예제 #1
파일: sky.py 프로젝트: sjtuzyk/fg21sim
    def contains(self, skycoord):
        Check whether the given (list of) sky coordinate(s) falls
        inside this sky patch (region).

        skycoord : `~astropy.coordinate.SkyCoord` or (lon, lat) tuple
            The (list of) sky coordinate(s) to check, or the (list of)
            longitudes and latitudes of sky coordinates [ deg ]

        inside : bool
            (list of) boolean values indicating whether the given
            sky coordinate(s) is inside this sky patch.
        if not isinstance(skycoord, SkyCoord):
            lon, lat = skycoord
            skycoord = SkyCoord(lon, lat, unit=au.deg)
        wcs = self.wcs
        pixcoord = PixCoord.from_sky(skycoord, wcs=wcs)
        center = PixCoord(x=self.xcenter, y=self.ycenter)
        region = RectanglePixelRegion(center=center,
        return region.contains(pixcoord)
예제 #2
    def to_object(self, subset):

        data = subset.data

        if data.ndim != 2:
            raise NotImplementedError("Can only handle 2-d datasets at this time")

        subset_state = subset.subset_state

        if isinstance(subset_state, RoiSubsetState):

            if subset_state.xatt != data.pixel_component_ids[1]:
                raise ValueError('subset state xatt should be x pixel coordinate')

            if subset_state.yatt != data.pixel_component_ids[0]:
                raise ValueError('subset state yatt should be y pixel coordinate')

            roi = subset_state.roi
            if isinstance(roi, RectangularROI):
                xcen = 0.5 * (roi.xmin + roi.xmax)
                ycen = 0.5 * (roi.ymin + roi.ymax)
                width = roi.xmax - roi.xmin
                height = roi.ymax - roi.ymin
                return RectanglePixelRegion(PixCoord(xcen, ycen), width, height)
            elif isinstance(roi, PolygonalROI):
                return PolygonPixelRegion(PixCoord(roi.vx, roi.vy))
                raise NotImplementedError("ROIs of type {0} are not yet supported".format(roi.__class__.__name__))

            raise NotImplementedError("Subset states of type {0} are not supported".format(subset_state.__class__.__name__))
예제 #3
    def setup(self):
        """Compute parameters for reflected regions algorithm."""
        geom = self.reference_map.geom
        self._pix_region = self.region.to_pixel(geom.wcs)
        self._pix_center = PixCoord.from_sky(self.center, geom.wcs)

        # Make the ON reference map
        mask = geom.region_mask([self.region], inside=True)
        # on_reference_map = WcsNDMap(geom=geom, data=mask)

        # Extract all pixcoords in the geom
        X, Y = geom.get_pix()
        ONpixels = PixCoord(X[mask], Y[mask])

        # find excluded PixCoords
        mask = self.reference_map.data == 0
        self.excluded_pixcoords = PixCoord(X[mask], Y[mask])

        # Minimum angle a region has to be moved to not overlap with previous one
        min_ang = self._region_angular_size(ONpixels, self._pix_center)

        # Add required minimal distance between two off regions
        self._min_ang = min_ang + self.min_distance

        # Maximum possible angle before regions is reached again
        self._max_angle = Angle(
            "360deg") - self._min_ang - self.min_distance_input
예제 #4
    def test_vert_multirange(self):
        subset_state = MultiRangeSubsetState([(30, 33.5), (21, 27)],


        reg = self.data.get_selection_definition(format='astropy-regions')

        assert isinstance(reg, CompoundPixelRegion)
        assert reg.contains(PixCoord(145, 31.2))
        assert reg.contains(PixCoord(32, 24.6))
        assert not reg.contains(PixCoord(128, 29.2))

        rect1 = reg.region1
        assert isinstance(rect1, RectanglePixelRegion)
        assert_allclose(rect1.center.x, 128)
        assert_allclose(rect1.center.y, 31.75)
        assert_allclose(rect1.width, 256)
        assert_allclose(rect1.height, 3.5)

