예제 #1
파일: models.py 프로젝트: delving/nave
 def _populate_graph(self):
     graph = ConjunctiveGraph(identifier=self._generate_namedgraph_uri())
     graph.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
     subject = URIRef(self._get_document_uri())
     graph.add((subject, RDFS.isDefinedBy, URIRef(self._generate_about_uri())))
     graph.add((subject, RDF.type, self.ns[self.get_rdf_type()]))
     if self.source_uri and self.source_uri != self.document_uri:
         graph.add((subject, OWL.sameAs, URIRef(self.source_uri)))
     for key, value in self.get_graph_mapping().items():
         if isinstance(key, URIRef):
             predicate = key
         elif isinstance(key, str) and key.startswith('http://'):
             predicate = URIRef(key)
         elif isinstance(key, str) and ":" in key:
             ns, label = key.split(":")
             ns = self.ns_dict.get(ns)
             predicate = URIRef("{}/{}".format(str(ns).rstrip('/'), label))
             raise ValueError("unknown predicate key in mapping dict: {} => ".format(key, value))
         if type(value) in [str, float, int] and value:
             if isinstance(value, str) and any([value.startswith(uri_prefix) for uri_prefix in ["http", "urn"]]):
                 value = URIRef(value)
                 value = Literal(value)
         elif type(value) in [Literal, URIRef]:
             value = value
             logger.warn("Unsupported datatype {} for value {}".format(type(value), value))
         if value:
             graph.add((subject, predicate, value))
     graph.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
     return graph
예제 #2
    def parse(self, source, graph, encoding="utf-8"):

        if encoding not in [None, "utf-8"]:
            raise Exception(
                ("TriG files are always utf-8 encoded, ", "I was passed: %s") %

        # we're currently being handed a Graph, not a ConjunctiveGraph
        assert graph.store.context_aware, "TriG Parser needs a context-aware store!"

        conj_graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store=graph.store)
        conj_graph.default_context = graph  # TODO: CG __init__ should have a
        # default_context arg
        # TODO: update N3Processor so that it can use conj_graph as the sink
        conj_graph.namespace_manager = graph.namespace_manager

        sink = RDFSink(conj_graph)

        baseURI = conj_graph.absolutize(source.getPublicId()
                                        or source.getSystemId() or "")
        p = TrigSinkParser(sink, baseURI=baseURI, turtle=True)


        for prefix, namespace in p._bindings.items():
            conj_graph.bind(prefix, namespace)
예제 #3
파일: models.py 프로젝트: delving/nave
    def get_graph_from_sparql_results(sparql_json, named_graph=None):
        if len(sparql_json['results']['bindings']) == 0:
            return ConjunctiveGraph(), 0
        sparql_vars = sparql_json['head']['vars']
        if 'g' in sparql_vars:
            if not named_graph:
                named_graph = sparql_json['results']['bindings'][0]['g']['value']
        triple_levels = RDFModel.get_context_triples(sparql_json['head']['vars'])
        nr_levels = len(triple_levels)
        if named_graph:
            named_graph = URIRef(named_graph)
        graph = ConjunctiveGraph(identifier=named_graph)

        graph.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
        for binding in sparql_json['results']['bindings']:
            binding_levels = RDFModel.get_context_levels(len(binding.keys()))
            for s, p, o in triple_levels[:binding_levels]:
                subject = URIRef(binding[s]['value'])
                if binding[s]['type'] == 'bnode':
                    subject = BNode(binding[s]['value'])
                predicate = URIRef(binding[p]['value'])
                obj = RDFModel.get_object_from_sparql_result(binding[o])
                graph.add((subject, predicate, obj))
        # materialize inferences
        for subject, obj in graph.subject_objects(
            graph.add((obj, URIRef("http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/aggregates"), subject))
            graph.remove((subject, URIRef("http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/isAggregatedBy"), obj))
        return graph, nr_levels
예제 #4
    def parse(self, source, graph, encoding="utf-8"):

        if encoding not in [None, "utf-8"]:
            raise Exception(
                ("TriG files are always utf-8 encoded, ",
                 "I was passed: %s") % encoding)

        # we're currently being handed a Graph, not a ConjunctiveGraph
        assert graph.store.context_aware, "TriG Parser needs a context-aware store!"

        conj_graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store=graph.store, identifier=graph.identifier)
        conj_graph.default_context = graph  # TODO: CG __init__ should have a
                                            # default_context arg
         # TODO: update N3Processor so that it can use conj_graph as the sink
        conj_graph.namespace_manager = graph.namespace_manager

        sink = RDFSink(conj_graph)

        baseURI = conj_graph.absolutize(
            source.getPublicId() or source.getSystemId() or "")
        p = TrigSinkParser(sink, baseURI=baseURI, turtle=True)


        for prefix, namespace in p._bindings.items():
            conj_graph.bind(prefix, namespace)
예제 #5
def getSubgraph(g, subject, max_depth=100):
    Retrieve the subgraph of g with subject.

