def SpaceFromScreen(self, coords): screen_width = self.screen.get_width() screen_height = self.screen.get_height() x = coords[0] y = screen_height - coords[1] screen_rect = Rectangle(Vector(), Vector(screen_width, screen_height)) screen_rect.ShrinkToMatchAspectRatio(self.space_rect) space_pos = screen_rect.LinearMap(self.space_rect, Vector(x, y)) return space_pos
class Game(object): def __init__(self, screen): self.screen = screen self.score = 0 self.hud_font = pygame.font.SysFont('courier', 14) self.game_objects_list = [] self.space_rect = Rectangle(Vector(-50.0, -50.0), Vector(50.0, 50.0)) self.origin_mass = 10000.0 self.air_resistance = 100.0 self.wind_force_mag = 100.0 self.kill_radius = 100.0 self.place_count = 0 self.game_time_remaining = 2.0 * 60.0 self.game_over = False self.GenerateNextNode()'sounds/antechamber.mp3') self.explosion_sound_list = [ pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/explode%d.wav' % i) for i in range(3) ] self.placement_sound_list = [ pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/placement%d.wav' % i) for i in range(1) ] def GenerateNextNode(self): color = (0, 0, 0) while color == (0, 0, 0): color = (random.randint(0, 1) * 255, random.randint(0, 1) * 255, random.randint(0, 1) * 255) mass = float(random.randint(30, 80)) self.next_node = Node(Vector(), color, mass) self.place_count += 1 if self.place_count % random.randint(3, 5) == 0: self.next_node.about_to_explode = True self.attachment_count = 2 if random.randint(1, 10) > 7 else 1 def AddObject(self, obj): self.game_objects_list.append(obj) from explosion import Explosion if isinstance(obj, Explosion): sound = self.explosion_sound_list[random.randint( 0, len(self.explosion_sound_list) - 1)] def Advance(self, time_delta): for obj in self.game_objects_list: obj.Reset() for obj in self.game_objects_list: obj.AccumulateForces(self) # Create a slight breeze that tries to keep everything in view. center = Vector() count = 0.0 for obj in self.game_objects_list: if isinstance(obj, Node): center += obj.position count += 1.0 if count > 0.0: center /= count wind_force = center.Normalize() * -self.wind_force_mag for obj in self.game_objects_list: if isinstance(obj, Node): obj.net_force += wind_force for obj in self.game_objects_list: obj.Advance(time_delta, self) self.game_objects_list = [ obj for obj in self.game_objects_list if obj.alive ] if not self.game_over: pressed_keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() move_rate = 30.0 if pressed_keys[pygame.K_UP]: self.next_node.position.y += move_rate * time_delta if pressed_keys[pygame.K_DOWN]: self.next_node.position.y -= move_rate * time_delta if pressed_keys[pygame.K_LEFT]: self.next_node.position.x -= move_rate * time_delta if pressed_keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: self.next_node.position.x += move_rate * time_delta mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if 0 <= mouse_pos[0] < self.screen.get_width( ) and 0 <= mouse_pos[1] < self.screen.get_height(): space_pos = self.SpaceFromScreen(mouse_pos) self.next_node.position = space_pos self.game_time_remaining -= time_delta if self.game_time_remaining <= 0.0: self.game_over = True def HandleEvent(self, event): if not self.game_over: if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: self._ChooseNextNodeLocation() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: # This is a left click, but where is the enum for it? self._ChooseNextNodeLocation() def _ChooseNextNodeLocation(self): node_list = self.FindAttachmentNodes() for node in node_list: self.AddObject(Spring(node, self.next_node)) self.AddObject(self.next_node) self.GenerateNextNode() sound = random.choice(self.placement_sound_list) def Draw(self, time_elapsed): self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.game_objects_list.sort(key=lambda obj: obj.DrawSortKey()) for obj in self.game_objects_list: obj.Draw(self) self.next_node.Draw(self, True) spring_count = 0 node_count = 0 for obj in self.game_objects_list: if isinstance(obj, Node): node_count += 1 elif isinstance(obj, Spring): spring_count += 1 text = self.hud_font.render('FPS: %f' % (1.0 / time_elapsed), True, (128, 128, 128)) self.screen.blit(text, (0, 0)) text = self.hud_font.render('Score: %d' % self.score, True, (255, 255, 255)) self.screen.blit(text, (0, self.hud_font.get_height())) text = self.hud_font.render('Nodes: %d' % node_count, True, (255, 255, 255)) self.screen.blit(text, (0, self.hud_font.get_height() * 2)) text = self.hud_font.render('Springs: %d' % spring_count, True, (255, 255, 255)) self.screen.blit(text, (0, self.hud_font.get_height() * 3)) if not self.game_over: minutes = int(self.game_time_remaining / 60.0) seconds = int(self.game_time_remaining % 60.0) text = self.hud_font.render( 'Time left: %d:%02d' % (minutes, seconds), True, (255, 255, 255)) self.screen.blit(text, (0, self.hud_font.get_height() * 4)) else: text = 'GAME OVER' coords = self._CenterText(text, self.hud_font) text = self.hud_font.render(text, True, (255, 255, 255)) self.screen.blit(text, coords) def _CenterText(self, text, font): screen_width = self.screen.get_width() screen_height = self.screen.get_height() text_width, text_height = font.size(text) coords = ((screen_width - text_width) // 2, (screen_height - text_height) // 2) return coords def SpaceToScreen(self, position): screen_width = self.screen.get_width() screen_height = self.screen.get_height() screen_rect = Rectangle(Vector(), Vector(screen_width, screen_height)) screen_rect.ShrinkToMatchAspectRatio(self.space_rect) screen_pos = self.space_rect.LinearMap(screen_rect, position) x = int(screen_pos.x) y = screen_height - int(screen_pos.y) #x = min(max(x, 0), screen_width - 1) #y = min(max(y, 0), screen_height - 1) return (x, y) def SpaceFromScreen(self, coords): screen_width = self.screen.get_width() screen_height = self.screen.get_height() x = coords[0] y = screen_height - coords[1] screen_rect = Rectangle(Vector(), Vector(screen_width, screen_height)) screen_rect.ShrinkToMatchAspectRatio(self.space_rect) space_pos = screen_rect.LinearMap(self.space_rect, Vector(x, y)) return space_pos def FindAttachmentNodes(self): node_list = [ obj for obj in self.game_objects_list if isinstance(obj, Node) ] node_list.sort( key=lambda obj: (obj.position - self.next_node.position).Length()) while len(node_list) > self.attachment_count: node_list.pop(-1) return node_list