        rect2 = reg.region2
        assert isinstance(rect2, RectanglePixelRegion)
        assert_allclose(rect2.center.x, 128)
        assert_allclose(rect2.center.y, 24)
        assert_allclose(rect2.width, 256)
        assert_allclose(rect2.height, 6)
예제 #5
    def test_horiz_multirange(self):
        subset_state = MultiRangeSubsetState([(26, 27.5), (28, 29)],


        reg = self.data.get_selection_definition(format='astropy-regions')

        assert isinstance(reg, CompoundPixelRegion)
        assert reg.contains(PixCoord(26.4, 54.6))
        assert reg.contains(PixCoord(28.26, 75.5))
        assert not reg.contains(PixCoord(27.75, 34))

        rect1 = reg.region1
        assert isinstance(rect1, RectanglePixelRegion)
        assert_allclose(rect1.center.x, 26.75)
        assert_allclose(rect1.center.y, 64)
        assert_allclose(rect1.width, 1.5)
        assert_allclose(rect1.height, 128)

        rect2 = reg.region2
        assert isinstance(rect2, RectanglePixelRegion)
        assert_allclose(rect2.center.x, 28.5)
        assert_allclose(rect2.center.y, 64)
        assert_allclose(rect2.width, 1)
        assert_allclose(rect2.height, 128)
예제 #6
    def dagga(field):
        "function to tag sources for dd calibration, very smoky"
        key = 'calibrate_dd'
        #make a skymodel with only dE taggable sources.
        #de_only_model = 'de-only-model.txt'
        de_sources_mode = config[key]['de_sources_mode']
        print("de_sources_mode:", de_sources_mode)
       # if usepb:
       #    model_cube = prefix+"-DD-precal.cube.int.model.fits"
       # else:
       #    model_cube = prefix+"-DD-precal.cube.app.model.fits"
        outdir = field+"_ddcal"
        if de_sources_mode == 'auto':
           print("Carrying out automatic source taggig for direction dependent calibration")
           caracal.log.info('Carrying out automatic dE tagging')

           catdagger_opts = {
            "ds9-reg-file": "de-{0:s}.reg:output".format(field),
            "ds9-tag-reg-file" : "de-clusterleads-{0:s}.reg:output".format(field),
            "noise-map" : prefix+"_"+field+"-DD-precal.app.residual.fits",
            "sigma" : config[key]['sigma'],
            "min-distance-from-tracking-centre" : config[key]['min_dist_from_phcentre'],

           recipe.add('cab/catdagger', 'tag_sources-auto_mode', catdagger_opts,input=INPUT,
              output=OUTPUT+"/"+outdir,label='tag_sources-auto_mode::Tag dE sources with CatDagger',shared_memory=shared_mem)

        if de_sources_mode == 'manual':
           img = prefix+"_"+field+"-DD-precal.app.restored.fits"
           imagefile = os.path.join(pipeline.output,DD_DIR,outdir,img)
           #print("Pipeline output", pipeline.output)
           w = WCS(imagefile)
           #coords =  config[key]['de_sources_manual']
           sources_to_tag = de_dict[field.replace("_","-")]
           reg = []
           for j in range(len(sources_to_tag.split(";"))):
               coords = sources_to_tag.split(";")[j]
               size = coords.split(",")[2]
               coords_str = coords.split(",")[0]+" "+coords.split(",")[1]
               #print("Coordinate String", coords_str)
               centre = SkyCoord(coords_str, unit='deg')
               separation = int(size) * u.arcsec
               xlist = []
               ylist = []
               for i in range(5):
                 ang_sep = (306/5)*i*u.deg
                 p = centre.directional_offset_by(ang_sep,separation)
                 pix = PixCoord.from_sky(p,w)
               vertices = PixCoord(x=xlist, y=ylist)
               region_dd = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=vertices)
           regfile = "de-{0:s}.reg".format(field)
           ds9_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT,outdir,regfile)
예제 #7
def define_regions(
    hdu: iofits.hdu.image.PrimaryHDU, parameters: dict
) -> Dict[str, Union[CircleAnnulusPixelRegion, RectanglePixelRegion]]:
    regions = dict()
    pileup_region = read_pileup_region()
    rot_angle_deg = define_rotation_angle_deg(parameters)
    windel = parameters['win_start'] - 512

