def webServer(sshIp=""): while True: os.system("tput clear") size = os.get_terminal_size() os.system("tput setaf 6; tput setab 0") os.system("tput clear") print("Webserver actions".center(size.columns)) os.system("tput setaf 7; tput setab 0") speech.speak("here are the services provided") print(webserverval) speech.speak("What can i do for you?") opt = recog.voice_rec() opt = opt.lower() if "install" or "download" in opt: speech.speak("installing web server") os.system(f"{sshIp} dnf install httpd") elif "start" or "launch" in opt: speech.speak("starting web server") os.system(f"{sshIp} systemctl enable --now httpd") print("Web server started") elif "restart" or "again" in opt: speech.speak("restarting web server") os.system(f"{sshIp} systemctl restart httpd") print("Web server restarted") elif "stop" or "pause" in opt and "server" or "web" in opt: speech.speak("stopping web server") os.system(f"{sshIp} systemctl stop httpd") print("Web server stopped") elif "exit" or "quit" or "back" in opt: return else: print("Invalid request") speech.speak("invalid request") os.system("tput clear")
def dockerMenu(sshIp=""): while True: out = "" os.system("tput clear") size = os.get_terminal_size() os.system("tput setaf 6; tput setab 0") os.system("clear") print("Docker Operations".center(size.columns)) os.system("tput setaf 7; tput setab 0") speech.speak("Here are the services provided") print(docker) speech.speak("What can i do for you?") subOpt = recog.voice_rec() subOpt = subOpt.lower() out = "" os.system("tput reset") if "create" or "new" in subOpt and "container" or "containers" in subOpt: speech.speak("Creating container...") out = startContainer(sshIp) elif "pull" or "download" in subOpt and "image" or "images" in subOpt: speech.speak("Pulling Image...") out = pullImg(sshIp) elif "running" in subOpt and "container" in subOpt: speech.speak("These are the running containers...") out = operate("container", "ls", sshIp) elif "list" or "show" in subOpt and "container" or "containers" in subOpt: speech.speak("Listing all containers...") out = operate("container", "ls -a", sshIp) elif "list" or "show" in subOpt and "os" or "images" in subOpt: speech.speak("Listing all images...") out = operate("image", "ls", sshIp) elif "start" or "launch" in subOpt and "container" or "containers" in subOpt: speech.speak("please enter container name or id") cnameId = input("Enter container name or id: ") speech.speak("Starting container...") out = operate("container", "start", cnameId, sshIp) speech.speak("container started...") elif "stop" or "pause" in subOpt and "container" or "containers" in subOpt: speech.speak("please enter container name or id") cnameId = input("Enter container name or id") out = operate("container", "stop", cnameId, sshIp) speech.speak("container stopped...") elif "delete" or "terminate" in subOpt and "container" or "containers": speech.speak("please enter container name or id") cnameId = input("Enter container name or id: ") out = operate("container", "rm -f", cnameId, sshIp) speech.speak("container terminated...") elif "execute" or "run" in subOpt and "mannual" or "mannually" in subOpt: cnameId = input("Enter container name or id: ") cmd = input("Enter the command you want to run: ") cnameId = f"{cnameId} {cmd}" out = operate("container", "exec -it", cnameId, sshIp) elif "exit" or "quit" or "back" in subOpt: return else: print("Invalid request") speech.speak("invalid request") os.system("tput clear") print(out)
def static_part(): while True: os.system("tput clear") size = os.get_terminal_size() os.system("tput setaf 6; tput setab 0") os.system("clear") print("Partitions".center(size.columns)) os.system("tput setaf 7; tput setab 0") speech.speak("here are the services provided") print(partition) speech.speak("What can i do for you?") opt = recog.voice_rec() opt = opt.lower() if "list" or "show" in opt: os.system("fdisk -l") elif "create" or "make" or "new" in opt: speech.speak("enter the device name") device = input("Enter the Device name: ") speech.speak("primary or extended") p_type = input( "Which type of partition you want to create? [p(Primary)/e(Extended)]: " ).lower() speech.speak("enter partition number") number = input( "Enter the partition number (leave empty for default): ") speech.speak("enter first sector") start = input("Enter the First sector (leave empty for default): ") speech.speak("input last sector") end = input("Enter the Last sector (leave empty for default): ") os.system( f"printf 'n\n{p_type}\n{number}\n{start}\n{end}\nw\n' | fdisk {device}" ) elif "delete" or "remove" in opt: speech.speak("enter the device name") device = input("Enter the Device name: ") os.system(f"printf 'd\nw\n' | fdisk {device}") elif "mount" or "connect" in opt: speech.speak("enter the device name") device = input("Enter the Device name: ") speech.speak("enter the path of directory") path = input("Enter the Directory path: ") os.system(f"mount {device} {path}") print(f"{device} mounted to {path} directory.") elif "format" in opt: speech.speak("enter the device name") device = input("Enter the Device name: ") os.system(f"mkfs.ext4 {device}") elif "exit" or "quit" or "back" in opt: return else: print("Invalid request") speech.speak("invalid request") os.system("tput clear")
def logical_vol(): while True: os.system("clear") size = os.get_terminal_size() os.system("tput setaf 6; tput setab 0") os.system("clear") print("Logical Volume Management".center(size.columns)) speech.speak("Welcome to the logical volume management") os.system("tput setaf 7; tput setab 0") speech.speak("Here are the services provided") print(lvm_part) speech.speak("What can i do for you?") x = recog.voice_rec() x = x.lower() if "show" or "check" or "list" in x and "partitions" or "partition" or "storage" in x: speech.speak("listing partitions") os.system("fdisk -l") elif "create" or "make" or "new" in x and "physical" or "volumes" or "volumes" in x: while True: speech.speak("enter name of storage") pv1 = input("Enter the name of storage: ") os.system(f"pvcreate {pv1}") speech.speak("Do you want to create another Physical Volume") another = input( "Do you want to create another PV [Y/N]: ").lower() if another == 'y': pass else: exit() elif "display" or "show" in x and "physical" in x: speech.speak("enter the name of the storage") pv = input("Enter the name of storage: ") os.system(f"pvdisplay {pv}") elif "extend" or "create" in x and "volume" in x: speech.speak("Here are the services provided") print(""" Create new Volume Group Extend Volume Group """) speech.speak("What can i do for you?") vg = recog.voice_rec() vg = vg.lower() if "create" or 'make' in vg: speech.speak("give a name to volume group") vgn = input("Give name to the VG: ") speech.speak("enter name of physical volume") pvn = input("Enter the name of PV: ") os.system(f"vgcreate {vgn} {pvn}") elif "extend" or "increase" in vg: speech.speak("Enter the name of existing volume group") vgn = input("Enter the name of existing VG: ") speech.speak("Enter the name of physical volume") pvn = input("Enter the name of the PV: ") os.system(f"vgextend {vgn} {pvn}") elif "display" or "show" in x and "group" in x: speech.speak("Enter the name of existing volume group") vgn = input("Enter the name of VG: ") os.system(f"vgdisplay {vgn}") elif "manage" or "create" or "make" in x and "logical" in x: speech.speak("Here are the services provided") print(""" Create new Logical Volume Extend Logical Volume Format the Logical Volume """) speech.speak("What can i do for you?") lv = recog.voice_rec() lv = lv.lower() if "create" or "make" in lv: speech.speak("enter size of logical volume") size = input("Enter size for your LV: ") speech.speak("give a name to logical volume") lvn = input("Give name to your LV: ") speech.speak("enter the name of volume group") vgn = input("Enter name of the VG: ") os.system(f"lvcreate --size {size} --name{lvn} {vgn}") elif "extend" or "increase" in lv: speech.speak("enter the name of logical") lvn = input("Enter the name of your LV: ") speech.speak("enter the name of volume group") vgn = input("Enter name of the VG: ") os.system(f"lvextend --size {size} /dev/{vgn}/{lvn}") elif "format" or "clear" in lv: speech.speak("enter the name of the volume group") vgn = input("Enter the name of VG:") speech.speak("enter the name of logical volume") lvn = input("Enter the name of LV:") os.system(f"mkfs.ext4 /dev/{vgn}/{lvn}") print("Partiton formatted....\n") speech.speak("Do you want to mount Logical volume") mout = input("Do you want to mount LV [Y/N]: ").upper() if mout == "Y": speech.speak("enter the folder path") path = input( "Enter path of folder where you want to mount : ") print("Creating directory") os.system(f'mkdir {path}') print("\nMounting Now ....\n") mntout = os.system(f"mount /dev/{vgn}/{lvn} {path}") else: exit() elif "display" or "show" in x and "logical" in x: speech.speak("listing logical volumes") os.system("lvdisplay") elif "exit" or "quit" or "back" in x: return else: print("Invalid request") speech.speak("invalid request") os.system("tput clear")
