예제 #1
    def uploadException(self,err):
        """Upload an exception to the website"""
            """Ask if the error can be uploaded.  Unless the user doesn't want to be bothered with asking."""
            if not redREnviron.settings['askToUploadError']:
                res = redREnviron.settings['uploadError']
                import redRQTCore
                self.msg = redRQTCore.dialog(parent=qApp.canvasDlg,title='Red-R Error')
                error = redRQTCore.widgetBox(self.msg,orientation='vertical')
                redRQTCore.widgetLabel(error, label='Do you wish to report the Error Log?')
                buttons = redRQTCore.widgetBox(error,orientation='horizontal')

                redRQTCore.button(buttons, label = _('Yes'), callback = self.uploadYes)
                redRQTCore.button(buttons, label = _('No'), callback = self.uploadNo)
                self.checked = False
                self.remember = redRQTCore.checkBox(error,label='response', displayLabel=None,
                buttons=[_('Remember my Response')],callback=self.rememberResponse)
                res = self.msg.exec_()
                redREnviron.settings['uploadError'] = res
            """If errors can be uploaded then send them"""
            if res == 1:
                # print 'in res'
                err['version'] = redREnviron.version['SVNVERSION']
                err['type'] = redREnviron.version['TYPE']
                err['redRversion'] = redREnviron.version['REDRVERSION']
                if os.name == 'nt':
                    err['os'] = 'Windows'
                if redREnviron.settings['canContact']:
                    err['email'] = redREnviron.settings['email']
                params = urllib.urlencode(err)
                headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
                conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("red-r.org",80)
                conn.request("POST", "/errorReport.php", params,headers)
                log(REDRCORE, INFO, '<strong>Error data posted to the server</strong>')
예제 #2
    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev):
        point = self.mapToScene(ev.pos())
        if self.widgetSelectionRect:
            # select widgets in rectangle
            widgets = self.getItemsAtPos(self.widgetSelectionRect, orngCanvasItems.CanvasWidget)
            for widget in self.doc.widgets():
                widget.setSelected(widget in widgets)
            self.widgetSelectionRect = None

        # if we are moving a widget
        if self.bWidgetDragging:
            validPos = True
            for item in self.getSelectedWidgets():
                items = self.scene().collidingItems(item)
                validPos = validPos and (self.findItemTypeCount(items, orngCanvasItems.CanvasWidget) == 0)

            for item in self.getSelectedWidgets():
                if not validPos:

        # if we are drawing line
        elif self.tempLine:
            # show again the empty input/output boxes
            #redRLog.log(redRLog.REDRCORE, redRLog.INFO, 'setting line')
            for widget in self.doc.widgets():
            start = self.tempLine.startWidget or self.tempLine.widget  ## marks the starting of the tempLine
            end = self.tempLine.endWidget or self.tempLine.widget       ## marks the ending of the tempLine
            self.tempLine = None

            # we must check if we have really connected some output to input
            if start and end and start != end:
                #redRLog.log(redRLog.REDRCORE, redRLog.INFO, 'setting start and end')
                self.doc.addLine(start, end)
                """If the user is drawing a line and simply drops the line on a point then we would like to place a widget there, as we assume that the user wanted to actually connect the line to something.  There is a copy of the searchbar located in the redRCanvasToolbar.redRCanvasToolbarandMenu.SearchBox3 attribute.  We simply want to show this toolbar at approximately the widget location."""
                newCoords = QPoint(ev.globalPos()) # find where the pointer ended.
                import redRQTCore, redRCanvasToolbar
                dialog = redRQTCore.dialog(None, title = "Widget Lookup")
                def searchCallback(info, c, x = point.x(), y = point.y(), start = start, end = end, self = self, dialog = dialog):
                    import redRObjects
                    if c == 'w':
                        newWidget = redRObjects.addWidget(redRObjects.widgetRegistry()['widgets'][info.fileName], x = x, y = y) # add the correct widget to the schema
                        nw = redRObjects.getWidgetByIDActiveTabOnly(newWidget)
                        self.doc.addLine(start or nw, end or nw)
                searchBox = redRCanvasToolbar.SearchBox2(dialog, width = 500, callback = searchCallback)
                searchBox.setItems(redRObjects.widgetRegistry()['widgets'], [])
                del searchBox
                del dialog
                ##state = [self.doc.widgets()[i].widgetInfo.name for i in range(min(len(self.doc.widgets()), 5))]
                ##predictedWidgets = orngHistory.predictWidgets(state, 20)

                #newCoords = QPoint(ev.globalPos())
                #action = self.doc.widgetPopupMenu.exec_(newCoords- QPoint(0, self.doc.widgetPopupMenu.categoriesYOffset))
                #if action and hasattr(action, "widgetInfo"):
                    #xOff = -48 * bool(end)
                    #newWidget = self.doc.addWidget(action.widgetInfo, point.x()+xOff, point.y()-24)
                    #if newWidget != None:
                        #nw = redRObjects.getWidgetByIDActiveTabOnly(newWidget)
                        #if self.doc.signalManager.signalProcessingInProgress:
                            #QMessageBox.information( self, _("Red-R Canvas"), _("Unable to connect widgets while signal processing is in progress. Please wait."))
                            #self.doc.addLine(start or nw, end or nw)

