def engoo_date_str(reserve_time, class_holiday): """retrieve the date when being available to take lessen e.g.'dt_2017-04-07_00-30-00'""" tomorrow = + datetime.timedelta(days=1) weekday_dict = readAndSave.read_json('korean_holiday.json', 'utf8') # 휴일 data def loop_until_workday(calculating_data): if weekday_dict[calculating_data.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]: #휴일이나 return calculating_data else: return loop_until_workday(calculating_data + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) if not class_holiday: # if you don't have class on holiday next_day = loop_until_workday(tomorrow) date = next_day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: date = tomorrow.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') return 'dt_' + date + '_' + reserve_time + '-00'
def main_function(sex_file, func): surveys = readAndSave.read_json(sex_file, 'utf8') height_list = [int(survey['104']) for survey in surveys] height_min, height_max = min(height_list) // 10 * 10, max( height_list) // 10 * 10 # 1774->1770 hw_filtered_dict = {} for height in range(height_min, height_max + 10, 10): # 10mm씩 키 검색 print('height{}'.format(height)) height_filtered_list = list( filter(partial(search_data, height=height), surveys)) if len(height_filtered_list) == 0: continue # 키 자료 없으면 안뽑기 # 키 안에 있는 몸무게 데이터 접근 weight_list = [ float(height_filtered['510']) for height_filtered in height_filtered_list ] weight_min, weight_max = round(min(weight_list)), round( max(weight_list)) print('weight min{}, max {}'.format(weight_min, weight_max)) hw_filtered_dict[height] = {} if weight_min == weight_max: # 자료가 하나밖에 없다면(하나만 있으면 range 문이 안돌아가므로) weight = weight_min hw_filtered_dict[height][weight] = func(height, weight, height_filtered_list) continue for weight in range(weight_min, weight_max + 1, 1): # 없는 몸무게도 일단 들어가는 문제 data = func(height, weight, height_filtered_list) if data: # data 가 빈 데이터가 아니라면 hw_filtered_dict[height][weight] = data return hw_filtered_dict
def already_reserve_tf(key): """check whether I reserved or not.""" reserved_dict = readAndSave.read_json('Did_I_reserved.json', 'utf8') return key in reserved_dict
def read_reservation_info(): """Read private info""" info = readAndSave.read_json('reservation_info.json', 'utf8') return info["teacher_num"], info["reserve_time"], info[ "class_holiday"], info["send_to"]
def write_reserve_date(key): reserved_dict = readAndSave.read_json('Did_I_reserved.json', 'utf8') reserved_dict[key] = True readAndSave.save_json(reserved_dict, 'Did_I_reserved.json', 'utf8') return
def read_id_pw(site_name): """Read private info""" info = readAndSave.read_json('id_pass.json', 'utf8') id, password = info[site_name]['id'], info[site_name]['password'] return id, password