예제 #1
        async def show_results():
            text = _("Banned {num} users from the server.").format(
            if errors:
                text += _("\nErrors:\n")
                text += "\n".join(errors.values())
            if upgrades:
                text += _(
                    "\nFollowing user IDs have been upgraded from a temporary to a permanent ban:\n"
                text += humanize_list(upgrades)

            for p in pagify(text):
                await ctx.send(p)
예제 #2
 async def _send_startup_msg(self):
     list_names = []
     for idx, tup in enumerate(self.settings["lists"].items()):
         name, (author, count) = tup
         if author:
             title = _(
                 "{trivia_list} ({count} entries by {author})").format(
                     trivia_list=name, author=author, count=count)
             title = _("{trivia_list} ({count} entries)").format(
                 trivia_list=name, count=count)
     await self.ctx.send(
         _("Starting Trivia: {list_names}").format(
예제 #3
 async def initialize(self):
     agent = await self.config.agent()
     if not agent:
         await self.bot.wait_until_red_ready()
         if not self.bot.owner_ids:
             # always False but forces owner_ids to be filled
             await self.bot.is_owner(discord.Object(id=None))
         owner_ids = self.bot.owner_ids
         # only make the user_info request if necessary
         agent = humanize_list(
             [str(self.bot.get_user(id) or await self.bot.fetch_user(id)) for id in owner_ids]
     Api.agent = f"{agent} Red-DiscordBot/{red_version}"
     self.db_cache = await self.config.custom("NATION").all()
예제 #4
    async def get_commands(self):
        returning = []
        downloader = self.bot.get_cog("Downloader")
        for name, cog in self.bot.cogs.copy().items():
            stripped = []

            for c in cog.__cog_commands__:
                if not c.parent:

            cmds = await self.build_cmd_list(stripped)
            if not cmds:

            author = "Unknown"
            repo = "Unknown"
            # Taken from Trusty's downloader fuckery, https://gist.github.com/TrustyJAID/784c8c32dd45b1cc8155ed42c0c56591
            if name not in self.cog_info_cache:
                if downloader:
                    module = downloader.cog_name_from_instance(cog)
                    installed, cog_info = await downloader.is_installed(module)
                    if installed:
                        author = humanize_list(
                            cog_info.author) if cog_info.author else "Unknown"
                            repo = (cog_info.repo.clean_url
                                    if cog_info.repo.clean_url else "Unknown")
                        except AttributeError:
                            repo = "Unknown (Removed from Downloader)"
                    elif cog.__module__.startswith("redbot."):
                        author = "Cog Creators"
                        repo = "https://github.com/Cog-Creators/Red-DiscordBot"
                    self.cog_info_cache[name] = {}
                    self.cog_info_cache[name]["author"] = author
                    self.cog_info_cache[name]["repo"] = repo
                author = self.cog_info_cache[name]["author"]
                repo = self.cog_info_cache[name]["repo"]

