예제 #1
파일: solr.py 프로젝트: zalphi/blues
def install_solr():
    with sudo():
        version = blueprint.get("version")
        version_tuple = tuple(map(int, version.split(".")))

        archive = "solr-{}.tgz".format(version)
        if version_tuple < (4, 1, 0):
            archive = "apache-{}".format(archive)
        url = "https://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/{}/{}".format(version, archive)

        with cd("/tmp"):
            info("Download {} ({})", "Solr", version)
            run("wget {}".format(url))

            info("Extracting archive...")
            with silent():
                run("tar xzf {}".format(archive))
                solr_version_dir = os.path.splitext(archive)[0]
                solr_version_path = os.path.join("/usr", "share", solr_version_dir)
                debian.chmod(solr_version_dir, 755, "solr", "solr", recursive=True)
                if files.exists(solr_version_path):
                    info("Found same existing version, removing it...")
                    debian.rm(solr_version_path, recursive=True)
                debian.mv(solr_version_dir, "/usr/share/")
                debian.ln(solr_version_path, solr_home)
예제 #2
파일: percona.py 프로젝트: 5monkeys/blues
def dump(schema=None, ignore_tables=''):
    Dump and download a schema.

    :param schema: Specific shema to dump and download.
    :param ignore_tables: Tables to skip, separated by | (pipe)
    if not schema:
        schemas = blueprint.get('schemas', {}).keys()
        for i, schema in enumerate(schemas, start=1):
            print("{i}. {schema}".format(i=i, schema=schema))
        valid_indices = '[1-{}]+'.format(len(schemas))
        schema_choice = prompt('Select schema to dump:', default='1', validate=valid_indices)
        schema = schemas[int(schema_choice)-1]

    now = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    output_file = '/tmp/{}_{}.backup.gz'.format(schema, now)
    filename = os.path.basename(output_file)

    info('Dumping schema {}...', schema)
    extra_args = []
    for table in ignore_tables.split('|'):
        extra_args.append('--ignore-table={}.{}'.format(schema, table))

    dump_cmd = 'mysqldump {} {} | gzip > {}'.format(schema, ' '.join(extra_args), output_file)

    run('sudo su root -c "{}"'.format(dump_cmd))
    info('Downloading dump...')
    local_file = '~/%s' % filename
    fabric.contrib.files.get(output_file, local_file)

    with sudo(), silent():

    info('New smoking hot dump at {}', local_file)
예제 #3
파일: solr.py 프로젝트: Sportamore/blues
def install_solr():
    with sudo():
        version = blueprint.get('version')
        version_tuple = tuple(map(int, version.split('.')))

        archive = 'solr-{}.tgz'.format(version)
        if version_tuple < (4, 1, 0):
            archive = 'apache-{}'.format(archive)
        url = 'https://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/{}/{}'.format(version, archive)

        with cd('/tmp'):
            info('Download {} ({})', 'Solr', version)
            run('wget {}'.format(url))

            info('Extracting archive...')
            with silent():
                run('tar xzf {}'.format(archive))
                solr_version_dir = os.path.splitext(archive)[0]
                solr_version_path = os.path.join('/usr', 'share', solr_version_dir)
                debian.chmod(solr_version_dir, 755, 'solr', 'solr', recursive=True)
                if files.exists(solr_version_path):
                    info('Found same existing version, removing it...')
                    debian.rm(solr_version_path, recursive=True)
                debian.mv(solr_version_dir, '/usr/share/')
                debian.ln(solr_version_path, solr_home)
예제 #4
파일: percona.py 프로젝트: 5monkeys/blues
def install():
    with sudo():
        # Generate a root password and save it in root home
        root_conf_path = '/root/.my.cnf'
        if not fabric.contrib.files.exists(root_conf_path):
            root_pw = generate_password()
            blueprint.upload('root_my.cnf', '/root/.my.cnf', {'password': root_pw})
            debian.chmod('/root/.my.cnf', mode=600)
            # TODO: use fabric.operations.get instead of cat when up to date with upstream
            with silent():
                output = run('cat {}'.format(root_conf_path))
            fd = StringIO(output)
            config_parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
            root_pw = config_parser.get('client', 'password')

        # Install external PPA
        info('Adding apt key for {}', __name__)
        run("apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 1C4CBDCDCD2EFD2A")

        info('Adding apt repository for {}', __name__)
        debian.add_apt_repository('http://repo.percona.com/apt trusty main')

        # Percona/MySQL base dependencies
        dependencies = (

        # Configure debconf to autoset root password on installation prompts
        server_package = dependencies[0]
        debian.debconf_communicate('PURGE', server_package)
        with silent():
                '{}/root_password password {}'.format(server_package, root_pw),
                '{}/root_password_again password {}'.format(server_package, root_pw)

        # Install package
        info('Installing {}', __name__)
        debian.apt_get('install', *dependencies)
        debian.debconf_communicate('PURGE', server_package)

        # Auto-answer mysql_secure_installation prompts
        prompts = {
            'Enter current password for root (enter for none): ': root_pw,
            'Change the root password? [Y/n] ': 'n',
            'Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] ': 'Y',
            'Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] ': 'Y',
            'Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] ': 'Y',
            'Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] ': 'Y'

