예제 #1
def build_regex_tree(regex: str) -> "RegexTree":
    Takes a valid string form regex, and returns the RegexTree that
    corresponds to it.

    >>> build_regex_tree('0')
    >>> build_regex_tree('0*')
    >>> build_regex_tree('(0.1)')
    DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1'))
    >>> build_regex_tree('(1|0)')
    BarTree(Leaf('1'), Leaf('0'))
    >>> build_regex_tree('(0*|1*)')
    BarTree(StarTree(Leaf('0')), StarTree(Leaf('1')))
    >>> build_regex_tree('((0.1).0)')
    DotTree(DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1')), Leaf('0'))
    if len(regex) == 1:
        return Leaf(regex)
        if regex[-1] == "*":
            return StarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[:-1]))
            #this then builds either a bar or a star using the regex_split
            #function used eariler in is_regex
            spl = regex_split(regex)
            if spl[1] == "|":
                return BarTree(build_regex_tree(spl[0]),
                return DotTree(build_regex_tree(spl[0]),
예제 #2
def build_regex_tree(regex: str) -> "RegexTree":
    """Given regex, a valid regular expression regex, build the corresponding
    regular expression tree and returns its root.
    >>> regex = "(0.1)*"
    >>> build_regex_tree(regex)
    StarTree(DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1')))
    >>> regex = "(0*|(1.2)*)"
    >>> build_regex_tree(regex)
    BarTree(StarTree(Leaf('0')), StarTree(DotTree(Leaf('1'), Leaf('2'))))

    if regex in ('0', '1', '2', 'e'):
        return Leaf(regex)
    elif regex[-1] is '*':
        return StarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[:-1]))
    elif (regex[0] is '(' and regex[-1] is ')' and len(regex) is 5
          and ('.' in regex or '|' in regex)):
        if '.' in regex:
            return DotTree(build_regex_tree(regex[1:2]),
        elif '|' in regex:
            return BarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[1:2]),
    elif regex[0] is '(' and regex[-1] is ')' and ('.' in regex
                                                   or '|' in regex):
        if regex[1:-1][0] is '(':
            index = index_of_left_closing_bracket(regex[1:-1])
            index_of_separator = index + 1
            if regex[1:-1][index_of_separator] is '*':
                index_of_separator += 1
            separator = regex[1:-1][index_of_separator]
        elif regex[1:-1][-1] is ')':
            index_of_first_open_bracket = regex[1:-1].find('(')
            index_of_separator = index_of_first_open_bracket - 1
            separator = regex[1:-1][index_of_separator]
            if '(' in regex[1:-1]:
                index_of_first_open_bracket = regex[1:-1].find('(')
                index_of_separator = index_of_first_open_bracket - 1
                separator = regex[1:-1][index_of_separator]
                index_of_separator = max(regex[1:-1].find('.'),
                separator = regex[1:-1][index_of_separator]

        if separator is '.':
            return DotTree(
                build_regex_tree(regex[1:-1][index_of_separator + 1:]))
        elif separator is '|':
            return BarTree(
                build_regex_tree(regex[1:-1][index_of_separator + 1:]))
예제 #3
def build_regex_tree(regex):

    if regex in ('0', '1', '2', 'e'):
        return Leaf(regex)
    elif regex[-1] is '*':
        return StarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[:-1]))
    elif (regex[0] is '(' and regex[-1] is ')' and len(regex) is 5
          and ('.' in regex or '|' in regex)):
        if '.' in regex:
            return DotTree(build_regex_tree(regex[1:2]),
        elif '|' in regex:
            return BarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[1:2]),
    elif regex[0] is '(' and regex[-1] is ')' and ('.' in regex
                                                   or '|' in regex):
        if regex[1:-1][0] is '(':
            index = index_of_left_closing_bracket(regex[1:-1])
            index_of_separator = index + 1
            if regex[1:-1][index_of_separator] is '*':
                index_of_separator += 1
            separator = regex[1:-1][index_of_separator]
        elif regex[1:-1][-1] is ')':
            index_of_first_open_bracket = regex[1:-1].find('(')
            index_of_separator = index_of_first_open_bracket - 1
            separator = regex[1:-1][index_of_separator]
            if '(' in regex[1:-1]:
                index_of_first_open_bracket = regex[1:-1].find('(')
                index_of_separator = index_of_first_open_bracket - 1
                separator = regex[1:-1][index_of_separator]
                index_of_separator = max(regex[1:-1].find('.'),
                separator = regex[1:-1][index_of_separator]