                "name": name,
                "desc": cog.__doc__,
                "cmds": cmds,
                "author": author,
                "repo": repo
        returning = sorted(returning, key=lambda k: k["name"])
        return returning
예제 #5
 async def send_testing_msg(self, ctx, bot=False, msg=None, leave=False):
     # log.info(leave)
     guild = ctx.message.guild
     guild_settings = await self.config.guild(guild).get_raw()
     # log.info(guild_settings)
     channel = guild.get_channel(guild_settings["CHANNEL"])
     if leave:
         channel = guild.get_channel(guild_settings["LEAVE_CHANNEL"])
     rand_msg = msg or rand_choice(guild_settings["GREETING"])
     if leave:
         rand_msg = msg or rand_choice(guild_settings["GOODBYE"])
     if bot:
         rand_msg = guild_settings["BOTS_MSG"]
     is_embed = guild_settings["EMBED"]
     member = ctx.message.author
     whisper_settings = guild_settings["WHISPER"]
     if channel is None and whisper_settings not in ["BOTH", True]:
         msg = _("I can't find the specified channel. It might have been deleted.")
         await ctx.send(msg)
     if channel is None:
         await ctx.send(_("`Sending a testing message to ") + "` DM")
         await ctx.send(_("`Sending a testing message to ") + "`{0.mention}".format(channel))
     if not bot and guild_settings["WHISPER"]:
         if is_embed:
             em = await self.make_embed(member, guild, rand_msg)
             await ctx.author.send(embed=em, delete_after=60)
             await ctx.author.send(await self.convert_parms(member, guild, rand_msg), delete_after=60)
     if bot or whisper_settings is not True:
         if guild_settings["GROUPED"]:
             member = [ctx.author, ctx.me]
         if is_embed and channel.permissions_for(guild.me).embed_links:
             em = await self.make_embed(member, guild, rand_msg)
             if await self.config.guild(guild).EMBED_DATA.mention():
                 if guild_settings["GROUPED"]:
                     await channel.send(
                         humanize_list([m.mention for m in member]), embed=em, delete_after=60
                     await channel.send(member.mention, embed=em, delete_after=60)
                 await channel.send(embed=em, delete_after=60)
             await channel.send(
                 await self.convert_parms(member, guild, rand_msg), delete_after=60
예제 #6
 async def _set_event_emoji(
     ctx: commands.Context,
     emoji: Union[discord.Emoji, str],
     *events: EventChooser,
 ) -> None:
         Set the emoji used in text modlogs.
         `new_emoji` can be any discord emoji or unicode emoji the bot has access to use.
         `[events...]` must be one of the following options (more than one event can be provided at once):
             **Requires Red 3.3 and discord.py 1.3**
     if len(events) == 0:
         return await ctx.send(
             _("You must provide which events should be included."))
     if ctx.guild.id not in self.settings:
         self.settings[ctx.guild.id] = inv_settings
     if isinstance(emoji, str):
             await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji)
         except discord.errors.HTTPException:
             return await ctx.send(
                 _("{emoji} is not a valid emoji.").format(emoji=emoji))
     new_emoji = str(emoji)
     for event in events:
         self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event]["emoji"] = new_emoji
         await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).set_raw(
             event, value=self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event])
     await ctx.send(
         _("{event} emoji has been set to {new_emoji}").format(
             event=humanize_list(events), new_emoji=str(new_emoji)))
예제 #7
    async def _set_event_colours(self, ctx: commands.Context,
                                 colour: discord.Colour,
                                 *events: EventChooser):
        Set custom colours for modlog events

        `colour` must be a hex code or a [built colour.](https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#colour)

        `[events...]` must be any of the following options (more than one event can be provided at once):
            `channel_change` - Updates to channel name, etc.
            `commands_used`  - Bot command usage
            `emoji_change`   - Emojis added or deleted
            `guild_change`   - Server settings changed
            `member_change`  - Member changes like roles added/removed and nicknames
            `role_change`    - Role updates like permissions
            `voice_change`   - Voice channel join/leave

