def __init__(self): # 在不登陆的情况下:淘宝的搜索页面 self.index_url = "{}" # 浏览器对象 self.browser = webdriver.Chrome() # 浏览器加载对象 self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.browser, 20) # 记录对象 self.record = Record()
def __init__(self, username, password): # 记录对象 self.record = Record() # 手动输入账号密码的登陆界面,登录成功后跳转到搜索页面 self.url = "" # 浏览器对象 self.browser = webdriver.Chrome() # 浏览器加载对象 self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.browser, 20) # 淘宝账号 self.username = username # 淘宝登陆密码 self.password = password
def process(self): ## prepare data for round_end_record obj data = self.log['data'] table_info = data['table'] player_info = data['players'] round_end_record = Record() round_end_record.set_table_info(table_info) record_history = RecordWarehouse.pop_records( round_end_record.get_table_id()) self._assign_money_won(player_info, record_history) self._assign_action_history(record_history) ## write log from record log = [] for record in record_history: log.append(record.to_feature_string()) IOUtil.write_file_line_by_line(Config.get_output_path(), log)
def build_function_str_pairs(self, ast) -> None: """ Construct a list of tuples of functions: strings for an AST. Before adding anything to the master `Record` list of tuples the entire AST has to be traversed and any `FuncDef` nodes captured. Then, iterating each node and recursively searching for constants (strings) results in a list of all strings used by that function. Every string, regardless of its status as unique is added to the list of tuples. Uniqueness only becomes a factor once all files have been parsed and its time to add things to the final dictionary. :param ast: top-level AST generated as a result of parse_file :return: returns nothing """ function_list = self.locate_functions(ast) function_strings = [] for function_node in function_list: # Explicitly clearing the list of strings using clear() is # unfortunately the most elegant way to ensure that no # strings from the last function_node persist to the second function_strings.clear() function_strings = self.locate_func_strings(function_node) for function_str in function_strings: Record.add_func_str_to_list(, function_str) # While dictionaries are not inherently sortable, they do preserve # their insertion order. Thus, keeping the list of tuples pre-sorted # ensures that the final dictionary is at least somewhat in order Record.sort_tmp_list() # Clear all of the nodes and values for the ConstantVisitor # and FuncDefVisitor instances self.__init__()
def process(self): ## prepare data for record obj data = self.log['data'] table_info = data['table'] action_info = data['action'] player_info = data['players'] player_name = action_info['playerName'] for player in player_info: if player_name == player['playerName'] and player['isSurvive'] == False: return record = Record() record.set_table_info(table_info) record.set_action_info(action_info) record.set_player_info(player_name, player_info) ## push record to record_warehouse RecordWarehouse.append(record.get_table_id(), record)
def process_files(self, files: list) -> None: """ Process a list of file I/O objects. For each file specified in the `files` list, its AST is loaded and properly processed before it is added to the module-level `Record`. :param files: list of argparser IO wrappers :return: returns nothing """ # If the `files` list is found to be empty or improperly # populated then a `NoFileSpecifiedError` is raised if not files: raise NoFilesSpecifiedError() for f_str in files: ast = self._intr.load_new_ast( self._astp.process_ast(ast) # Rather than attempt to integrate the list and dict after # every file, it saves huge computational complexity to just # condense the operation and only do it once per run Record.integrate_list_to_dict()
class TaoBaoStartRequest(object): """ 使用selenium+chrome模拟登陆淘宝 采取的策略为当当前账号被检测到时,更换账号模拟登陆 """ def __init__(self, username, password): # 记录对象 self.record = Record() # 手动输入账号密码的登陆界面,登录成功后跳转到搜索页面 self.url = "" # 浏览器对象 self.browser = webdriver.Chrome() # 浏览器加载对象 self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.browser, 20) # 淘宝账号 self.username = username # 淘宝登陆密码 self.password = password def login(self): """ 请求获取登陆界面,自动化输入账号密码,完成登陆,获取搜索界面 :return: """ # 删除所有的cookies, 请求获取登录界面 self.browser.delete_all_cookies() self.browser.get(self.url) # 转换手动输入账号密码界面 password_login = self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, 'login-switch'))) if password_login: time.sleep(1) # 获取用户名的输入框 username = self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, 'TPL_username_1'))) # 获取账号的输入框 password = self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, 'TPL_password_1'))) # 获取登陆按钮 submit = self.wait.until( EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, 'J_SubmitStatic'))) # 填写表单内容 username.send_keys(self.username) password.send_keys(self.password) time.sleep(1) # 提交表单 def password_error(self): """ 判断是否密码错误 :return: """ try: return WebDriverWait(self.browser, 5).until( EC.text_to_be_present_in_element_value( (By.CLASS_NAME, 'error'), '你输入的密码和账户名不匹配')) except TimeoutException: return False def login_successfully(self): """ 判断是否登陆成功 :return: """ try: return bool( WebDriverWait(self.browser, 5).until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CLASS_NAME, 'site-nav-login-info-nick ')))) except TimeoutException: return False def get_input(self, keyword): """ 获取搜索框,输入关键字,搜索 :param keyword: :return: """ # 如果登陆成成功 if self.login_successfully(): # 获取搜索框 search_key = self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, 'q'))) # 获取搜索按钮 # search_click = self.wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, 'btn-search tb-bg'))) # 首先清空输入框 search_key.clear() # 填写表单内容 search_key.send_keys(keyword) time.sleep(1) # 提交表单 # # 不知道为何搜索按钮就无法获得了,总是报错,故修改成使用键盘 ENTER 键来操作 search_key.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) # 首先判断是否有搜索结果 if not self.is_result(): # 获取结果的总页数,使用find_element_by_xpath()也可以 total = self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located(( By.XPATH, '//div[@id="J_relative"]/div/div/div[@class="pager"]/ul/li[2]' ))).text.split("/")[1] # 遍历传入页号采集 for page in range(1, int(total) + 1): try: if page > 1: self.skip_page(page) print("正在采集[%s]关键字的[%s]页" % (keyword, page)) # 等待商品信息加载完成 self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.m-itemlist .items .item'))) # 采集搜索的商品信息 self.get_products() except TimeoutException: # 增加页面跳转失败时,将当前关键字和页号记录文件 self.record.record_breakpoint(keyword, page) except InvalidElementStateException: # 首先刷新页面 self.browser.refresh() # 等待商品信息加载完成 self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.m-itemlist .items .item'))) # 采集搜索的商品信息 self.get_products() else: # 没有搜索结果将关键字写入文件 print("关键字[%s]无搜索结果,写入文件" % keyword) self.record.no_search_result(keyword) def skip_page(self, num): """ 跳转指定的页号 :param num: :return: """ # 跳转页号的输入框 input_ = self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#mainsrp-pager div.form> input'))) # 提交按钮 submit = self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#mainsrp-pager div.form> span.btn.J_Submit'))) # 清空输入框 input_.clear() # 传入要跳转的页号 input_.send_keys(num) # 提交,跳转 # 判断是否跳转成功 self.wait.until( EC.text_to_be_present_in_element( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#mainsrp-pager > span'), str(num))) def is_result(self): """ 判断是否有匹配结果,需要注意的是在捕获异常的时候得是:selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException 如果捕获的是TimeOutError则依然会报错 这是第一种情况:直接就是无搜索结果 :return: """ try: self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.XPATH, '//div[@id="mainsrp-tips"]//ul'))) return True except TimeoutException: return False def get_products(self): """ 提取商品数据 :return: """ # 获取加载完成的页面 html = self.browser.page_source # 使用pyquery解析页面 doc = pq(html) # 定位包含商品信息的items items = doc('#mainsrp-itemlist .items .item').items() # 获取每一个商品项的信息 for item in items: product = { 'image': item.find('.pic .img').attr('data-src'), 'price': item.find('.price').text(), 'deal': item.find('.deal-cnt').text(), 'title': item.find('.title').text(), 'product_detail': item.find('.title .J_ClickStat').attr('href'), 'shop': item.find('.shop').text(), 'shop_detail': item.find('.shop .shopname').attr('href'), 'location': item.find('.location').text() } print("查看商品信息:", product) # 将数据写入文件 self.record.record_result(product)
'userName': '******', 'password': '******' } # 每次处理的数据量 everyCount = 10000 # 存储处理数据历史记录的文件地址 recordPath = 'migrate.db' tableName = 'media_collection' if __name__ == '__main__': mongDbPro = MongoClient(mongoConnPro) mongoDb = MongoClient(mongoConn) record = Record(recordPath) print("开始迁移表:%s" % tableName) total = mongoDb.getCount(tableName) print("%s数据总量:%d" % (tableName, total)) # 计数 startIndex = 0 sum = 0 # 后期记录表中的记录 if record.findKeyExist('migrate'): # 存在该记录, 取出处理的数据量 handleNum = record.getHandledNum('migrate') if handleNum != total: startIndex = handleNum