        # Run mysql_secure_installation to remove test-db and remote root login
        with settings(prompts=prompts):
예제 #5
파일: solr.py 프로젝트: gotling/blues
def install_solr():
    with sudo():
        version = blueprint.get('version')
        version_tuple = tuple(map(int, version.split('.')))

        archive = 'solr-{}.tgz'.format(version)
        if version_tuple < (4, 1, 0):
            archive = 'apache-{}'.format(archive)
        url = 'https://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/{}/{}'.format(version, archive)

        with cd('/tmp'):
            info('Download {} ({})', 'Solr', version)
            run('wget {}'.format(url))

            info('Extracting archive...')
            with silent():
                run('tar xzf {}'.format(archive))
                solr_version_dir = os.path.splitext(archive)[0]
                solr_version_path = os.path.join('/usr', 'share', solr_version_dir)
                debian.chmod(solr_version_dir, 755, 'solr', 'solr', recursive=True)
                if files.exists(solr_version_path):
                    info('Found same existing version, removing it...')
                    debian.rm(solr_version_path, recursive=True)
                debian.mv(solr_version_dir, '/usr/share/')
                debian.ln(solr_version_path, solr_home)
예제 #6
파일: beats.py 프로젝트: Sportamore/blues
def update_modules(beat):
    changes = []

    # Get desired state
    desired_modules = set(blueprint.get('{}.modules'.format(beat), []))

    # Get current state
    with silent():
        module_files = run('find /etc/{}/modules.d -iname "*.yml"'.format(beat)).split()
        enabled_modules = {os.path.basename(module).split('.')[0] for module in module_files}

    # Disable extra services
    for extra in enabled_modules - desired_modules:
        info('Disabling {} module: {}', beat, extra)

        with silent(), sudo():
            run('{} modules disable {}'.format(beat, extra))

    # Enable services
    for missing in desired_modules - enabled_modules:
        info('Enabling {} module: {}', beat, missing)

        with silent(), sudo():
            run('{} modules enable {}'.format(beat, missing))

    return changes
예제 #7
파일: postgres.py 프로젝트: lericson/blues
def dump(schema=None):
    Dump and download all configured, or given, schemas.

    :param schema: Specific shema to dump and download.
    if not schema:
        schemas = blueprint.get('schemas', {}).keys()
        for i, schema in enumerate(schemas, start=1):
            print("{i}. {schema}".format(i=i, schema=schema))
        valid_indices = '[1-{}]+'.format(len(schemas))
        schema_choice = prompt('Select schema to dump:',
        schema = schemas[int(schema_choice) - 1]

    with sudo('postgres'):
        now = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        output_file = '/tmp/{}_{}.backup'.format(schema, now)
        filename = os.path.basename(output_file)

        options = dict(format='tar', output_file=output_file, schema=schema)

        info('Dumping schema {}...', schema)
        run('pg_dump -c -F {format} -f {output_file} {schema}'.format(

        info('Downloading dump...')
        local_file = '~/{}'.format(filename)
        files.get(output_file, local_file)

    with sudo(), silent():

    info('New smoking hot dump at {}', local_file)
예제 #8
파일: newrelic.py 프로젝트: zalphi/blues
def send_deploy_event():

    newrelic_key = blueprint.get('newrelic_key', None)
    app_name = blueprint.get('app_name', None)

    if newrelic_key and app_name:
        url = 'https://api.newrelic.com/deployments.xml'
        headers = {'x-api-key': newrelic_key}
        with cd(python_path()):
            tag = run('git describe --tags')
            commit_hash = run('git rev-parse HEAD')

        deployer = git.get_local_commiter()

        payload = {
                'deployment[app_name]': app_name,
                # 'application_id': '1234567',
                'deployment[description]': tag,
                'deployment[revision]': commit_hash,
                # 'deployment[changelog]': changes,
                'deployment[user]': deployer,

        response = requests.post(url, data=payload, headers=headers)
        info('No key found')

예제 #9
파일: python.py 프로젝트: gelbander/blues
def install():
    with sudo():
        info('Install python dependencies')
        debian.apt_get('install', 'python-dev', 'python-setuptools')
        run('easy_install pip')
        run('touch {}'.format(pip_log_file))
        debian.chmod(pip_log_file, mode=777)
        pip('install', 'setuptools', '--upgrade')
예제 #10
def flush():
    Delete all cached keys
    info('Flushing Memcached...')
    with sudo(), silent():
        run('echo "flush_all" | /bin/netcat -q 2 11211')
    info('Down the drain!')
예제 #11
def install():
    with sudo():
        info('Install python dependencies')
        debian.apt_get('install', 'python-dev', 'python-setuptools')
        run('easy_install pip')
        run('touch {}'.format(pip_log_file))
        debian.chmod(pip_log_file, mode=777)
        pip('install', 'setuptools', '--upgrade')
예제 #12
파일: python.py 프로젝트: Sportamore/blues
def pip_sync(manifest, quiet=False):
    pip('install', 'pip-tools', quiet=quiet)

    options = ""
    if quiet:
        options += ' -q'

    run('pip-sync{} {}'.format(options, manifest), pty=False)
예제 #13
def install():
    with sudo():
        # Generate a root password and save it in root home
        root_conf_path = '/root/.my.cnf'
        if not fabric.contrib.files.exists(root_conf_path):
            root_pw = generate_password()
            blueprint.upload('root_my.cnf', '/root/.my.cnf',
                             {'password': root_pw})
            debian.chmod('/root/.my.cnf', mode=600)
            # TODO: use fabric.operations.get instead of cat when up to date with upstream
            with silent():
                output = run('cat {}'.format(root_conf_path))
            fd = StringIO(output)
            config_parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
            root_pw = config_parser.get('client', 'password')