            **Requires Red 3.3+ and discord.py 1.3+**
        if len(events) == 0:
            return await ctx.send(
                _("You must provide which events should be included."))
        if ctx.guild.id not in self.settings:
            self.settings[ctx.guild.id] = inv_settings
        if colour:
            new_colour = colour.value
            new_colour = colour
        for event in events:
            self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event]["colour"] = new_colour
            await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).set_raw(
                event, value=self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event])
        await ctx.send(
            _("{event} has been set to {colour}").format(
                    [e.replace("user_", "member_") for e in events]),
예제 #8
파일: baron.py 프로젝트: bobloy/phen-cogs
 async def blacklist(self, ctx: commands.Context, guild_id: int = None):
     """Blacklist the bot from joining a server."""
     if not guild_id:
         e = discord.Embed(
             color=await ctx.embed_color(),
             title="Baron Blacklist",
             description=humanize_list(await self.config.blacklist()),
         await ctx.send(embed=e)
         if guild_id in await self.config.blacklist():
             await ctx.send("This server is already blacklisted.")
         async with self.config.blacklist() as b:
         await ctx.tick()
예제 #9
파일: baron.py 프로젝트: bobloy/phen-cogs
 async def whitelist(self, ctx: commands.Context, guild_id: int = None):
     """Whitelist a server from Baron actions."""
     if not guild_id:
         e = discord.Embed(
             color=await ctx.embed_color(),
             title="Baron Whitelist",
             description=humanize_list(await self.config.whitelist()),
         await ctx.send(embed=e)
         if guild_id in await self.config.whitelist():
             await ctx.send("This server is already whitelisted.")
         async with self.config.whitelist() as w:
         await ctx.tick()
예제 #10
def humanize_roles(roles: List[discord.Role],
                   mention: bool = False,
                   bold: bool = True) -> Optional[str]:
    if not roles:
        return None
    role_strings = []
    for role in roles:
        role_name = escape_mentions(role.name)
        if mention:
        elif bold:
    return humanize_list(role_strings)
예제 #11
 async def blacklist(self, ctx: commands.Context, user_id: int = None):
     """Blacklist receiving messages from a user."""
     if not user_id:
         e = discord.Embed(
             color=await ctx.embed_color(),
             title="Forward Blacklist",
             description=humanize_list(await self.config.blacklist()),
         await ctx.send(embed=e)
         if user_id in await self.config.blacklist():
             await ctx.send("This user is already blacklisted.")
         async with self.config.blacklist() as b:
         await ctx.tick()
예제 #12
 async def alert_new_letter(self, user_id: int, letter: Letter,
                            letter_id: int):
     user = self.bot.get_user(user_id)
     if user is None:  # User not found
         raise discord.NotFound("User cannot be contacted.")
     if not await self.allow_service(user):
         raise StopService("User stopped using the service.")
     message = str()
     prefix = await self.bot._config.prefix()
     first_time = await self.config.user(user).first_usage()
     if first_time:
         message += ((
             f"Hello {user.name}, this is the first time you're receiving a letter in your "
             "letterbox, so let me introduce you to the service.\n\nLetters is a service that "
             "allows you to send and receive letters from members of Discord, as long as I "
             "share a server with you and I can contact you. When you receive a letter, the "
             "letter gets into your letterbox where all your letters are stocked, so you can "
             "open a letter whenever you want. When you have read a letter, it is marked as "
             "read.\n\nYou can disable this service. **However, this system is meant for "
             "receiving letters over Discord from others, from your friends, from the past or "
             "of today, every letters deserve to be delivered.** It would be hurtful "
             "for you to disable it.\n\n Now that you are familiar with the concept, here are "
             "2 commands you should know:\n- `[p]letterbox` to check your letterbox;\n- "
             "`[p]letterset` to set your settings for the letter service;\n\n You will not "
             "receive this message again. From now on, you will only receive regular alerts "
             "about new letters.\n\n📩 You have received a new letter from {authors}! Check "
             "it out in your letterbox!").format(authors=humanize_list(
                 list(letter.authors.values()))).replace("[p]", prefix[0]))
         message += (
             f"📩 You have received a new letter from {letter.author}! Check it out in your "
             "letterbox! (`[p]letterbox`)").replace("[p]", prefix[0])
         if [
                 i for i in list(letter.authors.values())
                 if i in await self.config.user(user).blocklist()
             message += (
                 "\nâš  The author of this letter as been marked as blocked, you still "
                 "receiving this letter in your letterbox, open it if you want or delete "
                 "it. Letter ID: " + str(letter_id))
         await user.send(message)
         if first_time:
             await self.config.user(user).first_usage.set(False)
         return True
     except discord.HTTPException:
         return False
예제 #13
    async def _set_event_colours(
        self, ctx: commands.Context, colour: discord.Colour, *events: EventChooser
        Set custom colours for modlog events

        `colour` must be a hex code or a [built colour.](https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#colour)

        `event` must be one of the following options (more than one event can be provided at once.):

            **Requires Red 3.3 and discord.py 1.3**
        if len(events) == 0:
            return await ctx.send(_("You must provide which events should be included."))
        if ctx.guild.id not in self.settings:
            self.settings[ctx.guild.id] = inv_settings
        if colour:
            new_colour = colour.value
            new_colour = colour
        for event in events:
            self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event]["colour"] = new_colour
            await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).set_raw(
                event, value=self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event]
        await ctx.send(
            _("{event} has been set to {colour}").format(
                event=humanize_list(events), colour=str(colour)
예제 #14
    async def _set_event_on_or_off(
        ctx: commands.Context,
        true_or_false: bool,
        *events: EventChooser,
    ) -> None:
        Turn on and off specific modlog actions

        `<true_or_false>` Either on or off.