        if separator is '.':
            return DotTree(
                build_regex_tree(regex[1:-1][index_of_separator + 1:]))
        elif separator is '|':
            return BarTree(
                build_regex_tree(regex[1:-1][index_of_separator + 1:]))
def tree_helper(regex_list, ternaries=['0', '1', '2', 'e']):
    ''' (list) -> RegexTree
    Takes in a list form of the regex and creates a
    tree recursively
    >>> tree_helper(['e'])
    >>> tree_helper(['1','.','0'])
    DotTree(Leaf('1'), Leaf('0'))
    >>> tree_helper(['1','|',['2','.','e'],'*'])
    BarTree(Leaf('1'), StarTree(DotTree(Leaf('2'), Leaf('e'))))
    # base check if there are dots or bars in the
    # regex
    if '.' in regex_list:
        # make a dot node
        # everything left of the dot is left, right of
        # dot is right
        result = DotTree(tree_helper(regex_list[:regex_list.index('.')]),
                         tree_helper(regex_list[regex_list.index('.') + 1:]))
    # check for bars
    elif '|' in regex_list:
        # make a bar node
        # everything left of the bar is left, right of
        # bar is right
        result = BarTree(tree_helper(regex_list[:regex_list.index('|')]),
                         tree_helper(regex_list[regex_list.index('|') + 1:]))
    # check for stars
    elif '*' in regex_list:
        # make a star node, everything to the left of it is its child
        result = StarTree(tree_helper(regex_list[:regex_list.index('*')]))
    # if we've gone through all the dots and bars
        # if its a list
        if isinstance(regex_list[0], list):
            # call the tree helper on that list
            result = tree_helper(regex_list[0])
        # if its a symbol
        elif regex_list[0] in ternaries:
            # make a new leaf node
            result = Leaf(regex_list[0])
    # return the result
    return result
예제 #5
def build_regex_tree(regex):
    '''(str) -> RegexTree
    REQ: str must be a valid regex
    Takes in a str that is a valid regex and creates a RegexTree for the regex
    and returns the root of it
    StarTree(BarTree(Leaf('1'), Leaf('0')))
    DotTree(StarTree(Leaf('2')), Leaf('0'))
    BarTree(DotTree(Leaf('1'), Leaf('0')), DotTree(Leaf('2'), Leaf('1')))
    BarTree(BarTree(Leaf('0'), StarTree(Leaf('1'))),
    DotTree(DotTree(StarTree(Leaf('2')), StarTree(Leaf('1'))),
    DotTree(StarTree(Leaf('e')), Leaf('0'))))
    # Checks if the len is 0, 1, 2, or e
    if len(regex) == 1:
        # Calling Leaf function from RegexTree because regex has no children
        return Leaf(regex)
    # To check if the regex has a '*' at the end
    elif regex[-1] == STAR:
        # Calling StarTree function from RegexTree because Regex ends with '*'
        return StarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[:len(regex)-1]))
        # Calling operationLocator helper function to determine what index
        # the operation is located at
        operation = operationLocator(regex)
        # If the main operation is a bar, it will call BarTree from RegexTree
        # because the index of the operation is a bar
        if regex[operation] == BAR:
            return BarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[1:operation]),
        # This case checks if the operation is a dot, it will call DotTree
        # from RegexTree because the index of the operation is a dot
            return DotTree(build_regex_tree(regex[1:operation]),
예제 #6
def build_regex_tree(regex):
    '''(string) -> RegexTree
    Builds a corresponding regex tree.
    REQ regex is a valid regular expression
    if len(regex) == 1:
        root = Leaf(regex)
    elif regex[-1] == star:
        child = build_regex_tree(regex[:-1])
        root = StarTree(child)
        # remove the brackets!
