = nodes
            if nodes is None:
                nodes_to_use_priority = self.get_nodes_priority()
            print("nodes_to_use_priority", nodes_to_use_priority)

            # Yield tasks in-progress before waiting for new work
            tasks = None
            with self._tasks_lock:
                tasks = list(self._tasks)
            if tasks:
                for task, entity, node in reversed(tasks):
                    if (not task.executing() and not task.done() and
                            (node is None or node in nodes_to_use)):
                        yielded_work = True
                        yield task, entity, node
                with self._tasks_lock:
                    # Get rid of any tasks that are done
                    self._tasks = list(filter(lambda t_e_n: not t_e_n[0].done(), self._tasks))

            # Gather entities that can be waited on
            subscriptions: List[Subscription] = []
            guards: List[GuardCondition] = []
            timers: List[Timer] = []
            clients: List[Client] = []
            services: List[Service] = []
            waitables: List[Waitable] = []
            for node in nodes_to_use:
                subscriptions.extend(filter(self.can_execute, node.subscriptions))
                # print(subscriptions.extend(filter(self.can_execute, node.subscriptions)))
                # print(node.subscriptions)
                timers.extend(filter(self.can_execute, node.timers))
                # print(node.timers)
                clients.extend(filter(self.can_execute, node.clients))
                # print(node.clients)
                services.extend(filter(self.can_execute, node.services))
                node_guards = filter(self.can_execute, node.guards)
                waitables.extend(filter(self.can_execute, node.waitables))
                # retrigger a guard condition that was triggered but not handled
                for gc in node_guards:
                    if gc._executor_triggered:


            if timeout_timer is not None:


            entity_count = NumberOfEntities(
                len(subscriptions), len(guards), len(timers), len(clients), len(services))

            for waitable in waitables:
                entity_count += waitable.get_num_entities()

            # Construct a wait set
            with _WaitSet() as wait_set, ExitStack() as context_stack:
                sub_capsules = []
                for sub in subscriptions:
                    except InvalidHandle:
                        entity_count.num_subscriptions -= 1

                client_capsules = []
                for cli in clients:
                    except InvalidHandle:
                        entity_count.num_clients -= 1

                service_capsules = []
                for srv in services:
                    except InvalidHandle:
                        entity_count.num_services -= 1

                timer_capsules = []
                for tmr in timers:
                    except InvalidHandle:
                        entity_count.num_timers -= 1

                guard_capsules = []
                for gc in guards:
                    except InvalidHandle:
                        entity_count.num_guard_conditions -= 1

                context_capsule = context_stack.enter_context(self._context.handle)
                # print("haya")
                # print(entity_count.num_timers)
                # print(entity_count.num_subscriptions)
                # print(entity_count.num_clients)
                # print(wait_set)
                # print(context_capsule)
                # print("haya_tlqkf")

                for sub_capsule in sub_capsules:
                    # print('tlqkf!!!!!!')
                    _rclpy.rclpy_wait_set_add_entity('subscription', wait_set, sub_capsule)
                for cli_capsule in client_capsules:
                    # print('tlqkf!!!!!!')
                    _rclpy.rclpy_wait_set_add_entity('client', wait_set, cli_capsule)
                for srv_capsule in service_capsules:
                    _rclpy.rclpy_wait_set_add_entity('service', wait_set, srv_capsule)
                for tmr_capsule in timer_capsules:
                    _rclpy.rclpy_wait_set_add_entity('timer', wait_set, tmr_capsule)
                for gc_capsule in guard_capsules:
                    _rclpy.rclpy_wait_set_add_entity('guard_condition', wait_set, gc_capsule)
                for waitable in waitables:

                # Wait for something to become ready
                _rclpy.rclpy_wait(wait_set, timeout_nsec)
                if self._is_shutdown:handle.pointer
                    # raise ShutdownException()
                if not self._context.ok():
                    raise ExternalShutdownException()