        `[events...]` must be any of the following options (more than one event can be provided at once):
            `channel_change` - Updates to channel name, etc.
            `commands_used`  - Bot command usage
            `emoji_change`   - Emojis added or deleted
            `guild_change`   - Server settings changed
            `member_change`  - Member changes like roles added/removed and nicknames
            `role_change`    - Role updates like permissions
            `voice_change`   - Voice channel join/leave

            **Requires Red 3.3+ and discord.py 1.3+**
        if len(events) == 0:
            return await ctx.send(
                _("You must provide which events should be included."))
        if ctx.guild.id not in self.settings:
            self.settings[ctx.guild.id] = inv_settings
        for event in events:
            self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event]["enabled"] = true_or_false
            await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).set_raw(
                event, value=self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event])
        await ctx.send(
            _("{event} logs have been set to {true_or_false}").format(
                    [e.replace("user_", "member_") for e in events]),
예제 #15
    async def _set_event_channel(
        ctx: commands.Context,
        channel: discord.TextChannel,
        *events: EventChooser,
    ) -> None:
        Set the channel for modlogs.

        `<channel>` The text channel to send the events to.

        `[events...]` must be any of the following options (more than one event can be provided at once):
            `channel_change` - Updates to channel name, etc.
            `commands_used`  - Bot command usage
            `emoji_change`   - Emojis added or deleted
            `guild_change`   - Server settings changed
            `member_change`  - Member changes like roles added/removed and nicknames
            `role_change`    - Role updates like permissions
            `voice_change`   - Voice channel join/leave

            **Requires Red 3.3+ and discord.py 1.3+**
        if len(events) == 0:
            return await ctx.send(
                _("You must provide which events should be included."))
        if ctx.guild.id not in self.settings:
            self.settings[ctx.guild.id] = inv_settings
        for event in events:
            self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event]["channel"] = channel.id
            await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).set_raw(
                event, value=self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event])
        await ctx.send(
            _("{event} logs have been set to {channel}").format(
                    [e.replace("user_", "member_") for e in events]),
예제 #16
    async def post_standings(
        ctx: commands.Context,
        standings_type: str,
        channel: Optional[discord.TextChannel] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Posts automatic standings when all games for the day are done

        `<standings_type>` can be a division name or all
        `[channel]` The channel you want standings to be posted into, if not provided
        this will use the current channel.
        guild = ctx.message.guild
        if channel is None:
            channel = ctx.message.channel
        channel_perms = channel.permissions_for(ctx.me)
        if not (channel_perms.send_messages and channel_perms.embed_links
                and channel_perms.read_message_history):
            return await ctx.send(
                _("I require permission to send messages, embed "
                  "links, and read message history in {channel}.").format(
        if standings_type.lower() not in DIVISIONS + CONFERENCES + ["all"]:
            await ctx.send(
                _("You must choose from: {standings_types}.").format(
                    standings_types=humanize_list(DIVISIONS + CONFERENCES +

