예제 #1
class RegParser(object):
    Parses the XML file, loading up the register database.

    def __init__(self, dbase):
        self.__db = dbase
        self.__reg = None
        self.__field = None
        self.__in_ports = False
        self.__current_val = 0
        self.__current_token = ''
        self.__reset_type = 0
        self.__reset_parameter = ""
        self.__token_list = []
        self.save_id = None

    def parse(self, input_file):
        Parses the specified input file.
        parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
        parser.StartElementHandler = self.start_element
        parser.EndElementHandler = self.end_element
        parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.characters

    def start_element(self, tag, attrs):
        Called every time an XML element begins
        self.__token_list = []
        mname = 'start_' + tag
        if hasattr(self, mname):
            method = getattr(self, mname)

    def end_element(self, tag):
        Called every time an XML element end
        text = ''.join(self.__token_list)
        mname = 'end_' + tag
        if hasattr(self, mname):
            method = getattr(self, mname)

    def characters(self, data):
        Called with segments of the character data. This is not predictable
        in how it is called, so we must collect the information for assembly

    def start_module(self, attrs):
        Called when the module tag is first encounterd. Pulls off the ID tag
        if it exists, and pulls out the description
        self.__db.module_name = attrs['name']
        if 'owner' in attrs:
            self.__db.owner = attrs['owner']
        if 'id' in attrs:
            self.save_id = cnv_str(attrs, 'id').upper()
        self.__db.descriptive_title = cnv_str(attrs, 'title')

    def start_base(self, attrs):
        Called when the base tag is encountered. Attributes are:

           offset (optional)
        self.__db.address_bus_width = cnv_int(attrs, 'addr_width', 32)
        self.__db.data_bus_width = cnv_int(attrs, 'data_width', 32)

    def start_signal(self, attrs):
        Called when the signal tag is encountered. Attributes are:

        self.__field.use_output_enable = cnv_bool(attrs, 'enb')
        self.__field.output_is_static = cnv_bool(attrs, 'static')
        self.__field.output_has_side_effect = cnv_bool(attrs, 'side_effect')
        self.__field.volatile = cnv_bool(attrs, 'volatile')
        if attrs.get('type'):
            t = cnv_int(attrs, 'type')
            oneshot = cnv_int(attrs, 'oneshot')
            if t == BitField.READ_ONLY:
                self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_ONLY
            elif t == BitField.READ_WRITE:
                if oneshot == BitField.ONE_SHOT_ANY:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE_1S
                elif oneshot == BitField.ONE_SHOT_ONE:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE_1S_1
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE
            elif t == BitField.WRITE_1_TO_CLEAR:
                if oneshot == BitField.ONE_SHOT_ANY:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_WRITE_1_TO_CLEAR_SET_1S
                elif oneshot == BitField.ONE_SHOT_ONE:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_WRITE_1_TO_CLEAR_SET_1S_1
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_WRITE_1_TO_CLEAR_SET
            elif t == BitField.WRITE_1_TO_SET:
                self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_WRITE_1_TO_SET
                self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_WRITE_ONLY
            self.__field.field_type = ID_TO_TYPE[attrs.get('field_type', 'RO')]

    def start_input(self, attrs):
        Called when the input tag is encountered. Attributes are;

        if attrs.get('function'):
            old_type = self.__field.field_type

            func = cnv_int(attrs, 'function', BitField.FUNC_ASSIGNMENT)
            if old_type == BitField.TYPE_READ_ONLY:
                if func == BitField.FUNC_PARALLEL:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_ONLY_LOAD
                elif func == BitField.FUNC_SET_BITS:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_ONLY_VALUE
            elif old_type == BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE:
                if func == BitField.FUNC_SET_BITS:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE_SET
                elif func == BitField.FUNC_CLEAR_BITS:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE_CLR
                elif func == BitField.FUNC_PARALLEL:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE_LOAD
            elif old_type == BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE_1S:
                if func == BitField.FUNC_SET_BITS:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE_SET_1S
                elif func == BitField.FUNC_CLEAR_BITS:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE_CLR_1S
                elif func == BitField.FUNC_PARALLEL:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE_LOAD_1S
            elif old_type == BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE_1S_1:
                if func == BitField.FUNC_SET_BITS:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE_SET_1S_1
                elif func == BitField.FUNC_CLEAR_BITS:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE_CLR_1S_1
                elif func == BitField.FUNC_PARALLEL:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_READ_WRITE_LOAD_1S_1
            elif old_type == BitField.TYPE_WRITE_1_TO_CLEAR_SET:
                if func == BitField.FUNC_PARALLEL:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_WRITE_1_TO_CLEAR_LOAD
            elif old_type == BitField.TYPE_WRITE_1_TO_CLEAR_SET_1S:
                if func == BitField.FUNC_PARALLEL:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_WRITE_1_TO_CLEAR_LOAD_1S
            elif old_type == BitField.TYPE_WRITE_1_TO_CLEAR_SET_1S_1:
                if func == BitField.FUNC_PARALLEL:
                    self.__field.field_type = BitField.TYPE_WRITE_1_TO_CLEAR_LOAD_1S_1

        self.__field.control_signal = cnv_str(attrs, 'load')

    def start_register(self, attrs):
        Called when the register tag is encountered. Attributes are:

