예제 #1
 def on_rcon_client_ready(self, **kwargs):
   #rcon_client.command('logaddress_del %s %s' % (config['rcon']['remote']['host'], config['rcon']['remote']['port']))
   rcon_client.command('logaddress_add %s %s' % (cget('rcon', 'remote', 'host'), cget('rcon', 'remote', 'port')))
   if not self.rcon_tracker:
     self.rcon_tracker = RconTracker()
예제 #2
파일: plugin.py 프로젝트: adrianlee/rcon-cs
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
   global irc_client
   Plugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
   network = {
     'host': cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'host'),
     'port': int(cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'port')),
     'alias': cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'alias'),
     'nickname': cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'nickname'),
     'username': cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'username'),
     'realname': cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'realname', default=''),
     'authname': cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'authname'),
     'password': cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'password'),
     'channels': cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'channels'),
     'modes': cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'modes', default='')
   irc_client = IrcClient(network)    
   reactor.connectTCP(network['host'], network['port'], irc_client.factory)
   self.finding = False
   self.ad = ''
   self.ad_delayed_call = None
   self.comment = ''
   self.channels = []
   self.nicks = {}
   # Usually means spammers.
   self.bad_message_re = re.compile(r'(#[a-zA-Z])|click|paste|idle')
예제 #3
파일: plugin.py 프로젝트: adrianlee/rcon-cs
 def on_control(self, command, params, silent, **kwargs):
   extra = kwargs.get('extra', {})
   uniqueid = extra.get('uniqueid', '')
   if not has_access(uniqueid, 'admin'):
     return True
   parsed_params = shell_parse(params)
   # Test if there is a --force parameter. If so then ignore any exceptions.
   # Otherwise, build a list of exceptions based on the admin users.
   uniqueid_exceptions = []
   if parsed_params and parsed_params[0] == '--force':
     parsed_params = parsed_params[1:]
     # If there was no force param, then add all people who are admins or higher
     # onto the list of exceptions.
     for user in cget('users', default=[]):
       entry = cget('users', user, default={'uniqueid': None})
       if has_access(entry['uniqueid'], 'user'):
   action = ''
   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   # Kick
   if command == 'k' or command == 'kick':
     action = 'kick'
     rcon_client.kick_ex(names=parsed_params, uniqueid_exceptions=uniqueid_exceptions)
   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   # Reverse kick
   elif command == 'rkick' or command == 'rk':
     action = 'rkick'
     rcon_client.rkick_ex(names=parsed_params, uniqueid_exceptions=uniqueid_exceptions)
   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   # Ban
   elif command == 'b' or command == 'ban' or command == 'kb':
     action = 'ban'
     rcon_client.ban_ex(names=parsed_params, uniqueid_exceptions=uniqueid_exceptions)
   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   # Reverse ban
   elif command == 'rban' or command == 'rb' or command == 'rkb':
     action = 'rban'
     rcon_client.rban_ex(names=parsed_params, uniqueid_exceptions=uniqueid_exceptions)
   #if action:
   #  if not silent:
   #    rcon_client.hsay('', '[%s]: %s' % (action, params))
     # This will print out a warning as to why the action was not performed on
     # the list of players.
     #if 'exceptions' in ret and ret['exceptions']:
       #names = [rcon_client.cache['players'][uniqueid]['name'] for uniqueid in ret['exceptions']]
       #rcon_client.say('[%s]: Use --force to %s exceptions.' % (action, action))
   return True
예제 #4
파일: plugin.py 프로젝트: adrianlee/rcon-cs
 def get_cookie(self, browser):
   browser['txtEmailAddress'] = cget('plugins', 'ip2location', 'login')
   browser['txtPassword'] = cget('plugins', 'ip2location', 'password')
   browser['chkRememberMe'] = ['on']
