예제 #1
def generate_residual(K):
    x_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('abr', 3, 1)
    poses_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('poses', 7 * K, 1)
    img_pos_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('img_positions', 2 * K, 1)
    alpha, beta, rho = x_sym
    to_c = sp.Matrix(rot_matrix(-np.pi / 2, -np.pi / 2, 0))
    pos_0 = sp.Matrix(np.array(poses_sym[K * 7 - 7:K * 7 - 4])[:, 0])
    q = poses_sym[K * 7 - 4:K * 7]
    quat_rot = quat_rotate(*q)
    rot_g_to_0 = to_c * quat_rot.T
    rows = []

    for i in range(K):
        pos_i = sp.Matrix(np.array(poses_sym[i * 7:i * 7 + 3])[:, 0])
        q = poses_sym[7 * i + 3:7 * i + 7]
        quat_rot = quat_rotate(*q)
        rot_g_to_i = to_c * quat_rot.T
        rot_0_to_i = rot_g_to_i * rot_g_to_0.T
        trans_0_to_i = rot_g_to_i * (pos_0 - pos_i)
        funct_vec = rot_0_to_i * sp.Matrix([alpha, beta, 1
                                            ]) + rho * trans_0_to_i
        h1, h2, h3 = funct_vec
        rows.append(h1 / h3 - img_pos_sym[i * 2 + 0])
        rows.append(h2 / h3 - img_pos_sym[i * 2 + 1])
    img_pos_residual_sym = sp.Matrix(rows)

    # sympy into c
    sympy_functions = []
        ('res_fun', img_pos_residual_sym, [x_sym, poses_sym, img_pos_sym]))
    sympy_functions.append(('jac_fun', img_pos_residual_sym.jacobian(x_sym),
                            [x_sym, poses_sym, img_pos_sym]))

    return sympy_functions
예제 #2
def generate_orient_error_jac(K):
  import sympy as sp
  from rednose.helpers.sympy_helpers import quat_rotate

  x_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('abr', 3, 1)
  dtheta = sp.MatrixSymbol('dtheta', 3, 1)
  delta_quat = sp.Matrix(np.ones(4))
  delta_quat[1:, :] = sp.Matrix(0.5 * dtheta[0:3, :])
  poses_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('poses', 7 * K, 1)
  img_pos_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('img_positions', 2 * K, 1)
  alpha, beta, rho = x_sym
  to_c = sp.Matrix(rot_matrix(-np.pi / 2, -np.pi / 2, 0))
  pos_0 = sp.Matrix(np.array(poses_sym[K * 7 - 7:K * 7 - 4])[:, 0])
  q = quat_matrix_l(poses_sym[K * 7 - 4:K * 7]) * delta_quat
  quat_rot = quat_rotate(*q)
  rot_g_to_0 = to_c * quat_rot.T
  rows = []
  for i in range(K):
    pos_i = sp.Matrix(np.array(poses_sym[i * 7:i * 7 + 3])[:, 0])
    q = quat_matrix_l(poses_sym[7 * i + 3:7 * i + 7]) * delta_quat
    quat_rot = quat_rotate(*q)
    rot_g_to_i = to_c * quat_rot.T
    rot_0_to_i = rot_g_to_i * (rot_g_to_0.T)
    trans_0_to_i = rot_g_to_i * (pos_0 - pos_i)
    funct_vec = rot_0_to_i * sp.Matrix([alpha, beta, 1]) + rho * trans_0_to_i
    h1, h2, h3 = funct_vec
    rows.append(h1 / h3 - img_pos_sym[i * 2 + 0])
    rows.append(h2 / h3 - img_pos_sym[i * 2 + 1])
  img_pos_residual_sym = sp.Matrix(rows)

  # sympy into c
  sympy_functions = []
  sympy_functions.append(('orient_error_jac', img_pos_residual_sym.jacobian(dtheta), [x_sym, poses_sym, img_pos_sym, dtheta]))

  return sympy_functions
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, generated_dir, K=4, MIN_DEPTH=2, MAX_DEPTH=500):
        self.to_c = rot_matrix(-np.pi / 2, -np.pi / 2, 0)
        self.MAX_DEPTH = MAX_DEPTH
        self.MIN_DEPTH = MIN_DEPTH

        name = f"{LstSqComputer.name}_{K}"
        ffi, lib = load_code(generated_dir, name)

        # wrap c functions
        def residual_jac(x, poses, img_positions):
            out = np.zeros(((K * 2, 3)), dtype=np.float64)
            lib.jac_fun(ffi.cast("double *", x.ctypes.data),
                        ffi.cast("double *", poses.ctypes.data),
                        ffi.cast("double *", img_positions.ctypes.data),
                        ffi.cast("double *", out.ctypes.data))
            return out

        self.residual_jac = residual_jac

        def residual(x, poses, img_positions):
            out = np.zeros((K * 2), dtype=np.float64)
            lib.res_fun(ffi.cast("double *", x.ctypes.data),
                        ffi.cast("double *", poses.ctypes.data),
                        ffi.cast("double *", img_positions.ctypes.data),
                        ffi.cast("double *", out.ctypes.data))
            return out

        self.residual = residual

        def compute_pos_c(poses, img_positions):
            pos = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
            param = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
            # Can't be a view for the ctype
            img_positions = np.copy(img_positions)
            lib.compute_pos(ffi.cast("double *", self.to_c.ctypes.data),
                            ffi.cast("double *", poses.ctypes.data),
                            ffi.cast("double *", img_positions.ctypes.data),
                            ffi.cast("double *", param.ctypes.data),
                            ffi.cast("double *", pos.ctypes.data))
            return pos, param

        self.compute_pos_c = compute_pos_c