예제 #1
def test_getinfoloc_happy_default():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u_me = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    u_other = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U2.pk)
    insert_many_locs(db_conn, u_other)
    ecred = get_cred(u_me)
    gi = SignedMessage.sign(getinfo.GetInfoLocation(u_other.pk, ecred), SK1)
    gir = server.handle_getinfo(db_conn, gi)
    assert gir.ok
    assert gir.err is None
    assert len(gir.locs) == 1
예제 #2
def test_getinfoloc_multiple_count_correct_3():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u_me = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    u_other = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U2.pk)
    num_locs = insert_many_locs(db_conn, u_other)
    ecred = get_cred(u_me)
    gi = SignedMessage.sign(
        getinfo.GetInfoLocation(u_other.pk, ecred, count=num_locs + 10), SK1)
    gir = server.handle_getinfo(db_conn, gi)
    assert gir.ok
    assert gir.err is None
    assert len(gir.locs) == num_locs
예제 #3
def test_account_full_auth_handshake(client):
    u = db.user_with_pk(flask.g.db, U1.pk)
    req1 = SignedMessage.sign(account.AuthReq(u.pk), SK1)
    rv1 = client.post(
    assert rv1.status_code == 200
    echal = Message.from_dict(rv1.json)
    assert isinstance(echal, EncryptedMessage)
    schal = EncryptedMessage.dec(echal, server.ENCKEY)
    assert schal.is_valid()
    chal, pk_used = schal.unwrap()
    assert isinstance(chal, account.AuthChallenge)
    assert pk_used == server.IDKEY.pubkey
    req2 = SignedMessage.sign(account.AuthChallengeResp(echal), SK1)
    rv2 = client.post(
    assert rv2.status_code == 200
    resp = Message.from_dict(rv2.json)
    assert resp.err is None
    assert isinstance(resp.cred, EncryptedMessage)
    scred = EncryptedMessage.dec(resp.cred, server.ENCKEY)
    assert scred.is_valid()
    cred, pk_used = scred.unwrap()
    assert isinstance(cred, account.AccountCred)
    assert pk_used == server.IDKEY.pubkey
예제 #4
def test_getinfoloc_multiple_order_correct_2():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u_me = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    u_other = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U2.pk)
    insert_many_locs(db_conn, u_other)
    # when asking for newest=False, we should get the oldest location first,
    # thus it should have the min time of all locations
    min_time = min(
        [loc.time for loc in db.locations_for_user(db_conn, u_other)])
    ecred = get_cred(u_me)
    gi = SignedMessage.sign(
        getinfo.GetInfoLocation(u_other.pk, ecred, count=1, newest=False), SK1)
    gir = server.handle_getinfo(db_conn, gi)
    assert gir.ok
    assert gir.err is None
    assert len(gir.locs) == 1
    assert gir.locs[0].time == min_time
예제 #5
def test_getinfo_notimpl():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    ecred = get_cred(u)
    gi = SignedMessage.sign(getinfo.GetInfo(U2.pk, ecred), SK1)
    gir = server.handle_getinfo(db_conn, gi)
    assert isinstance(gir, getinfo.GetInfoResp)
    assert not gir.ok
    assert gir.err == getinfo.GetInfoRespErr.NotImpl
예제 #6
def test_account_req_resp_db_inserted():
    db_conn = get_db()
    sk = crypto.Seckey((333).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
    req = SignedMessage.sign(account.AccountReq('Saul3', sk.pubkey), sk)
    server.handle_account_request(db_conn, req)
    u_out = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, sk.pubkey)
    assert u_out.rowid
    assert u_out.nick == 'Saul3'
    assert u_out.pk == sk.pubkey
예제 #7
def test_authchallengeresp_expired_cred():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    # echal is expired
    echal = get_chal(u, cred_expired=True)
    sacr = SignedMessage.sign(account.AuthChallengeResp(echal), SK1)
    resp = server.handle_authchallengeresp(db_conn, sacr)
    assert resp.cred is None
    assert resp.err == CredChalErr.BadCred
예제 #8
def test_authchallengeresp_badscred_2():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    # echal is correct but contains a broken SignedMessage
    echal = get_chal(u, scred_munge=True)
    sacr = SignedMessage.sign(account.AuthChallengeResp(echal), SK1)
    resp = server.handle_authchallengeresp(db_conn, sacr)
    assert resp.cred is None
    assert resp.err == CredChalErr.Malformed
예제 #9
def test_authchallengeresp_wrong_user():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    # challenge is for a user other than the one who signed the message
    echal = get_chal(u, cred_wrong_user=True)
    sacr = SignedMessage.sign(account.AuthChallengeResp(echal), SK1)
    resp = server.handle_authchallengeresp(db_conn, sacr)
    assert resp.cred is None
    assert resp.err == CredChalErr.WrongUser