   # Kind of an ugly hack but it allows me to not have to pass in the
   # cookiejar as well.
예제 #5
파일: plugin.py 프로젝트: adrianlee/rcon-cs
  def lookup_ip(self, ip):
    if not ip:
    # Grab the location of our cookies
    path = cget('plugins', 'ip2location', 'cookies_path', default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cookies'))
    cookie_path = os.path.join(path, 'cookies.txt')
    # Use the mozilla cookie jar. Just because.
    cj = mechanize.MozillaCookieJar()
    cj.filename = cookie_path

    # Attempt to load the cookie file at this point
    if os.path.exists(cookie_path):
    # Create our browser and set the cookiejar
    br = mechanize.Browser()
    # If the cookie jar contains no cookies, get them.
    if not cj._cookies:
    response = br.open('http://www.ip2location.com/%s' % ip)    
    data = response.read()
    return self.parse_html(data)
예제 #6
def load_all():
  """Loads all the plugins from the directories specified by the config."""
  plugins = cget('global', 'plugins', default=[])
  paths = cget('global', 'directories', 'plugins', default=[os.path.join(INSTALLDIR, 'plugins')])
  for plugin in plugins:    
      moduleInfo = imp.find_module(plugin, paths)
      log.debug('Found plugin "%s", attempting to load...' % plugin)
      module = imp.load_module(plugin, *moduleInfo)
    except ImportError:
      sys.modules.pop(plugin, None)
      log.debug('Could not import plugin: %s. Is the configuration correct?' % plugin)
      sys.modules.pop(plugin, None)
    log.debug('Plugin loaded: %s' % module)
    if module.__name__ in sys.modules:
      sys.modules[module.__name__] = module
예제 #7
파일: plugin.py 프로젝트: adrianlee/rcon-cs
 def do_advertising(self):
   """A function responsible for advertising. If we are still finding, it
   will continually call itself at a specific interval."""
   if not self.finding:
   # Send an ad to each of the channels that we're in.
   for channel in self.channels:
     irc_client.msg(channel, self.ad)
   self.ad_delayed_call = reactor.callLater(int(cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'ad_interval', default=45)), self.do_advertising)
예제 #8
파일: plugin.py 프로젝트: adrianlee/rcon-cs
 def on_lo3(self, command, params, silent, **kwargs):
   extra = kwargs.get('extra', {})
   uniqueid = extra.get('uniqueid', '')
   if not has_access(uniqueid, 'admin'):
     return True
   if command == 'lo3':
     # Don't do lo3 if we're already doing lo3.
     if self.performing_lo3:
       return True
     self.performing_lo3 = True
     self.exec_(cget('plugins', 'exec', 'exec_on_lo3'))
     # Get the configuration options for going lo3.
     default_lo3_messages = ['[ Going live on 3 restarts ]', '[ Two more restarts ]', '[ Last restart ]']
     default_lo3_delays = ['2', '2', '5']
     lo3_messages = cget('plugins', 'exec', 'lo3_messages', default=default_lo3_messages)
     lo3_delays = cget('plugins', 'exec', 'lo3_delays', default=default_lo3_delays)
     lo3_live_message = cget('plugins', 'exec', 'lo3_live_message', default='[* LIVE LIVE LIVE *]')
     def do_restarts(index):
       if index < len(lo3_messages):
         message = lo3_messages[index]
         delay = lo3_delays[index]
         rcon_client.hsay('', message)
         rcon_client.command('sv_restart', delay)
         index += 1
         reactor.callLater(int(delay)+0.9, do_restarts, index)
         self.performing_lo3 = False
         rcon_client.hsay('', lo3_live_message)
예제 #9
 def setup(self):
   reactor.listenUDP(interface=cget('rcon', 'local', 'host'), port=int(cget('rcon', 'local', 'port')), protocol=rcon_receiver)
   network = HL1Network(cget('rcon', 'host'), int(cget('rcon', 'port')), cget('rcon', 'password'))
   rcon_client.set_default_hostname(cget('game', 'hostname'))
   reactor.listenUDP(0, network)
예제 #10
파일: plugin.py 프로젝트: adrianlee/rcon-cs
 def exec_(self, name):
   if not name:
   # Grab the location of our scripts
   path = cget('plugins', 'exec', 'scripts_path', default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'scripts'))
   # Iterate through the scripts dir and try to find any file matching name.
   list = os.listdir(path)
   for file in list:
     file_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
     if name == file_name:
       fp = open(os.path.join(path, file), 'r')
       for line in fp:
         rcon_client.command(line, deferred=False)
예제 #11
파일: plugin.py 프로젝트: adrianlee/rcon-cs
 def on_privmsg(self, user, channel, message, **kwargs):
   """Called when the bot receives a privmsg."""
