def heal_character() -> None: """Heal character if they are not already at full health. >>> rebel.rebel["HP"] = 5 >>> heal_character() You're healing! Your HP is 6. """ if rebel.get_hp() < 10: rebel.set_hp(rebel.get_hp() + 1) print("You're healing! Your HP is %d." % rebel.get_hp())
def run_away(index: int) -> None: """Run away from enemy. PRECONDITION: index must be an int representing an existing index in imperial_forces POSTCONDITION: Run away from member of imperial force corresponding to index""" # determine if character was struck while running if randint(1, 5) == 1: damage = randint(1, 4) rebel.set_hp(rebel.get_hp() - damage) print( "\n" + line + "\nThe %s struck you as you fled!\n\nYou have taken a %d point hit, your HP is %d." % (imperial.get_name(index), damage, rebel.get_hp())) else: print("\n" + line + "\nYou fled the scene unharmed!")
def defend(index: int) -> None: """Character on defence against enemy attack. PRECONDITION: index must be an int representing an existing index in imperial_forces POSTCONDITION: Defend against member of imperial force corresponding to index""" print("The %s strikes!" % imperial.get_name(index)) # determine if hit was effective if randint(1, 15) > rebel.get_dexterity(): damage = randint(1, 6) rebel.set_hp(rebel.get_hp() - damage) print("You have taken a %d point hit!" % damage) if rebel.get_hp() <= 0: print( "You have been defeated.\n\n%s: Never underestimate the power of the Dark Side.\n" % imperial.get_name(index)) else: print("Your HP has dropped to %d.\n" % rebel.get_hp()) else: print("You evaded the attack!\n")
def combat_round(index: int) -> None: """Round of combat to the death. PRECONDITION: index must be an int representing an existing index in imperial_forces POSTCONDITION: Fight member of imperial force corresponding to index""" print("\n" + line + "\n%s: Prepare to die, rebel scum!!\n" % imperial.get_name(index)) while rebel.get_hp() > 0 and imperial.get_hp(index) > 0: attack(index) if imperial.get_hp(index) <= 0: break else: defend(index) if rebel.get_hp() > 0: print("Your HP is %d.\n\n" % rebel.get_hp() + line) # reset imperial force's HP to 5 for next encounter imperial.set_hp(index, 5)
def restart_or_exit() -> None: """Restart or exit game if player is defeated.""" if rebel.get_hp() <= 0: play_again = "" while play_again != "n" and play_again != "y": play_again = input( line + "\nYou have been defeated by the Galactic Empire. Play again? (y/n): " ) if play_again == "n": user_quit("quit") elif play_again == "y": reset_game() game_map()
def encounter_enemy(index: int) -> None: """Encounter member of imperial force. PRECONDITION: index must be an int representing an existing index in imperial_forces POSTCONDITION: Encounters member of imperial force corresponding to index""" fight_or_run = "" while fight_or_run != "f" and fight_or_run != "r": fight_or_run = input( "\nYou have encountered a(n) %s!\n\nYour current have %dHP. 'f' to fight" ", 'r' to run away: " % (imperial.get_name(index), rebel.get_hp())).strip().lower() if fight_or_run == "f": combat_round(index) elif fight_or_run == "r": run_away(index)
def test_get_hp_after_modified_hp(self): rebel.set_hp(5) self.assertIs(get_hp(), rebel.rebel["HP"])
def test_get_hp_before_game_play(self): self.assertIs(get_hp(), rebel.rebel["HP"])
def test_get_hp_return_type(self): self.assertIsInstance(get_hp(), int)