예제 #1
 def load_dens(self):
     """ Returns multi-dim numpy array containing all density profiles from file self.fname """
         open(self.fname, "r")
         raise IOError, "File %s could not be opened." % (self.fname, )
     return np.array(rxvg.lines_to_list_of_lists(rxvg.read_xvg(self.fname)))
예제 #2
 def load_x_q_as_nparray(self):
     """ loads x and q profile from a xvg file self.fname into self.x,q in-place """
     try: open(self.fname,"r")
        print "File %s could not be opened." % (self.fname,)
        raise IOError
     try: self.x, self.q_noisy = np.split(np.array( rxvg.lines_to_list_of_lists(rxvg.read_xvg(self.fname)) ).ravel(order="F") , 2 )
     except: raise RuntimeError, "File %s could not be loaded, possibly because of wrong formatting." % (self.fname,)
예제 #3
 def load_x_q_as_nparray(self):
     """ loads x and q profile from a xvg file self.fname into self.x,q in-place """
         open(self.fname, "r")
         print "File %s could not be opened." % (self.fname, )
         raise IOError
         self.x, self.q_noisy = np.split(
                 self.fname))).ravel(order="F"), 2)
         raise RuntimeError, "File %s could not be loaded, possibly because of wrong formatting." % (
             self.fname, )
    def read_trajs(self, binwidth):
        Reads in Plumed's Pitch files (3columns) or Gromacs pullx files (8 columns)

        File format plain (Plumed, also suits pitch-n-roll output with change bias->roll):
        3 columns : floats
            Time -- PITCH -- bias (roll for PNR)
            crashes or unexpected behaviour if different format (e.g. more cols)

        File format pnr_[roll, pitch] (for roll/pitch coordinate from pitch-n-roll code):
        3 columns : floats
            Time -- PITCH -- ROLL
            crashes or unexpected behaviour if different format (e.g. more cols)

        File format plain2 (Plumed):
	2 columns (otherwise same)

        File format xvg (Gromacs pullx):
        8 columns : float
            Time -- x,y,z -- length -- dx,dy,dz

        trajs : list of dictionaries containing arrays
            with the key convention of pytram
            dict-key 'm' -- Markov state -- 0-based indexing
        def discretize(in_data, offset=0.0):
            turns data into integers, i.e.
            discretizes data based on the offset and bin width
            Discretized data are 0-based indices
            (shifted with local var smallest)

            data : np.array
                data to be discretized
            offset : float
                starting value for the discretization scheme
            data = np.copy(in_data)
            if offset != 0.0:
                data -= offset
            # binwidth variable taken from the
            # enclosing scope (at definition time) -- closure
            if binwidth != 1.0:
                data /= binwidth
            return data.astype(int)

        smallest = None
        trajs = []
        for sim in self.sims:
            filename = sim['fname']
            tmpdict = {}
            if self.traj_file_format == "plain":
                # should contain exactly 3 columns
                tmpdict['time'], tmpdict['x'], tmpdict['b'] = np.hsplit(
                    np.loadtxt(filename), 3)
                # convert from kJ/mol to kT units
                tmpdict['b'] /= k_b * sim['temperature']
            elif self.traj_file_format == "plain2":
                # should contain exactly 2 columns
                tmpdict['time'], tmpdict['x'] = np.hsplit(
                    np.loadtxt(filename), 2)
            elif self.traj_file_format == "xvg":
                # create a numpy array with the contents of .xvg file;
                # should contain exactly 8 columns
                tmp_arr = np.array(
                tmpdict['time'] = tmp_arr[:, 0]
                tmpdict['x'] = tmp_arr[:, 4]
            elif "pnr" in self.traj_file_format:
                # should contain exactly 3 columns
                tmpdict['time'], tmpdict['pitch'], tmpdict['roll'] = np.hsplit(
                    np.loadtxt(filename), 3)
                # convert from kJ/mol to kT units
                if "roll" in self.traj_file_format:
                    tmpdict['x'] = tmpdict['roll']
                elif "pitch" in self.traj_file_format:
                    tmpdict['x'] = tmpdict['pitch']
                    raise RuntimeError, "only pitch -or- roll defined in the file format!"
                # setting bias to 0, as the file format does not contain it anyway
                # for the case some other method/procedure might need it
                tmpdict['b'] = tmpdict['x'] * 0.0
                print "Given file format undefined: ", self.traj_file_format
                raise RuntimeError

            tmpdict['m'] = discretize(tmpdict['x'])
            # find the smallest state-no
            if smallest == None or smallest > tmpdict['m'].min():
                smallest = tmpdict['m'].min()

