def GetPortalDpaZones(kml_path=None): """Gets Portal DPA zones. Portal DPA zones are Dynamic Protection Area monitored through the use of internet portal. Args: kml_path: Optional path to the Portal DPA KML. If unspecified, use the default one from the `data/ntia/` folder. Returns: A dict of DPA struct keyed by their names, each one holding following attributes: geometry: A |shapely.Polygon or Point| defining the DPA. protectionCritDbmPer10MHz: The protection threshold (dBm/10MHz). refHeightMeters: The radar antenna height (meters). antennaBeamwidthDeg: The antenna beamwidth (degrees). minAzimuthDeg: The radar min azimuth (degrees). maxAzimuthDeg: The radar max azimuth (degrees). catBNeighborDist: The CatB neighboring distance (km). """ global _portal_dpa_zones global _portal_dpa_path if _portal_dpa_zones is None or kml_path != _portal_dpa_path: _portal_dpa_path = kml_path if kml_path is None: kml_path = os.path.join(CONFIG.GetNtiaDir(), PORTAL_DPA_ZONE_FILE) _portal_dpa_zones = _LoadDpaZones(kml_path, PORTAL_DPA_PROPERTIES, fix_invalid=False) # fix_invalid to False to auto-detect issues with provided KML. return _portal_dpa_zones
def GetUsCanadaBorder(): """Gets the US/Canada border as a |shapely.MultiLineString|.""" global _uscanada_border if _uscanada_border is None: kml_file = os.path.join(CONFIG.GetFccDir(), USCANADA_BORDER_FILE) lines = _ReadKmlBorder(kml_file) _uscanada_border = ops.unary_union(lines.values()) return _uscanada_border
def GetUsBorder(): """Gets the US border as a |shapely.MultiPolygon|. This is a composite US border for simulation purposes only. """ global _border_zone if _border_zone is None: kml_file = os.path.join(CONFIG.GetFccDir(), USBORDER_FILE) zones = _ReadKmlZones(kml_file) _border_zone = ops.unary_union(zones.values()) return _border_zone
def GetCoastalProtectionZone(): """Returns the coastal protection zone as a |shapely.MultiPolygon|. The coastal protection zone is optionally used for DPA CatA neighborhood. """ global _coastal_protection_zone if _coastal_protection_zone is None: kml_file = os.path.join(CONFIG.GetNtiaDir(), PROTECTION_ZONE_FILE) zones = _ReadKmlZones(kml_file) _coastal_protection_zone = ops.unary_union( [zones[name] for name in _COASTAL_PROTECTION_ZONES]) return _coastal_protection_zone
def GetFccOfficeLocations(): """Gets FCC Office locations. 14 FCC field offices that require protection are defined. Returns: A list of locations defined as dict with keys 'latitude' and 'longitude'. """ fcc_file = os.path.join(CONFIG.GetFccDir(), FCC_FIELD_OFFICES_FILE) fcc_offices = [{ 'latitude': lat, 'longitude': lng } for lat, lng in np.loadtxt(fcc_file, delimiter=',', usecols=(1, 2))] return fcc_offices
def GetUrbanAreas(simplify_deg=1e-3): """Gets the US urban area as a |shapely.GeometryCollection|. Note: Client code should cache it as expensive to load (and not cached here). Args: simplify_deg: if defined, simplify the zone with given tolerance (degrees). Default is 1e-3 which corresponds roughly to 100m in continental US. """ kml_file = os.path.join(CONFIG.GetNtiaDir(), URBAN_AREAS_FILE) zones = _ReadKmlZones(kml_file, root_id_zone='Document', simplify=simplify_deg) urban_areas = sgeo.GeometryCollection( zones.values()) # ops.unary_union(zones.values()) return urban_areas
def ConfigureDataFile(self, datafile_or_dir, do_load=True): """Configure the refractivity data file. Inputs: datafile_or_dir: the data path or directory. If directory, then the datafile is the standard 'n050.txt'. If None, then use the standard database location from do_load: if set (default), load the data, otherwise do lazy loading. """ self._datafile = datafile_or_dir if self._datafile is None: self._datafile = os.path.join(CONFIG.GetItuDir(), 'n050.txt') elif os.path.isdir(self._datafile): self._datafile = os.path.join(self._datafile, 'n050.txt') self._data = None if do_load: self._data = np.loadtxt(self._datafile)
def _GetAllExclusionZones(): """Read all exclusion zones.""" global _exclusion_zones_gbs global _exclusion_zones_p90 if _exclusion_zones_gbs is None: kml_file = os.path.join(CONFIG.GetNtiaDir(), EXCLUSION_ZONE_FILE) zones = _ReadKmlZones(kml_file, data_fields=['freqRangeMhz']) gbs_zones = [] p90_zones = [] for name, zone in zones.items(): freq_range = _SplitFreqRange(zone.freqRangeMhz) if (3550, 3650) in freq_range: gbs_zones.append(zone.geometry) elif (3650, 3700) in freq_range: p90_zones.append(zone.geometry) else: raise ValueError('Zone %s: unsupported freq range %r', name, freq_range) _exclusion_zones_gbs = ops.unary_union(gbs_zones) _exclusion_zones_p90 = ops.unary_union(p90_zones)
def SetTerrainDirectory(self, terrain_directory): """Configures the terrain data directory.""" self._terrain_dir = terrain_directory if self._terrain_dir is None: self._terrain_dir = CONFIG.GetTerrainDir()
def SetCensusTractDirectory(self, census_tract_directory): """Configures the Census Tracts data directory.""" self._census_tract_dir = census_tract_directory if self._census_tract_dir is None: self._census_tract_dir = CONFIG.GetCensusTractsDir()
def SetNlcdDirectory(self, nlcd_directory): """Configures the NLCD data directory.""" self._nlcd_dir = nlcd_directory if self._nlcd_dir is None: self._nlcd_dir = CONFIG.GetLandCoverDir()