예제 #1
def defineActiveLevels(prect, mep1, mep2, params):
    % defines the levels on which we need to operate...
    % the rule is: there must be at least params.min_pix(1) 
    % pixels to work on 
    s = rectSize(prect)

    # TODO - part 3
    newSize = s[0] * s[1]
    maxLevel = 0
    thold = params['min_pix'][0]
    i = 0
    while (newSize >= thold):
        maxLevel = maxLevel + 1
        if (maxLevel >= len(mep1) or maxLevel >= len(mep2)):
        if ((mep1[i].im.shape[0] * mep2[i].im.shape[1]) <= thold):
        i = i + 1
        newSize = newSize / 4
    minlev = 1
    maxlev = maxLevel

    Ls = list(range(minlev, maxlev + 1))
    return Ls
예제 #2
    def resampleMei(coi, srect, drect):
        isrect = coi2imcoord(coi, srect)
        crect = np.array([
        cutim = coi.im[crect[2] - 1:crect[3], crect[0] - 1:crect[1]]
        cisrect = isrect - np.array([crect[0], crect[0], crect[2], crect[2]
                                     ]) + 1
        s = rectSize(drect) + 1
        rim = resample1D(cutim, cisrect[2:], s[1], 1)
        rim = resample1D(rim, cisrect[:2], s[0], 2)

        return rim
예제 #3
def coiCut(coi, rect, safety_border=0):
    % coiCut   cut a rectangular region from ME image coi 
    % ccoi = coiCut(coi, rect, safety_border)
    % The rect is first rounded (according to our rect rules). 
    % Use safety_border if you belive the edge of the image might be suspect, and 
    % should not be used.  If rect is larger than imageRect-safety_border, the 
    % intersection area is returned.
    rect = rectIntersect(rect,
                         rectEnlarge(coiImageRect(coi), -1 * safety_border))

    if rectSize(rect).prod() > 0:
        imrect = rect2int(coi2imcoord(coi, rect))
        origin = 1 - im2coicoord(coi, imrect[[0, 2]])
        im = coi.im[(imrect[2] - 1):imrect[3], (imrect[0] - 1):imrect[1]]
        im = np.zeros((0, 0))
        origin = [0, 0]

    return coimage(im, origin, '{}_c'.format(coi.label), coi.level)
예제 #4
def LKonPyramid(prevPyr, curPyr, prect, init_mot, varargin):
    % LKonPyramid perform Lukas-Kande on multiresolution image pyramid
    % mot = LKonPyramid(prevPyr, curPyr, prect, init_mot, params)
    % finds the image within rectangle prect of the previous frame (prevPyr) in 
    %   the current frame (curPyr), using Lukas-Kanade tracking within the pyramid
    % mot is a uvs vector [x y scale x_0 y_0] (see functions uvs* )
    % params is defined by LKinitParams
    % Note: All motions (input and output) are expressed in the base level of
    % the input pyramids (prevPyr{1}.level).
    % features:
    %    if params.do_scale==t, then scale is optimized, else it is kept equal
    %       to init_mot's scale
    %    debugging - if params.show_fig~=0, then we open figures for each level and
    %                show the motion and residual error after each iteration 
    % this calls LKonCoImage for each level
    params = LKinitParams(varargin)

    assert prevPyr[0].level == curPyr[
        0].level, 'Pyramid base levels must be the same.'

    # %what levels of the pyramid should we run over
    Ls = defineActiveLevels(prect, prevPyr, curPyr, params)

    mot = init_mot.copy()
    plev = prevPyr[0].level

    for lev in Ls[::-1]:
        mot = uvsChangeLevel(mot, plev, lev)
        lprect = rectChangeLevel(prect, 1, lev)
        cparams = params.copy()

        # % if num pixels is less then min_pix(2), estimate only u,v on this lev
        if np.prod(rectSize(lprect)) < params['min_pix'][-1]:
            cparams['do_scale'] = False

        if params['show_fig']:
            cparams['show_fig'] = lev
            print('Lev {} in {} : {}'.format(prevPyr[lev - 1].level,
        plev = lev

        # % track in this level
        mot, err = LKonCoImage(prevPyr[lev - 1], curPyr[lev - 1], lprect, mot,

    # % change motion back to level 1 (in case last level was not 1)
    # % Note: this 'lev' is the index of level (as in pyr{lev}, not
    # % neccessarily the real level (as in pyr{lev}.level).
    # % Thus the motion is always given in the base level of the pyrmaid.
    mot = uvsChangeLevel(mot, plev, 1)
    return mot
예제 #5
def uvsWarp(mot, coi, destrect, crop_it=True):
    % uvsWarp  warp the image using mot and cut the result to destrect 
    % wcoi = uvsWarp(mot, coi, destrect)
    % if mot is the motion from A -> B, then this function warps a piece of A
    % (input coi) (aka. source) to be aligned with B (aka. dest). The pixels that
    % should exist in the result is defined by rounding destrect, which is in B's
    % coordinate system.
    % destrect - (o) me rect, and is rounded by rect2int to find the pixels that
    % will exist in the final image.  Note: this means that an "integer" sized and
    % pixel aligned rectangle typically looks like [-1.5 1.5 -2.5 2.5], not [-1 1
    % -2 2]. If not given, the whole input image is warped and the resulting
    % image will be assumed to be integer aligned.
    % crop_it - (o) default: true; if true and if destrect is too large for 
    % warped image, the 2 are intersected - similar to coiCut (Note: it's pixel offset is still used for the final image
    % pixel offset. Also if true, any nan rows/columns are removed (due to
    % input image)
    def resampleMei(coi, srect, drect):
        isrect = coi2imcoord(coi, srect)
        crect = np.array([
        cutim = coi.im[crect[2] - 1:crect[3], crect[0] - 1:crect[1]]
        cisrect = isrect - np.array([crect[0], crect[0], crect[2], crect[2]
                                     ]) + 1
        s = rectSize(drect) + 1
        rim = resample1D(cutim, cisrect[2:], s[1], 1)
        rim = resample1D(rim, cisrect[:2], s[0], 2)

        return rim

    def resample1D(Ain, source, dests, dim):
        A = Ain.astype(np.float)
        rr = np.linspace(source[0], source[1], dests)
        lp = np.floor(rr).astype(np.int) - 1
        rp = np.ceil(rr).astype(np.int) - 1
        rw = np.mod(rr, 1)
        lw = 1 - rw

        if dim == 1:
            B = A[lp, :] * lw.T[:, np.newaxis] + A[rp, :] * rw.T[:, np.newaxis]
        elif dim == 2:
            B = A[:, lp] * lw + A[:, rp] * rw
        return B

    crect = coiImageRect(coi)
    idestrect = rect2int(destrect)

    if crop_it:
        wirect = uvsRWarp(mot, rectEnlarge(crect, -0.99))
        assert np.all(np.mod(rectSize(destrect), 1) == 0)
        doffset = np.mod(destrect[0:3:2] + 0.5, 1)
        destrect = rect2int(rectIntersect(wirect, destrect))
        idestrect = rect2int(destrect, doffset)

    if np.any(rectSize(destrect) < 1):
        wim = np.zeros((0, 0))
        srect = uvsRBackwardWarp(mot, idestrect)
        wim = resampleMei(coi, srect, idestrect)
    wcoi = coimage(wim, tuple(1 - idestrect[0:3:2]),
                   '{}_warp'.format(coi.label), coi.level)

    return wcoi