        # Install external PPA
        info('Adding apt key for {}', __name__)
        run("apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 1C4CBDCDCD2EFD2A"

        info('Adding apt repository for {}', __name__)
        debian.add_apt_repository('http://repo.percona.com/apt trusty main')

        # Percona/MySQL base dependencies
        dependencies = ('percona-server-server', 'percona-server-client',
                        'libmysqlclient-dev', 'mysqltuner')

        # Configure debconf to autoset root password on installation prompts
        server_package = dependencies[0]
        debian.debconf_communicate('PURGE', server_package)
        with silent():
                '{}/root_password password {}'.format(server_package, root_pw),
                '{}/root_password_again password {}'.format(
                    server_package, root_pw))

        # Install package
        info('Installing {}', __name__)
        debian.apt_get('install', *dependencies)
        debian.debconf_communicate('PURGE', server_package)

        # Auto-answer mysql_secure_installation prompts
        prompts = {
            'Enter current password for root (enter for none): ': root_pw,
            'Change the root password? [Y/n] ': 'n',
            'Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] ': 'Y',
            'Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] ': 'Y',
            'Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] ': 'Y',
            'Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] ': 'Y'
        # Run mysql_secure_installation to remove test-db and remote root login
        with settings(prompts=prompts):
예제 #14
파일: logstash.py 프로젝트: lericson/blues
def create_server_ssl_cert():
    with sudo():
        info('Generating SSL certificate...')
        with cd('/etc/pki/tls'):
            key = 'private/logstash-forwarder.key'
            crt = 'certs/logstash-forwarder.crt'
            run('openssl req -x509 -batch -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout {} -out {}'.format(key, crt))
예제 #15
파일: newrelic.py 프로젝트: zalphi/blues
def configure():
    Configure newrelic server

    with sudo():
        info('Adding license key to config')
        newrelic_key = blueprint.get('newrelic_key', None)
        run('nrsysmond-config --set license_key={}'.format(newrelic_key))
예제 #16
def ctl(command=None):
    Run rabbitmqctl with given command
    :param command: Control command to execute
    if not command:
        abort('No command given, $ fab rabbitmq.ctl:stop_app')

    with sudo():
        run('rabbitmqctl {}'.format(command))
예제 #17
파일: uwsgi.py 프로젝트: lericson/blues
    def reload(self, vassals=None):
        Touch reload specified vassals

        :param vassals: Vassals to reload
        for vassal_ini in vassals or self.list_vassals():
            vassal_ini_path = os.path.join(self.get_config_path(), vassal_ini)
            with sudo(), silent():
                run('touch {}'.format(vassal_ini_path))
예제 #18
파일: uwsgi.py 프로젝트: lericson/blues
    def reload(self, vassals=None):
        Touch reload specified vassals

        :param vassals: Vassals to reload
        for vassal_ini in vassals or self.list_vassals():
            vassal_ini_path = os.path.join(self.get_config_path(), vassal_ini)
            with sudo(), silent():
                run('touch {}'.format(vassal_ini_path))
예제 #19
def ctl(command=None):
    Run rabbitmqctl with given command
    :param command:
    if not command:
        abort('No command given, $ fab rabbitmq.ctl:stop_app')

    with sudo():
        run('rabbitmqctl {}'.format(command))
예제 #20
파일: uwsgi.py 프로젝트: lericson/blues
def top(vassal_name=None):
    Launch uwsgitop for vassal stats socket

    :param vassal_name: The vassal to show stats for (Default: project setting)
    # TODO: fix missing output
    with sudo(), hide_prefix():
        vassal = vassal_name or blueprint.get('project')
        stats_path = os.path.join(tmpfs_path, '{}-stats.sock'.format(vassal))
        run('uwsgitop {}'.format(stats_path))
예제 #21
def create(path):
    options = ''

    if python.requested_version() >= (3,):
        options += ' -p /usr/bin/python3'

    if not files.exists(path):
        info('Creating virtualenv: {}', path)
        run('virtualenv{options} {}'.format(path, options=options))
        info('Virtualenv already exists: {}', path)
예제 #22
파일: uwsgi.py 프로젝트: lericson/blues
def fifo(vassal_name, command):
    Issue FIFO commands to a vassal.

    :param vassal_name: The vassal to command
    :param command: The FIFO command to issue

    See: http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/MasterFIFO.html
    fifo_file = '/run/uwsgi/fifo-{}'.format(vassal_name)
    with sudo(), silent():
        run('echo {} > {}'.format(command, fifo_file))
예제 #23
def reload(vassal_path=None):
    Reload uwsgi or reload specific vassal @ path, via touch.