    # source region
    regions['src'] = CircleAnnulusPixelRegion(

    # background region
    regions['bkg'] = CircleAnnulusPixelRegion(center=pileup_region.center,

    # exclude region 1
    ref = np.array([0, windel - 256.])
    ref = convert_reference_coodinate(ref, parameters)
    regions['rct1'] = RectanglePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(
        float(ref[0][0]), float(ref[1][0])),
                                           angle=Angle(rot_angle_deg, 'deg'))

    # exclude region 2
    ref = np.array([0, windel + parameters['win_size'] + 256.])
    ref = convert_reference_coodinate(ref, parameters)
    regions['rct2'] = RectanglePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(
        float(ref[0][0]), float(ref[1][0])),
                                           angle=Angle(rot_angle_deg, 'deg'))

    # exclude region 3
    ref = np.array([512. + 128., windel + parameters['win_size'] * 0.5])
    ref = convert_reference_coodinate(ref, parameters)
    regions['rct3'] = RectanglePixelRegion(
        center=PixCoord(float(ref[0][0]), float(ref[1][0])),
        height=parameters['win_size'] + 1024.,
        angle=Angle(rot_angle_deg, 'deg'))

    # exclude region 4
    ref = np.array([-512 - 128, windel + parameters['win_size'] * 0.5])
    ref = convert_reference_coodinate(ref, parameters)
    regions['rct4'] = RectanglePixelRegion(
        center=PixCoord(float(ref[0][0]), float(ref[1][0])),
        height=parameters['win_size'] + 1024.,
        angle=Angle(rot_angle_deg, 'deg'))

    return regions
예제 #8
def mask_obj(image, apertures, if_plot=True):
    Automaticlly generate a list of masked based on the input apertures.
    from regions import PixCoord, EllipsePixelRegion
    from astropy.coordinates import Angle
    masks = []  # In the script, the objects are 1, emptys are 0.
    for i in range(len(apertures)):
        aperture = apertures[i]
        if isinstance(apertures[0].positions[0], np.ndarray):
            x, y = aperture.positions[0]
        elif isinstance(apertures[0].positions[0], float):
            x, y = aperture.positions
        center = PixCoord(x=x, y=y)
        theta = Angle(aperture.theta / np.pi * 180., 'deg')
        reg = EllipsePixelRegion(center=center,
                                 width=aperture.a * 2,
                                 height=aperture.b * 2,
        patch = reg.as_artist(facecolor='none', edgecolor='red', lw=2)
        mask_set = reg.to_mask(mode='center')
        mask = mask_set.to_image((len(image), len(image)))
        mask = 1 - mask
        if if_plot:
            print("plot mask for object {0}:".format(i))
            fig, axi = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=None)
            axi.imshow(mask, origin='lower')
    return masks
예제 #9
    def test_regions_pixel(self):
        # A little out-of-bounds should still overlay the overlapped part.
        my_reg = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=6, y=2), radius=5)
        bad_regions = self.imviz.load_static_regions({'my_reg': my_reg})
        assert len(bad_regions) == 0

        # Unsupported shape but a valid region
        my_pt_reg = PointPixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=1, y=1))
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='failed to load, skipping'):
            bad_regions = self.imviz.load_static_regions(
                {'my_pt_reg': my_pt_reg})
        assert len(bad_regions) == 1
        self.verify_region_loaded('my_pt_reg', count=0)

        assert self.imviz.get_interactive_regions() == {}
예제 #10
파일: wcsnd.py 프로젝트: mcerruti/gammapy
    def mask_contains_region(self, region):
        """Check if input region is contained in a boolean mask map.

