예제 #1
def test_train():
    Test that the classifier correctly extracts all observations from the test dataset.
    #train the classifier
    data = load_dataset(data_file)
    cls = TemporalEvidencesClassifier(data.features, data.target_names)
    cls = cls.fit(data.data, data.target)

    #load expected sources and their observations from json file
    expected_sources = sources_from_json(sources_file)

    #compare expected with actual sources
    assert_array_equal(sorted(cls.sources.keys()), sorted(expected_sources.keys()),)
    for name in expected_sources.keys():
        assert_source_equal(cls.sources[name], expected_sources[name])
예제 #2
def test_recommend():
    Test that the classifier generates the correct recommendations for the test dataset.

    #train the classifier and calculate recommendations
    data = load_dataset(data_file)
    cls = TemporalEvidencesClassifier(data.features, data.target_names)
    cls = cls.fit(data.data, data.target)
    actual_recommendations = cls.predict(data.data, include_conflict_theta=True)

    #load expected results from json file
    with open(recommendations_file, 'r') as infile:
        expected_recommendations = json.load(infile)

    #compare expected with actual results
    for actual, expected in zip(actual_recommendations, expected_recommendations):
        assert_recommendations_equal(actual, expected)
예제 #3
def test_train():
    Test that the classifier correctly extracts all observations from the test dataset.
    #train the classifier
    data = load_dataset(data_file)
    cls = TemporalEvidencesClassifier(data.features, data.target_names)
    cls = cls.fit(data.data, data.target)

    #load expected sources and their observations from json file
    expected_sources = sources_from_json(sources_file)

    #compare expected with actual sources
    for name in expected_sources.keys():
        assert_source_equal(cls.sources[name], expected_sources[name])
예제 #4
def test_recommend():
    Test that the classifier generates the correct recommendations for the test dataset.

    #train the classifier and calculate recommendations
    data = load_dataset(data_file)
    cls = TemporalEvidencesClassifier(data.features, data.target_names)
    cls = cls.fit(data.data, data.target)
    actual_recommendations = cls.predict(data.data,

    #load expected results from json file
    with open(recommendations_file, 'r') as infile:
        expected_recommendations = json.load(infile)

    #compare expected with actual results
    for actual, expected in zip(actual_recommendations,
        assert_recommendations_equal(actual, expected)
import pandas

from recsys.classifiers.temporal import TemporalEvidencesClassifier
from recsys.dataset import load_dataset
from evaluation.metrics import results_as_dataframe
from evaluation import plot
import config

data = load_dataset("../datasets/houseA.csv", "../datasets/houseA.config")

#run the classifier on the whole dataset
cls = TemporalEvidencesClassifier(data.features, data.target_names)
cls = cls.fit(data.data, data.target)
results = cls.predict(data.data, include_conflict_theta=True)

#extract conflict and uncertainty and convert recommendations to pandas representation
recommendations, conflict, uncertainty = zip(*results)
results = results_as_dataframe(data.target, list(recommendations))

#for each row, mark correct recommendations with "1", false recommendations with "0"
find_matches_in_row = lambda row: [1 if col == row.name else 0 for col in row]
results = results.apply(find_matches_in_row, axis=1)

#set uncertainty and conflict as multi-index
results.index = pandas.MultiIndex.from_tuples(zip(conflict, uncertainty),
                                              names=["Conflict", "Uncertainty"])

#found_within: the correct service was found within X recommendations
예제 #6

import pandas

from recsys.classifiers.temporal import TemporalEvidencesClassifier
from recsys.classifiers.binning import initialize_bins
from recsys.dataset import load_dataset
from evaluation import plot
import config

data = load_dataset("../datasets/houseA.csv", "../datasets/houseA.config")

#fit classifier to dataset
cls = TemporalEvidencesClassifier(data.features,
                                  bins=initialize_bins(0, 300, 10))
cls = cls.fit(data.data, data.target)

#create visualizations of habits around each user action
plot_conf = plot.plot_config(config.plot_directory,
                             sub_dirs=[data.name, "habits"],
for source in cls.sources.values():
    observations = pandas.DataFrame(source.temporal_counts)
    observations.columns = data.target_names
    observations.index = cls.bins
    plot.plot_observations(source.name(), observations, plot_conf)

print "Results can be found in the \"%s\" directory" % config.plot_directory