    :param vassal_path: The absolute path to vassal ini to reload. If not given, the uwsgi service will reload
    if not vassal_path:
        debian.service('uwsgi', 'reload', check_status=False)
        vassal_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(vassal_path))[0]
        with sudo(), silent():
            info('Reloading {} uWSGI vassal', vassal_name)
            run('touch {}'.format(vassal_path))
예제 #24
파일: uwsgi.py 프로젝트: Sportamore/blues
def reload(vassal_path=None):
    Reload uwsgi or reload specific vassal @ path, via touch.

    :param vassal_path: The absolute path to vassal ini to reload. If not given, the uwsgi service will reload
    if not vassal_path:
        debian.service('uwsgi', 'reload', check_status=False)
        vassal_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(vassal_path))[0]
        with sudo():
            info('Reloading {} uWSGI vassal', vassal_name)
            run('touch {}'.format(vassal_path))
예제 #25
def install():
    with sudo():

        info('Downloading wowza')
        version = blueprint.get('wowza_version', '4.1.2')
        binary = 'WowzaStreamingEngine-{}.deb.bin'.format(version)
        version_path = version.replace('.', '-')
        url = 'http://www.wowza.com/downloads/WowzaStreamingEngine-{}/{}'.format(
            version_path, binary)
        run('wget -P /tmp/ {url}'.format(url=url))

        debian.chmod('/tmp/{}'.format(binary), '+x')
        info('Installing wowza')
예제 #26
파일: kibana.py 프로젝트: 5monkeys/blues
def install():
    with sudo():
        info('Downloading kibana')
        version = blueprint.get('version', '3.1.2')
        tar_file = 'kibana-{}.tar.gz'.format(version)
        run('wget -P /tmp/ https://download.elasticsearch.org/kibana/kibana/{f}'.format(f=tar_file))

        # Extract and soft link kibana in web root
        web_root = '/srv/www/'
        debian.mkdir(web_root, mode=1775, owner='www-data', group='www-data')
        run('tar xzf /tmp/{f} -C {web_root}'.format(f=tar_file, web_root=web_root))
        src_root = os.path.join(web_root, 'kibana-{version}'.format(version=version))
        debian.chown(src_root, owner='www-data', group='www-data', recursive=True)
        debian.ln(src_root, '/srv/www/kibana')
예제 #27
def install_testing():
    package_name = 'rabbitmq-server'
    debian.debconf_set_selections('%s rabbitmq-server/upgrade_previous note' % package_name)

    with sudo():
        info('Adding apt key for {}', package_name)
        run("apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x056E8E56")

        info('Adding apt repository for {}', package_name)
        debian.add_apt_repository('http://www.rabbitmq.com/debian/ testing main')

        info('Installing {}', package_name)
        debian.apt_get('install', package_name)
예제 #28
파일: wowza.py 프로젝트: 5monkeys/blues
def install():
    with sudo():

        info('Downloading wowza')
        version = blueprint.get('wowza_version', '4.1.2')
        binary = 'WowzaStreamingEngine-{}.deb.bin'.format(version)
        version_path = version.replace('.', '-')
        url = 'http://www.wowza.com/downloads/WowzaStreamingEngine-{}/{}'.format(version_path,
        run('wget -P /tmp/ {url}'.format(url=url))

        debian.chmod('/tmp/{}'.format(binary), '+x')
        info('Installing wowza')
예제 #29
파일: logstash.py 프로젝트: zalphi/blues
def create_server_ssl_cert():
    with sudo():
        info("Generating SSL certificate...")
        with cd("/etc/pki/tls"):
            hostname = debian.hostname()
            key = "private/logstash-forwarder.key"
            crt = "certs/logstash-forwarder.crt"
                "openssl req -x509 -batch -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 "
                "-keyout {} "
                "-out {} "
                '-subj "/CN={}"'.format(key, crt, hostname)
예제 #30
파일: nginx.py 프로젝트: 5monkeys/blues
def configure():
    Configure nginx and enable/disable sites
    with sudo():
        # Upload templates
        context = {
            'num_cores': debian.nproc()
        uploads = blueprint.upload('./', nginx_root, context)

        # Disable previously enabled sites not configured sites-enabled
        changes = []
        sites = blueprint.get('sites')
        auto_disable_sites = blueprint.get('auto_disable_sites', True)
        if auto_disable_sites:
            with silent():
                enabled_site_links = run('ls {}'.format(sites_enabled_path)).split()
            for link in enabled_site_links:
                link_name = os.path.splitext(link)[0]  # Without extension
                if link not in sites and link_name not in sites:
                    changed = disable(link, do_reload=False)

        ### Enable sites from settings
        for site in sites:
            changed = enable(site, do_reload=False)

        ### Reload nginx if new templates or any site has been enabled/disabled
        if uploads or any(changes):
예제 #31
파일: postgres.py 프로젝트: andreif/blues
def generate_pgtune_conf(role='db'):
    Run pgtune and create pgtune.conf

