예제 #1
def BM25():
    contain = 0
    prevContain = 0
    n = 0
    lengthDocs = []
    idfList = []
    scores = []
    preScore = []
    #result = []
    for i in range(len(keywords)):
        for j in range(len(textFiles)):
            lenD, freq = readFile(textFiles[j], keywords[i])
            contain = contain + freq
            if contain != prevContain:
                n = n + 1
            prevContain = contain
            if i==0:
        # Calculating the IDF:    
        tmp = (N - n + 0.5)/(n + 0.5)
        idf = math.log(abs(tmp))
        # Clearing the accumulated values from the variables:
        contain = 0
        n = 0
    # Calculating avgdl:
    avgdl = sum(lengthDocs)/N # Makes no sense why there is an error here...
    for i in range(len(textFiles)):
        for j in range(len(keywords)):
            lengthD, frequency = readFile(textFiles[i], keywords[j])
            tmpScore = idfList[j]*((frequency * (k1 + 1))/(frequency + k1*(1 - b + b*(lengthD/avgdl))))
        score = sum(preScore) # sum all the calculated scores for the current document
        scores.append(score) # put each calculated score for each document in an array.
        preScore = [] # Clearing preScore list in order to not add old values

    #print scores
    toBeOrdered = zip(textFiles,scores)
    #print toBeOrdered
    result = sorted(toBeOrdered, key=lambda toBeOrdered: toBeOrdered[1],reverse=True)

    return result
예제 #2
def anneal(file, numColors, temperature, minTemperature, alpha, steps):
    adjMatrix, numVertices = readFile(file)
    numColors = numColors
    numColors -= 1
    temperature = temperature
    minTemperature = minTemperature
    alpha = alpha
    steps = steps
    solution = generateSolution(numVertices, numColors)
    cost, startNeighbour = checkCost(adjMatrix, solution)
    while temperature > minTemperature and cost != 0:
        i = 1
        while i <= steps:
            newSolution = genNeighbour(solution, numColors, startNeighbour)
            newCost, startNeighbour = checkCost(adjMatrix, solution)
            accept = acceptance(cost, newCost, temperature)
            if accept > random():
                solution = newSolution
                cost = newCost
            i += 1
            print("Solution: " + str(solution) + " / " + " Colors: " +
                  str(numColors + 1) + " / " + " Temp: " + str(temperature) +
                  " / " + " Cost: " + str(cost))
        temperature = temperature * alpha
    numColors += 1
    return solution, cost
예제 #3
def reverse(FileName):
	listRe = []
	for dirs in os.listdir(magneticDataPath +FileName):
		print dirs
		CF01x,CF01y,CF01z,CF01xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath +FileName,dirs);
	return listRe,
예제 #4
def main():

    BC2x, BC2y, BC2z, BC2xyz = readFile(acceleroDataPath, 'BC.txt')
    BH2x, BH2y, BH2z, BH2xyz = readFile(acceleroDataPath, 'BH.txt')
    DB2x, DB2y, DB2z, DB2xyz = readFile(acceleroDataPath, 'AF.txt')
    AF2x, AF2y, AF2z, AF2xyz = readFile(acceleroDataPath, 'DB.txt')

    label = ['x', 'Y', 'Z', 'D']
    AlistRaw = [BH2x, BH2y, BH2z, BH2xyz]
    #JZx,JZy,JZz,JZxyz=readFile('jiaozheng.txt')#path 1123
    AlistMean = []
    AlistLPF = []
    for data in AlistRaw:
        AlistMean.append(meanF(data, win))
    for data2 in AlistMean:
    BC2xyzm = meanF(BC2xyz, win)
    BH2xyzm = meanF(BH2xyz, win)
    DB2xyzm = meanF(DB2xyz, win)
    AF2xyzm = meanF(AF2xyz, win)
    #lxyz = LPF(BH2xyzm)
    Wei = []
    Scar = []
    Kim = []
    reaL = [14.8, 12, 30, 17.78]
    j = 0
    dataList = [BC2xyzm, BH2xyzm, DB2xyzm, AF2xyzm]
    for data in dataList:
        stepizeList1, stepizeList2, stepizeList3 = StepSize(data)
        #print sum(stepizeList1),sum(stepizeList2),sum(stepizeList3),reaL[j],\
        print avrAbs(stepizeList1), avrAbs(stepizeList2), avrAbs(stepizeList3)

    plotNline(Wei, Scar, Kim)
예제 #5
def readData(FileName):
	MinLen = []