        nregex = regex[1:-1]
        r1, r2, symbol = split(nregex)
        childr1 = build_regex_tree(r1)
        childr2 = build_regex_tree(r2)
        if symbol == dot:
            root = DotTree(childr1, childr2)
            root = BarTree(childr1, childr2)
    return root
예제 #7
def build_regex_tree(regex):
    '''(str) -> Tree
    Given a regex inside a bracket, returns the node which represents that regex
    #while loop used for going through the regex
    i = 0
    #returns a list of list and str
    ret = [[], '']
    #iterates through the regex
    while i < len(regex):
        #a close bracket marks the end of the regex
        if regex[i] == ')':
            return ret
        #an open bracket marks the start of the left child
        elif regex[i] == '(':
            ret[0] += build_regex_tree(regex[i + 1:])
            #adds the number of items in the child + the number of brackets(2)
            #and an operator(1)
            i += len(ret[0][0]) + 3
        #adds to the first sublist if it is a valid regex char
        elif regex[i] in '012e':
            ret[0] += regex[i]
            i += 1
        #sets type by looking at operator
        elif regex[i] in '|.*':
            ret[1] = regex[i]
            i += 1
    #bug, had to remove extra brackets
    ret = ret[0]
    #converting to Tree
    if ret[1] == '|':
        ret = BarTree(ret[0][0], ret[0][1])
    elif ret[1] == '.':
        ret = DotTree(ret[0][0], ret[0][1])
    elif ret[1] == '*':
        ret = StarTree(ret[0][0])
    #returns Tree at the end
    return ret
예제 #8
def build_regex_tree(regex):
    '''(str) -> RegexTree
    takes a string regex, build a regex tree, and returns the root of the tree
    >>>build_regex_tree("(1.2)") == RegexTree('.', [Leaf('1'), Leaf('2')])
    >>>build_regex_tree("(1*|e)") == RegexTree('|', [StarTree(Leaf('1')), Leaf(
    >>>build_regex_tree("(((e.1).2*)|((0***.e).(1|2*)))") == RegexTree('|', [
    RegexTree('.', [RegexTree('.', [Leaf('e'), Leaf('1')]), StarTree(Leaf(
    '2'))]), RegexTree('.', [RegexTree('.', [StarTree(StarTree(StarTree(Leaf(
    '0')))), Leaf('e')]), RegexTree('|', [Leaf('1'), StarTree(Leaf('2'))])])])
    degree = 0
    # base case if length is 1,regex is a leaf since it does not have any child
    if len(regex) == 1:
        return Leaf(regex)
    # if it ends with a "*"
    elif regex != "" and regex[-1] == '*':
        # set the star to be the parent of a tree built with the rest of regex
        return StarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[:-1]))
    # if it is in brackets
    elif regex != "" and regex[0] == "(" and regex[-1] == ")":
        # loop and index of the dot or bar that's in the first brackets
        for i in range(len(regex)):
            if regex[i] == "(":
                degree += 1
            elif regex[i] == ")":
                degree -= 1
            if degree == 1 and (regex[i] == "." or regex[i] == '|'):
                I = i
                # recursion: remove the two brackets
                # divide to 2 parts at the dot or bar found and build trees
                # for each of the parts
                return RegexTree(regex[I], [build_regex_tree(
                    regex[1:I]), build_regex_tree(regex[I+1:-1])])
예제 #9
def build_regex_tree(regex):
    '''(str) -> RegexTree
    Builds the RegexTree as specified by the valid regex parameter. Return
    this tree's root
    REQ: regex is a valid regex
    # Length 1 regex
    if len(regex) == 1:
        return Leaf(regex)
    # '*' regex
    elif regex[-1] == '*':
        return StarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[:-1]))
    # '.' or '|' regex
        # Find the '' or '|' associated with the outer brackets and build
        # two children rooted to the '.' or '|' tree