    :param role: Which fabric role to place local pgtune.conf template under
    conf_path = postgres_root('postgresql.conf')
    with sudo(), silent():
        output = run('pgtune -T Web -i {}'.format(conf_path)).strip()

        def parse(c):
            lines = [l for l in c.splitlines() if '# pgtune' in l]
            for line in lines:
                    comment = line.index('#')
                    line = line[:comment]
                except ValueError:
                clean = lambda s: s.strip('\n\r\t\'" ')
                key, _, value = line.partition('=')
                key, value = map(clean, (key, value))
                if key:
                    yield key, value or None

        tune_conf = dict(parse(output))
        tune_conf.update(blueprint.get('pgtune', {}))
        tune_conf = '\n'.join((' = '.join(item)) for item in tune_conf.iteritems())
        conf_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(env['real_fabfile']), 'templates', role, 'postgres')
        conf_path = os.path.join(conf_dir, 'pgtune.conf')

        if not os.path.exists(conf_dir):

        with open(conf_path, 'w+') as f:
예제 #32
파일: git.py 프로젝트: 5monkeys/blues
def clone(url, branch=None, repository_path=None, **kwargs):
    Clone repository and branch.

    :param url: Git url to clone
    :param branch: Branch to checkout
    :param repository_path: Destination
    :param kwargs: Not used but here for easier kwarg passing
    :return: (destination, got_cloned bool)
    repository = parse_url(url, branch=branch)
    name = repository['name']
    branch = repository['branch']
    cloned = False

    if not repository_path:
        repository_path = os.path.join('.', name)

    if not files.exists(os.path.join(repository_path, '.git')):
        info('Cloning {}@{} into {}', url, branch, repository_path)
        with silent('warnings'):
            cmd = 'git clone -b {branch} {remote} {name}'.format(branch=branch, remote=url, name=name)
            output = run(cmd)
        if output.return_code != 0:
            warn('Failed to clone repository "{}", probably permission denied!'.format(name))
            cloned = None
            cloned = True
        info('Git repository already cloned: {}', name)

    return repository_path, cloned
예제 #33
파일: logstash.py 프로젝트: lydell/blues
def configure_server(config, auto_disable_conf=True, **context):
    context.setdefault('use_ssl', True)
    context.setdefault('elasticsearch_host', '')
    uploads = blueprint.upload('./server/', '/etc/logstash/', context)

    # Disable previously enabled conf not configured through config in settings
    changes = []
    if auto_disable_conf:
        with silent():
            enabled_conf_links = run('ls {}'.format(conf_enabled_path)).split()
        conf_prospects = [
            '{}-{}.conf'.format(str(weight).zfill(2), conf)
            for weight, conf in config.iteritems()
        for link in enabled_conf_links:
            if link not in conf_prospects:
                changed = disable(link, do_restart=False)

    # Enable conf from settings
    for weight, conf in config.iteritems():
        changed = enable(conf, weight, do_restart=False)

    return bool(uploads or any(changes))
예제 #34
파일: git.py 프로젝트: 5monkeys/blues
def reset(branch, repository_path=None, **kwargs):
    Fetch, reset, clean and checkout repository branch.

    :return: commit
    commit = None

    if not repository_path:
        repository_path = debian.pwd()

    with cd(repository_path):
        name = os.path.basename(repository_path)
        info('Resetting git repository: {}@{}', name, branch)

        with silent('warnings'):
            commands = [
                'git fetch origin',  # Fetch branches and tags
                'git reset --hard HEAD',  # Make hard reset to HEAD
                'git clean -fdx',  # Remove untracked files pyc, xxx~ etc
                'git checkout HEAD',  # Checkout HEAD
                'git reset refs/remotes/origin/{} --hard'.format(branch)  # Reset to branch
            output = run(' && '.join(commands))

        if output.return_code != 0:
            warn('Failed to reset repository "{}", probably permission denied!'.format(name))
            output = output.split(os.linesep)[-1][len('HEAD is now at '):]
            commit = output.split()[0]
            info('HEAD is now at: {}', output)

    return commit
예제 #35
def install_testing():
    package_name = 'rabbitmq-server'
    debian.debconf_set_selections('%s rabbitmq-server/upgrade_previous note' %

    with sudo():
        info('Adding apt key for {}', package_name)
        run("apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x056E8E56")

        info('Adding apt repository for {}', package_name)
            'http://www.rabbitmq.com/debian/ testing main')

        info('Installing {}', package_name)
        debian.apt_get('install', package_name)
예제 #36
def configure():
    Enable/disable configured programs
    with sudo():
        # Upload templates
        uploads = blueprint.upload("init/", "/etc/init/")
        uploads.extend(blueprint.upload("supervisord.conf", "/etc/"))

        # Disable previously enabled programs not configured programs-enabled
        changes = []
        programs = blueprint.get("programs") or []
        auto_disable = blueprint.get("auto_disable_programs", True)
        if auto_disable:
            with silent():
                enabled_program_links = run("ls {}".format(programs_enabled_path)).split()
            for link in enabled_program_links:
                link_name = os.path.splitext(link)[0]  # Without extension
                if link not in programs and link_name not in programs:
                    changed = disable(link, do_reload=False)

        ### Enable programs from settings
        for program in programs:
            changed = enable(program, do_reload=False)

        ### Reload supervisor if new templates or any program has been enabled/disabled
        if uploads or any(changes):
예제 #37
def reset(branch, repository_path=None, **kwargs):
    Fetch, reset, clean and checkout repository branch.