   user = user.split('!', 1)[0]
   if self.channels and channel == irc_client.network['nickname']:
     if self.finding:      
       self.nicks[user] = user # Probably should fill with info or something.
       if not self.bad_message_re.match(message):
         rcon_client.hsay('irc:%s' % user, message)
       # If the user is in the ignore list, then just return. This could be
       # "Global" telling you something that we shouldn't respond to or we'll
       # enter into an infinite loop.
       user = user.lower()
       for ignore in cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'ignore_nicks', default=[]):
         if ignore.lower() == user:
       irc_client.msg(user, 'Sorry, I\'m no longer looking for a scrim.')
예제 #12
파일: plugin.py 프로젝트: adrianlee/rcon-cs
 def on_command(self, command, params, silent, **kwargs):    
   extra = kwargs.get('extra', {})
   uniqueid = extra.get('uniqueid', '')
   # We don't have access. Return.
   if not has_access(uniqueid, 'admin'):
     # Keep processing other plugins.
     return True     
   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   # Find
   if command == 'find':      
     # We must decode the string to interpret the escapes (e.g. '\x37' into '7').
     ad = cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'ad').decode('string-escape')
     self.comment = params if params else cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'default_comment', default='de_any')
     self.ad = ad.replace('{comment}', self.comment)
     # We're not finding, so let's start it.
     if not self.finding:
       if not silent:
         rcon_client.hsay('', 'Finding a scrim.')
       self.finding = True
       # Only call do_advertising if the delayed call isn't active.
       # Otherwise we would message the channel immediately and potientially
       # get kicked/banned from it for spamming.
       if not self.ad_delayed_call or not self.ad_delayed_call.active():
     # If we are finding, just notify the user that we changed the parameters.
       if not silent:
         rcon_client.hsay('', 'Changed parameters. Still finding.')
   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   # Stop finding
   elif command == 'stopfind' or command == 'stopfinding' or command == 'findstop':
     if not silent:
       if self.finding:        
         rcon_client.hsay('', 'No longer finding a scrim.')
         rcon_client.hsay('', 'Not finding. Nothing to stop.')
     self.finding = False
     self.nicks = {}
   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   # Accept
   elif command == 'accept':
     if params:
       nick = self.find_nick(params, silent)
       if nick:
         default_password = cget('game', 'default_password', default='scrim')
         new_password = '******' % (default_password, random.randint(1, 99))
         rcon_client.cvar('sv_password', new_password)
         rcon_client.hsay('', 'Giving "%s" the info. New password: %s' % (nick, new_password))
         rcon_client.hsay('', 'Don\'t forget to .stopfind when they connect.')
         # Too bad python 2.6's string formatting isn't in 2.5
         accept_message = cget('plugins', 'ircbot', 'accept_message', default='connect {host}:{port};password {password}')
         accept_message = accept_message.replace('{host}', cget('rcon', 'host'))
         accept_message = accept_message.replace('{port}', cget('rcon', 'port'))
         accept_message = accept_message.replace('{password}', new_password)
         irc_client.msg(nick, accept_message)    
   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   # Ad
   elif command == 'ad':
     rcon_client.hsay('', 'Find ad: %s' % self.comment)
   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   # Message
   elif command == 'msg':
     if params:
       params = params.split(' ', 1)
       if len(params) >= 2:
         nick = self.find_nick(params[0], silent)
         if nick:
           irc_client.msg(nick, params[1])
   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   # Private message or literal message. We send the message via irc no
   # matter if we have a record of the nick or not.
   elif command == 'privmsg' or command == 'lmsg':
     if params:
       params = params.split(' ', 1)
       if len(params) >= 2:
         irc_client.msg(params[0], params[1])
   # Keep processing other plugins.
   return True