예제 #1
    def Measurement_Model(self, Map, heading, distances):

        ##################### Measurement Motion Model #####################
        # Calculate distance between robot's postion and each particle's position
        # Calculate weight for each particle, w_t = exp(-distance**2/(2*self.std))

        # Collect all the particles' weights in a list
        # For all the weights of particles, normalized them
        # Update self.weights
        #Important: distances should follow a c-clockwise rotation from the vehicle's nose

        robotReading = distances
        w_t = np.zeros((self.numParticles, 1))

        for i in range(0, self.numParticles):
            rM = reducedMap(Map, self.particles[i, 0], self.particles[i, 1])
            current = np.array(self.particles[i, :])
            particleReading = np.array(
                self.readingMap(current, rM.cutMap, heading))
            #w_t[i] = np.exp( - np.linalg.norm(particleReading - robotReading)**2 / (2*self.std))
            w_t[i] = 1 / np.linalg.norm(particleReading - robotReading)**4
            self.readings[i, :] = particleReading
            # if sum(particleReading) == 0: #Directly exclude particles in walls
            # 	w_t[i] = 0

        k = sum(w_t)
        if k == 0:
            print('Sum of weights is null')
            self.weights = (1 / self.numParticles) * np.ones(self.numParticles)
            self.weights = w_t / k
예제 #2
    def genTrajectory(self, start, goal, Map, n=200, sensorLength=5):
        rM = reducedMap(Map, start[0], start[1], sensorLength)
        xD = start[0]
        yD = start[1]
        desired = start

        for i in range(n):
            rM.propagateMotion(Map, xD, yD)
            xD, yD = self.genDesired(xD, yD, rM.cutMap)
            desired = np.vstack((desired, np.array([xD, yD])))

        return desired
예제 #3
import numpy as np
from reduced_Map import reducedMap
from Trajectory_Generator import trajectoryGen
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Load Map File
MapFile = np.genfromtxt('3Colmap.csv', delimiter=',')
walls = np.array([x for x in MapFile if x[2]>0.001])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(walls[:,0], walls[:,1], label='Walls')

pos = [8.16, 3.1]
rM = reducedMap(MapFile, pos[0], pos[1], 3)
walls1 = np.array([x for x in rM.cutMap if x[2]>0.001])

goal = [-8.16, -3.1]
ax.scatter(goal[0], goal[1], label='Goal Position')

tG = trajectoryGen(goal[0], goal[1])
xD = pos[0]
yD = pos[1]
desired = np.array(pos)
actual = np.array(pos)

for i in range(100):
	xA = xD #+ float(np.random.rand(1)*3) - float(np.random.rand(1)*3)
	yA = yD #+ float(np.random.rand(1)*3) - float(np.random.rand(1)*3)
	rM.propagateMotion(MapFile, xA, yA)
예제 #4
            # thatX = np.argwhere(Map[:,0] == Map[higherX,0])
            # higherY = np.searchsorted(Map[thatX[:,0],1], far[1]) + higherX
            newCx = np.argmin(abs(xVals - far[0]))
            newCy = np.argmin(abs(yVals - far[1]))
            higherY = newCx * len(yVals) + newCy
            #Is there a wall at this projected point?
            if Map[higherY, 2] > 0.001:
                readings[i] = d
    return readings

u_t = [0, 0]
pos = [-9.1, -2.3]  #[+3.3750e+00, +4.7500e+00]
sensorLength = 5
rM = reducedMap(MapFile, pos[0], pos[1], sensorLength)
print('rM.cutMap Lenght Initialized: ', len(rM.cutMap))

rM.propagateMotion(MapFile, pos[0], pos[1])
print('rM.cutMap Lenght Propagated: ', len(rM.cutMap))

print("Create Reduced Map: %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time))
start_time = time.time()

heading = 0
distances = readingMap(pos, rM.cutMap, heading,
                       sensorLength)  #Front, Left, Back, Right

print("Map Reading: %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time))
start_time = time.time()