예제 #1
def sur_joinrho(n_eq, bigK, bSUR, varb):
    """Test on joint significance of spatial autoregressive coefficient in SUR

       n_eq       : integer, number of equations
       bigK       : n_eq x 1 array with number of variables by equation
                    (includes constant term, exogenous and endogeneous and
                    spatial lag)
       bSUR       : dictionary with regression coefficients by equation, with
                    the spatial autoregressive term as last
       varb       : variance-covariance matrix for regression coefficients

                  : tuple with test statistic, degrees of freedom, p-value

    bb = sur_dict2mat(bSUR)
    R = np.zeros((n_eq, varb.shape[0]))
    q = np.zeros((n_eq, 1))
    kc = -1
    for i in range(n_eq):
        kc = kc + bigK[i]
        R[i, kc] = 1
    w, p = wald_test(bb, R, q, varb)
    return (w, n_eq, p)
예제 #2
def sur_chow(n_eq, bigK, bSUR, varb):
    """test on constancy of regression coefficients across equations in
       a SUR specification

       Note: requires a previous check on constancy of number of coefficients
             across equations; no other checks are carried out, so it is possible
             that the results are meaningless if the variables are not listed in
             the same order in each equation.

       n_eq       : integer, number of equations
       bigK       : array with the number of variables by equation (includes constant)
       bSUR       : dictionary with the SUR regression coefficients by equation
       varb       : array with the variance-covariance matrix for the SUR regression

       test       : a list with for each coefficient (in order) a tuple with the
                    value of the test statistic, the degrees of freedom, and the

    kr = bigK[0][0]
    test = []
    bb = sur_dict2mat(bSUR)
    kf = 0
    nr = n_eq
    df = n_eq - 1
    for i in range(kr):
        Ri = buildR1var(i, kr, kf, 0, nr)
        tt, p = wald_test(bb, Ri, np.zeros((df, 1)), varb)
        test.append((tt, df, p))
    return test
예제 #3
def sur_chow(n_eq,bigK,bSUR,varb):
    """test on constancy of regression coefficients across equations in
       a SUR specification

       Note: requires a previous check on constancy of number of coefficients
             across equations; no other checks are carried out, so it is possible
             that the results are meaningless if the variables are not listed in
             the same order in each equation.

       n_eq       : integer, number of equations
       bigK       : array with the number of variables by equation (includes constant)
       bSUR       : dictionary with the SUR regression coefficients by equation
       varb       : array with the variance-covariance matrix for the SUR regression

       test       : a list with for each coefficient (in order) a tuple with the
                    value of the test statistic, the degrees of freedom, and the

    kr = bigK[0][0]
    test = []
    bb = sur_dict2mat(bSUR)
    kf = 0
    nr = n_eq
    df = n_eq - 1
    for i in range(kr):
        Ri = buildR1var(i,kr,kf,0,nr)
        tt,p = wald_test(bb,Ri,np.zeros((df,1)),varb)
    return test
예제 #4
def sur_joinrho(n_eq,bigK,bSUR,varb):
    """Test on joint significance of spatial autoregressive coefficient in SUR

       n_eq       : integer, number of equations
       bigK       : n_eq x 1 array with number of variables by equation
                    (includes constant term, exogenous and endogeneous and
                    spatial lag)
       bSUR       : dictionary with regression coefficients by equation, with
                    the spatial autoregressive term as last
       varb       : variance-covariance matrix for regression coefficients

                  : tuple with test statistic, degrees of freedom, p-value

    bb = sur_dict2mat(bSUR)
    R = np.zeros((n_eq,varb.shape[0]))
    q = np.zeros((n_eq,1))
    kc = -1
    for i in range(n_eq):
        kc = kc + bigK[i]
        R[i,kc] = 1
    w,p = wald_test(bb,R,q,varb)
    return (w,n_eq,p)
예제 #5
    def __init__(self,bigy,bigX,w,nonspat_diag=True,spat_diag=False,vm=False,\
        #need checks on match between bigy, bigX dimensions

        # moved init here

        # check on variable names for listing results
        self.name_ds = USER.set_name_ds(name_ds)
        self.name_w = USER.set_name_w(name_w, w)
        #initialize names - should be generated by sur_stack
        if name_bigy:
            self.name_bigy = name_bigy
        else: # need to construct y names
            self.name_bigy = {}
            for r in range(self.n_eq):
                yn = 'dep_var_' + str(r)
                self.name_bigy[r] = yn               
        if name_bigX:
            self.name_bigX = name_bigX
        else: # need to construct x names
            self.name_bigX = {}
            for r in range(self.n_eq):
                k = self.bigX[r].shape[1] - 1
                name_x = ['var_' + str(i + 1) + "_" + str(r+1) for i in range(k)]
                ct = 'Constant_' + str(r+1)  # NOTE: constant always included in X
                name_x.insert(0, ct)
                self.name_bigX[r] = name_x


        self.sur_inf = sur_setp(self.bSUR,self.varb)
        # adjust concentrated log lik for constant
        const = -self.n2 * (self.n_eq * (1.0 + np.log(2.0*np.pi)))
        self.errllik = const + self.clikerr
        self.surerrllik = const + self.cliksurerr
        # LR test on off-diagonal sigma
        if nonspat_diag:
            M = self.n_eq * (self.n_eq - 1)/2.0
            likrodiag = 2.0 * (self.surerrllik - self.errllik)
            plik1 = stats.chisqprob(likrodiag, M)
            self.lrtest = (likrodiag,int(M),plik1)
            self.lrtest = None
        # LR test on spatial autoregressive coefficients
        if spat_diag:
            liklambda = 2.0 * (self.surerrllik - self.llik)
            plik2 = stats.chisqprob(liklambda, self.n_eq)
            self.likrlambda = (liklambda,self.n_eq,plik2)
            self.likrlambda = None
        # asymptotic variance for spatial coefficient
        if vm:
            self.vm = surerrvm(self.n,self.n_eq,w,self.lamsur,self.sig)
            vlam = self.vm[:self.n_eq,:self.n_eq]
            self.lamsetp = lam_setp(self.lamsur,vlam)
            # test on constancy of lambdas
            R = buildR(kr=1,kf=0,nr=self.n_eq)
            w,p = wald_test(self.lamsur,R,np.zeros((R.shape[0],1)),vlam)
            self.lamtest = (w,R.shape[0],p)
            if spat_diag:  # test on joint significance of lambdas
                Rj = np.identity(self.n_eq)
                wj,pj = wald_test(self.lamsur,Rj,np.zeros((Rj.shape[0],1)),vlam)
                self.joinlam = (wj,Rj.shape[0],pj)
                self.joinlam = None
            self.vm = None
            self.lamsetp = None
            self.lamtest = None
            self.joinlam = None

        # test on constancy of regression coefficients across equations
        if check_k(self.bigK):   # only for equal number of variables
            self.surchow = sur_chow(self.n_eq,self.bigK,self.bSUR,self.varb)
            self.surchow = None          
        # listing of results
        self.title = "SEEMINGLY UNRELATED REGRESSIONS (SUR) - SPATIAL ERROR MODEL"                
        SUMMARY.SUR(reg=self, nonspat_diag=nonspat_diag, spat_diag=spat_diag, lambd=True)