async def f(url: str = request.config.getoption("--redis-url"), **kwargs): single = kwargs.pop("single_connection_client", False) or single_connection parser_class = kwargs.pop("parser_class", None) or parser_cls url_options = parse_url(url) url_options.update(kwargs) pool = redis.ConnectionPool(parser_class=parser_class, **url_options) client: redis.Redis = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool) if single: client = client.client() await client.initialize() def teardown(): async def ateardown(): if "username" in kwargs: return try: await client.flushdb() except redis.ConnectionError: # handle cases where a test disconnected a client # just manually retry the flushdb await client.flushdb() await client.close() await client.connection_pool.disconnect() if event_loop.is_running(): event_loop.create_task(ateardown()) else: event_loop.run_until_complete(ateardown()) request.addfinalizer(teardown) return client
async def test_on_connect_error(self): """ An error in Connection.on_connect should disconnect from the server see for details: """ # this assumes the Redis server being tested against doesn't have # 9999 databases ;) bad_connection = redis.Redis(db=9999) # an error should be raised on connect with pytest.raises(redis.RedisError): await pool = bad_connection.connection_pool assert len(pool._available_connections) == 1 assert not pool._available_connections[0]._reader
async def test_channel_subscribe(self, r: redis.Redis): r = redis.Redis(host="localhost", port=6390) p = r.pubsub() with pytest.raises(ConnectionError): await p.subscribe("foo")