def patch(self, patch: Patch, sender: Optional[str] = None, dueToFileChange: bool = False) -> None: """ apply this patch to the master graph then notify everyone about it dueToFileChange if this is a patch describing an edit we read *from* the file (such that we shouldn't write it back to the file) """ ctx = patch.getContext()"patching graph %s -%d +%d" % (ctx, len(patch.delQuads), len(patch.addQuads))) if hasattr(self, 'watchedFiles'): # todo: eliminate this self.watchedFiles.aboutToPatch(ctx) # an error here needs to drop the sender, and reset everyone # else if we can't rollback the failing patch. patchQuads(self.graph, patch.delQuads, patch.addQuads, perfect=True) stats.graphLen = len(self.graph) self._syncPatchToOtherClients(patch, sender) if not dueToFileChange: self.watchedFiles.dirtyFiles([ctx]) graphStats.statements = len(self.graph)
def onPatch(self, p: Patch, fullGraph: bool): if fullGraph: self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph() patchQuads(self.graph, deleteQuads=p.delQuads, addQuads=p.addQuads, perfect=True) ignorePredicates = [ ROOM['signalStrength'], # perhaps anything with a number-datatype for its # object should be filtered out, and you have to make # an upstream quantization (e.g. 'temp high'/'temp # low') if you want to do reasoning on the difference URIRef(""), URIRef(""), ROOM['usingPower'], ROOM['idleTimeMinutes'], ROOM['idleTimeMs'], ROOM['graphLoadMs'], ROOM['localTimeToSecond'], ROOM['history'], ROOM['connectedAgo'], RDFS['comment'], ] ignoreContexts = [ URIRef(''), ] for affected in p.addQuads + p.delQuads: if (affected[1] not in ignorePredicates and affected[3] not in ignoreContexts): log.debug(" remote graph changed") self.onChange() break else: log.debug(" remote graph has no changes to trigger rules")
def onPatch(self, p, fullGraph): if fullGraph: self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph() patchQuads(self.graph, deleteQuads=p.delQuads, addQuads=p.addQuads, perfect=True) ignorePredicates = [ ROOM['signalStrength'], # perhaps anything with a number-datatype for its # object should be filtered out, and you have to make # an upstream quantization (e.g. 'temp high'/'temp # low') if you want to do reasoning on the difference URIRef(""), URIRef(""), ROOM['usingPower'], ROOM['idleTimeMinutes'], ROOM['idleTimeMs'], ROOM['graphLoadMs'], ROOM['localTimeToSecond'], ROOM['history'], ROOM['connectedAgo'], RDFS['comment'], ] ignoreContexts = [ URIRef(''), ] for affected in p.addQuads + p.delQuads: if (affected[1] not in ignorePredicates and affected[3] not in ignoreContexts): log.debug(" remote graph changed") self.onChange() break else: log.debug(" remote graph has no changes to trigger rules")
def _applyPatchLocally(self, p: Patch): # .. and disconnect on failure patchQuads(self._graph, p.delQuads, p.addQuads, perfect=True) log.debug("graph now has %s statements" % len(self._graph))
def patch(self, p): patchQuads(self._graph, deleteQuads=p.delQuads, addQuads=p.addQuads, perfect=True)