        region: `~regions.SkyRegion` or `~regions.PixRegion`
             Region or list of Regions (pixel or sky regions accepted).

        contained : bool
            Whether region is contained in the mask
        if not self.is_mask:
            raise ValueError(
                "mask_contains_region is only supported for boolean masks")

        if not self.geom.is_image:
            raise ValueError("Method only supported for 2D images")

        if isinstance(region, SkyRegion):
            region = region.to_pixel(self.geom.wcs)

        if isinstance(region, PointPixelRegion):
            lon, lat = region.center.x, region.center.y
            contains = self.get_by_pix((lon, lat))
            idx = self.geom.get_idx()
            coords_pix = PixCoord(idx[0][self.data], idx[1][self.data])
            contains = region.contains(coords_pix)

        return np.any(contains)
예제 #11
파일: regions.py 프로젝트: fschmnn/cluster
def find_sky_region(mask, wcs):
    '''create a region object from a mask and wcs
    reg_pix : PixelRegion
    reg_sky : SkyRegion

    mask[:, [0, -1]] = 1
    mask[[0, -1], :] = 1

    # find the contours around the image to use as vertices for the PixelRegion
    contours = find_contours(
    # we use the region with the most vertices
    coords = max(contours, key=len)
    #coords = np.concatenate(contours)

    # the coordinates from find_counters are switched compared to astropy
    reg_pix = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=PixCoord(*coords.T[::-1]))
    reg_sky = reg_pix.to_sky(wcs)

    return reg_pix, reg_sky
예제 #12
def range_to_rect(data, ori, low, high):
    Converts a 1D range on a 2D glue Data set into an astropy regions RectangularPixelRegion.

    The region covers the entirety of the data along the axis not specified by the `ori` parameter.

    data : `glue.core.data.Data`
        The 2D glue Data object on which the range subset is defined.
    ori: 'x' or 'y'
        Specifies if the range limits are for the x-axis or y-axis respectively.
    low: `float`
        The lower limit of the range.
    high: `float`
        The upper limit of the range.
    if data.ndim != 2:
        raise NotImplementedError("Can only handle 2-d datasets")
    if ori == 'x':
        ymin = 0
        ymax = data.shape[0]
        xmin = low
        xmax = high
        xmin = 0
        xmax = data.shape[1]
        ymin = low
        ymax = high
    xcen = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax)
    ycen = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax)
    width = xmax - xmin
    height = ymax - ymin
    return RectanglePixelRegion(PixCoord(xcen, ycen), width, height)
예제 #13
    def get_region_mask_array(self, region):
        """Return mask of pixels inside region in the the form of boolean array

        region : `~regions.PixelRegion` or `~regions.SkyRegion` object
            A region on the sky could be defined in pixel or sky coordinates.

        mask_array : `~numpy.ndarray` of booleans
            the array of booleans

        from regions import PixCoord
        # TODO : if Pixel Compound regions are taken into account, rather convert to PixelRegion
        if isinstance(region, SkyRegion):
            region = region.to_pixel(self.wcs)

        if not self.is_regular:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Region mask is not working yet with multiresolution maps")
        idx = self.get_idx()
        pixcoord = PixCoord(idx[0], idx[1])
        return region.contains(pixcoord)
예제 #14
def ellipse_mask(a, b, x0, y0, theta, image):
    """Returns elliptical mask of radii (a,b) with rotation theta (in degrees)
    and offset (xo,yo) from the geometric center of 'I' (X0,Y0), which must
    be passed via **kws and must have an odd number of pixels in each
    dimension. The mask has the same shape as 'I' and is assigned 1 (0) for
    pixels outside (inside) the ellipse, and assigned fractional areas for
    pixels intercepted by the ellipse.