    :return: commit
    if not repository_path:
        repository_path = debian.pwd()

    with cd(repository_path):
        name = os.path.basename(repository_path)
        info('Resetting git repository: {}@{}', name, branch)
        commands = [
            'git fetch origin',  # Fetch branches and tags
            'git reset --hard HEAD',  # Make hard reset to HEAD
            'git clean -fdx',  # Remove untracked files pyc, xxx~ etc
            'git checkout HEAD',  # Checkout HEAD
            'git reset refs/remotes/origin/{} --hard'.format(
                branch)  # Reset to branch
        with silent():
            output = run(' && '.join(commands))
            output = output.split(os.linesep)[-1].lstrip('HEAD is now at ')
            commit = output.split()[0]
            info('HEAD is now at: {}', output)

    return commit
예제 #38
파일: python.py 프로젝트: Sportamore/blues
def version():
    if not hasattr(version, 'version'):
        version_string = run('python --version').stdout
        _, ver = version_string.split(' ')
        version.version = tuple(map(int, ver.split('.')))

    return version.version
예제 #39
파일: redis.py 프로젝트: Sportamore/blues
def info(scope=''):
    Get runtime information from redis itself
    with silent(), hide_prefix():
        output = api.run('redis-cli info ' + scope)
예제 #40
파일: nginx.py 프로젝트: lydell/blues
def configure():
    Configure nginx and enable/disable sites
    with sudo():
        # Upload templates
        context = {'num_cores': debian.nproc()}
        uploads = blueprint.upload('./', nginx_root, context)

        # Disable previously enabled sites not configured sites-enabled
        changes = []
        sites = blueprint.get('sites')
        auto_disable_sites = blueprint.get('auto_disable_sites', True)
        if auto_disable_sites:
            with silent():
                enabled_site_links = run(
                    'ls {}'.format(sites_enabled_path)).split()
            for link in enabled_site_links:
                link_name = os.path.splitext(link)[0]  # Without extension
                if link not in sites and link_name not in sites:
                    changed = disable(link, do_reload=False)

        ### Enable sites from settings
        for site in sites:
            changed = enable(site, do_reload=False)

        ### Reload nginx if new templates or any site has been enabled/disabled
        if uploads or any(changes):
예제 #41
파일: git.py 프로젝트: lydell/blues
def log(repository_path=None, commit='HEAD', count=1, path=None):
    Get log for repository and optional commit range.

    :param repository_path: Repository path
    :param commit: Commit to log, ex HEAD..origin
    :param path: Path or file to log
    :return: [(<commit>, <comment>), ...]
    if not repository_path:
        repository_path = debian.pwd()

    with cd(repository_path), silent():
        cmd = 'git log --pretty=oneline {}'.format(commit)
        if count:
            cmd += ' -{}'.format(count)
        if path:
            cmd += ' -- {}'.format(path)
        output = run(cmd, pty=False)
        git_log = output.stdout.strip()
        git_log = [
            col.strip() for row in git_log.split('\n')
            for col in row.split(' ', 1) if col
        git_log = zip(git_log[::2], git_log[1::2])

    return git_log
예제 #42
def configure():
    Enable/disable configured programs
    with sudo():
        # Upload templates
        uploads = blueprint.upload('init/', '/etc/init/')
        uploads.extend(blueprint.upload('supervisord.conf', '/etc/'))

        # Disable previously enabled programs not configured programs-enabled
        changes = []
        programs = blueprint.get('programs') or []
        auto_disable = blueprint.get('auto_disable_programs', True)
        if auto_disable:
            with silent():
                enabled_program_links = run(
                    'ls {}'.format(programs_enabled_path)).split()
            for link in enabled_program_links:
                link_name = os.path.splitext(link)[0]  # Without extension
                if link not in programs and link_name not in programs:
                    changed = disable(link, do_reload=False)

        ### Enable programs from settings
        for program in programs:
            changed = enable(program, do_reload=False)

        ### Reload supervisor if new templates or any program has been enabled/disabled
        if uploads or any(changes):
예제 #43
def update_filters():
    changes = []

    # Generate desired state as enabled_name => source_name
    config = blueprint.get('config', {})
    filters = {
        '{}-{}.conf'.format(str(weight).zfill(2), conf): "{}.conf".format(conf)
        for weight, conf in config.iteritems()

    # Get current state
    with silent():
        enabled_filters = run('ls {}'.format(conf_enabled_path)).split()

    # Disable extra services
    if blueprint.get('auto_disable_conf', True):
        for link in set(enabled_filters) - set(filters.keys()):
            info('Disabling conf: {}', link)

            with silent(), sudo(), cd(conf_enabled_path):