            # thermodynamic state assumed constant during each simulation
            tmpdict['t'] = np.ones(tmpdict['m'].shape, dtype=int) * sim['t']

        # shift the trajs by the smallest state-no (smallest var)
        for traj in trajs:
            traj['m'] -= smallest

        return trajs
예제 #5
 def load_dens(self):
     """ Returns multi-dim numpy array containing all density profiles from file self.fname """
     try: open(self.fname,"r")
        raise IOError, "File %s could not be opened." % (self.fname,)
     return np.array( rxvg.lines_to_list_of_lists(rxvg.read_xvg(self.fname)) )
예제 #6
def get_potential(charge_file,
    """ Function get_potential returns the voltage drop (in V) across the membrane from simulations with two membranes.
       It uses function int_q for integration, which starts the integration from the centre,
       Scales the box length to the reference value Xref (approximate average from the simulations),
       allows cropping from left/right sides,
       It returns the absolute (positive) average value of the voltage drop (in V) taken from drops centre-left and centre-right.
    # Xref is in nm, value taken from the average of the longest simulations

    #create a numpy array with the contents of .xvg file;  nested: file -> lines -> list-of-lists(floats) -> np.array -> flatten(ravel) -> split in 2
    X, Charge = np.split(
            rxvg.read_xvg(charge_file))).ravel(order="F"), 2)
    #                            V---  list of lists     <-----------    list of lines
    #                      numpy array    ---------------------------------------------->    flattened  ...
    #     .... and split     ....       .......        in           .............                 ..........   two!

    #Scale potential to the average Z-length
    box_fluct_thres = 0.2
    if abs(Xref - X.max()) > box_fluct_thres:
        print "Scaling box length from %4.2f to %4.2f nm (average length from the longest simulation)" % (
            X.max(), Xref)
        print "This is quite a large difference. \n"
    X *= Xref / X.max()

    #Crop box ends
    if crop >= 0:
        X = X[crop:len(X) - crop]
        Charge = Charge[crop:len(Charge) - crop]

    #shift Box-Z centre to 0.0
    #assumes that Box starts at z=0 and ends at some z=Length
    X -= X[int(len(X) / 2)]

    # total charge and dipole of the system
    #Qtot = np.trapz(Charge, x=X)
    #print "Net charge: %5.4f q/nm^2" % (Qtot,)
    #Ptot = np.trapz(np.multiply(Charge,X), x=X)
    #print "Net dipole: %5.4f D/nm^2 \n" % (1/0.393456*1.889725989e1*Ptot,) # Magic constants by Stepan

    (Field, Potential, V) = int_q_twice(Charge, X, fcorr_type, field_intensity,

    if plot:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        #Read-in densities
        densities_file = kwargs.get("densfile")
        Xdens, phos, tail, wat = np.genfromtxt(densities_file,
        #Scaling to the same average Z-length (see above)
        Xdens *= Xref / Xdens.max()
        Numdens = len(Xdens)
        cendens = int(Numdens / 2)
        Xdens_shift = Xdens - Xdens[cendens]

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax1.plot(Xdens_shift, phos / 256, 'b', label="P")
        ax1.plot(Xdens_shift, tail / 512, 'm', label="Terminal C")
        ax1.plot(Xdens_shift, wat / 10128, 'c', label="Water")
        ax1.set_xlabel('Z [nm]')
        ax1.set_ylabel(r'Number density normalized to unity [nm$^{-3}$]')
        plt.legend(loc="upper left")

        ax2 = ax1.twinx()
        ax2.plot(X, Potential, 'k', label="Electrostatic potential", lw=2)
        ax2.plot([X[0], X[len(X) - 1]], [0, 0], '--', label="Zero", lw=2)
        ax2.set_ylabel('Potential [V]')
        plt.legend(loc="upper center")

