def main(): """ This function contains example code that demonstrates how to use the functions defined in poly_fit_base for fitting polynomial curves to data. """ # choose number of data-points and sample a pair of vectors: the input # values and the corresponding target values N = 20 degree = 1 true_func = arbitrary_function_1 inputs, targets = sample_data(N, true_func, seed=29) # convert our inputs (we just sampled) into a matrix where each row # is a vector of monomials of the corresponding input processed_inputs = expand_to_monomials(inputs, degree) # # find the weights that fit the data in a least squares way weights = least_squares_weights(processed_inputs, targets) # use weights to create a function that takes inputs and returns predictions # in python, functions can be passed just like any other object # those who know MATLAB might call this a function handle linear_approx = construct_polynomial_approx(degree, weights) fig, ax, hs = plot_function_data_and_approximation(linear_approx, inputs, targets, true_func) #ax.legend(hs, ['true function', 'data', 'linear approx']) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig("regression_linear.pdf", fmt="pdf")
def main(): """ This function contains example code that demonstrates how to use the functions defined in poly_fit_base for fitting polynomial curves to data. """ # choose number of data-points and sample a pair of vectors: the input # values and the corresponding target values N = 500 inputs, targets = sample_data(N, arbitrary_function_2, seed=1) # specify the centres and scale of some rbf basis functions default_centres = np.linspace(0, 1, 21) default_scale = 0.03 default_reg_param = 0.08 # get the cross-validation folds num_folds = 4 folds = create_cv_folds(N, num_folds) # evaluate then plot the performance of different reg params evaluate_reg_param(inputs, targets, folds, default_centres, default_scale) # evaluate then plot the performance of different scales evaluate_scale(inputs, targets, folds, default_centres, default_reg_param) # evaluate then plot the performance of different numbers of basis # function centres. evaluate_num_centres(inputs, targets, folds, default_scale, default_reg_param)
def main(): """ This function contains example code that demonstrates how to use the functions defined in poly_fit_base for fitting polynomial curves to data. """ # specify the centres of the rbf basis functions centres = np.linspace(0, 1, 9) # the width (analogous to standard deviation) of the basis functions scale = 0.1 print("centres = %r" % (centres, )) print("scale = %r" % (scale, )) # create the feature mapping feature_mapping = construct_rbf_feature_mapping(centres, scale) # plot the basis functions themselves for reference display_basis_functions(feature_mapping) # sample number of data-points: inputs and targets N = 9 # define the noise precision of our data beta = (1. / 0.1)**2 inputs, targets = sample_data(N, arbitrary_function_1, noise=np.sqrt(1. / beta), seed=37) # now construct the design matrix for the inputs designmtx = feature_mapping(inputs) # the number of features is the widht of this matrix M = designmtx.shape[1] # define a prior mean and covaraince matrix m0 = np.zeros(M) alpha = 100 S0 = alpha * np.identity(M) # find the posterior over weights mN, SN = calculate_weights_posterior(designmtx, targets, beta, m0, S0) # the posterior mean (also the MAP) gives the central prediction mean_approx = construct_feature_mapping_approx(feature_mapping, mN) fig, ax, lines = plot_function_data_and_approximation( mean_approx, inputs, targets, arbitrary_function_1) # now plot a number of samples from the posterior xs = np.linspace(0, 1, 101) print("mN = %r" % (mN, )) for i in range(20): weights_sample = np.random.multivariate_normal(mN, SN) sample_approx = construct_feature_mapping_approx( feature_mapping, weights_sample) sample_ys = sample_approx(xs) line, = ax.plot(xs, sample_ys, 'm', linewidth=0.5) lines.append(line) ax.legend(lines, ['true function', 'data', 'mean approx', 'samples']) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig("regression_bayesian_rbf.pdf", fmt="pdf") # now for the predictive distribuiton new_inputs = np.linspace(0, 1, 51) new_designmtx = feature_mapping(new_inputs) ys, sigma2Ns = predictive_distribution(new_designmtx, beta, mN, SN) print("(sigma2Ns**0.5).shape = %r" % ((sigma2Ns**0.5).shape, )) print("np.sqrt(sigma2Ns).shape = %r" % (np.sqrt(sigma2Ns).shape, )) print("ys.shape = %r" % (ys.shape, )) fig, ax, lines = plot_function_and_data(inputs, targets, arbitrary_function_1) ax.plot(new_inputs, ys, 'r', linewidth=3) lower = ys - np.sqrt(sigma2Ns) upper = ys + np.sqrt(sigma2Ns) print("lower.shape = %r" % (lower.shape, )) print("upper.shape = %r" % (upper.shape, )) ax.fill_between(new_inputs, lower, upper, alpha=0.2, color='r')
