async def _match_insert_range(self, ctx, first: int, last: int): results = [] for match_id in range(first, last + 1): results.append((await MatchManipulator.insert_match(match_id))) results = chunks(results, 25) for chunk in results: await ctx.send("\n".join(chunk))
async def usage(self, ctx): pipeline = [ { "$unwind": "$participants" }, { "$project": { "_id": 0, "participants.hero": 1 } }, ] documents = await (self.testing_games.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, collation={ "locale": "en", "strength": 1 })).to_list(length=None ) heroes = [ hero_name(document["participants"]["hero"]) for document in documents ] counter = collections.Counter(heroes) unique_picks = len(heroes) message = [] for hero, times in counter.items(): message.append( f"{hero}: **{times}** ({round((times/unique_picks)*100, 2)}%)") message = chunks(sorted(message), 50) for chunk in message: await ctx.send("\n".join(chunk)) await ctx.send( f"Total Hero picks: **{unique_picks}**\nDifferent Heroes from Hero Pool: **{len(counter)}**" )
async def _usage_avatar(self, ctx, *name): avatar_notation = "".join(name) # Ehh, required only for the default avatar. Not properly implemented, alt_avatar is an empty string for these. cli_name = avatar_notation.split(".")[0] pipeline = [ { "$sort": { "participants.nickname": 1 } }, { "$match": { "participants.hero": cli_name } }, { "$unwind": "$participants" }, { "$match": { "participants.alt_avatar": avatar_notation } }, { "$project": { "_id": 0, "participants.nickname": 1 } }, ] documents = await (self.testing_games.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, collation={ "locale": "en", "strength": 1 })).to_list(length=None ) players = [ document["participants"]["nickname"] for document in documents ] counter = collections.Counter(players) message = [] for player, times in counter.items(): message.append( f"{discord.utils.escape_markdown(player)}: **{times}**") message = chunks(sorted(message), 50) for chunk in message: await ctx.send("\n".join(chunk)) await ctx.send( f"Times picked: **{len(players)}**\nTimes picked by a unique player: **{len(counter)}**" )
async def _usage_hero(self, ctx, *name): cli_name = cli_hero_name(" ".join(name)) pipeline = [ { "$sort": { "participants.nickname": 1 } }, { "$match": { "participants.hero": cli_name } }, { "$unwind": "$participants" }, { "$match": { "participants.hero": cli_name } }, { "$project": { "_id": 0, "participants.nickname": 1 } }, ] documents = await (self.testing_games.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, collation={ "locale": "en", "strength": 1 })).to_list(length=None ) players = [ document["participants"]["nickname"] for document in documents ] counter = collections.Counter(players) message = [] for player, times in counter.items(): message.append( f"{discord.utils.escape_markdown(player)}: **{times}**") message = chunks(sorted(message), 50) for chunk in message: await ctx.send("\n".join(chunk)) await ctx.send( f"Times picked: **{len(players)}**\nTimes picked by a unique player: **{len(counter)}**" )
async def _usage_player(self, ctx, nickname: str): nickname = nickname.replace("\\", "") pipeline = [ # {"$sort": {"participants.hero": 1}}, { "$match": { "participants.nickname": nickname } }, { "$unwind": "$participants" }, { "$match": { "participants.nickname": nickname } }, { "$project": { "_id": 0, "participants.hero": 1 } }, ] documents = await (self.testing_games.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, collation={ "locale": "en", "strength": 1 })).to_list(length=None ) heroes = [ hero_name(document["participants"]["hero"]) for document in documents ] counter = collections.Counter(heroes) message = [] for hero, times in counter.items(): message.append(f"{hero}: **{times}**") message = chunks(sorted(message), 50) for chunk in message: await ctx.send("\n".join(chunk)) await ctx.send( f"Total picks: **{len(heroes)}**\nDifferent Heroes picked: **{len(counter)}**" )