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax1.plot(Xdens_shift, phos / 256, 'b', label="P")
        ax1.plot(Xdens_shift, tail / 512, 'm', label="Terminal C")
        ax1.plot(Xdens_shift, wat / 10128, 'c', label="Water")
        ax1.set_xlabel('Z [nm]')
        ax1.set_ylabel(r'Number density normalized to unity [nm$^{-3}$]')
        plt.legend(loc="upper left")

        ax2 = ax1.twinx()
        ax2.plot(X, Field, 'k', label="Intensity of electric field", lw=2)
        ax2.set_ylabel('Field [V/nm]')
        plt.legend(loc="upper center")

    return V
예제 #7
def get_potential(charge_file, Xref=14.8, crop=0, fcorr_type="cent_plat_zero", field_intensity=0.0, qcorr=True, plot=False, **kwargs):
   """ Function get_potential returns the voltage drop (in V) across the membrane from simulations with two membranes.
       It uses function int_q for integration, which starts the integration from the centre,
       Scales the box length to the reference value Xref (approximate average from the simulations),
       allows cropping from left/right sides,
       It returns the absolute (positive) average value of the voltage drop (in V) taken from drops centre-left and centre-right.
   # Xref is in nm, value taken from the average of the longest simulations

   #create a numpy array with the contents of .xvg file;  nested: file -> lines -> list-of-lists(floats) -> np.array -> flatten(ravel) -> split in 2
   X, Charge = np.split(np.array( rxvg.lines_to_list_of_lists(rxvg.read_xvg(charge_file)) ).ravel(order="F") , 2 )
   #                            V---  list of lists     <-----------    list of lines
   #                      numpy array    ---------------------------------------------->    flattened  ...
   #     .... and split     ....       .......        in           .............                 ..........   two!

   #Scale potential to the average Z-length
   if abs(Xref-X.max())>box_fluct_thres:
      print "Scaling box length from %4.2f to %4.2f nm (average length from the longest simulation)" % (X.max(),Xref)
      print "This is quite a large difference. \n"
   X *= Xref/X.max()

   #Crop box ends
   if crop>=0 :
      X = X[crop:len(X)-crop]
      Charge = Charge[crop:len(Charge)-crop]

   #shift Box-Z centre to 0.0
   #assumes that Box starts at z=0 and ends at some z=Length
   X -= X[int(len(X)/2)]

   # total charge and dipole of the system
   #Qtot = np.trapz(Charge, x=X)
   #print "Net charge: %5.4f q/nm^2" % (Qtot,)
   #Ptot = np.trapz(np.multiply(Charge,X), x=X)
   #print "Net dipole: %5.4f D/nm^2 \n" % (1/0.393456*1.889725989e1*Ptot,) # Magic constants by Stepan

   (Field, Potential, V) = int_q_twice(Charge, X, fcorr_type, field_intensity, qcorr)

   if plot:
      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      #Read-in densities
      densities_file = kwargs.get("densfile")
      Xdens, phos, tail, wat = np.genfromtxt(densities_file, comments="#", skip_header=24, unpack=True)
      #Scaling to the same average Z-length (see above)
      Xdens *= Xref/Xdens.max()
      Numdens = len(Xdens)
      cendens = int(Numdens/2)
      Xdens_shift = Xdens - Xdens[cendens]

      fig = plt.figure()
      ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
      ax1.plot(Xdens_shift, phos/256, 'b', label="P")
      ax1.plot(Xdens_shift, tail/512, 'm', label="Terminal C")
      ax1.plot(Xdens_shift, wat/10128, 'c', label="Water")
      ax1.set_xlabel('Z [nm]')
      ax1.set_ylabel(r'Number density normalized to unity [nm$^{-3}$]')
      plt.legend(loc="upper left")

      ax2 = ax1.twinx()
      ax2.plot(X, Potential, 'k', label="Electrostatic potential", lw=2)
      ax2.plot([X[0],X[len(X)-1]], [0,0], '--', label="Zero", lw=2)
      ax2.set_ylabel('Potential [V]')
      plt.legend(loc="upper center")