	for dirs in os.listdir(magneticDataPath +FileName):
		print dirs
		CF01x,CF01y,CF01z,CF01xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath +FileName,dirs);
	minL = min(MinLen)
	return 	minL,Datalist
예제 #6
        oupbOltOirPorcent = getPercentage(oltOupbOirRange, len(listOltOir))
        if oupbMipOirPorcent <= oupbOltOirPorcent:
            oltminor = oltOupbOirRange[0].olt
            olthigher = oltOupbOirRange[len(oltOupbOirRange) - 1].olt
            oltminor = oltMipOirRange[0].olt
            olthigher = oltMipOirRange[len(oltMipOirRange) - 1].olt
    rangs = Perfil(csminor, cshigher, oirminor, oirhigher, oltvminor,
                   oltvhigher, mipminor, miphigher, ocltvoltvminor,
                   ocltvoltvhigher, nobminor, nobhigher, oupbminor, oupbhigher,
                   oltminor, olthigher, idGrupo)
    return rangs

data = []
data = readFile()
perfiles = []
listToSearch = []
listToEval = []
grupo0complete = (list(filter(lambda x: x.grupo == 0, data)))
grupo0final = (list(filter(lambda x: x.cs >= 660, grupo0complete)))
perfiles.append(ranges(grupo0final, 832, 0, listToSearch, listToEval))
grupo1complete = (list(filter(lambda x: x.grupo == 1, data)))
grupo1final = (list(filter(lambda x: x.cs >= 660, grupo1complete)))
perfiles.append(ranges(grupo1final, 850, 1, listToSearch, listToEval))
grupo2complete = (list(filter(lambda x: x.grupo == 0, data)))
grupo2final = (list(filter(lambda x: x.cs >= 510, grupo2complete)))
perfiles.append(ranges(grupo2final, 660, 2, listToSearch, listToEval))
grupo3complete = (list(filter(lambda x: x.grupo == 1, data)))
grupo3final = (list(filter(lambda x: x.cs >= 428, grupo3complete)))
perfiles.append(ranges(grupo3final, 660, 3, listToSearch, listToEval))
예제 #7
def passageTermMatching():
    contain = 0 #ok
    prevContain = 0 #ok
    n = 0 #ok
    #lengthDocs = []
    idfList = []
    wList = []
    #termInPassage = []
    scores = []
    nList = []
    #preScore = []
    #result = []
    for i in range(len(keywords)):
        for j in range(len(textFiles)):
            lenD, freq = readFile(textFiles[j], keywords[i])
            contain = contain + freq
            if contain != prevContain:
                n = n + 1
            prevContain = contain
            #if i==0:
            #    lengthDocs.append(lenD)
        # Calculating the IDF:
        tmp = N/(n + 1)
        idf = math.log(tmp) #may need to use abs(x)
        #clearing some variables:
        contain = 0
        n = 0
    for i in range(len(textFiles)):
        for j in range(len(keywords)):
            lengthD, frequency = readFile(textFiles[i], keywords[j])
            if frequency > 0:
                tmp1 = N/(nList[j] + 1)
                w = math.log(tmp1)
                w = 0
            frequency = 0
        score = sum(wList)/sum(idfList)
        #Clearing some variables:
        wList = []
    toBeOrdered = zip(textFiles,scores)
    result = sorted(toBeOrdered, key=lambda toBeOrdered: toBeOrdered[1],reverse=True)
    return result
예제 #8
def main():

    BH1x, BH1y, BH1z, BH1xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath, 'BH1.txt')
    BH2x, BH2y, BH2z, BH2xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath, 'BH2.txt')
    BH3x, BH3y, BH3z, BH3xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath, 'BH3.txt')

    BCx, BCy, BCz, BCxyz = readFile(magneticDataPath, 'BC.txt')
    CFx, CFy, CFz, CFxyz = readFile(magneticDataPath, 'CF.txt')
    HGx, HGy, HGz, HGxyz = readFile(magneticDataPath, 'HG.txt')

    CBx, CBy, CBz, CBxyz = readFile(magneticDataPath, 'CB.txt')
    FCx, FCy, FCz, FCxyz = readFile(magneticDataPath, 'FC.txt')
    GHx, GHy, GHz, GHxyz = readFile(magneticDataPath, 'GH.txt')

    BC2x, BC2y, BC2z, BC2xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath, 'BC2.txt')

    CF2x, CF2y, CF2z, CF2xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath, 'CF2.txt')

    CFlist = []
    CF01x, CF01y, CF01z, CF01xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath26, 'CF01.txt')
    CF02x, CF02y, CF02z, CF02xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath26, 'CF02.txt')
    CF03x, CF03y, CF03z, CF03xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath26, 'CF03.txt')
    CF04x, CF04y, CF04z, CF04xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath26, 'CF04.txt')
    CF05x, CF05y, CF05z, CF05xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath26, 'CF05.txt')
    CF06x, CF06y, CF06z, CF06xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath26, 'CF06.txt')
    CF07x, CF07y, CF07z, CF07xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath26, 'CF07.txt')
    CF08x, CF08y, CF08z, CF08xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath26, 'CF08.txt')
    CF09x, CF09y, CF09z, CF09xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath26, 'CF09.txt')
    CF10x, CF10y, CF10z, CF10xyz = readFile(magneticDataPath26, 'CF10.txt')