async def leaderboard(self, ctx, leaderboard="points"): """Player performance leaderboards.""" # These words don't conflict so this approach is fine. games = leaderboard.lower() == "games" rounds = leaderboard.lower() == "rounds" points = leaderboard.lower() == "points" if points: title = "Points Leaderboard" find = {"active": True} key = "points" icon = ICONS["most_kills"] elif games: title = "Games Leaderboard" find = {"active": True} key = "total_games" icon = ICONS["matches"] elif rounds: title = "Rounds Leaderboard" find = {"active": True} key = "total_rounds" icon = ICONS["most_assists"] async def get_documents(find: dict, key: str) -> list: return await (self.db["PLAYERSTATS"].find(find).sort( key, pymongo.DESCENDING).to_list(length=None)) documents = await get_documents(find, key) # Set comprehension to remove duplicates. values = [x[key] for x in documents] for i, val in enumerate(values): if val in values[:i]: values[i] = -1 doc_chunks = chunks(documents, 20) embeds = [] for chunk in doc_chunks: placements = [] names = [] amounts = [] for player in chunk: place = ordinal(values.index(player[key]) + 1) name = f"<@!{player['_id']}>" amount = str(player[key]) lines = ["", "", ""] lines[0] = place lines[1] = name lines[2] = amount placements.append(lines[0]) names.append(lines[1]) amounts.append(lines[2]) placements = "\n" + "\n".join(placements) + "" names = "\n" + "\n".join(names) + "" amounts = "\n" + "\n".join(amounts) + "" embed = discord.Embed( title=title, type="rich", color=0xFF6600, timestamp=ctx.message.created_at, ) embed.add_field(name="Rank", value=placements) embed.add_field(name="Player", value=names) embed.add_field(name=title.split(" ")[0], value=amounts) embed.set_author(name="Heroes of Newerth Trivia", icon_url="") embed.set_thumbnail(url=icon) embed.set_footer(icon_url=ICONS["ladder"]) embeds.append(embed) session = EmbedPaginatorSession(, ctx, *embeds) await
async def leaderboard(self, ctx, *leaderboard): """Player performance leaderboards.""" leaderboard = " ".join(leaderboard) # These words don't conflict so this approach is fine. games = bool("game" in leaderboard) bugs = bool("bug" in leaderboard or "report" in leaderboard) total = bool("total" in leaderboard or "all" in leaderboard) ranks = bool("rank" in leaderboard or "activity" in leaderboard) rank_names = { 7: "Immortal", 6: "Legendary", 5: "Diamond", 4: "Gold", 3: "Silver", 2: "Bronze", 1: "Warning", 0: "Unranked", } if total: if games: title = "Total Games Leaderboard" find = {} key = "total_games" elif bugs: title = "Total Bug Reports Leaderboard" find = {} key = "total_bugs" elif games: title = "Games Leaderboard" find = {"enabled": True} key = "games" elif bugs: title = "Bug Reports Leaderboard" find = {"enabled": True} key = "bugs" elif ranks: title = "Activity Ranks Overview" find = {"enabled": True} key = "rank_id" else: title = "Earned Tokens Leaderboard" find = {"enabled": True} key = "tokens" async def get_documents(find: dict, key: str) -> list: return await (self.testers.find( find, { "_id": 0, "nickname": 1, key: 1 }, sort=list({key: -1}.items()))).to_list(length=None) documents = await get_documents(find, key) values = sorted( list({document[key] for document in documents}), reverse=True) # Set comprehension to remove duplicates. doc_chunks = chunks(documents, 25) embeds = [] for chunk in doc_chunks: description = [] for player in chunk: place = ordinal(values.index(player[key]) + 1) name = player["nickname"] if not ranks: amount = str(player[key]) line = ( place + (12 - len(place)) * " " + name + (14 - len(name)) * " " # Align name left. len(name) <= 12 + (10 - len(amount)) * " " # Align amount right. len(amount) <= 5 + amount) else: rank = rank_names[player[key]] line = name + (14 - len(name)) * " " + ( 16 - len(rank)) * " " + rank description.append(line) description = "```\n" + "\n".join(description) + "```" embed = discord.Embed( title=title, type="rich", description=description, color=0xFF6600, timestamp=ctx.message.created_at, ) embed.set_footer(icon_url="") embed.set_author(name="Retail Candidate Testers", icon_url="") embeds.append(embed) session = EmbedPaginatorSession(, ctx, *embeds) await