    To install astropy and regions, run the following commands from terminal:
        conda install astropy
        pip install regions
    from regions import EllipsePixelRegion, PixCoord
    from astropy.units import deg
    from numpy import array
    I = image
    height, width = I.shape

    # Calculate ellipse center (h,k)
    h = x0
    k = y0
    ellipse = EllipsePixelRegion(PixCoord(h, k), 2 * a, 2 * b, -theta * deg)
    mask = ellipse.to_mask(mode='exact')
    mask = mask.to_image(I.shape)
    return array(mask, dtype='bool')
예제 #15
def polygon_pix_pts2polygon_sky_reg(polygon_points, wcs):
    x_coord = polygon_points[:, 0]
    y_coord = polygon_points[:, 1]
    polygon_pix_reg = PolygonPixelRegion(
        vertices=PixCoord(x=x_coord, y=y_coord))
    polygon_sky_reg = polygon_pix_reg.to_sky(wcs)
    return polygon_sky_reg
예제 #16
    def setup(self):
        """Compute parameters for reflected regions algorithm."""
        wcs = self.reference_map.geom.wcs
        self._pix_region = self.region.to_pixel(wcs)
        self._pix_center = PixCoord(*self.center.to_pixel(wcs))
        dx = self._pix_region.center.x - self._pix_center.x
        dy = self._pix_region.center.y - self._pix_center.y

        # Offset of region in pix coordinates
        self._offset = np.hypot(dx, dy)

        # Starting angle of region
        self._angle = Angle(np.arctan2(dx, dy), "rad")

        # Minimum angle a circle has to be moved to not overlap with previous one
        min_ang = Angle(2 * np.arcsin(self._pix_region.radius / self._offset),

        # Add required minimal distance between two off regions
        self._min_ang = min_ang + self.min_distance

        # Maximum possible angle before regions is reached again
        self._max_angle = (self._angle + Angle("360deg") - self._min_ang -

        # Distance image
        self._distance_image = _compute_distance_image(self.reference_map)
예제 #17
    def test_regions_pixel(self):
        from regions import PixCoord, CirclePixelRegion

        # Out-of-bounds should still overlay the overlapped part.
        my_reg = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=6, y=2), radius=5)
        self.imviz.load_static_regions({'my_reg': my_reg})
        assert self.imviz.get_interactive_regions() == {}
예제 #18
파일: POLCOL_tools.py 프로젝트: RRPJ/POLCOL
def cutout(filename, position, size, circ):
    """ Cut out a square of size size at center position position of the filename filename. Returns: the cut out filename, so it can be used in other scripts. """

    # Load the image and the WCS
    hdu = fits.open(filename)[0]
    naxis = hdu.header['NAXIS']
    wcs = WCS(hdu.header, naxis=naxis)

    # Make the cutout, including the WCS
    cutout = Cutout2D(hdu.data, position=position, size=size, wcs=wcs)

    # Put the cutout image in the FITS HDU
    hdu.data = cutout.data

    # Update the FITS header with the cutout WCS

    # Choose whether you want a circle or a square
    if (circ):
        # Define a circle region and keep only data that is in that region
        circle_pix = CirclePixelRegion(
            PixCoord(len(cutout.data[:, 1]) // 2,
                     len(cutout.data[1, :]) // 2),
            radius=np.min(size) / 2)  # region object
        for i in range(len(cutout.data[:, 1])):
            for j in range(len(cutout.data[1, :])):
                if not PixCoord(i, j) in circle_pix:
                    cutout.data[i, j] = 'nan'

        # Write the cutout to a new FITS file
        cutout_filename = filename.split(
            '.')[0] + '_cutout_circ.' + filename.split('.')[1]
        hdu.writeto(cutout_filename, overwrite=True)

        print("Made circle cutout, output: " + cutout_filename)