        # Traverse by index. Upon finding '.' or '|' split the string at that
        # point and call the init with the two parts as parameters,
        # excluding the most outer brackets. If '(' is found, continue until
        # all '(' on the left side are found and an equal number of ')' are
        # found; the '.' or '|' afterwards is the associated operation.

        lr_bracket_balance = 0
        count = 1
        while count < len(regex) - 1:
            if regex[count] == '.' and lr_bracket_balance == 0:
                return DotTree(build_regex_tree(regex[1:count]),
                               build_regex_tree(regex[count + 1: -1]))
            elif regex[count] == '|' and lr_bracket_balance == 0:
                return BarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[1:count]),
                               build_regex_tree(regex[count + 1: -1]))
            elif regex[count] == '(':
                lr_bracket_balance += 1
            elif regex[count] == ')':
                lr_bracket_balance -= 1
            count += 1
예제 #10
def build_regex_tree(regex):
    (str) -> object
    This function takes in a regex and returns the root of the
    tree node. It returns None if the regex is not valid.






    BarTree(Leaf('1'), Leaf('2'))

    DotTree(Leaf('e'), Leaf('2'))

    BarTree(Leaf('1'), StarTree(DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('2'))))


    DotTree(Leaf('1'), BarTree(StarTree(Leaf('e')), BarTree(StarTree(Leaf('1')), Leaf('2'))))

    # If the regex is not correct return None
    if (not (is_regex(regex))):
        return None

    # If the length is one then return the leaf of the particular SINGLE_CHAR
    if (len(regex) == 1):
        return Leaf(regex)

    # If the last char is a Star, Create a star tree
    elif (regex[-1] == '*'):
        # Make the child equal to the rest of the regex
        return StarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[:-1]))

    # If regex has a bracket
        # Check if the expression in the bracket requires a Binary Tree
            # Get the left expression, operation and the right expression
            (left, operation, right) = splicer(regex)