    Given the graph ``g``, extract the subgraph identified
    as the object of the triple with subject ``subject``.

        g (Graph): Source graph
        subject (URIRef): Subject of the root of the subgraph to retrieve
        max_depth (integer): Maximum recursion depth

        (Graph) The subgraph of g with subject.


    .. jupyter-execute:: examples/code/eg_getsubgraph_01.py

    sg = ConjunctiveGraph()
    sg.namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(g)
    sg += g.triples((subject, None, None))
    inflateSubgraph(g, sg, sg, max_depth=max_depth)
    return sg
예제 #6
파일: models.py 프로젝트: delving/nave
    def get_graph(self, with_mappings=False, include_mapping_target=False, acceptance=False, target_uri=None):
        """Get Graph instance of this EDMRecord.

        :param target_uri: target_uri if you want a sub-selection of the whole graph
        :param acceptance: if the acceptance data should be listed
        :param include_mapping_target: Boolean also include the mapping target triples in graph
        :param with_mappings: Boolean integrate the ProxyMapping into the graph
        rdf_string = self.source_rdf
        if acceptance and self.acceptance_rdf:
            rdf_string = self.acceptance_rdf

        graph = ConjunctiveGraph(identifier=self.named_graph)
        graph.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
        graph.parse(data=rdf_string, format='nt')
        if with_mappings:
            proxy_resources, graph = ProxyResource.update_proxy_resource_uris(self.dataset, graph)
            for proxy_resource in proxy_resources:
                graph = graph + proxy_resource.to_graph(include_mapping_target=include_mapping_target)
        if target_uri and not target_uri.endswith("/about") and target_uri != self.document_uri:
            g = Graph(identifier=URIRef(self.named_graph))
            subject = URIRef(target_uri)
            for p, o in graph.predicate_objects(subject=subject):
                g.add((subject, p, o))
            graph = g
        return graph
 def __init__(self, endpoint):
     graph = ConjunctiveGraph('SPARQLStore')
     graph.namespace_manager = ns_mgr
     self.graph = graph
     self.default_graph = \
예제 #8
 def __init__(self, endpoint):
     graph = ConjunctiveGraph('SPARQLStore')
     graph.namespace_manager = ns_mgr
     self.graph = graph
     self.default_graph = \
예제 #9
def catalyst_graph_for(file):
    if file.startswith('/'):
        file = 'file://'+file
    logging.info("InferenceStore catalyst_graph_for started")
    # quads = jsonld.to_rdf(file, {'format': 'application/nquads'})
    logging.info("InferenceStore JSON-LD loaded")

    g = ConjunctiveGraph()
    g.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
    # g.parse(data=quads, format='nquads')
    g.load(file, format="json-ld")
    logging.info("InferenceStore base graph loaded")

    f = FuXiInferenceStore.get_instance()

    # get the inference engine
    cl = f.get_inference(g)
    logging.info("InferenceStore inference graph loaded")

    union_g = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph()

    for s,p,o in g.triples( (None, None, None) ):
       union_g.add( (s,p,o) )

    for s,p,o in cl.triples( (None, None, None) ):
       union_g.add( (s,p,o) )

    logging.info("InferenceStore union graph prepared")

    return union_g
예제 #10
def catalyst_graph_for(file):
    if file.startswith("/"):
        file = "file://" + file
    logging.info("InferenceStore catalyst_graph_for started")

    # quads = jsonld.to_rdf(file, {'format': 'application/nquads'})
    logging.info("InferenceStore JSON-LD loaded")

    g = ConjunctiveGraph()
    g.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
    # g.parse(data=quads, format='nquads')
    g.load(file, format="json-ld")
    logging.info("InferenceStore base graph loaded")

    f = FuXiInferenceStore.get_instance()

    # get the inference engine
    cl = f.get_inference(g)
    logging.info("InferenceStore inference graph loaded")

    union_g = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph()

    for s, p, o in g.triples((None, None, None)):
        union_g.add((s, p, o))

    for s, p, o in cl.triples((None, None, None)):
        union_g.add((s, p, o))

    logging.info("InferenceStore union graph prepared")

    return union_g
예제 #11
def loadSOGraph(
    Load RDF string or file to an RDFLib ConjunctiveGraph

    Creates a ConjunctiveGraph from  the provided file or text. If both are
    provided then text is used.