def hadoop(): while True: size = os.get_terminal_size() os.system("tput setaf 6; tput setab 0") os.system("tput clear") print("Hadoop configuration and operations".center(size.columns)) os.system("tput setaf 7; tput setab 0") speech.speak("here are the services provided") print(mainPrmt) speech.speak("What can i do for you?") opt = recog.voice_rec() opt = opt.lower() os.system("tput clear") if "download" or "install" in opt and "hadoop" in opt: speech.speak("downloading and installing hadoop") os.system( "wget" ) os.system("rpm -i hadoop-1.2.1-1.x86_64.rpm --force") speech.speak("hadoop installed") os.system("tput clear") elif "download" or "install" in opt and "jdk" or "java" in opt: speech.speak("downloading and installing java JDK") os.system( "wget" ) os.system("rpm -i jdk-8u171-linux-x64.rpm") speech.speak("jdk installed") os.system("tput clear") elif check(opt) and "data" in opt: while True: speech.speak("here are the services provided") print(""" Setup Data-node Start Data-node Stop Data-node Format Data-node Go back""") speech.speak("What can i do for you?") d = recog.voice_rec() d = d.lower() if "setup" or "configure" in d and "data" or "node" in d: speech.speak("please enter ip address of name node") ip = input("Enter the IP address of Name-node") speech.speak("please enter port number") port = int(input("Enter the port number")) datafile1 = """<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"configuration.xsl\"?>\n<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->\n<configuration>\n<property>\n<name></name>\n<value>/datanode</value>\n</property>\n</configuration>\n""" datafile2 = f"""<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>\n<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->\n<configuration>\n<property>\n<name></name>\n<value>hdfs://{ip}:{port}</value>\n</property>\n</configuration>\n""" hdfsfile = open("/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml", "w") os.system("mkdir /datanode") if hdfsfile: print( "hdfs-site.xml created succesfully ..... now writing in file.....\n" ) hdfsfile.writelines(datafile1) print( "hdfs-site.xml written successfully..... now closing file" ) hdfsfile.close() corefile = open("/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml", "w") if corefile: print( "core-site.xml created succesfully ..... now writing in file.....\n" ) corefile.writelines(datafile2) print( "core-site.xml written successfully..... now closing file" ) corefile.close() print("Hadoop Data-node setup successful") speech.speak("Hadoop Data node setup successful") elif "start" in d and "data" or "node" in d: speech.speak("Starting data node") os.system(" start datanode") print("Data-node started..") speech.speak("data node started") elif "data" or "node" in d and "stop" in d: speech.speak("stopping data node") os.system(" stop datanode") print("Data-node stopped..") speech.speak("data node stopped") elif "data" or "node" in d and "format" in d: os.system("hadoop datanode -format") print("Data-node formatted..") speech.speak("data node formatted") elif "back" or "exit" or "stop" in d: os.system("tput clear") return else: speech.speak("invalid command") os.system("tput clear") continue input("Press Enter to continue") elif check(opt) and "name" in opt: while True: speech.speak("here are the services provided") print(""" Setup Name-node Start Name-node Stop Name-node Format Name-node Check report Go back""") speech.speak("What can i do for you?") n = recog.voice_rec() n = n.lower() if "setup" or "configure" in n and "name" or "node" in n: speech.speak("enter IP address") ip = input( "Enter the IP (By default will be added): ") if len(ip) > 0: pass else: ip = "" speech.speak("enter post number") port = int(input("Enter the port number: ")) datafile3 = """<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>\n<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->\n<configuration>\n<property>\n<name></name>\n<value>/namenode</value>\n</property>\n</configuration>\n""" datafile4 = f"""<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>\n<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->\n<configuration>\n<property>\n<name></name>\n<value>hdfs://{ip}:{port}</value>\n</property>\n</configuration>\n""" hdfsfile = open("/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml", "w") os.system("mkdir /natanode") if hdfsfile: print( "hdfs-site.xml created succesfully ..... now writing in file.....\n" ) hdfsfile.writelines(datafile3) print( "hdfs-site.xml written successfully..... now closing file" ) hdfsfile.close() corefile = open("/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml", "w") if corefile: print( "core-site.xml created succesfully ..... now writing in file.....