async def bday_list(self, ctx, mode: bool = None): """Lists all birthdays""" if mode == None: mode = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).upcoming_first() bdays = await self.get_bdays(ctx.guild) if bdays != []: bdays = await self.sort_bdays(bdays, mode, ctx.guild) msg = "" previous_month = None async for bday in AsyncIter(bdays): month = datetime.datetime(year=1, month=int(bday[2]), day=1).strftime("%B") if month != previous_month: msg += f"\n{bold(month)}\n" previous_month = month try: msg += f"{bday[1]}: {bold(str(bday[0]))} - {bold(str(bday[3]))} years\n" except IndexError: msg += f"{bday[1]}: {bold(str(bday[0]))}\n" pages = list(pagify(msg, delims=["\n\n"], page_length=1000)) pages = menus.MenuPages(source=MenuSource(pages, "Birthday list"), clear_reactions_after=True) await pages.start(ctx) else: await ctx.send("No birthdays set on this server.")
async def last(self, ctx: Context): """ Displays the most recently aired anime episodes. """ async with try: data = await self.anilist.schedule( page=1, perPage=15, notYetAired=False, sort="TIME_DESC" ) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) embed = discord.Embed( title=f"An error occurred while searching for the most recently aired episodes. Try again.", color=discord.Color.random(), ) return await if data is not None and len(data) > 0: embeds = [] for page, anime in enumerate(data): try: embed = await self.get_last_embed(anime, page + 1, len(data)) if ( is_adult(anime.get("media")) and not ): embed = discord.Embed( title="Error", color=discord.Color.random(), description=f"Adult content. No NSFW channel.", ) embed.set_footer( text=f"Provided by • Page {page + 1}/{len(data)}" ) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) embed = discord.Embed( title="Error", color=discord.Color.random(), description=f"An error occurred while loading the embed for the recently aired episode.", ) embed.set_footer( text=f"Provided by • Page {page + 1}/{len(data)}" ) embeds.append(embed) menu = menus.MenuPages( source=EmbedListMenu(embeds), clear_reactions_after=True, timeout=30, ) await menu.start(ctx) else: embed = discord.Embed( title=f"The most recently aired episodes could not be found.", color=discord.Color.random(), ) await
async def themes(self, ctx: Context, *, anime: str): """ Searches for the openings and endings of the given anime and displays them. """ async with data = await, 5, ["anime"]) if data.get("search").get("anime"): embeds = [] for page, entry in enumerate(data.get("search").get("anime")): try: embed = await self.get_themes_embed( entry, page + 1, len(data.get("search").get("anime")) ) if ( is_adult(entry.get("themes")[0]["entries"][0]) and not ): embed = discord.Embed( title="Error", color=discord.Color.random(), description=f"Adult content. No NSFW channel.", ) embed.set_footer( text=f"Provided by • Page {page + 1}/" f'{len(data.get("anime"))}' ) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) embed = discord.Embed( title="Error", color=discord.Color.random(), description=f"An error occurred while loading the embed for the anime.", ) embed.set_footer( text=f'Provided by • Page {page + 1}/{len(data.get("anime"))}' ) embeds.append(embed) menu = menus.MenuPages( source=EmbedListMenu(embeds), clear_reactions_after=True, timeout=30 ) await menu.start(ctx) else: embed = discord.Embed( title=f"No themes for the anime `{anime}` found.", color=discord.Color.random() ) await
async def studio_(self, ctx: Context, *, name: str): """ Searches for a studio with the given name and displays information about the search results such as the studio productions! """ async with embeds = await self.anilist_search(ctx, name, AniListSearchType.STUDIO) if embeds: menu = menus.MenuPages( source=EmbedListMenu(embeds), clear_reactions_after=True, timeout=30, ) await menu.start(ctx) else: embed = discord.Embed( title=f"The studio `{name}` could not be found.", color=discord.Color.random(), ) await
async def character(self, ctx: Context, *, name: str): """ Searches for a character with the given name and displays information about the search results such as description, synonyms, and appearances! """ async with embeds = await self.anilist_search(ctx, name, AniListSearchType.CHARACTER) if embeds: menu = menus.MenuPages( source=EmbedListMenu(embeds), clear_reactions_after=True, timeout=30, ) await menu.start(ctx) else: embed = discord.Embed( title=f"The character `{name}` could not be found.", color=discord.Color.random(), ) await
async def manga(self, ctx: Context, *, title: str): """ Searches for a manga with the given title and displays information about the search results such as type, status, chapters, description, and more! """ async with embeds = await self.anilist_search(ctx, title, AniListSearchType.MANGA) if embeds: menu = menus.MenuPages( source=EmbedListMenu(embeds), clear_reactions_after=True, timeout=30, ) await menu.start(ctx) else: embed = discord.Embed( title=f"The manga `{title}` could not be found.", color=discord.Color.random(), ) await
async def crunchynews(self, ctx: Context): """ Displays the latest anime news from Crunchyroll. """ async with try: data = await except Exception as e: log.exception(e) embed = discord.Embed( title=f"An error occurred while searching for the Crunchyroll news. Try again.", color=discord.Color.random(), ) return await if data is not None and len(data) > 0: embeds = [] for page, news in enumerate(data): try: embed = await self.get_crunchynews_embed(news, page + 1, len(data)) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) embed = discord.Embed( title="Error", color=discord.Color.random(), description=f"An error occurred while loading the embed for the Crunchyroll news.", ) embed.set_footer( text=f"Provided by • Page {page + 1}/{len(data)}" ) embeds.append(embed) menu = menus.MenuPages( source=EmbedListMenu(embeds), clear_reactions_after=True, timeout=30 ) await menu.start(ctx) else: embed = discord.Embed( title=f"The Crunchyroll news could not be found.", color=discord.Color.random(), ) await