        # If error raised check if it was a StarTree or a Leaf
        except Exception:
            # Remove Brackets
            return build_regex_tree(regex[1:-1])
        # Get the correct corresponding tree object
        tree = BINARY[operation]
        # Build the tree, also make the left and right children into trees
        return tree(build_regex_tree(left), build_regex_tree(right))
예제 #11
def build_regex_tree(regex):
    '''(str) -> Dot/Bar/Star/Leaf Tree
    REQ: regex must be valid
    This function will take the given valid regex string, then it will build
    the appropriate tree and finally it will return its root
    BarTree(Leaf('1'), Leaf('2'))
    DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('e'))
    DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1'))
    DotTree(DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1')), Leaf('2'))
    BarTree(DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1')), Leaf('2'))
    BarTree(DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1')), StarTree(Leaf('2')))
    BarTree(StarTree(DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1'))), StarTree(Leaf('2')))
    StarTree(BarTree(StarTree(DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1'))),
    BarTree(DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1')), DotTree(Leaf('2'), Leaf('1')))
    DotTree(DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1')), DotTree(Leaf('2'), Leaf('1')))
    DotTree(BarTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1')), DotTree(Leaf('2'), Leaf('1')))
    StarTree(DotTree(BarTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1')), DotTree(Leaf('2'),
    DotTree(Leaf('0'), DotTree(Leaf('1'), StarTree(BarTree(Leaf('0'),
    Leaf('1')), Leaf('2')), StarTree(StarTree(StarTree(Leaf('2')))))
    StarTree(StarTree(DotTree(Leaf('2'), StarTree(BarTree(Leaf('1'),
    # If we have a single letter then it has no children hence it will be
    # a leaf
    if len(regex) == 1:
        return Leaf(regex)
    # Otherwise we either have to create a Dot/Bar/Star Tree
        # If the last character is a star then we have to create a star tree
        if regex[-1] is star:
            return StarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[:-1]))
            # Remove the brackets
            regex = regex[1:-1]
            # If we have a left sided regex that means we have to divide the
            # string from the right hand side
            if regex[0] is left and regex[-1] is not right:
                # Find the position of the dot and the bar
                find_dot = regex.rfind(dot)
                find_bar = regex.rfind(bar)
                # If the dot is greater in index then partition it at the dot
                if find_dot > find_bar:
                    s = regex.rpartition(dot)
                    # Since we partition it at the dot, build a DotTree
                    return (DotTree(build_regex_tree(s[0]),
                    # Else build the BarTree
                    s = regex.rpartition(bar)
                    return (BarTree(build_regex_tree(s[0]),
            # If we have a right sided regex that means we have to divide the
            # string from the left hand side
            elif regex[-1] is right and regex[0] is not left:
                # Find the position of the dot and the bar
                find_dot = regex.find(dot)
                find_bar = regex.find(bar)
                # If the dot is lower in index then partition it at the dot
                if ((find_dot is not -1 and find_dot < find_bar) or
                   (find_bar is -1)):
                    s = regex.partition(dot)
                    # Since we partition it at the dot, build a DotTree
                    return (DotTree(build_regex_tree(s[0]),
                    # Else build the BarTree
                    s = regex.partition(bar)
                    return (BarTree(build_regex_tree(s[0]),
            # If we have an even regex
            elif regex[0] is left and regex[-1] is right:
                # Set the counter
                i = 0
                # Loop through the regex to find the position of either the
                # bar of the dot
                while i < len(regex):
                    if regex[i] is right and regex[i+2] is left:
                        index = i+1
                        # Once we get the index set i so we can exit loop
                        i = len(regex)
                    i += 1
                # If there is bar at the given index then build a BarTree
                if regex[index] is bar:
                    return (BarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[:index]),
                # Otherwise just build a DotTree
                    return (DotTree(build_regex_tree(regex[:index]),
            # If either side do not contain a bracket
            elif regex[0] is not left and regex[-1] is not right:
                # Then check if the last char is a star
                if regex[-1] is star:
                    # Find the dot and the bar since we will be spliting it
                    # from the left side
                    find_dot = regex.find(dot)
                    find_bar = regex.find(bar)
                    # If dot has lower index then bar
                    if ((find_dot is not -1 and find_dot < find_bar) or
                       (find_bar is -1)):
                        s = regex.partition(dot)
                        # Build a DotTree
                        return (DotTree(build_regex_tree(s[0]),
                    # Otherwise build a BarTree
                        s = regex.partition(bar)
                        return (BarTree(build_regex_tree(s[0]),
                # If the regex is of form (r1*.r2) or (r1*|r2)
                elif regex[1] is star:
                    # Find the dot and the bar since we will be spliting it
                    # from the right side
                    find_dot = regex.rfind(dot)
                    find_bar = regex.rfind(bar)
                    # If the dot has higher index then bar
                    if find_dot > find_bar:
                        s = regex.rpartition(dot)
                        # Build the DotTree
                        return (DotTree(build_regex_tree(s[0]),
                        s = regex.rpartition(bar)
                        # Otherwise build the BarTree
                        return (BarTree(build_regex_tree(s[0]),
                # Otherwise if we have regex of form (r1|r2)
                elif bar in regex:
                    # Build a BarTree
                    return (BarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[0]),
                # Otherwise we have regex of form (r1.r2)
                elif dot in regex:
                    # Build a DotTree
                    return (DotTree(build_regex_tree(regex[0]),
                # Look for the dot
                if dot in regex:
                    # Seperate the string at the dot so we can recurse on r1
                    # and r2
                    s = regex.partition(dot)
                    # Create the Dot Tree
                    return DotTree(Leaf(s[0]), Leaf(s[2]))
                # Look for the bar
                elif bar in regex:
                    # Seperate the string at the bar so we can recurse on r1
                    # and r2
                    s = regex.partition(bar)
                    # Create the Bar Tree
                    return BarTree(Leaf(s[0]), Leaf(s[2]))
예제 #12
def build_regex_tree(regex):
    ''' (str) -> set(str)
    The function takes a valid regex string and produces a regex tree in order
    to return the root.
    REQ: String must be a valid regex
    >>> build_regex_tree("((1.(0|1)*).2)")
    DotTree(DotTree(Leaf('1'), StarTree(BarTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1')))),
    >>> build_regex_tree("(1|2)")
    BarTree(Leaf('1'), Leaf('2'))
    >>> build_regex_tree("(1.2)")
    DotTree(Leaf('1'), Leaf('2'))
    # Base Case
    if len(regex) <= 1:
        return Leaf(regex)