        self.__reg = Register()
        self.__reg.do_not_generate_code = cnv_bool(attrs, 'nocode')
        self.__reg.do_not_test = cnv_bool(attrs, 'dont_test')
        self.__reg.hide = cnv_bool(attrs, 'hide')

    def start_ports(self, attrs):
        Called when the ports tag is encountered.
        self.__in_ports = True

    def start_value(self, attrs):
        Called when the value tag is encountered. Attributes are:

        self.__current_val = attrs['val']
        self.__current_token = attrs.get('token', '')

    def start_range(self, attrs):
        Called when the range tag is encountered. Attributes are:

        self.__field = BitField(cnv_int(attrs, 'stop'),
                                cnv_int(attrs, 'start'))

    def start_be(self, attrs):
        Called when the be tag is encountered. Attributes are:

        self.__db.be_level = cnv_int(attrs, 'active')

    def start_reset(self, attrs):
        Called with the reset tag is encountered. If it is a ports definition,
        then it refers to a global reset, and the attributes are:


        If not, then it refers to the reset value of a bit field, in which
        case the attribute is:


        if type is not specified, the it is assumed to be RESET_NUMERIC
        if self.__in_ports:
            self.__db.reset_active_level = cnv_int(attrs, 'active')
                self.__reset_type = int(attrs.get('type', "0"))
                self.__reset_parameter = attrs.get('parameter', '')
            except ValueError:
                self.__reset_type = BitField.RESET_NUMERIC

    def end_register(self, text):
        Called when the register tag is terminated.
        self.__reg = None

    def end_ports(self, text):
        Called when the ports tag is terminated.
        self.__in_ports = False

    def end_range(self, text):
        Called when the range tag is terminated.
        self.__field = None

    def end_reset(self, text):
        Called when the register tag is terminated. If we are in a port
        definition, then the text contains the reset signal name.
        if self.__in_ports:
            self.__db.reset_name = text
        elif self.__reset_type == 1:
            self.__field.reset_input = text.strip()
            self.__field.reset_type = BitField.RESET_INPUT
        elif self.__reset_type == 2:
            self.__field.reset_parameter = self.__reset_parameter
            self.__field.reset_value = int(text, 16)
            self.__field.reset_type = BitField.RESET_PARAMETER
            self.__field.reset_value = int(text, 16)
            self.__field.reset_type = BitField.RESET_NUMERIC

    def end_token(self, text):
        Called when the token tag is terminated. The text is the
        register token value.
        self.__reg.token = text

    def end_ram_size(self, text):
        Called when the token tag is terminated. The text is the
        register token value.
        self.__reg.ram_size = int(text)

    def end_mneumonic(self, text):
        Called when the token tag is terminated. The text is the
        register token value.
        self.__reg.token = text

    def end_address(self, text):
        Called when the register tag is terminated. The address is the
        text value (base 10). At this point, the register can be added to
        the database, since the address is used as the key.
        self.__reg.address = int(text)

    def end_signal(self, text):
        Called when the signal tag is terminated. The text value is assigned
        to the field's output signal
        self.__field.output_signal = text

    def end_value(self, text):
        Called when the value tag is terminated. The value, token and text
        value are added to the field's value list.
                                    self.__current_token, text))

    def end_input(self, text):
        Called when the input tag is terminated. The text value is assigned
        to the field's input signal
        self.__field.input_signal = text

    def end_width(self, text):
        Called when the width tag is terminated. The text value is assigned
        as the register's width. This is assumed to be base 10.
        self.__reg.width = int(text)

    def end_name(self, text):
        Called when the name tag is terminated. If a field is active, then
        the text value is assigned to the field. Otherwise, it is assigned to
        the register.
        if self.__field:
            self.__field.field_name = text
            self.__reg.register_name = text

    def end_description(self, text):
        Called when the description tag is terminated. If a field is active,
        then the text value is assigned to the field. Otherwise, it is
        assigned to the register.
        if self.__field:
            self.__field.description = text
            self.__reg.description = text

    def end_overview(self, text):
        Called when the overview tag is terminated. The text value is assigned
        to the database's overview_text
        self.__db.overview_text = text

    def end_addr(self, text):
        Called when the addr tag is terminated. The text value is assigned
        to the database's address_bus_name
        self.__db.address_bus_name = text

    def end_data_in(self, text):
        Called when the data_in tag is terminated. The text value is assigned
        to the database's write_data_name
        self.__db.write_data_name = text

    def end_data_out(self, text):
        Called when the data_out tag is terminated. The text value is assigned
        to the database's read_data_name
        self.__db.read_data_name = text

    def end_be(self, text):
        Called when the be tag is terminated. The text value is assigned
        to the database's byte_strobe_name
        self.__db.byte_strobe_name = text

    def end_wr(self, text):
        Called when the wr tag is terminated. The text value is assigned
        to the database's write_strobe_name
        self.__db.write_strobe_name = text

    def end_ack(self, text):
        Called when the ack tag is terminated. The text value is assigned
        to the database's acknowledge_name
        self.__db.acknowledge_name = text

    def end_rd(self, text):
        Called when the rd tag is terminated. The text value is assigned
        to the database's read_strobe_name
        self.__db.read_strobe_name = text

    def end_clk(self, text):
        Called when the clk tag is terminated. The text value is assigned
        to the database's clock_name
        self.__db.clock_name = text