    # Enable services
    for target in set(filters.keys()) - set(enabled_filters):
        source = os.path.join(conf_available_path, filters[target])
        info('Enabling conf: {}', target)

        with silent(), sudo(), cd(conf_enabled_path):
            debian.ln(source, target)

    return changes
예제 #44
파일: python.py 프로젝트: Sportamore/blues
def pip(command, *options, **kwargs):
    # TODO: change pip log location, per env? per user?
    # Perhaps we should just remove the log_file argument and let pip put it
    # where it belongs.
    info('Running pip {} {}', command, ' '.join(options))
    bin = kwargs.pop('bin',
                     'pip3' if requested_version() >= (3,)
                     else 'pip2')
    quiet = kwargs.pop('quiet', False)
    cmd = ('{pip} {command} {options} {verbosity} '
           '--exists-action=s --log={log_file} --log-file={log_file}')

                   options=' '.join(options),
                   verbosity='-v' if not quiet else '-q',
                   log_file=pip_log_file), pty=False)
예제 #45
def clone(url, branch=None, repository_path=None, **kwargs):
    repository = parse_url(url, branch=branch)
    name = repository['name']
    branch = repository['branch']

    if not repository_path:
        repository_path = os.path.join('.', name)

    if not files.exists(os.path.join(repository_path, '.git')):
        info('Cloning {}@{} into {}', url, branch, repository_path)
        cmd = 'git clone -b {branch} {remote} {name}'.format(branch=branch,
        info('Git repository already cloned: {}', name)

    return repository_path
예제 #46
파일: django.py 프로젝트: gotling/blues
def manage(cmd=''):
    Run django management command
    if not cmd:
        cmd = prompt('Enter django management command:')
    with sudo_project(), cd(python_path()), virtualenv.activate(
            virtualenv_path()), hide_prefix():
        return run('python {manage} {cmd}'.format(cmd=cmd,
                                                      'manage', 'manage.py')))
예제 #47
파일: kibana.py 프로젝트: lericson/blues
def install():
    with sudo():
        info('Downloading kibana')
        version = blueprint.get('version', '3.1.0')
        tar_file = 'kibana-{}.tar.gz'.format(version)
        run('wget -P /tmp/ https://download.elasticsearch.org/kibana/kibana/{f}'

        # Extract and soft link kibana in web root
        web_root = '/srv/www/'
        debian.mkdir(web_root, mode=1775, owner='www-data', group='www-data')
        run('tar xzf /tmp/{f} -C {web_root}'.format(f=tar_file,
        src_root = os.path.join(web_root,
        debian.ln(src_root, '/srv/www/kibana')
예제 #48
def install_solr():
    with sudo():
        version = blueprint.get('version')
        version_tuple = tuple(map(int, version.split('.')))

        archive = 'solr-{}.tgz'.format(version)
        if version_tuple < (4, 1, 0):
            archive = 'apache-{}'.format(archive)
        url = 'https://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/{}/{}'.format(
            version, archive)

        with cd('/tmp'):
            info('Download {} ({})', 'Solr', version)
            run('wget {}'.format(url))

            info('Extracting archive...')
            with silent():
                run('tar xzf {}'.format(archive))
                debian.mv(os.path.splitext(archive)[0], solr_home)
                debian.chmod(solr_home, 755, 'solr', 'solr', recursive=True)
예제 #49
파일: postgres.py 프로젝트: lericson/blues
def setup_shared_memory():
    sysctl_path = '/etc/sysctl.conf'
    shmmax_configured = files.contains(sysctl_path, 'kernel.shmmax')
    shmall_configured = files.contains(sysctl_path, 'kernel.shmall')
    if not any([shmmax_configured, shmall_configured]):
        page_size = debian.page_size()
        phys_pages = debian.phys_pages()
        shmall = phys_pages / 2
        shmmax = shmall * page_size

        shmmax_str = 'kernel.shmmax = {}'.format(shmmax)
        shmall_str = 'kernel.shmall = {}'.format(shmall)
        with sudo():
            files.append(sysctl_path, shmmax_str, partial=True)
            files.append(sysctl_path, shmall_str, partial=True)
            run('sysctl -p')
        info('Added **{}** to {}', shmmax_str, sysctl_path)
        info('Added **{}** to {}', shmall_str, sysctl_path)
예제 #50
파일: git.py 프로젝트: lydell/blues
def current_tag(repository_path=None):
    Get most recent tag
    :param repository_path: Repository path
    :return: The most recent tag
    if not repository_path:
        repository_path = debian.pwd()
    with cd(repository_path), silent():
        output = run('git describe --long --tags --dirty --always', pty=False)

        # 20141114.1-306-g72354ae-dirty
        return output.strip().rsplit('-', 2)[0]
예제 #51
def dump(schema=None, ignore_tables=''):
    Dump and download a schema.

    :param schema: Specific shema to dump and download.
    :param ignore_tables: Tables to skip, separated by | (pipe)
    if not schema:
        schemas = blueprint.get('schemas', {}).keys()
        for i, schema in enumerate(schemas, start=1):
            print("{i}. {schema}".format(i=i, schema=schema))
        valid_indices = '[1-{}]+'.format(len(schemas))
        schema_choice = prompt('Select schema to dump:',
        schema = schemas[int(schema_choice) - 1]

    now = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    output_file = '/tmp/{}_{}.backup.gz'.format(schema, now)
    filename = os.path.basename(output_file)

    info('Dumping schema {}...', schema)
    extra_args = []
    for table in ignore_tables.split('|'):
        extra_args.append('--ignore-table={}.{}'.format(schema, table))

    dump_cmd = 'mysqldump {} {} | gzip > {}'.format(schema,
                                                    ' '.join(extra_args),

    run('sudo su root -c "{}"'.format(dump_cmd))
    info('Downloading dump...')
    local_file = '~/%s' % filename
    fabric.contrib.files.get(output_file, local_file)

    with sudo(), silent():

    info('New smoking hot dump at {}', local_file)
예제 #52
파일: git.py 프로젝트: lydell/blues
def get_commit(repository_path=None, short=False):
    Get current checked out commit for cloned repository path.