                # get ready entities
                subs_ready = _rclpy.rclpy_get_ready_entities('subscription', wait_set)
                guards_ready = _rclpy.rclpy_get_ready_entities('guard_condition', wait_set)
                timers_ready = _rclpy.rclpy_get_ready_entities('timer', wait_set)
                clients_ready = _rclpy.rclpy_get_ready_entities('client', wait_set)
                services_ready = _rclpy.rclpy_get_ready_entities('service', wait_set)
                # Mark all guards as triggered before yielding since they're auto-taken
                for gc in guards:
                    if gc.handle.pointer in guards_ready:
                        gc._executor_triggered = True

                # Check waitables before wait set is destroyed
                for node in nodes_to_use:
                    for wt in node.waitables:
                        # Only check waitables that were added to the wait set
                        if wt in waitables and wt.is_ready(wait_set):
                            handler = self._make_handler(
                                wt, node, lambda e: e.take_data(), self._execute_waitable)
                            yielded_work = True
                            # print(node)
                            yield handler, wt, node

            # # haya
            # # priority based scheduling 
            # ####################### 1 #########################
            # # 0. initialization
            # # print('nodes: ', nodes)
            # # print('nodes_to_use: ', nodes_to_use)
            # # print('nodes: ', list(nodes))
            # # print('before: ', subs_ready)
            # # 1. node interface
            # interface_set = 0
            # # interface_set = []
            # for node in nodes_to_use:
            #     for sub in node.subscriptions:    
            #         if sub.handle.pointer in subs_ready:   
            #             if "SourceLinearX" in str(node): # haya hard cording to be chaged
            #                 print('digh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!')
            #                 print('pointer of SourceLinearX: ', sub.handle.pointer)
            #                 interface_set = sub.handle.pointer
            #                 # print('pointer2: ', interface_set)

            # # 2. get priority_set
            # print('before: ', subs_ready)
            # priority_set = []
            # remain_set = []
            # for idx in range(len(subs_ready)):
            #     # print('idx: ', idx)
            #     if interface_set == subs_ready[idx]:
            #         # print('A')
            #         priority_set.append(subs_ready[idx])
            #     else:
            #         # print('B')
            #         remain_set.append(subs_ready[idx])
            # # 3. re-sort subs_ready based on priority_set
            # # print('priority_set: ', priority_set)
            # # print('remain_set: ',remain_set)
            # subs_ready = priority_set + remain_set
            # print('after: ', subs_ready)
            # if len(subs_ready) > 0:
            #     print('subs_ready[0]: ', subs_ready[0])

            ############################### 2 ##########################
            # print('before: ', nodes_to_use)
            # print('before: ', subs_ready)
            # priority_set = []
            # remain_set = []
            # for idx in range(len(nodes_to_use)):
            #     if "SourceLinearX" in str(nodes_to_use[idx]): # haya hard cording to be chaged
            #         priority_set.append(nodes_to_use[idx])
            #     else:
            #         remain_set.append(nodes_to_use[idx])
            # nodes_to_use = priority_set + remain_set
            # # print('after: ', nodes_to_use)
            # # print('after: ', subs_ready)

            # wooyoung 1st attempt start
            # temp1 = []
            # temp2 = []
            # temp3 = []
            # number = 0
            # for node in nodes_to_use:
            #     print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!')
            #     print('number ', number)
            #     number=number+1
            #     print("BEFORE: ", node.woo())
            #     for sub in node.subscriptions:
            #         # if sub.handle.pointer in subs_ready:
            #             if "source_d" in str(sub.topic):
            #                 temp1.append(sub)
            #                 print("?????????FINDFINDFINDFIND?????????", sub)
            #             else:
            #                 temp2.append(sub)
            #     temp3.extend(temp1+temp2) 
            #     print("TEMP3: ", temp3)
            #     node.woo2(temp3)  
            #     temp1.clear()
            #     temp2.clear()
            #     temp3.clear()             
            #     print("AFTER: ", node.woo())
            # wooyoung 1st attempt end 
            # wooyoung 2nd attempt start
            temp1 = []
            temp2 = []