        # Write the cutout to a new FITS file
        cutout_filename = filename.split('.')[0] + '_cutout.' + filename.split(
        hdu.writeto(cutout_filename, overwrite=True)

        print("Made cutout, output: " + cutout_filename)

    # Return the output filename so we can use it in other scripts
    return cutout_filename
예제 #19
 def _get_excluded_pixels(reference_geom, exclusion_mask):
     """Excluded pix coords"""
     # find excluded PixCoords
     exclusion_mask = ReflectedRegionsFinder._exclusion_mask_ref(
     pix_y, pix_x = np.nonzero(~exclusion_mask.data)
     return PixCoord(pix_x, pix_y)
예제 #20
    def test_regions_fully_out_of_bounds(self):
        my_reg = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=100, y=100), radius=5)
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='failed to load, skipping'):
            bad_regions = self.imviz.load_static_regions(
                {'my_oob_reg': my_reg})
        assert len(bad_regions) == 1

        # BUG: https://github.com/glue-viz/glue/issues/2275
        self.verify_region_loaded('my_oob_reg', count=1)  # Should be: count=0
예제 #21
    def region_mask(self, regions, inside=True):
        """Create a mask from a given list of regions

        regions : list of  `~regions.Region`
            Python list of regions (pixel or sky regions accepted)
        inside : bool
            For ``inside=True``, pixels in the region to True (the default).
            For ``inside=False``, pixels in the region are False.

        mask_map : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` of boolean type
            Boolean region mask

        Make an exclusion mask for a circular region::

            from regions import CircleSkyRegion
            from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Angle
            from gammapy.maps import WcsNDMap, WcsGeom

            pos = SkyCoord(0, 0, unit='deg')
            geom = WcsGeom.create(skydir=pos, npix=100, binsz=0.1)

            region = CircleSkyRegion(
                SkyCoord(3, 2, unit='deg'),
                Angle(1, 'deg'),
            mask = geom.region_mask([region], inside=False)

        Note how we made a list with a single region,
        since this method expects a list of regions.
        from regions import PixCoord
        from . import Map

        if not self.is_regular:
            raise ValueError("Multi-resolution maps not supported yet")

        idx = self.get_idx()
        pixcoord = PixCoord(idx[0], idx[1])

        mask = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=bool)

        for region in regions:
            if isinstance(region, SkyRegion):
                region = region.to_pixel(self.wcs)
            mask += region.contains(pixcoord)

        if inside is False:
            np.logical_not(mask, out=mask)

        return Map.from_geom(self, data=mask)
예제 #22
def _compute_xy(pix_center, offset, angle):
    """Compute x, y position for a given position angle and offset.

    # TODO: replace by calculation using `astropy.coordinates`
    dx = offset * np.sin(angle)
    dy = offset * np.cos(angle)
    x = pix_center.x + dx
    y = pix_center.y + dy
    return PixCoord(x=x, y=y)
예제 #23
def fitEllipse(cc,axesLength,angle):
    x0, y0 = cc[0],cc[1]
    a, b = axesLength[0],axesLength[1]
    theta = Angle(angle, 'deg')
    e = Ellipse2D(amplitude=100., x_0=x0, y_0=y0, a=a, b=b, theta=theta.radian)
    y, x = np.mgrid[0:1000, 0:1000]
    center = PixCoord(x=x0, y=y0)
    reg = EllipsePixelRegion(center=center, width=2*a, height=2*b, angle=theta)
    patch = reg.as_artist(facecolor='none', edgecolor='red', lw=2)
    return reg
예제 #24
    def test_or_region(self):
        subset_state1 = RoiSubsetState(self.data.pixel_component_ids[1],
                                       RectangularROI(1, 5, 2, 6))
        subset_state2 = RoiSubsetState(self.data.pixel_component_ids[1],
                                       CircularROI(4.75, 5.75, 0.5))
        or_subset_state = OrState(subset_state1, subset_state2)
        self.dc.new_subset_group(subset_state=or_subset_state, label='orstate')