    # If Regex obtains a star in as the last element
    elif regex[-1] == "*":
        # Return the StarTree with the rest of the regex
        # without the last element
        return StarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[:-1]))

    # If regex is in the form of ( + r1 + |/. + r2 + )
        # Create counter variables
        break_location = 0
        bracket_count = 0
        length = len(regex)

        # Find the location to split the regex into r1 and r2 components
        # Search the elements in range of the regex
        # regex[1:-1] Accommodates for the outter brackets
        for element in range(len(regex[1:-1])):

            # If element is a left bracket
            if regex[1:-1][element] == bracket[0]:
                bracket_count += 1

            # If element is a right bracket
            elif regex[1:-1][element] == bracket[1]:
                bracket_count -= 1
            # If there is a set of brackets followed by a |.
            # Is the location where to split for components
            elif (bracket_count == 0 and regex[1:-1][element] in duo_regex):
                # accomadate for the outer bracket
                break_location += element + 1
        # If the node found after the set of brackets is a "|"
        if regex[break_location] == duo_regex[0]:
            # Return BarTree on the left side "r1" and the right side "r2"
            return BarTree(
                build_regex_tree(regex[break_location + 1:length - 1]))
        # If the node found after the set of brackets is a "."
        elif regex[break_location] == duo_regex[1]:
            # Return DotTree on the left side "r1" and the right side "r2"
            return DotTree(
                build_regex_tree(regex[break_location + 1:length - 1]))
예제 #13
def build_regex_tree(regex):
    (str) -> RegexTree

    This function takes a valid regex and build a tree correspoinding to its
    given permutation.

    REQ: regex must be string.

    >>> build_regex_tree('(0*|1*)')
    BarTree(StarTree(Leaf('0')), StarTree(Leaf('1')))

    >>> build_regex_tree('((0.1).0)')
    DotTree(DotTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1')), Leaf('0'))

    >>> build_regex_tree('((1.(0|1)*).0)')
    DotTree(DotTree(Leaf('1'), StarTree(BarTree(Leaf('0'), Leaf('1')))),

    if len(regex) == 1:

        if regex in '012e':

            return Leaf(regex)

    if regex[-1] == '*':

        return StarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[:-1]))

    if regex[0] == '(' and regex[-1] == ')':

        num_left = 0
        num_right = 0
        o_index = 0
        bar = 0
        dot = 0

        for i in range(1, len(regex)):

            if regex[i] == '(':

                num_left += 1

            if regex[i] == ')':

                num_right += 1

            if num_left == num_right and num_left != 0 and i < len(regex):

                if i > len(regex) - 4:

                    o_index = regex[1:].index('(')

                elif regex[i + 1] == '*':

                    # the next char that is not a '*' must be a operator
                    for s in range(i + 2, len(regex)):

                        if regex[s] != '*':

                            o_index = s


                    o_index = i + 1


        if o_index == 0:

            if '|' in regex:
                bar = regex.index('|')

            if '.' in regex:
                dot = regex.index('.')