예제 #10
def test_getinfoloc_multiple_order_correct_3():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u_me = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    u_other = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U2.pk)
    num_locs = insert_many_locs(db_conn, u_other)
    # when not asking for a specfic order, we get the newest location first,
    # every subsequent location should have a smaller time
    ecred = get_cred(u_me)
    gi = SignedMessage.sign(
        getinfo.GetInfoLocation(u_other.pk, ecred, count=num_locs), SK1)
    gir = server.handle_getinfo(db_conn, gi)
    assert gir.ok
    assert gir.err is None
    assert len(gir.locs) == num_locs
    last_time = 999999999999999
    for loc in gir.locs:
        assert loc.time < last_time
        last_time = loc.time
예제 #11
def test_authchallengeresp_badcred_1():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    # echal is correct and contains good SignedMessage, but the SignedMessage
    # contains a Stub
    echal = get_chal(u, cred_stub=True)
    sacr = SignedMessage.sign(account.AuthChallengeResp(echal), SK1)
    resp = server.handle_authchallengeresp(db_conn, sacr)
    assert resp.cred is None
    assert resp.err == CredChalErr.Malformed
예제 #12
def test_authchallengeresp_badcred_2():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    # echal is correct and contains good SignedMessage, but the SignedMessage
    # is signed by the wrong key
    echal = get_chal(u, cred_wrong_key=True)
    sacr = SignedMessage.sign(account.AuthChallengeResp(echal), SK1)
    resp = server.handle_authchallengeresp(db_conn, sacr)
    assert resp.cred is None
    assert resp.err == CredChalErr.BadCred
예제 #13
def test_getinfo_location(client):
    u_us = db.user_with_pk(flask.g.db, U1.pk)
    u_them = db.user_with_pk(flask.g.db, U2.pk)
    ecred = get_cred(u_us)
    loc = loca.Location(u_them, loca.Coords(12, 34), time.time())
    db.insert_location(flask.g.db, loc)
    gil = getinfo.GetInfoLocation(u_them.pk, ecred, count=1)
    req = SignedMessage.sign(gil, SK1)
    rv = client.post(
    assert rv.status_code == 200
    resp = Message.from_dict(rv.json)
    assert isinstance(resp, getinfo.GetInfoRespLocation)
    assert resp.ok
    assert resp.err is None
    assert len(resp.locs) == 1
    assert resp.locs[0] == loc
예제 #14
def test_location_update_badecred_1():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    loc = location.Location(u, loca.Coords(42, 69), time.time())
    # use a Stub instead of encrypted signed AccountCred
    lu = location.LocationUpdate(loc, Stub(90210))
    slu = SignedMessage.sign(lu, SK1)
    resp = server.handle_location_update(db_conn, slu)
    assert not resp.ok
    assert resp.cred is None  # TODO
    assert resp.err == location.LocationUpdateRespErr.Malformed
예제 #15
def test_getinfo_unknown_user_in_req():
    db_conn = get_db()
    # ask about a user with a pubkey that doesn't exist
    fake_pk = crypto.Pubkey((98345).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    ecred = get_cred(u)
    gi = SignedMessage.sign(getinfo.GetInfo(fake_pk, ecred), SK1)
    gir = server.handle_getinfo(db_conn, gi)
    assert isinstance(gir, getinfo.GetInfoResp)
    assert not gir.ok
    assert gir.err == getinfo.GetInfoRespErr.NoSuchUser
예제 #16
def test_getinfo_badcred():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    ecred = get_cred(u)
    # munge the cred so it isn't valid
    ecred.ctext_nonce = b'0000000000000000000000000'
    gi = SignedMessage.sign(getinfo.GetInfo(u.pk, ecred), SK1)
    gir = server.handle_getinfo(db_conn, gi)
    assert isinstance(gir, getinfo.GetInfoResp)
    assert not gir.ok
    assert gir.err == CredChalErr.Malformed
예제 #17
def test_getinfo_badsig():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    ecred = get_cred(u)
    gi = SignedMessage.sign(getinfo.GetInfo(u.pk, ecred), SK1)
    # munge the signed message so it doesn't verify
    gi.msg_bytes = b'nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaa'
    gir = server.handle_getinfo(db_conn, gi)
    assert isinstance(gir, getinfo.GetInfoResp)
    assert not gir.ok
    assert gir.err == SignedMessageErr.BadSig
예제 #18
def test_getinfo_unknown_user():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    ecred = get_cred(u)
    # user who signed this message is not even in the db
    fake_sk = crypto.Seckey((1).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
    gi = SignedMessage.sign(getinfo.GetInfo(u.pk, ecred), fake_sk)
    gir = server.handle_getinfo(db_conn, gi)
    assert isinstance(gir, getinfo.GetInfoResp)
    assert not gir.ok
    assert gir.err == SignedMessageErr.UnknownUser
예제 #19
def test_location_update_malformed():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    _ = get_cred(u)