      fig = plt.figure()
      ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
      ax1.plot(Xdens_shift, phos/256, 'b', label="P")
      ax1.plot(Xdens_shift, tail/512, 'm', label="Terminal C")
      ax1.plot(Xdens_shift, wat/10128, 'c', label="Water")
      ax1.set_xlabel('Z [nm]')
      ax1.set_ylabel(r'Number density normalized to unity [nm$^{-3}$]')
      plt.legend(loc="upper left")

      ax2 = ax1.twinx()
      ax2.plot(X, Field, 'k', label="Intensity of electric field", lw=2)
      ax2.set_ylabel('Field [V/nm]')
      plt.legend(loc="upper center")

   return V
    def read_trajs(self, binwidth):
        Reads in Plumed's Pitch files (3columns) or Gromacs pullx files (8 columns)

        File format plain (Plumed, also suits pitch-n-roll output with change bias->roll):
        3 columns : floats
            Time -- PITCH -- bias (roll for PNR)
            crashes or unexpected behaviour if different format (e.g. more cols)

        File format pnr_[roll, pitch] (for roll/pitch coordinate from pitch-n-roll code):
        3 columns : floats
            Time -- PITCH -- ROLL
            crashes or unexpected behaviour if different format (e.g. more cols)

        File format plain2 (Plumed):
	2 columns (otherwise same)

        File format xvg (Gromacs pullx):
        8 columns : float
            Time -- x,y,z -- length -- dx,dy,dz

        trajs : list of dictionaries containing arrays
            with the key convention of pytram
            dict-key 'm' -- Markov state -- 0-based indexing
        def discretize(in_data, offset=0.0):
            turns data into integers, i.e.
            discretizes data based on the offset and bin width
            Discretized data are 0-based indices
            (shifted with local var smallest)

            data : np.array
                data to be discretized
            offset : float
                starting value for the discretization scheme
            data = np.copy(in_data)
            if offset != 0.0:
                data -= offset
            # binwidth variable taken from the
            # enclosing scope (at definition time) -- closure
            if binwidth != 1.0:
                data /= binwidth
            return data.astype(int)

        smallest = None
        trajs = []
        for sim in self.sims:
            filename = sim['fname']
            tmpdict = {}
            if self.traj_file_format == "plain" :
               # should contain exactly 3 columns
               tmpdict['time'], tmpdict['x'], tmpdict['b'] = np.hsplit(np.loadtxt(filename), 3)
               # convert from kJ/mol to kT units
               tmpdict['b'] /= k_b*sim['temperature']
            elif self.traj_file_format == "plain2" :
               # should contain exactly 2 columns
               tmpdict['time'], tmpdict['x'] = np.hsplit(np.loadtxt(filename), 2)
            elif self.traj_file_format == "xvg" :
                # create a numpy array with the contents of .xvg file;
                # should contain exactly 8 columns
                tmp_arr = np.array( rxvg.lines_to_list_of_lists(rxvg.read_xvg(filename)) )
                tmpdict['time'] = tmp_arr[:,0]
                tmpdict['x'] = tmp_arr[:,4]
            elif "pnr" in self.traj_file_format :
               # should contain exactly 3 columns
               tmpdict['time'], tmpdict['pitch'], tmpdict['roll'] = np.hsplit(np.loadtxt(filename), 3)
               # convert from kJ/mol to kT units
               if "roll" in self.traj_file_format :
                   tmpdict['x'] = tmpdict['roll']
               elif "pitch" in self.traj_file_format :
                   tmpdict['x'] = tmpdict['pitch']
                   raise RuntimeError, "only pitch -or- roll defined in the file format!"
               # setting bias to 0, as the file format does not contain it anyway
               # for the case some other method/procedure might need it
               tmpdict['b'] = tmpdict['x']*0.0
                print "Given file format undefined: ", self.traj_file_format
                raise RuntimeError

            tmpdict['m'] = discretize(tmpdict['x'])
            # find the smallest state-no
            if  smallest == None or smallest > tmpdict['m'].min():
                smallest = tmpdict['m'].min()

            # thermodynamic state assumed constant during each simulation
            tmpdict['t'] = np.ones(tmpdict['m'].shape, dtype=int) * sim['t']

        # shift the trajs by the smallest state-no (smallest var)
        for traj in trajs:
            traj['m'] -= smallest

        return trajs