            if not (bar == 0 and dot == 0) or (bar == 0 and dot == 0):

                o_index = max(bar, dot)

            # check left side and right side
        if regex[o_index] == '.':

            return DotTree(build_regex_tree(regex[1:o_index]),
                           build_regex_tree(regex[o_index + 1:-1]))


            return BarTree(build_regex_tree(regex[1:o_index]),
                           build_regex_tree(regex[o_index + 1:-1]))
예제 #14
def build_regex_tree(valid_r):
    ''' (str) -> RegexTree or subclass of RegexTree
    Return the root of the tree which has been tranformed from the valid regex
    expression valid_r.
    REQ: valid_r must be valid regex expression.
    >>> build_regex_tree('(1|(0*.e))')
    BarTree(Leaf('1'), DotTree(StarTree(Leaf('0')), Leaf('e')))
    >>> build_regex_tree('0***')
    # base case
    # if valid_r is the base regex which the length is one.
    # the form of 'base_regex'
    if valid_r in base_regex:
        root = Leaf(valid_r)
        return root
    # if the valid_r is the base regex with star(s).
    # the form of 'base_regex + star(s)'
    elif valid_r[0] in base_regex:
        # if there is with only one star
        l1 = Leaf(valid_r[0])
        root = StarTree(l1)
        # if there are more than one stars
        if len(valid_r) > 2:
            for i in range(len(valid_r) - 2):
                root = StarTree(root)
        return root
    # the form of '(regex)'
    elif valid_r[0] == '(' and valid_r[-1] == ')':
        # if valid_r takes bar operation with two leaves,
        # the form of (base_regex + star(s) operation base_regex)
        if valid_r[1] in base_regex and valid_r[-2] in base_regex:
            r_c1 = Leaf(valid_r[-2])
            l_c_r1 = build_regex_tree(valid_r[1:-3])
            opr1 = valid_r[-3]
            if opr1 == '.':
                root = DotTree(l_c_r1, r_c1)
            elif opr1 == '|':
                root = BarTree(l_c_r1, r_c1)
            return root
        # if the left side of the bar is not in base regex and the right side
        # of the bar is in base regex,
        # the form of ((regex) + star(s) operation base_regex)
        elif valid_r[1] == '(' and valid_r[-2] in base_regex:
            r_c2 = Leaf(valid_r[-2])
            l_c_r2 = build_regex_tree(valid_r[1:-3])
            opr2 = valid_r[-3]
            if opr2 == '.':
                root = DotTree(l_c_r2, r_c2)
            elif opr2 == '|':
                root = BarTree(l_cr2, r_c2)
            return root
        # the form of ((regex) + star(s) operation (regex)/base_regex  (star(s))
        elif valid_r[1] == '(' and valid_r[-2] == star:
            # find the operation and base regex on the left side
            ind = 0
            found = False
            while ind < len(valid_r) - 1 and not found:
                if valid_r[-ind - 2] in base_regex or valid_r[-ind - 2] == ')':
                    rr_index = -ind - 2
                    found = True
                ind += 1
            # the form of ((regex) operation(s) base_regex (star(s)))
            if valid_r[rr_index] in base_regex:
                r_c3 = build_regex_tree(valid_r[rr_index:-1])
                l_c_r3 = build_regex_tree(valid_r[1:rr_index - 1])
                opr3 = valid_r[rr_index - 1]
                if opr3 == '.':
                    root = DotTree(l_c_r3, r_c3)
                elif opr3 == '|':
                    root = BarTree(l_c_r3, r_c3)
                return root
            # the form of ((regex) operation(s) (r) + (star(s)))
            if valid_r[rr_index] == ')':
                seperated_list = seperate_parenthesis(valid_r[1:-1])
                l_c_r4 = build_regex_tree(seperate_list[0] +
                r_c_r4 = build_regex_tree(seperate_list[2] + seperate_list[3])