        standings, page = await Standings.get_team_standings(
            standings_type.lower(), session=self.session)
        if standings_type.lower() != "all":
            em = await Standings.build_standing_embed(standings, page)
            em = await Standings.all_standing_embed(standings)
        await self.config.guild(guild).standings_type.set(standings_type)
        await self.config.guild(guild).standings_channel.set(channel.id)
        await ctx.send(
            _("Sending standings to {channel}").format(channel=channel.mention)
        message = await channel.send(embed=em)
        await self.config.guild(guild).standings_msg.set(message.id)
        await ctx.send(
            _("{standings_type} standings will now be automatically updated in {channel}."
              ).format(standings_type=standings_type, channel=channel.mention))
        await self.config.guild(guild).post_standings.set(True)
예제 #17
 async def blacklist_remove(self, ctx: commands.Context,
                            *channel_user_role: ChannelUserRole):
         Remove a channel, user, or role from translation blacklist
     if len(channel_user_role) < 1:
         return await ctx.send(
             _("You must supply 1 or more channels, users, "
               "or roles to be removed from the blacklist"))
     for obj in channel_user_role:
         if obj.id in await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).blacklist():
             async with self.config.guild(
                     ctx.guild).blacklist() as blacklist:
     msg = _("`{list_type}` removed from translation blacklist.")
     list_type = humanize_list([c.name for c in channel_user_role])
     await ctx.send(msg.format(list_type=list_type))
예제 #18
 async def blacklist_add(self, ctx: commands.Context,
                         *channel_user_role: ChannelUserRole):
         Add a channel, user, or role to translation blacklist
     if len(channel_user_role) < 1:
         return await ctx.send(
             _("You must supply 1 or more channels users or roles to be blacklisted."
     for obj in channel_user_role:
         if obj.id not in await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).blacklist():
             async with self.config.guild(
                     ctx.guild).blacklist() as blacklist:
     msg = _("`{list_type}` added to translation blacklist.")
     list_type = humanize_list([c.name for c in channel_user_role])
     await ctx.send(msg.format(list_type=list_type))
예제 #19
 async def convert(self, ctx, argument):
     bot = ctx.bot
     possible_results = {
         "allpvp": {
             "code": "allPvP",
             "alt": ["pvp"]
         "patrol": {
             "code": "patrol",
             "alt": []
         "raid": {
             "code": "raid",
             "alt": ["all"]
         "story": {
             "code": "story",
             "alt": []
         "allstrikes": {
             "code": "allStrikes",
             "alt": ["strikes", "strike"]
         "allpve": {
             "code": "allPvE",
             "alt": ["pve"]
         "allpvecompetitive": {
             "code": "allPvECompetitive",
             "alt": ["gambit"]
     result = None
     argument = argument.lower()
     if argument in possible_results:
         result = possible_results[argument]["code"]
         for k, v in possible_results.items():
             if argument in v["alt"]:
                 result = v["code"]
     if not result:
         raise BadArgument(
             _("That is not an available stats page, pick from these: {activity_list}"
     return result
예제 #20
    async def get_heist_message(self, ctx, flags, sleep_time, early_time,
        heist_message = ""
        early_heist_message = ""

        if flags["ping"]:
            pingrole = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).pingrole()
            pingrole = ctx.guild.get_role(pingrole)
            heist_message += f"{pingrole.mention}: "

        if flags["early_roles"]:
            roles = humanize_list([r.name for r in flags["early_roles"]])
            early_heist_message += f"Channel Unlocked for **{roles}**! Unlocking in {self.display_time(early_time)} "

        heist_message += f"Channel Unlocked for {role.name}! Locking in {self.display_time(sleep_time)} "

        return heist_message, early_heist_message
예제 #21
 async def _global_list(self, ctx: commands.Context):
     """Send a list of this server's filtered words."""
     server = ctx.guild
     author = ctx.author
     word_list = await self.config.guild(server).filter()
     if not word_list:
         await ctx.send(
             _("There are no current words setup to be filtered in this server."
     words = humanize_list(word_list)
     words = _("Filtered in this server:") + "\n\n" + words
         for page in pagify(words, delims=[" ", "\n"], shorten_by=8):
             await author.send(page)
     except discord.Forbidden:
         await ctx.send(_("I can't send direct messages to you."))
예제 #22
    async def _set_event_channel(
        ctx: commands.Context,
        channel: discord.TextChannel,
        *events: EventChooser,
    ) -> None:
        Set the channel for modlogs.

        `channel` The text channel to send the events to.

        `[events...]` must be one of the following options (more than one event can be provided at once):

            **Requires Red 3.3 and discord.py 1.3**
        if len(events) == 0:
            return await ctx.send(_("You must provide which events should be included."))
        if ctx.guild.id not in self.settings:
            self.settings[ctx.guild.id] = inv_settings
        for event in events:
            self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event]["channel"] = channel.id
            await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).set_raw(
                event, value=self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event]
        await ctx.send(
            _("{event} logs have been set to {channel}").format(
                event=humanize_list(events), channel=channel.mention
예제 #23
 async def cancel(self):
     await self._cancel()
     file = None
     if self.fails:
         text = ""
         for member, e in self.fails:
             text += f"{str(member)} ({member.id}): {type(e)} {e.args[0]}\n"
         file = text_to_file(text, filename="erreurs.txt")
     if len(self.roles) > 1:
         text = "Rôles " + humanize_list([x.name for x in self.roles])
         text = "Rôle " + self.roles[0].name
     await self.ctx.send(
         f"{text} {'ajouté' if self.add_roles else 'retiré'} "
         f"à {self.current}/{self.limit} membres.",
예제 #24
    async def _set_event_on_or_off(
        ctx: commands.Context,
        set_to: bool,
        *events: EventChooser,
    ) -> None:
        Turn on and off specific modlog actions

        `set_to` Either on or off.