    BCx, BCy, BCz, BCxyz = readFile(magneticDataPath, 'BC.txt')
    BCxMI, BCyMI, BCzMI, BCxyzMI = readFile(magneticDataPathXiaoMi, 'BC.txt')
    BCxHW, BCyHW, BCzHW, BCxyzHW = readFile(magneticDataPathHuawei, 'BC.txt')
    #JZx,JZy,JZz,JZxyz=readFile('jiaozheng.txt')#path 1123

    ACFx, ACFy, ACFz, ACFxyz = readFile(acceleroDataPath, 'CF.txt')

    ADx, ADy, ADz, ADxyz = readFile(longTinePtah, 'AD.txt')
    AD1x, AD1y, AD1z, AD1xyz = readFile(longTinePtah, 'AD2.txt')
    AD2x, AD2y, AD2z, AD2xyz = readFile(longTinePtah, 'AD3.txt')
    AD3x, AD3y, AD3z, AD3xyz = readFile(longTinePtah, 'AD4.txt')

    mAD = meanF(ADxyz, win)
    mAD1 = meanF(AD1xyz, win)
    mAD2 = meanF(AD2xyz, win)
    mAD3 = meanF(AD3xyz, win)

    ADLF = LPF(mAD)
    ADLF1 = LPF(mAD1)
    ADLF2 = LPF(mAD2)
    ADLF3 = LPF(mAD3)

    mGH = meanF(GHxyz, win)
    GHmhf1 = LPF(mGH)
    #plotLine2(GHmhf1,mGH,'LPF')#plot the LPF raw data


    mBH1 = meanF(BH1xyz, win)
    mBH2 = meanF(BH2xyz, win)
    mBH3 = meanF(BH3xyz, win)
    BHf1 = LPF(mBH1)
    BHf2 = LPF(mBH2)
    BHf3 = LPF(mBH3)

    #plotLine3(BHf1,BHf2,BHf3)#plot the 3 in one


    mBC = meanF(BCxyz, win)
    mCF = meanF(CFxyz, win)
    mHG = meanF(HGxyz, win)
    BCf = LPF(mBC)
    CFf = LPF(mCF)
    HGf = LPF(mHG)

    mGH = meanF(GHxyz, win)
    GHf = LPF(mGH)
    #plotLine2(GHf,HGf,'direction')#plot the TWO direction
    #plotLine2(GHf,HGf,'HPF')#plot the HPFd raw data

    mBC2 = meanF(BC2xyz, win)
    BC2f = LPF(mBC2)
    #print dtw (np.array(BC2f),np.array(BCf))
    #and the slow
    mCFlist = []
    lpfCFlist = []
    hpfCFlist = []
    hlpfCFlist = []
    standList = []
    for Mdata in CFlist:
        mCFlist.append(meanF(Mdata, win))
    for mCF0 in mCFlist:
    for mCF0 in mCFlist:
    for mhCF0 in hpfCFlist:
    #standList = standard(mCFlist)
    for dataLPF in lpfCFlist:

#plot 3 line for 3 devices
    mBC = meanF(BCxyz, win)
    BCL = LPF(mBC)
    mBCMI = meanF(BCxyzMI, win)
    mBCHW = meanF(BCxyzHW, win)
    #print dtw(mBC,mBCHW)
    #print dtw(mBCMI,mBC)
    #print dtw(mBCMI,mBCHW)
    #plotLine3(BCL,BCLMI,BCLHW)#plot the 3 DEVICES
    mCF2 = meanF(CF2xyz, win)
    CF2f = LPF(mCF2)
    mCF02 = meanF(CF02xyz, win)
    CF02f = LPF(mCF02)
    mCF04 = meanF(CF04xyz, win)
    CF04f = LPF(mCF04)

    mCF01 = meanF(CF01xyz, win)
    CF01f = LPF(mCF01)
    mCF03 = meanF(CF03xyz, win)
    CF03f = LPF(mCF03)

    #print dtw (np.array(CF02f),np.array(CF2f))
    #print dtw (np.array(CF02f),np.array(CF04f))
    #print dtw (np.array(CF02f),np.array(HGf))
    #	plotLine4lines(BHf2,BCf,HGf,CFf)
    plotFilterLines(CF01f, CF04f, CF03f, BCL, BCLMI, BCLHW)