        elif ev.button() == Qt.RightButton:
            activeItem = self.scene().itemAt(point)
            diff = self.mouseDownPosition - point
            if not activeItem and (diff.x()**2 + diff.y()**2) < 25:     # if no active widgets and we pressed and released mouse at approx same position
                import redRQTCore, redRCanvasToolbar
                dialog = redRQTCore.dialog(None, title = "Widget Lookup")
                def searchCallback(info, c, x = point.x(), y = point.y(), self = self, dialog = dialog):
                    import redRObjects
                    if c == 'w':
                        newWidget = redRObjects.addWidget(redRObjects.widgetRegistry()['widgets'][info.fileName], x = x, y = y) # add the correct widget to the schema
                        #nw = redRObjects.getWidgetByIDActiveTabOnly(newWidget)
                        #self.doc.addLine(start or nw, end or nw)
                searchBox = redRCanvasToolbar.SearchBox2(dialog, width = 500, callback = searchCallback)
                searchBox.setItems(redRObjects.widgetRegistry()['widgets'], [])
                #newCoords = QPoint(ev.globalPos())
                ##state = [self.doc.widgets()[i].widgetInfo.name for i in range(min(len(self.doc.widgets()), 5))]
                ##predictedWidgets = orngHistory.predictWidgets(state, 20)
                ##self.doc.widgetPopupMenu.updatePredictedWidgets(predictedWidgets, 'inputClasses')
                #height = sum([self.doc.widgetPopupMenu.actionGeometry(action).height() for action in self.doc.widgetPopupMenu.actions()])
                #action = self.doc.widgetPopupMenu.exec_(newCoords - QPoint(0, self.doc.widgetPopupMenu.categoriesYOffset))
                #if action and hasattr(action, "widgetInfo"):
                    #newWidget = self.doc.addWidget(action.widgetInfo, point.x(), point.y())

        self.bWidgetDragging = False
        self.doc.canvasDlg.widgetPopup.setEnabled(len(self.getSelectedWidgets()) == 1)
예제 #3
    def createReportsMenu(self, widgets = None, schemaImage=True):
        qname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, _("Write Report to File"), 
        redREnviron.directoryNames['documentsDir'] + "/Report-"+unicode(datetime.date.today())+".odt", 
        "Open Office Text (*.odt);; HTML (*.html);; LaTeX (*.tex)")
        if qname.isEmpty(): return
        qname = unicode(qname)
        name = unicode(qname) # this is the file name of the Report
        # name = os.path.join(redREnviron.directoryNames['redRDir'],'restr.odt')
        if os.path.splitext(name)[1].lower() not in [".odt", ".html", ".tex"]: name = name + '.odt'
        fileDir = os.path.split(name)[0]
            fileDir2 = os.path.join(fileDir, os.path.splitext("Data-"+os.path.split(name)[1])[0])
            fileDir2 = fileDir2.replace('\\', '/')
            fd3 = []
            for p in fileDir2.split('/'):
                if len(p) > 8 and ' ' in p:
                    fd3.append(p.replace(' ', '')[:6]+'~1')
            fileDir2 = '/'.join(fd3)
            if os.path.isdir(fileDir2):

            # makes a file to place the temp data into.  
            #This will be deleted once the odt file is made.
        except Exception as inst:
            redRLog.log(redRLog.REDRCORE, redRLog.ERROR,redRLog.formatException())
        # show the report list and allow the user to select widgets to include in the report.
        ## get the report info for the included widgets.
        # reportData = self.getReportData(fileDir2,name)
        if not widgets:
            import redRObjects
            import redRSignalManager
            widgets = redRObjects.instances()
            """The widgets may be stored in a seemingly random manner in the instances section.  We would like to show the report in a way that makes sense.  There is no real easy way to do this but the general plan that seems to work most often is to ensure that we don't make a report on a widget that has signaling widgets that aren't reported on yet.  That is we report widgets as they send data.  Note that this might not be the chronological order in which the analysis was carried out but it will be close to the order in which processing occurs from the data's point of view."""
            widgetscopy = widgets
            widgetsnew = []
            def copywidget(w, widgetscopy, widgetsnew):
                """Copies the widget to the right place."""
            def parentsIndexed(olist, widgetsnew):
                """Checks if the parent widgets have been indexed or not"""
                for o in olist:
                    if o not in widgetsnew: return False
                return True
            while len(widgetscopy) > 0:
                for w in widgetscopy:
                    if len(w.inputs.inputs.keys()) == 0 or len(redRSignalManager.getInputInstances(w)) == 0:
                        copywidget(w, widgetscopy, widgetsnew)
                        print 'Copy widget %s' % unicode(w)
                    elif parentsIndexed(redRSignalManager.getInputInstances(w), widgetsnew):
                        copywidget(w, widgetscopy, widgetsnew)
                        print 'Copy widget %s' % unicode(w)
            print unicode(widgetsnew)
            print unicode(widgets)
            widgets = widgetsnew
        done = self.createReport(fileDir2,name,widgets,schemaImage)
        if not done:
        if os.name =='nt':
            doneDialog = redRQTCore.dialog(self.schema,title=_("Report Generated"))
            redRQTCore.widgetLabel(doneDialog,label=_('Your report is ready to view.'))
            buttonBox = redRQTCore.widgetBox(doneDialog,orientation='horizontal')
            acceptButton = redRQTCore.button(buttonBox,_('View Report'))
            QObject.connect(acceptButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), doneDialog.accept)
            acceptButton = redRQTCore.button(buttonBox,_('Done'))
            QObject.connect(acceptButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), doneDialog.reject)
            if doneDialog.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted:
                    redRLog.log(redRLog.REDRCORE, redRLog.ERROR, redRLog.formatException())
                    mb = QMessageBox(_("Cannot Open File"), 
                    _("Red-R cannot open the reports file. Please open the file manually.\nThis is not a problem with Red-R, it is a problem with your document viewer."), 
                    QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Default, QMessageBox.NoButton, QMessageBox.NoButton,self)

            QMessageBox.information(self, _("Red-R Canvas"), _("Your report is ready to view."), 
            QMessageBox.Ok + QMessageBox.Default )