def toMolFile(self, identifier, identifierType, molfilePath=None, fmt="mol", **kwargs): """Create molfile (fmt) from InChI, SMILES descriptors or PDB identifier.""" try: molfilePath = molfilePath if molfilePath else self.__makeMolfilePath( fmt=fmt) oeio = OeIoUtils() if identifierType.lower() in ["smiles"]: oeMol = oeio.smilesToMol(identifier) oeMol.SetTitle("From SMILES") elif identifierType.lower() in ["inchi"]: oeMol = oeio.inchiToMol(identifier) oeMol.SetTitle("From InChI") elif identifierType.lower() in ["identifierpdb"]: ccsw = ChemCompSearchWrapper() oesmP = ccsw.getSearchMoleculeProvider() oeMol = oesmP.getMol(identifier) # ok = self.__toMolFile(oeMol, molfilePath, **kwargs) return molfilePath if ok else None except Exception as e: logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e)) return None
def alignMoleculePair(self, refIdentifier, refIdentifierType, fitIdentifier, fitIdentifierType, imagePath=None, **kwargs): """Create aligned depiction for a target molecule InChI, SMILES descriptors or PDB identifier.""" try: imagePath = imagePath if imagePath else self.__makeImagePath() oeio = OeIoUtils() ccsw = ChemCompSearchWrapper() oesmP = ccsw.getSearchMoleculeProvider() # --- if refIdentifierType.lower() in ["smiles"]: oeMolRef = oeio.smilesToMol(refIdentifier) elif refIdentifierType.lower() in ["inchi"]: oeMolRef = oeio.inchiToMol(refIdentifier) elif refIdentifierType.lower() in ["identifierpdb"]: oeMolRef = oesmP.getMol(refIdentifier) # if fitIdentifierType.lower() in ["smiles"]: oeMolFit = oeio.smilesToMol(fitIdentifier) elif fitIdentifierType.lower() in ["inchi"]: oeMolFit = oeio.inchiToMol(fitIdentifier) elif fitIdentifierType.lower() in ["identifierpdb"]: oeMolFit = oesmP.getMol(fitIdentifier) # ---"oeMolRef atoms %r", oeMolRef.NumAtoms())"oeMolFit atoms %r", oeMolFit.NumAtoms()) displayIdRef = "Ref" displayIdFit = "Fit" ok = self.__depictAlignedPair(oeMolRef, displayIdRef, oeMolFit, displayIdFit, imagePath, **kwargs) return imagePath if ok else None except Exception as e: logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e)) return None
def testDepictSMILES(self): """Test case - create depiction from SMILES descriptor.""" try: imagePath = os.path.join(self.__workPath, "benzene-from-smi.svg") oeio = OeIoUtils() oeMol = oeio.smilesToMol("c1ccccc1") oed = OeDepict() oed.setMolTitleList([("benzene", oeMol, "Title for benzene")]) oed.setDisplayOptions(labelAtomName=False, labelAtomCIPStereo=True, labelBondCIPStereo=True, labelAtomIndex=False, labelBondIndex=False, bondDisplayWidth=1.0) oed.setGridOptions(rows=1, cols=1) oed.prepare() oed.write(imagePath) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e))
def depictMolecule(self, identifier, identifierType, imagePath=None, **kwargs): """Create depiction from InChI, SMILES descriptors or PDB identifier.""" try: imagePath = imagePath if imagePath else self.__makeImagePath() oeio = OeIoUtils() if identifierType.lower() in ["smiles"]: oeMol = oeio.smilesToMol(identifier) elif identifierType.lower() in ["inchi"]: oeMol = oeio.inchiToMol(identifier) elif identifierType.lower() in ["identifierpdb"]: ccsw = ChemCompSearchWrapper() oesmP = ccsw.getSearchMoleculeProvider() oeMol = oesmP.getMol(identifier) # ok = self.__depictOne(oeMol, imagePath, **kwargs) return imagePath if ok else None except Exception as e: logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e)) return None
def testSssWithFingerPrintFromDescriptor(self): oemp = OeMoleculeProvider(**self.__myKwargs) ok = oemp.testCache() ccmP = ChemCompIndexProvider(**self.__myKwargs) ccIdxD = ccmP.getIndex() ok = ccmP.testCache(minCount=self.__minCount) self.assertTrue(ok) limitPerceptions = False # minFpScore = 0.5 maxFpResults = 50 matchOpts = "graph-relaxed" numMols = 20 oeioU = OeIoUtils() oesU = OeSearchUtils(oemp, fpTypeList=self.__fpTypeList) missTupL = [] missedD = {} missedFpD = {} # ---- startTime = time.time() for ccId, ccD in list(ccIdxD.items())[:numMols]: for buildType in [ "oe-iso-smiles", "oe-smiles", "acdlabs-smiles", "cactvs-iso-smiles", "cactvs-smiles", "inchi" ]: if buildType in ccD: logger.debug("Search %s %r", ccId, ccD[buildType]) if buildType in ["inchi"]: oemf = OeMoleculeFactory() oemf.setDescriptor(ccD["inchi"], "inchi", ccId) ok ="inchi", limitPerceptions=limitPerceptions) if not ok:"%s build failed with InChI %r", ccId, ccD["inchi"]) else: oeMol = oemf.getMol() if oemf.getInChI() != ccD["inchi"]: "%s regenerated InChI differs\n%r\n%s", ccId, ccD["inchi"], oemf.getInChI()) else: oeMol = oeioU.smilesToMol( ccD[buildType], limitPerceptions=limitPerceptions) if not oeMol: continue maxHits = 0 minHits = maxFpResults selfHit = False for fpType, minFpScore in self.__fpTypeCuttoffList: retStatus, mL = oesU.searchSubStructureWithFingerPrint( oeMol, fpType, minFpScore, maxFpResults, matchOpts=matchOpts) self.assertTrue(retStatus) logger.debug("%s fpType %r hits %d", ccId, fpType, len(mL)) maxHits = max(maxHits, len(mL)) minHits = min(minHits, len(mL)) matchedSelf = self.__resultContains(ccId, mL) selfHit = selfHit or matchedSelf if not matchedSelf: missedFpD.setdefault(ccId, []).append( (buildType, fpType, len(mL))) if not selfHit: missedD.setdefault(ccId, []).append(buildType)"%s (%r) buildType %r min hits %d max hits %d", ccId, selfHit, buildType, minHits, maxHits) else:"%s missing descriptor %r", ccId, buildType) # for ccId, missL in missedD.items():"%s missed list %r", ccId, missL) if ccId in missedFpD:"%s unmatched for fpTypes %r", ccId, missedFpD[ccId]) # ---- doDepict = False if doDepict: mD = {} for missTup in missTupL: mD.setdefault(missTup[0], []).append(missTup[1]) for ccId, buildTypeL in mD.items(): idxD = ccIdxD[ccId] if "oe-iso-smiles" in idxD: for buildType in buildTypeL: self.__displayAlignedDescriptorPair( ccId, idxD["oe-iso-smiles"], "oe-iso-smiles", idxD[buildType], buildType, title=None, limitPerceptions=True)"%s fingerprints search on %d in (%.4f seconds)", len(self.__fpTypeList), numMols, time.time() - startTime)