            number = 0
            for node in nodes_to_use:
                print('number ', number)
                print("BEFORE: ", node.woo())
                for sub in node.subscriptions:
                    # if sub.handle.pointer in subs_ready:
                        if "source_d" in str(sub.topic):
            # wooyoung 2nd attempt end 

            for node in nodes_to_use:
                # haya_sub = haya_sub + 1
                # print("2: ", haya_sub)
                # print(node)
                # print(nodes_to_use)
                haya_sub_sub = 0
                for tmr in node.timers:
                    # haya_sub_sub = haya_sub_sub + 1
                    # print("3: ", haya_sub_sub)
                    # print(node)
                    # print(node.timers)
                    # print(tmr)
                    if tmr.handle.pointer in timers_ready:
                        # print('tmr')
                        # print(timers_ready)
                        # print(tmr)
                        # print(tmr.handle.pointer)
                        with tmr.handle as capsule:
                            # Check timer is ready to workaround rcl issue with cancelled timers
                            if _rclpy.rclpy_is_timer_ready(capsule):
                                if tmr.callback_group.can_execute(tmr):
                                    handler = self._make_handler(
                                        tmr, node, self._take_timer, self._execute_timer)
                                    yielded_work = True
                                    # print('tlqkf1')
                                    # print(handler)
                                    # print(tmr)
                                    # print(node)
                                    yield handler, tmr, node
            for node in nodes_to_use:
                for sub in node.subscriptions:
                    if sub in temp1:
                        if sub.handle.pointer in subs_ready:
                            if sub.callback_group.can_execute(sub):
                                handler = self._make_handler(sub, node, self._take_subscription, self._execute_subscription)
                                yielded_work = True
                                yield handler, sub, node
            start = time.time()                    
            for node in nodes_to_use:                               
                for sub in node.subscriptions:
                    if sub in temp2:
                        if sub.handle.pointer in subs_ready:
                            if sub.callback_group.can_execute(sub):
                                handler = self._make_handler(sub, node, self._take_subscription, self._execute_subscription)
                                yielded_work = True
                                yield handler, sub, node
            print("!!!!!!!!TIME!!!!!!!!!!: ", (time.time()-start)*1000)                                          

            for node in nodes_to_use:
                for gc in node.guards:
                    # print(node)
                    if gc._executor_triggered:
                        if gc.callback_group.can_execute(gc):
                            handler = self._make_handler(
                                gc, node, self._take_guard_condition,
                            yielded_work = True
                            # print('tlqkf3')
                            # print(node)
                            yield handler, gc, node
            for node in nodes_to_use:
                for client in node.clients:
                    # print(node)
                    if client.handle.pointer in clients_ready:
                        # print("&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&")
                        # print("client")
                        # print(clients_ready)
                        # print(client.handle.pointer)
                        if client.callback_group.can_execute(client):
                            handler = self._make_handler(
                                client, node, self._take_client, self._execute_client)
                            yielded_work = True
                            # print('tlqkf4')
                            # print(node)
                            # print('----------------------------------')
                            yield handler, client, node
            for node in nodes_to_use:
                for srv in node.services:
                    # print(node)
                    if srv.handle.pointer in services_ready:
                        # print("&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&")
                        # print("services")
                        # print(services_ready)
                        # print(srv.handle.pointer)
                        if srv.callback_group.can_execute(srv):
                            handler = self._make_handler(
                                srv, node, self._take_service, self._execute_service)
                            yielded_work = True
                            # print('tlqkf5')
                            # print(node)
                            # print('----------------------------------')
                            yield handler, srv, node

            # Check timeout timer
            if (
                timeout_nsec == 0 or
                (timeout_timer is not None and timeout_timer.handle.pointer in timers_ready)
                raise TimeoutException()
        if self._is_shutdown:
            raise ShutdownException()
        if condition():
            raise ConditionReachedException()