        reg = self.data.get_selection_definition(format='astropy-regions')

        assert isinstance(reg, CompoundPixelRegion)
        assert isinstance(reg.region1, RectanglePixelRegion)
        assert isinstance(reg.region2, CirclePixelRegion)

        assert reg.contains(PixCoord(4.5, 5.5))
        assert reg.contains(PixCoord(3, 4))
        assert reg.contains(PixCoord(5.1, 6.1))
        assert not reg.contains(PixCoord(11, 12))
예제 #25
    def test_wcslink_affine_with_extras(self):
        from regions import PixCoord, CirclePixelRegion

        self.imviz.link_data(link_type='wcs', wcs_fallback_scheme=None, error_on_fail=True)
        links = self.imviz.app.data_collection.external_links
        assert len(links) == 1
        assert isinstance(links[0], OffsetLink)

        # Customize display on second image (last loaded).
        self.imviz.stretch = 'sqrt'
        self.imviz.cuts = (0, 100)

        # Add subsets, both interactive and static.
        self.imviz._apply_interactive_region('bqplot:circle', (1.5, 2.5), (3.6, 4.6))
            'my_reg': CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=6, y=2), radius=5)})

        # Add markers.
        tbl = Table({'x': (0, 0), 'y': (0, 1)})
        self.imviz.add_markers(tbl, marker_name='xy_markers')
        assert 'xy_markers' in self.imviz.app.data_collection.labels

        # Run linking again, does not matter what kind.
        self.imviz.link_data(link_type='wcs', wcs_fallback_scheme=None, error_on_fail=True)

        # Ensure display is still customized.
        assert self.viewer.state.layers[1].cmap.name == 'viridis'
        assert self.viewer.state.layers[1].stretch == 'sqrt'
        assert_allclose((self.viewer.state.layers[1].v_min, self.viewer.state.layers[1].v_max),
                        (0, 100))

        # Ensure subsets are still there.
        assert 'Subset 1' in self.imviz.get_interactive_regions()
        assert 'my_reg' in [layer.layer.label for layer in self.viewer.state.layers]

        # Ensure markers are deleted.
        # Zoom and pan will reset in this case, so we do not check those.
        assert 'xy_markers' not in self.imviz.app.data_collection.labels
        assert len(self.imviz._marktags) == 0

        # Pan/zoom.
        self.imviz.center_on((5, 5))
        self.imviz.zoom_level = 0.789
        ans = (self.viewer.state.x_min, self.viewer.state.y_min,
               self.viewer.state.x_max, self.viewer.state.y_max)

        # Run linking again, does not matter what kind.
        self.imviz.link_data(link_type='wcs', wcs_fallback_scheme=None, error_on_fail=True)

        # Ensure pan/zoom does not change when markers are not present.
        assert_allclose((self.viewer.state.x_min, self.viewer.state.y_min,
                        self.viewer.state.x_max, self.viewer.state.y_max), ans)
예제 #26
    def test_multior_region(self):
        rects = [(1, 2, 3, 4), (1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5), (2, 3, 4, 5)]
        states = [
                           RectangularROI(*rect)) for rect in rects

        multior_subset_state = MultiOrState(states)

        reg = self.data.get_selection_definition(format='astropy-regions')

        assert isinstance(reg, CompoundPixelRegion)
        assert isinstance(reg.region1, CompoundPixelRegion)
        assert isinstance(reg.region2, RectanglePixelRegion)
        assert isinstance(reg.region1.region1, RectanglePixelRegion)
        assert isinstance(reg.region1.region2, RectanglePixelRegion)

