def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Receives a file containing email addresses and sends messages to them') p.add_argument('-i', '--input', metavar='input', type=str, help='The file containing all the information') p.add_argument('-s', '--subject', metavar='subject', type=str, help='The subject line for the email') args = p.parse_args() filename = args.input subject_line = args.subject # Saves the message into a single string std_input = '' for line in sys.stdin: std_input += line emails = [] if reader.file_exists(filename): readings = reader.open_csv_file(filename) for row in readings: emails.append(generate_email_data(row, std_input, subject_line)) for email in emails: print("email", "-s", email.get('subject'), email.get('email'), "<<<", email.get('message')) # call(["email", "-s", email.get('subject'), email.get('email'), "<<<", email.get('message')]) else: raise IOError('Please point to an existing file')
def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Receives a file containing email addresses and sends messages to them') p.add_argument('-d', '--datafile', metavar='datafile', type=str, help='The file containing all user information') p.add_argument('-m', '--message', metavar='msg', dest='msg', type=str, help='The file containing the email message') p.add_argument('-s', '--subject', metavar='subject', type=str, help='The subject line for the email') p.add_argument('-l', '--login', metavar='login', dest='smtp_login', type=str, help='Login email address') p.add_argument('-p', '--pass', metavar='password', dest='smtp_pass', type=str, help='The password for login') p.add_argument('--mode', metavar='mode', dest='mode', type=str, help='Operation mode, options: show, send, default: show') p.add_argument('--log', metavar='log', dest='log', type=str, help='Log file name') args = p.parse_args() subject_line = args.subject if args.mode: mode = args.mode else: mode = 'show' if args.msg: msg_file = args.msg else: msg_file = "message" if args.datafile: filename = args.datafile else: filename = "datafile" if mode == 'send': if not args.smtp_login: print("Missing info: ", "Please provide login") return smtp_login = args.smtp_login if not args.smtp_pass: print("Missing info: ", "Please provide password") return smtp_pass = args.smtp_pass if args.log: logfile = args.log else: logfile = "emailerlog_" +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") with open(msg_file) as mf: msg = emails = [] if reader.file_exists(filename): readings = reader.open_csv_file(filename, ['name', 'email']) if readings == None: print("Error encountered during reading of csv data file") return for row in readings: email_data = generate_email_data(row, msg, subject_line) if email_data == None: print("Erorr encountered while generating emails") return emails.append(email_data) if mode == 'show': count = 0 for email in emails: print("#", count, " ", "Email: ", email.get('email')) print("Title: ", email.get('subject')) print("Message:") print(email.get('message')) count += 1 input("Press enter to continue...") print("") print("End of all emails") elif mode == 'send': # setup logging interrupted_sends = [] # operate like a stack in below code confirmed_sends = [] if os.path.isfile(logfile): logfh = open(logfile, 'r') logstr = logentries = logstr.split('\n') for entry in logentries: # go through to find entries that indicate interrupted sending fields = entry.replace(' ', '').split(',') # format : line, start/end if fields == ['']: continue if fields[1] == 'start': interrupted_sends.append(int(fields[0])) else: if interrupted_sends[len(interrupted_sends)-1] == int(fields[0]): interrupted_sends.remove(int(fields[0])) confirmed_sends.append(int(fields[0])) logfh.close() logfh = open(logfile, 'a') else: logfh = open(logfile, 'w') # setup mailing client print("Logging in") mail_client = setup_mailer(smtp_login, smtp_pass) if not mail_client: print('Error encoutnered during emailer setup') return count = 0 for email in emails: if count in confirmed_sends: continue print(">Sending out email : ", count) # print to console logfh.write(str(count) + ',' + "start" + "\n") # write to log send_email(mail_client, smtp_login, email) # send email time.sleep(0.5) # delay to avoid overloading network logfh.write(str(count) + ',' + "end" + "\n") # print to console print("<Email sent") # write to log count += 1 logfh.close() print("") print("All emails sent") else: raise IOError('Please point to an existing file')