        `[events...]` must be one of the following options (more than one event can be provided at once):

            ** requires manage_channel permissions**
        if len(events) == 0:
            return await ctx.send(_("You must provide which events should be included."))
        if ctx.guild.id not in self.settings:
            self.settings[ctx.guild.id] = inv_settings
        for event in events:
            self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event]["enabled"] = set_to
            await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).set_raw(
                event, value=self.settings[ctx.guild.id][event]
        await ctx.send(
            _("{event} logs have been set to {set_to}").format(
                event=humanize_list(events), set_to=str(set_to)
예제 #25
    async def _command_level(self, ctx, *level: CommandPrivs):
            Set the level of commands to be logged

            `[level...]` must include all levels you want from:

            These are the basic levels commands check for in permissions.
            `NONE` is a command anyone has permission to use, where as `MOD`
            can be `mod or permissions`
        if len(level) == 0:
            return await ctx.send_help()
        guild = ctx.message.guild
        msg = _("Command logs set to: ")
        await self.config.guild(guild).commands_used.privs.set(list(level))
        await ctx.send(msg + humanize_list(level))
예제 #26
파일: filter.py 프로젝트: jeavinci/Lilith
 async def _channel_list(self, ctx: commands.Context):
     """Send the list of the channel's filtered words."""
     channel = ctx.channel
     author = ctx.author
     word_list = await self.config.channel(channel).filter()
     if not word_list:
         await ctx.send(
             _("There is no current words setup to be filtered in this channel."
     words = humanize_list(word_list)
     words = _("Filtered in this channel:") + "\n\n" + words
         for page in pagify(words, delims=[" ", "\n"], shorten_by=8):
             await author.send(page)
     except discord.Forbidden:
         await ctx.send(_("I can't send direct messages to you."))
예제 #27
 async def exes(self, ctx: commands.Context,
                member: typing.Optional[discord.Member]):
     """Display your or someone else's exes."""
     conf = await self._get_conf_group(ctx.guild)
     if not await conf.toggle():
         return await ctx.send("Marriage is not enabled!")
     if not member:
         member = ctx.author
     m_conf = await self._get_user_conf(member)
     exes_ids = await m_conf.exes()
     exes = list()
     for ex_id in exes_ids:
         ex = self.bot.get_user(ex_id)
         if ex:
     ex_text = "None" if exes == [] else humanize_list(exes)
     await ctx.send(f"{member.mention}'s exes are: {ex_text}")
예제 #28
    async def rift_open(self, ctx, *rifts: RiftConverter(_, globally=True)):
        Opens a rift to the specified destination.

        The destination may be any channel or user that both you and the bot are connected to, even across servers.
        if not rifts:
            return await ctx.send_help()
        rifts = set(rifts)
        self.open_rifts.update(((rift, {}) for rift in rifts))
        for rift in rifts:
                    _("{} has opened a rift to here.").format(rift.author)))
        await ctx.send(
            _("A rift has been opened to {}! Everything you say will be relayed there.\nResponses will be relayed here.\nType `exit` to quit."
                                      for rift in rifts])))
예제 #29
파일: objects.py 프로젝트: flaree/phen-cogs
 async def get_info(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> discord.Embed:
     desc = [
         f"Author: {self.author.mention if self.author else self.author_id}",
         f"Uses: **{self.uses}**",
         f"Length: **{hn(len(self))}**",
     if self.aliases:
         desc.append(humanize_list([inline(alias) for alias in self.aliases]))
     e = discord.Embed(
         color=await ctx.embed_color(),
         title=f"{self.name_prefix} `{self}` Info",
     if self.guild_id:
         e.set_author(name=ctx.guild, icon_url=ctx.guild.icon_url)
         e.set_author(name=ctx.me, icon_url=ctx.me.avatar_url)
     return e
예제 #30
파일: rift.py 프로젝트: muddyfish/079COGS
    async def rift_open(self, ctx, *rifts: RiftConverter(_, globally=True)):
        Opens a rift to the specified destination.