    :param repository_path: Repository path
    :param short: Format git commit hash in short (7) format
    :return: Commit hash
    if not repository_path:
        repository_path = debian.pwd()

    with cd(repository_path), silent():
        output = run('git rev-parse HEAD')
        commit = output.strip()
        if short:
            commit = commit[:7]

    return commit
예제 #53
파일: git.py 프로젝트: lydell/blues
def diff_stat(repository_path=None, commit='HEAD^', path=None):
    Get diff stats for path.

    :param repository_path: Repository path
    :param commit: Commit to diff against, ex 12345..67890
    :param path: Path or file to diff
    :return: tuple(num files changed, num insertions, num deletions)
    if not repository_path:
        repository_path = debian.pwd()

    with cd(repository_path), silent():

        # Example output (note leading space):
        #    719 files changed, 104452 insertions(+), 29309 deletions(-)
        #    1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
        output = run('git diff --shortstat {} -- {}'.format(commit, path),
        parts = output.strip().split(', ') if output else []
        changed, insertions, deletions = 0, 0, 0

        for part in parts:
            match = re.match(r'^\s*(\d+)\s+(.+)$', part)
            if not match:
                raise ValueError('no regex match for {!r} in {!r}'.format(
                    part, output))
            n, label = match.groups()
            if label.endswith('(+)'):
                insertions = int(n)
            elif label.endswith('(-)'):
                deletions = int(n)
            elif label.endswith('changed'):
                changed = int(n)
                raise ValueError('unexpected git output')

        return changed, insertions, deletions
예제 #54
파일: postgres.py 프로젝트: lericson/blues
def generate_pgtune_conf(role='db'):
    Run pgtune and create pgtune.conf

    :param role: Which fabric role to place local pgtune.conf template under
    conf_path = postgres_root('postgresql.conf')
    with sudo(), silent():
        output = run('pgtune -T Web -i {}'.format(conf_path)).strip()

        def parse(c):
            lines = [l for l in c.splitlines() if '# pgtune' in l]
            for line in lines:
                    comment = line.index('#')
                    line = line[:comment]
                except ValueError:
                clean = lambda s: s.strip('\n\r\t\'" ')
                key, _, value = line.partition('=')
                key, value = map(clean, (key, value))
                if key:
                    yield key, value or None

        tune_conf = dict(parse(output))
        tune_conf.update(blueprint.get('pgtune', {}))
        tune_conf = '\n'.join(
            (' = '.join(item)) for item in tune_conf.iteritems())
        conf_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(env['real_fabfile']),
                                'templates', role, 'postgres')
        conf_path = os.path.join(conf_dir, 'pgtune.conf')

        if not os.path.exists(conf_dir):

        with open(conf_path, 'w+') as f:
예제 #55
파일: git.py 프로젝트: lydell/blues
def clone(url, branch=None, repository_path=None, **kwargs):
    Clone repository and branch.

    :param url: Git url to clone
    :param branch: Branch to checkout
    :param repository_path: Destination
    :param kwargs: Not used but here for easier kwarg passing
    :return: (destination, got_cloned bool)
    repository = parse_url(url, branch=branch)
    name = repository['name']
    branch = repository['branch']
    cloned = False

    if not repository_path:
        repository_path = os.path.join('.', name)

    if not files.exists(os.path.join(repository_path, '.git')):
        info('Cloning {}@{} into {}', url, branch, repository_path)
        with silent('warnings'):
            cmd = 'git clone -b {branch} {remote} {name}'.format(branch=branch,
            output = run(cmd)
        if output.return_code != 0:
                'Failed to clone repository "{}", probably permission denied!'.
            cloned = None
            cloned = True
        info('Git repository already cloned: {}', name)

    return repository_path, cloned
예제 #56
파일: git.py 프로젝트: lydell/blues
def reset(branch, repository_path=None, **kwargs):
    Fetch, reset, clean and checkout repository branch.

    :return: commit
    commit = None

    if not repository_path:
        repository_path = debian.pwd()

    with cd(repository_path):
        name = os.path.basename(repository_path)
        info('Resetting git repository: {}@{}', name, branch)

        with silent('warnings'):
            commands = [
                'git fetch origin',  # Fetch branches and tags
                'git reset --hard HEAD',  # Make hard reset to HEAD
                'git clean -fdx',  # Remove untracked files pyc, xxx~ etc
                'git checkout HEAD',  # Checkout HEAD
                'git reset refs/remotes/origin/{} --hard'.format(
                    branch)  # Reset to branch
            output = run(' && '.join(commands))

        if output.return_code != 0:
                'Failed to reset repository "{}", probably permission denied!'.
            output = output.split(os.linesep)[-1][len('HEAD is now at '):]
            commit = output.split()[0]
            info('HEAD is now at: {}', output)

    return commit