def krigingmodel(DF, dic_polia, dic_latlon): #start_time_of_gmodel = time.time() # MODELWI is model without interpolation of shape, it is an array of shape (142,271) MODELWI = regresia.model_reg(DF, dic_polia, dic_latlon)[0] # ERROR is caculated as pollutant minus PREDICT, it has shape same as measured pollutant (32) ERROR_stanice = regresia.reg_funkcia(DF, dic_polia, dic_latlon)[4] x, y, z = list(DF['lon_x']), list(DF['lat_x']), ERROR_stanice #xi,yi are new grid coordinates xi = np.linspace(np.min(dic_latlon['LON'].flatten()), np.max(dic_latlon['LON'].flatten()), 271) yi = np.linspace(np.min(dic_latlon['LAT'].flatten()), np.max(dic_latlon['LAT'].flatten()), 142) # OK is kriging funkction OK = OrdinaryKriging(x, y, z, variogram_model='spherical') """ OK: is kriging funkction form pykrige package x, y: are latitude and lontitude of measured concentrations from DF(dataframe) z : error concentrations of pollutant, from linear regresion model variogram model: is tzpe of theoretical variogram """ # z1 is kriging interpolation array z1, ss1 = OK.execute('grid', xi, yi) """ z1: is interpolated array realised on grid xi, yi: are new grid coordinates """ KRIGING_ERROR = z1 #KOMPLET_MODEL is linear reggresion predict MODELWI plus kriging of residuals KOMPLET_MODEL = KRIGING_ERROR + MODELWI return KOMPLET_MODEL, KRIGING_ERROR, np.exp(KOMPLET_MODEL), np.exp( KRIGING_ERROR)
def validation(DF, dic_polia, dic_latlon, model_type): """ leaving-one-out validation of linear reggresion model, linear reggresion model + idw interpolation of residulas, linear gergession model + kriging interpolation if residuals """ print('###########################') print('leaving one validation for: ' + model_type) predicted_value = [ ] # this is the list of arrays, each array has 1 station dropped. for i, row in DF.iterrows(): DF1 = DF.drop([i]) ix, iy = regresia.getclosest_ij(dic_latlon['LAT'], dic_latlon['LON'], row['lat_x'], row['lon_x']) if model_type == 'regresia + IDW': value = model_idw.idwmodel(DF1, dic_polia, dic_latlon)[2][ix, iy] elif model_type == 'regresia': value = regresia.model_reg(DF1, dic_polia, dic_latlon)[1][ix, iy] elif model_type == 'regresia + kriging': value = model_kriging.krigingmodel(DF1, dic_polia, dic_latlon)[2][ix, iy] predicted_value.append(value) #print('EOI = {}, model = {}, measured = {} '.format(row['EOI'],value,row['pollutant'])) #print('{} {} {} {}'.format(row['name'], row['EOI'], value, row['pollutant'])) predicted_value = np.array(predicted_value) RMSE = ((np.sum((DF['pollutant'] - predicted_value)**2)) * (1 / len( (DF['pollutant'] - predicted_value))))**0.5 BIAS = np.sum( (predicted_value - DF['pollutant'])) / predicted_value.shape[0] r = np.corrcoef(predicted_value, DF['pollutant'])[0, 1] print('RMSE={}, BIAS={}, r={}'.format(RMSE, BIAS, r))
def idwmodel(DF, dic_polia, dic_latlon): #start_time_of_gmodel = time.time() # MODELWI is model without interpolation of shape, it is an array of shape (142,271) MODELWI = regresia.model_reg(DF, dic_polia, dic_latlon)[0] # ERROR is caculated as pollutant minus PREDICT, it has shape same as measured pollutant (32) ERROR_stanice = regresia.reg_funkcia(DF, dic_polia, dic_latlon)[4] x, y, z = list(DF['lat_x']), list(DF['lon_x']), ERROR_stanice #xi,yi are new grid coordinates xi = dic_latlon['LAT'].flatten() yi = dic_latlon['LON'].flatten() IDW_ERROR = np.asarray(idwr(y, x, z, yi, xi)) IDW_ERROR = np.reshape(IDW_ERROR, (142, 271)) # adding pollutant values to interpolated errror array (IDW_ERROR) which shape is (142,271) for i in range(0, len(x)): ix, iy = getclosest_ij(dic_latlon['LAT'], dic_latlon['LON'], x[i], y[i]) IDW_ERROR[ix, iy] = ERROR_stanice[i] #KOMPLET_MODEL is linear reggresion predict MODELWI plus IDW of residuals KOMPLET_MODEL = IDW_ERROR + MODELWI #print('gmodel {0:.3f}'.format(time.time() - start_time_of_gmodel)) return KOMPLET_MODEL, IDW_ERROR, np.exp(KOMPLET_MODEL), np.exp(IDW_ERROR)
def mapy(DF, dic_polia, dic_latlon, name): """ mapy is funkction which produce prediction maps transformed from ln(pollutant) to pollutant of linear reggresion in 3 forms: 1) only prediction of linear reggresion 2) prediction of linear reggresion + kriging interpolation of residuals 3) prediction of linear reggresion + idw interpolation of residuals """ ################################ for i in (regresia.model_reg(DF, dic_polia, dic_latlon)[1], model_idw.idwmodel(DF, dic_polia, dic_latlon)[2], model_kriging.krigingmodel(DF, dic_polia, dic_latlon)[2]): mapb.drawcountries() mapb.pcolormesh(dic_latlon['LON'], dic_latlon['LAT'], i,, latlon=True) mapb.readshapefile('C:/Users/kocok/Desktop/Shapefile0/slovensko', 'slovensko', drawbounds=True, linewidth=4) if i in regresia.model_reg(DF, dic_polia, dic_latlon)[1]: plt.colorbar(label=name + ' [$\mu$g.$m^{-3}$]', extend='max') plt.title('Koncentrácia ' + name + ' za rok 2017 (lineárna regresia)', fontsize=15) plt.clim(0, 40) mapb.scatter(DF['lon_x'].values, DF['lat_x'].values, c=DF['pollutant'].values, s=30, latlon=True, cmap='jet', alpha=1, edgecolors='black') plt.clim(0, 40) plt.savefig('lnNO2 expregresia {}.png'.format(len( dic_polia.keys())), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=600) plt.clf() elif i in model_kriging.krigingmodel(DF, dic_polia, dic_latlon)[2]: plt.colorbar(label=name + ' [$\mu$g.$m^{-3}$]', extend='max') plt.clim(0, 40) plt.title( 'Koncentrácia ' + name + ' za rok 2017 (lineárna regresia + OK interpolácia rezíduí)', fontsize=15) mapb.scatter(DF['lon_x'].values, DF['lat_x'].values, c=DF['pollutant'].values, s=30, latlon=True, cmap='jet', alpha=1, edgecolors='black') plt.clim(0, 40) plt.savefig('lnNO2 expregresia+ok pocet poli {}.png'.format( len(dic_polia.keys())), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=600) plt.clf() else: plt.colorbar(label=name + ' [$\mu$g.$m^{-3}$]', extend='max') plt.clim(0, 40) plt.title( 'Koncentrácia ' + name + ' za rok 2017 (lineárna regresia + IDW interpolácia rezíduí)', fontsize=15) mapb.scatter(DF['lon_x'].values, DF['lat_x'].values, c=DF['pollutant'].values, s=30, latlon=True, cmap='jet', alpha=1, edgecolors='black') plt.clim(0, 40) plt.savefig('lnNO2 expregresia+idw pocet poli {}.png'.format( len(dic_polia.keys())), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=600) plt.clf()