def main(): """ This function contains example code that demonstrates how to use the functions defined in poly_fit_base for fitting polynomial curves to data. """ # specify the centres of the rbf basis functions centres = np.linspace(0,1,7) # the width (analogous to standard deviation) of the basis functions scale = 0.15 print("centres = %r" % (centres,)) print("scale = %r" % (scale,)) feature_mapping = construct_rbf_feature_mapping(centres,scale) datamtx = np.linspace(0,1, 51) designmtx = feature_mapping(datamtx) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) for colid in range(designmtx.shape[1]): ax.plot(datamtx, designmtx[:,colid]) ax.set_xlim([0,1]) ax.set_xticks([0,1]) ax.set_yticks([0,1]) # choose number of data-points and sample a pair of vectors: the input # values and the corresponding target values N = 20 inputs, targets = sample_data(N, arbitrary_function_1, seed=37) # define the feature mapping for the data feature_mapping = construct_rbf_feature_mapping(centres,scale) # now construct the design matrix designmtx = feature_mapping(inputs) # # find the weights that fit the data in a least squares way weights = ml_weights(designmtx, targets) # use weights to create a function that takes inputs and returns predictions # in python, functions can be passed just like any other object # those who know MATLAB might call this a function handle rbf_approx = construct_feature_mapping_approx(feature_mapping, weights) fig, ax, lines = plot_function_data_and_approximation( rbf_approx, inputs, targets, arbitrary_function_1) ax.legend(lines, ['true function', 'data', 'linear approx']) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig("regression_rbf.pdf", fmt="pdf") # for a single choice of regularisation strength we can plot the # approximating function reg_param = 10**-3 reg_weights = regularised_ml_weights( designmtx, targets, reg_param) rbf_reg_approx = construct_feature_mapping_approx(feature_mapping, reg_weights) fig, ax, lines = plot_function_data_and_approximation( rbf_reg_approx, inputs, targets, arbitrary_function_1) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig("regression_rbf_basis_functions_reg.pdf", fmt="pdf") # to find a good regularisation parameter, we can performa a parameter # search (a naive way to do this is to simply try a sequence of reasonable # values within a reasonable range. # sample some training and testing inputs train_inputs, train_targets = sample_data(N, arbitrary_function_1, seed=37) # we need to use a different seed for our test data, otherwise some of our # sampled points will be the same test_inputs, test_targets = sample_data(100, arbitrary_function_1, seed=82) # convert the raw inputs into feature vectors (construct design matrices) train_designmtx = feature_mapping(train_inputs) test_designmtx = feature_mapping(test_inputs) # now we're going to evaluate train and test error for a sequence of # potential regularisation strengths storing the results reg_params = np.logspace(-5,1) train_errors = [] test_errors = [] for reg_param in reg_params: # evaluate the test and train error for this regularisation parameter train_error, test_error = train_and_test( train_designmtx, train_targets, test_designmtx, test_targets, reg_param=reg_param) # collect the errors train_errors.append(train_error) test_errors.append(test_error) # plot the results fig, ax = plot_train_test_errors( "$\lambda$", reg_params, train_errors, test_errors) ax.set_xscale('log') # we may also be interested in choosing the right number of centres, or # the right width/scale of the rbf functions. # Here we vary the width and evaluate the performance reg_param = 10**-3 scales = np.logspace(-2,0) train_errors = [] test_errors = [] for scale in scales: # we must construct the feature mapping anew for each scale feature_mapping = construct_rbf_feature_mapping(centres,scale) train_designmtx = feature_mapping(train_inputs) test_designmtx = feature_mapping(test_inputs) # evaluate the test and train error for this regularisation parameter train_error, test_error = train_and_test( train_designmtx, train_targets, test_designmtx, test_targets, reg_param=reg_param) # collect the errors train_errors.append(train_error) test_errors.append(test_error) # plot the results fig, ax = plot_train_test_errors( "scale", scales, train_errors, test_errors) ax.set_xscale('log') # Here we vary the number of centres and evaluate the performance reg_param = 10**-3 scale = 0.15 n_centres_seq = np.arange(3,20) train_errors = [] test_errors = [] for n_centres in n_centres_seq: # we must construct the feature mapping anew for each number of centres centres = np.linspace(0,1,n_centres) feature_mapping = construct_rbf_feature_mapping(centres,scale) train_designmtx = feature_mapping(train_inputs) test_designmtx = feature_mapping(test_inputs) # evaluate the test and train error for this regularisation parameter train_error, test_error = train_and_test( train_designmtx, train_targets, test_designmtx, test_targets, reg_param=reg_param) # collect the errors train_errors.append(train_error) test_errors.append(test_error) # plot the results fig, ax = plot_train_test_errors( "Num. Centres", n_centres_seq, train_errors, test_errors)