                opr4 = seperate_list[1][-1]
                if opr4 == '.':
                    root = DotTree(l_c_r4, r_c_r4)
                elif opr4 == '|':
                    root = BarTree(l_c_r4, r_c_r4)
                return root
        # if the right side of the bar is not in base regex and the left side
        # of the bar is in base_regex.
        # the form of (base_r operation(s) (r))
        elif valid_r[1] in base_regex and valid_r[-2] == ')':
            # find the parenthesis on the right side of the non star operation.
            j = 2
            found_right = False
            while j < len(valid_r) - 2 and not found_right:
                if valid_r[j] == '(':
                    found_right = True
                    right_ind = j
                j += 1
            l_c_r5 = build_regex_tree(valid_r[1:right_ind - 1])
            r_c_r5 = build_regex_tree(valid_r[right_ind:-1])
            opr5 = valid_r[right_ind - 1]
            if opr5 == '.':
                root = DotTree(l_c_r5, r_c_r5)
            elif opr5 == '|':
                root = BarTree(l_c_r5, r_c_r5)
            return root
        # the form of (base_r + operation(s) + (r)/base_r + star(s))
        elif valid_r[1] in base_regex and valid_r[-2] == star:
            k = 2
            found_r = False
            while k < len(valid_r) - 2 and not found_r:
                if valid_r[k] in non_star_oprs:
                    opr6_ind = k
                    found_r = True
                k += 1
            opr6 = valid_r[opr6_ind]
            right_r = valid_r[opr6_ind + 1]
            l_c6 = build_regex_tree(valid_r[1:opr6_ind])
            r_c6 = build_regex_tree(valid_r[opr6_ind + 1:-1])
            if opr6 == '.':
                root = DotTree(l_c6, r_c6)
            elif opr6 == '|':
                root = BarTree(l_c6, r_c6)
            return root
        # the form of ((r) + operations + (r))
        elif valid_r[1] == '(' and valid_r[-2] == ')':
            s_list = seperate_parenthesis(valid_r[1:-1])
            opr7 = s_list[1][-1]
            l_c_r7 = build_regex_tree(s_list[0])
            r_c_r7 = build_regex_tree(s_list[2])
            if opr7 == '.':
                root = DotTree(l_c_r7, r_c_r7)
            elif opr7 == '|':
                root = BarTree(l_c_r7, r_c_r7)
            return root
    # the form of (r)*
    elif valid_r[0] == '(' and valid_r[-1] == star:
        for i in range(len(valid_r)):
            if valid_r[-i - 1] == ')':
                r_ind = -i - 1
                c = build_regex_tree(valid_r[0:r_ind + 1])
                root = StarTree(c)
                if len(valid_r[r_ind:]) > 2:
                    for i in range(len(valid_r[r_ind:]) - 2):
                        root = StarTree(root)
                return root
예제 #15
                root = StarTree(c)
                if len(valid_r[r_ind:]) > 2:
                    for i in range(len(valid_r[r_ind:]) - 2):
                        root = StarTree(root)
                return root

if __name__ == '__main__':
    br1 = RegexTree('0', [])
    br2 = RegexTree('1', [])
    br3 = RegexTree('2', [])
    br4 = RegexTree('e', [])
    dt = DotTree(br1, br2)
    bt = BarTree(dt, br2)
    dt2 = DotTree(br1, br2)
    st = StarTree(dt)
    print('THEY MATCH -> ' + str(regex_match(st, '1111')))
    print('THEY MATCH -> ' + str(regex_match(dt, '01')))
    print('THEY MATCH -> ' + str(regex_match(bt, '01')))
    print('THEY MATCH -> ' + str(regex_match(dt2, '01')))
    print('THEY MATCH -> ' + str(regex_match(bt, '1')))
    #print('perm'+ str(all_regex_permutations('((1|0*).0)')))
    a = build_regex_tree('1')
    b = build_regex_tree('((1.0)|(0*.1))')
    c = build_regex_tree('(1*.0)')
    d = build_regex_tree('(1*|0***)')