        The destination may be any channel or user that both you and the bot are connected to, even across servers.
        if not rifts:
            return await ctx.send_help()
        rifts = set(rifts)
        create_queue = []
        for rift in rifts:
            if not await self.rift_exists(rift):
                if ctx.guild is None or rift.destination not in ctx.guild.channels:
                    accepted, reason = await self.request_access(ctx, rift)
                    if not accepted:
                dest_open_embed = await self.create_simple_embed(ctx.author,
                                 "A Rift has been opened."
                #    rift.destination.send(embed=dest_open_embed)
                await rift.destination.send(embed=dest_open_embed)

        with suppress(NameError):
            if reason is not None:
                await ctx.maybe_send_embed(reason)
            if not accepted:
        if not create_queue:
            return await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Rift(s) already exist.")
        # add new rifts
        self.open_rifts.update(((rift, {}) for rift in create_queue))
        for rift in create_queue:
            await self.save_rift(rift)

        open_embed = await self.create_simple_embed(ctx.author,
                _("A rift has been opened to {}! Everything you say will be relayed there.\n"
                  "Responses will be relayed here.\nType `exit` here to quit."
                  ).format(humanize_list([str(rift.destination) for rift in create_queue]))
                , "Rift Opened!")
        await ctx.send(embed=open_embed)
예제 #31
    async def _image_upload_command_logic(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        # Getting image and upload
            image = await ctx.message.attachments[0].read()
        except IndexError:
            await ctx.send("You must upload an image.")
            result = await self.image_upload(image)
        except (RuntimeError, AttributeError) as error:
            await ctx.send(error)
        except (SubWrongToken, SubNeedToken) as error:
            await ctx.send(
                "I was unable to send your file: `{error}`".format(error=error)
        except UnallowedFileType as error:
            available_file_type = [
            await ctx.send(
                str(error) +
                "\nRemember that the only available file type are:\n" +

        # Sending image, if everthing is okay
        url = result[0]
        deletion_url = result[1]
        thumbnail = result[2]
        user_dmed = await self._try_send_private_message_deletion(
            await ctx.embed_color(), ctx.author, url, deletion_url)
        raw_message, maybe_embed = await self._make_embed_and_raw_message(
            ctx, url, deletion_url if not user_dmed else None, thumbnail)
        await ctx.send(raw_message, embed=maybe_embed or None)
예제 #32
    async def _cog_update(self, ctx, cog_name: InstalledCog = None):
        """Update all cogs, or one of your choosing."""
        installed_cogs = set(await self.installed_cogs())

        async with ctx.typing():
            if cog_name is None:
                updated = await self._repo_manager.update_all_repos()

                    updated = await self._repo_manager.update_repo(cog_name.repo_name)
                except KeyError:
                    # Thrown if the repo no longer exists
                    updated = {}

            updated_cogs = set(cog for repo in updated for cog in repo.available_cogs)
            installed_and_updated = updated_cogs & installed_cogs

            if installed_and_updated:
                await self._reinstall_requirements(installed_and_updated)
                await self._reinstall_cogs(installed_and_updated)
                await self._reinstall_libraries(installed_and_updated)
                message = _("Cog update completed successfully.")

                cognames = {c.name for c in installed_and_updated}
                message += _("\nUpdated: ") + humanize_list(tuple(map(inline, cognames)))
                await ctx.send(_("All installed cogs are already up to date."))
        await ctx.send(message)

        cognames &= set(ctx.bot.extensions.keys())  # only reload loaded cogs
        if not cognames:
            return await ctx.send(
                _("None of the updated cogs were previously loaded. Update complete.")
        message = _("Would you like to reload the updated cogs?")
        can_react = ctx.channel.permissions_for(ctx.me).add_reactions
        if not can_react:
            message += " (y/n)"
        query: discord.Message = await ctx.send(message)
        if can_react:
            # noinspection PyAsyncCall
            start_adding_reactions(query, ReactionPredicate.YES_OR_NO_EMOJIS, ctx.bot.loop)
            pred = ReactionPredicate.yes_or_no(query, ctx.author)
            event = "reaction_add"
            pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx)
            event = "message"
            await ctx.bot.wait_for(event, check=pred, timeout=30)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await query.delete()

        if pred.result is True:
            if can_react:
                with contextlib.suppress(discord.Forbidden):
                    await query.clear_reactions()
            await ctx.invoke(ctx.bot.get_cog("Core").reload, *cognames)
            if can_react:
                await query.delete()
                await ctx.send(_("OK then."))