\n" ) corefile.writelines(datafile4) print( "core-site.xml written successfully..... now closing file" ) corefile.close() print("Hadoop Name-node setup successful") speech.speak("hadoop name node setup successful") elif "start" or "run" in n and "name" or "node" in n: speech.speak("Starting name node") os.system(" start namenode") print("Name-node started") speech.speak("name node started") elif "stop" or "pause" in n and "name" or "node" in n: speech.speak("stopping name node") os.system(" stop namenode") print("Name-node stopped") speech.speak("name node stopped") elif "format" or "clear" in n and "name" or "node" in n: speech.speak("formatting name node") os.system("hadoop namenode -format") speech.speak("name node formatted") elif "admin" or "report" or "detail" in n: speech.speak("here are the details") os.system("hadoop dfsadmin -report") elif "exit" or "stop" or "back" in n: os.system("tput clear") return else: speech.speak("invalid command") os.system("tput clear") continue input("Press Enter to continue") elif check(opt) and "client" in opt: while True: speech.speak("here are the services provided") print(""" Setup Client-node Change block-size and Replication-factor See files in hadoop cluster Upload file in hadoop cluster Remove the file from hadoop Go back""") speech.speak("What can i do for you?") c = recog.voice_rec() c = c.lower() if "setup" or "start" in c and "client" in c: ip = input("Enter the IP address of Name-node: ") speech.speak("Enter ip address") port = int(input("Enter the port number: ")) speech.speak("Enter port number") datafile5 = f"""<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>\n<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->\n<configuration>\n<property>\n<name></name>\n<value>hdfs://{ip}:{port}</value>\n</property>\n</configuration>\n""" corefile = open("/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml", "w") if corefile: print( "core-site.xml created succesfully ..... now writing in file.....\n" ) corefile.writelines(datafile5) print( "core-site.xml written successfully..... now closing file" ) corefile.close() print("Hadoop Client-node setup successful") elif "replication" or "block" or "backup" in c: speech.speak("Enter replication factor") replication_factor = input( "Enter the Replication-factor: ") speech.speak("Enter block size in bytes") block_size = input("Enter the block-size (in bytes): ") datafile6 = f"""<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>\n<configuration>\n<property>\n<name>dfs.replication</name>\n<value>{replication_factor}</value>\n</property>\n<property>\n<name>dfs.block.size</name>\n<value>{block_size}</value>\n</property>\n</configuration>\n""" hdfsfile = open("/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml", "w") if hdfsfile: print( "hdfs-site.xml created succesfully ..... now writing in file.....\n" ) hdfsfile.writelines(datafile6) print( "hdfs-site.xml written successfully..... now closing file" ) hdfsfile.close() speech.speak("replication factor and block size changed") elif "see" and "files" in c: speech.speak("files in hadoop cluster are") os.system("hadoop fs -ls /") elif "upload" or "put" in c: speech.speak("Enter name of the file") name = input("Enter the name of the file: ") os.system(f"hadoop.fs -put {name} /") elif "remove" or "delete" in c: speech.speak( "Enter the name of the file you want to remove") name = input( "Enter the name of the file you want to remove: ") os.system(f"hadoop.fs -rm /{name}") elif "exit" or "stop" or "back" in c: os.system("tput clear") return else: speech.speak("invalid command") os.system("tput clear") continue input("Press Enter to continue") elif "exit" or "quit" or "back" in opt: return else: print("Invalid request") speech.speak("invalid request") os.system("tput clear")
if __name__ == "__main__": text = ''' Docker Management Amazon Web Services Hadoop Configuration Webserver Configuration Yum Configuration Manage Logical Volumes Manage static partitions''' sshIp = "" print('Do you want to do ssh? Say (yes/no)') speech.speak("Do you want to do ssh?") sleep(2) isSsh = recog.voice_rec() isSsh.lower() while True: size = os.get_terminal_size() os.system("tput setaf 6; tput setab 0") os.system("clear") print("Welcome to the menu".center(size.columns)) os.system("tput setaf 7; tput setab 0") speech.speak("Welcome to the menu!") if "yes" in isSsh: sshIp = input('Enter the ssh IP or domain: ') speech.speak("Please enter IP address") sshIp = f"ssh {sshIp}"