        assert reg.contains(PixCoord(1.25, 3.25))
        assert reg.contains(PixCoord(1.75, 3.75))
        assert reg.contains(PixCoord(2.25, 3.75))
        assert reg.contains(PixCoord(2.25, 4.25))
        assert reg.contains(PixCoord(2.75, 4.75))
        assert not reg.contains(PixCoord(5, 7))
예제 #27
파일: POLCOL_tools.py 프로젝트: RRPJ/POLCOL
def angle_in_circle(image_filename, position_of_star, rht_data, radius):
    """ Gets a star, draws a circle around it and returns the average rht angle and standard deviation in this circle. """

    ipoints, jpoints, hthets, naxis1, naxis2, wlen, smr, thresh, thets_deg = rht_data

    c = CirclePixelRegion(PixCoord(

    # Check which RHT data is in this region, these are the indices:
    indices = c.contains(PixCoord(ipoints, jpoints))
    # hthets[indices] are all the pixel angle distributions found in the circle

    # Loop through pixels:
    # We multiply by thets_deg to get angle distribution, then normalise by dividing by the sum of the distribution, and finally take the sum of all values to get the average angle.
    average_on_pixel = []
    for i, v in enumerate(hthets[indices]):
            (hthets[indices][i] * thets_deg / hthets[indices][i].sum()).sum())

    return np.mean(average_on_pixel), np.std(average_on_pixel)
예제 #28
def make_instrument_background(inst_spec, event_params, rmf, prng=None):
    from collections import defaultdict

    prng = parse_prng(prng)

    bkgnd_spec = inst_spec["bkgnd"]

    if isinstance(bkgnd_spec[0], str):
        nchips = len(event_params["chips"])
        bkgnd_spec = [bkgnd_spec] * nchips

    bkg_events = defaultdict(list)
    pixel_area = (event_params["plate_scale"] * 60.0)**2
    for i, chip in enumerate(event_params["chips"]):
        rtype = chip[0]
        args = chip[1:]
        r, bounds = create_region(rtype, args, 0.0, 0.0)
        sa = (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) * (bounds[3] - bounds[2]) * pixel_area
        bspec = InstrumentalBackground.from_filename(bkgnd_spec[i][0],
        chan = bspec.generate_channels(event_params["exposure_time"],
        n_events = chan.size
        detx = prng.uniform(low=bounds[0], high=bounds[1], size=n_events)
        dety = prng.uniform(low=bounds[2], high=bounds[3], size=n_events)
        if rtype in ["Box", "Rectangle"]:
            thisc = slice(None, None, None)
            n_det = n_events
            thisc = r.contains(PixCoord(detx, dety))
            n_det = thisc.sum()
        ch = chan[thisc].astype('int')
        e = rmf.ch_to_eb(ch, prng=prng)
        bkg_events["chip_id"].append(i * np.ones(n_det))
    for key in bkg_events:
        bkg_events[key] = np.concatenate(bkg_events[key])

    if bkg_events["energy"].size == 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "No instrumental background events were detected!!!")
        mylog.info(f"Making {bkg_events['energy'].size} events "
                   f"from the instrumental background.")

    return make_diffuse_background(bkg_events, event_params, rmf, prng=prng)
예제 #29
 def __init__(self,
     pixcoord = PixCoord(x, y)
     self._pix_region = RectanglePixelRegion(center=pixcoord,
     self._patch = self._pix_region.as_artist(edgecolor='red',
     self._is_active = False
예제 #30
def makeMask(xs, ys, radius, cenx, ceny):
    shape = (xs, ys)
    fin_mask = np.zeros(shape)
    for i in np.arange(len(cenx)):
        if radius[i] > 5:
            radius[i] = 6
        center = PixCoord(cenx[i], ceny[i])
        circle = CirclePixelRegion(center, radius[i] - 1)
        mask = circle.to_mask()
        newmask = mask.to_image(shape)
        fin_mask += newmask
    fin_mask[fin_mask > 1] = 1
    return fin_mask