    NOTE: Namespace use of ``<http://schema.org>``, ``<https://schema.org>``, or
    ``<http://schema.org/>`` is normalized to ``<https://schema.org/>`` if
    ``normalize`` is True.

    NOTE: Case of ``SO:`` properties in `SO_TERMS` is adjusted consistency if
    ``deslop`` is True

        filename (string):  path to RDF file on disk
        data (string): RDF text
        publicID (string): (from rdflib) The logical URI to use as the document base. If None specified the document location is used.
        normalize (boolean): Normalize the use of schema.org namespace
        deslop (boolean): Adjust schema.org terms for case consistency
        format (string): The serialization format of the RDF to load

        ConjunctiveGraph: The loaded graph


    .. jupyter-execute:: examples/code/eg_loadsograph_01.py

    g = ConjunctiveGraph()
    if data is not None:
        g.parse(data=data, format=format, publicID=publicID)
    elif filename is not None:
        g.parse(filename, format=format, publicID=publicID)
    if not (normalize or deslop):
        return g
    # Now normalize the graph namespace use to https://schema.org/
    ns = NamespaceManager(g)
    ns.bind(SO_PREFIX, SCHEMA_ORG, override=True, replace=True)
    g2 = ConjunctiveGraph()
    g2.namespace_manager = ns
    for s, p, o in g:
        trip = [s, p, o]
        if normalize:
            for i, t in enumerate(trip):
                trip[i] = _normalizeTerm(t)
        if deslop:
            for i, t in enumerate(trip):
                trip[i] = _desloppifyTerm(g, t)
    return g2
예제 #12
파일: vivo.py 프로젝트: lawlesst/vivo-utils
def init_graph(graph_type=None):
    Helper to initialize a VIVO graph with
    namespace manager.
    if graph_type == 'conjunctive':
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        g = Graph()
    g.namespace_manager = ns_mgr
    return g
예제 #13
파일: vivo.py 프로젝트: lawlesst/vivo-utils
def init_graph(graph_type=None):
    Helper to initialize a VIVO graph with
    namespace manager.
    if graph_type == 'conjunctive':
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        g = Graph()
    g.namespace_manager = ns_mgr
    return g
예제 #14
def catalyst_graph_for(file):
    if file.startswith('/'):
        file = 'file://'+file
    logging.info("InferenceStore catalyst_graph_for started")

    # quads = jsonld.to_rdf(file, {'format': 'application/nquads'})
    logging.info("InferenceStore JSON-LD loaded")

    g = ConjunctiveGraph()
    g.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
    # g.parse(data=quads, format='nquads')
    g.load(file, format="json-ld")
    logging.info("InferenceStore base graph loaded")

    # get the inference engine
    logging.info("InferenceStore inference graph loaded")

    return g
예제 #15
        if domain and not in_range(s, domain):
            print("Not in domain: ", s, p, o)
        if range_ and not in_range(o, range_):
            print("Not in range: ", s, p, o)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--check_properties', '-p', action='store_true',
        help="check property domain and range against the ontology. Slow.")
    parser.add_argument('input_fname', help="the input file")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    json = load(open(args.input_fname))
    context = load(open(join(dirname(__file__), 'context.jsonld')))
    suspicious = list(check_keys(json, context['@context']))
    if suspicious:
        print("Suspicious keys:")
        for key in suspicious:
    if args.check_properties:
        from pyld import jsonld
        quads = jsonld.to_rdf('file:'+args.input_fname, {'format': 'application/nquads'})
        ontology = load_ontology()
        g = ConjunctiveGraph()
        g.namespace_manager = ontology.namespace_manager
        g.parse(data=quads, format='nquads')
        for c in g.contexts():
            c.namespace_manager = ontology.namespace_manager
        check_props(g, ontology)