class TaoBaoStartSearch(object): """ 尝试在不登录的情况下直接根据关键字进行搜索 """ def __init__(self): # 在不登陆的情况下:淘宝的搜索页面 self.index_url = "{}" # 浏览器对象 self.browser = webdriver.Chrome() # 浏览器加载对象 self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.browser, 20) # 记录对象 self.record = Record() def index_page(self, keyword): """ 尝试在不登录的情况下获取搜索数据 :param keyword: :return: """ print("正在抓取的关键字:", keyword) # 发起请求 self.browser.get(self.index_url.format(keyword)) # 查看响应的页面 # print("查看获取的响应页面:", self.browser.page_source) # 首先判断是否有搜索结果 if not self.is_result(): # 获取结果的总页数,使用find_element_by_xpath()也可以 total = self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located(( By.XPATH, '//div[@id="J_relative"]/div/div/div[@class="pager"]/ul/li[2]' ))).text.split("/")[1] # 遍历传入页号采集 for page in range(1, int(total) + 1): try: if page > 1: self.skip_page(page) print("正在采集[%s]关键字的[%s]页" % (keyword, page)) # 等待商品信息加载完成 self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.m-itemlist .items .item'))) # 采集搜索的商品信息 self.get_products() except TimeoutException: # 增加页面跳转失败时,将当前关键字和页号记录文件 self.record.record_breakpoint(keyword, page) except InvalidElementStateException: # 首先刷新页面 self.browser.refresh() # 等待商品信息加载完成 self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.m-itemlist .items .item'))) # 采集搜索的商品信息 self.get_products() else: # 没有搜索结果将关键字写入文件 print("关键字[%s]无搜索结果,写入文件" % keyword) self.record.no_search_result(keyword) def skip_page(self, num): """ 跳转指定的页号 :param num: :return: """ # 跳转页号的输入框 input_ = self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#mainsrp-pager div.form> input'))) # 提交按钮 submit = self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#mainsrp-pager div.form> span.btn.J_Submit'))) # 清空输入框 input_.clear() # 传入要跳转的页号 input_.send_keys(num) # 提交,跳转 # 判断是否跳转成功 self.wait.until( EC.text_to_be_present_in_element( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#mainsrp-pager > span'), str(num))) def is_result(self): """ 判断是否有匹配结果,需要注意的是在捕获异常的时候得是:selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException 如果捕获的是TimeOutError则依然会报错 这是第一种情况:直接就是无搜索结果 :return: """ try: self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.XPATH, '//div[@id="mainsrp-tips"]//ul'))) return True except TimeoutException: return False def get_products(self): """ 提取商品数据 :return: """ # 获取加载完成的页面 html = self.browser.page_source # 使用pyquery解析页面 doc = pq(html) # 定位包含商品信息的items items = doc('#mainsrp-itemlist .items .item').items() # 获取每一个商品项的信息 for item in items: product = { 'image': item.find('.pic .img').attr('data-src'), 'price': item.find('.price').text(), 'deal': item.find('.deal-cnt').text(), 'title': item.find('.title').text(), 'product_detail': item.find('.title .J_ClickStat').attr('href'), 'shop': item.find('.shop').text(), 'shop_detail': item.find('.shop .shopname').attr('href'), 'location': item.find('.location').text() } print("查看商品信息:", product) # 将数据写入文件 self.record.record_result(product)
from record.record import Record if __name__ == '__main__': r = Record('test.db') print(r.findKeyExist('tb_vehicle_status_his_20_05_16')) r.updateHandledNum('tb_vehicle_status_his_20_05_16', 10) print(r.getHandledNum('tb_vehicle_status_his_20_05_16')) print(r.findKeyExist('tb_vehicle_status_his_20_05_16')) r.updateHandledNum('tb_vehicle_status_his_20_05_16', 20) print(r.getHandledNum('tb_vehicle_status_his_20_05_16'))
# 'port': 27017, # 'db': 'gpshisdata', # 'authDb': 'admin', # 'userName': '******', # 'password': '******' # } # 每次处理的数据量 everyCount = 10000 # 存储处理数据历史记录的文件地址 recordPath = 'update.db' if __name__ == '__main__': mongoDb = MongoClient(mongoConn) record = Record(recordPath) name_list = [] # 后期记录表中的记录 if record.findKeyExist("record"): # 存在该记录, 取出处理的数据量 name_list.extend(record.getHandledNum("record")) collection_names = mongoDb.getDocument("tb_vehicle_status_his") print("all collections: {}".format(collection_names)) last_list = [] for name in collection_names: if name in collection_names: if name.startswith('tb_vehicle_status_his_20_06_'
'db': 'gpshisdata', 'authDb': 'gpshisdata', 'userName': '******', 'password': '******' } # 每次处理的数据量 everyCount = 10000 # 存储处理数据历史记录的文件地址 recordPath = 'record.db' if __name__ == '__main__': sqlDb = MysqlClient(mysqlConn) mongoDb = MongoClient(mongoConn) record = Record(recordPath) # 获取tableName tableNameList = sqlDb.getAllTableName('tb_vehicle_status_his_') for tableName in tableNameList: print("开始迁移表:%s" % tableName) total = sqlDb.getAllRowCount(tableName) print("%s数据总量:%d" % (tableName, total)) # 计数 startIndex = 0 sum = 0 # 后期记录表中的记录 if record.findKeyExist(tableName.replace('_', '')): # 存在该记录, 取出处理的数据量