def file_length(input_file, input_subsetter, HDF5=False, QFIT=False):
    #-- subset the data to indices if specified
    if input_subsetter:
        file_lines = len(input_subsetter)
    elif HDF5:
        #-- read the size of an input variable within a HDF5 file
        with h5py.File(input_file, 'r') as fileID:
            file_lines, = fileID[HDF5].shape
    elif QFIT:
        #-- read the size of a QFIT binary file
        file_lines = read_ATM1b_QFIT_binary(input_file)
        #-- read the input file, split at lines and remove all commented lines
        with open(input_file, 'r') as f:
            i = [i for i in if re.match(r'^(?!#)', i)]
        file_lines = len(i)
    #-- return the number of lines
    return file_lines
예제 #2
def read_ATM_qfit_file(input_file, input_subsetter):
    #-- regular expression pattern for extracting parameters
    mission_flag = '(BLATM1B|ILATM1B|ILNSA1B)'
    regex_pattern = r'{0}_(\d+)_(\d+)(.*?).(qi|TXT|h5)'.format(mission_flag)
    #-- extract mission and other parameters from filename
    MISSION, YYMMDD, HHMMSS, AUX, SFX = re.findall(regex_pattern,
    #-- early date strings omitted century and millenia (e.g. 93 for 1993)
    if (len(YYMMDD) == 6):
        ypre, month, day = np.array([YYMMDD[:2], YYMMDD[2:4], YYMMDD[4:]],
        year = (ypre + 1900.0) if (ypre >= 90) else (ypre + 2000.0)
    elif (len(YYMMDD) == 8):
        year, month, day = np.array([YYMMDD[:4], YYMMDD[4:6], YYMMDD[6:]],
    #-- output python dictionary with variables
    ATM_L1b_input = {}
    #-- Version 1 of ATM QFIT files (ascii)
    #-- output text file from qi2txt with proper filename format
    #-- do not use the shortened output format from qi2txt
    if (SFX == 'TXT'):
        #-- compile regular expression operator for reading lines
        regex_pattern = r'[-+]?(?:(?:\d*\.\d+)|(?:\d+\.?))(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?'
        rx = re.compile(regex_pattern, re.VERBOSE)
        #-- read the input file, split at lines and remove all commented lines
        with open(input_file, 'r') as f:
            file_contents = [
                i for i in if re.match(r'^(?!#)', i)
        #-- number of lines of data within file
        file_lines = file_length(input_file, input_subsetter)
        #-- create output variables with length equal to the number of lines
        ATM_L1b_input['lat'] = np.zeros_like(file_contents, dtype=np.float)
        ATM_L1b_input['lon'] = np.zeros_like(file_contents, dtype=np.float)
        ATM_L1b_input['data'] = np.zeros_like(file_contents, dtype=np.float)
        hour = np.zeros_like(file_contents, dtype=np.float)
        minute = np.zeros_like(file_contents, dtype=np.float)
        second = np.zeros_like(file_contents, dtype=np.float)
        #-- for each line within the file
        for i, line in enumerate(file_contents):
            #-- find numerical instances within the line
            line_contents = rx.findall(line)
            ATM_L1b_input['lat'][i] = np.float(line_contents[1])
            ATM_L1b_input['lon'][i] = np.float(line_contents[2])
            ATM_L1b_input['data'][i] = np.float(line_contents[3])
            hour[i] = np.float(line_contents[-1][:2])
            minute[i] = np.float(line_contents[-1][2:4])
            second[i] = np.float(line_contents[-1][4:])
    #-- Version 1 of ATM QFIT files (binary)
    elif (SFX == 'qi'):
        #-- read input QFIT data file and subset if specified
        fid, h = read_ATM1b_QFIT_binary(input_file)
        #-- number of lines of data within file
        file_lines = file_length(input_file, input_subsetter, QFIT=True)
        ATM_L1b_input['lat'] = fid['latitude'][:]
        ATM_L1b_input['lon'] = fid['longitude'][:]
        ATM_L1b_input['data'] = fid['elevation'][:]
        time_hhmmss = fid['time_hhmmss'][:]
        #-- extract hour, minute and second from time_hhmmss
        hour = np.zeros_like(time_hhmmss, dtype=np.float)
        minute = np.zeros_like(time_hhmmss, dtype=np.float)
        second = np.zeros_like(time_hhmmss, dtype=np.float)
        #-- for each line within the file
        for i, packed_time in enumerate(time_hhmmss):
            #-- convert to zero-padded string with 3 decimal points
            line_contents = '{0:010.3f}'.format(packed_time)
            hour[i] = np.float(line_contents[:2])
            minute[i] = np.float(line_contents[2:4])
            second[i] = np.float(line_contents[4:])
    #-- Version 2 of ATM QFIT files (HDF5)
    elif (SFX == 'h5'):
        #-- Open the HDF5 file for reading
        fileID = h5py.File(os.path.expanduser(input_file), 'r')
        #-- number of lines of data within file
        file_lines = file_length(input_file, input_subsetter, HDF5='elevation')
        #-- create output variables with length equal to input elevation
        ATM_L1b_input['lat'] = fileID['latitude'][:]
        ATM_L1b_input['lon'] = fileID['longitude'][:]
        ATM_L1b_input['data'] = fileID['elevation'][:]
        time_hhmmss = fileID['instrument_parameters']['time_hhmmss'][:]
        #-- extract hour, minute and second from time_hhmmss
        hour = np.zeros_like(time_hhmmss, dtype=np.float)
        minute = np.zeros_like(time_hhmmss, dtype=np.float)
        second = np.zeros_like(time_hhmmss, dtype=np.float)
        #-- for each line within the file
        for i, packed_time in enumerate(time_hhmmss):
            #-- convert to zero-padded string with 3 decimal points
            line_contents = '{0:010.3f}'.format(packed_time)
            hour[i] = np.float(line_contents[:2])
            minute[i] = np.float(line_contents[2:4])
            second[i] = np.float(line_contents[4:])
        #-- close the input HDF5 file
    #-- calculate the number of leap seconds between GPS time (seconds
    #-- since Jan 6, 1980 00:00:00) and UTC
    gps_seconds = pyTMD.time.convert_calendar_dates(year,
                                                    epoch=(1980, 1, 6, 0, 0,
    leap_seconds = pyTMD.time.count_leap_seconds(gps_seconds)
    #-- calculation of Julian day taking into account leap seconds
    #-- converting to J2000 seconds
    ATM_L1b_input['time'] = pyTMD.time.convert_calendar_dates(
        second=second - leap_seconds,
        epoch=(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0),
    #-- subset the data to indices if specified
    if input_subsetter:
        for key, val in ATM_L1b_input.items():
            ATM_L1b_input[key] = val[input_subsetter]
    #-- hemispheric shot count
    count = {}
    count['N'] = np.count_nonzero(ATM_L1b_input['lat'] >= 0.0)
    count['S'] = np.count_nonzero(ATM_L1b_input['lat'] < 0.0)
    #-- determine hemisphere with containing shots in file
    HEM, = [key for key, val in count.items() if val]
    #-- return the output variables
    return ATM_L1b_input, file_lines, HEM