    # Sign a Stub instead of a LocationUpate
    slu = SignedMessage.sign(Stub(90210), SK1)
    resp = server.handle_location_update(db_conn, slu)
    assert type(resp) == location.LocationUpdateResp
    assert not resp.ok
    assert resp.cred is None  # TODO
    assert resp.err == location.LocationUpdateRespErr.Malformed
예제 #20
def test_authchallengeresp_bad_chal():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    echal = get_chal(u)
    # use an unknown sk to sign the AuthChallengeResp
    sk_unknown = crypto.Seckey((98345).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
    smsg = SignedMessage.sign(account.AuthChallengeResp(echal), sk_unknown)
    resp = server.handle_authchallengeresp(db_conn, smsg)
    assert isinstance(resp, account.AuthResp)
    assert resp.cred is None
    assert resp.err == SignedMessageErr.UnknownUser
예제 #21
def test_location_update_badscred_2():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    # ecred is correct but contains a broken SignedMessage
    ecred = get_cred(u, scred_munge=True)
    loc = location.Location(u, loca.Coords(42, 69), time.time())
    lu = location.LocationUpdate(loc, ecred)
    slu = SignedMessage.sign(lu, SK1)
    resp = server.handle_location_update(db_conn, slu)
    assert not resp.ok
    assert resp.cred is None  # TODO
    assert resp.err == CredChalErr.Malformed
예제 #22
def test_authchallengeresp_happy():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    echal = get_chal(u)
    sacr = SignedMessage.sign(account.AuthChallengeResp(echal), SK1)
    resp = server.handle_authchallengeresp(db_conn, sacr)
    assert resp.err is None
    assert isinstance(resp.cred, EncryptedMessage)
    scred = EncryptedMessage.dec(resp.cred, server.ENCKEY)
    cred, pk_used = SignedMessage.unwrap(scred)
    assert pk_used == server.IDKEY.pubkey
    assert cred.expire > time.time()
예제 #23
def test_location_update_expired_cred():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    # cred is expired
    ecred = get_cred(u, cred_expired=True)
    loc = location.Location(u, loca.Coords(42, 69), time.time())
    lu = location.LocationUpdate(loc, ecred)
    slu = SignedMessage.sign(lu, SK1)
    resp = server.handle_location_update(db_conn, slu)
    assert not resp.ok
    assert resp.cred is None  # TODO
    assert resp.err == CredChalErr.BadCred
예제 #24
def test_location_update_wrong_user():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    # credential is for a user other than the one who signed the message
    ecred = get_cred(u, cred_wrong_user=True)
    loc = location.Location(u, loca.Coords(42, 69), time.time())
    lu = location.LocationUpdate(loc, ecred)
    slu = SignedMessage.sign(lu, SK1)
    resp = server.handle_location_update(db_conn, slu)
    assert not resp.ok
    assert resp.cred is None  # TODO
    assert resp.err == CredChalErr.WrongUser
예제 #25
def test_location_update_unknown_user():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    ecred = get_cred(u)
    loc = location.Location(u, loca.Coords(42, 69), time.time())
    lu = location.LocationUpdate(loc, ecred)
    # user who signed this message is not even in the db
    fake_sk = crypto.Seckey((1).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
    slu = SignedMessage.sign(lu, fake_sk)
    resp = server.handle_location_update(db_conn, slu)
    assert not resp.ok
    assert resp.cred is None  # TODO
    assert resp.err == SignedMessageErr.UnknownUser
예제 #26
def test_location_update_db_inserted():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    ecred = get_cred(u)
    loc = location.Location(u, loca.Coords(42, 69), time.time())
    lu = location.LocationUpdate(loc, ecred)
    slu = SignedMessage.sign(lu, SK1)
    server.handle_location_update(db_conn, slu)
    db_locs = list(db.locations_for_user(db_conn, u))
    assert len(db_locs) == 1
    assert loc.rowid is None
    loc.rowid = db_locs[0].rowid
    assert db_locs[0] == loc
예제 #27
def test_location_update_badecred_3():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    ecred = get_cred(u)
    # munge the enc part of the encrypted signed account cred
    ecred.ctext_nonce = b'fooooo'
    loc = location.Location(u, loca.Coords(42, 69), time.time())
    lu = location.LocationUpdate(loc, ecred)
    slu = SignedMessage.sign(lu, SK1)
    resp = server.handle_location_update(db_conn, slu)
    assert not resp.ok
    assert resp.cred is None  # TODO
    assert resp.err == CredChalErr.Malformed
예제 #28
def test_authreq_happy():
    db_conn = get_db()
    smsg = SignedMessage.sign(account.AuthReq(SK1.pubkey), SK1)
    resp = server.handle_authreq(db_conn, smsg)
    assert isinstance(resp, EncryptedMessage)
    schal = EncryptedMessage.dec(resp, server.ENCKEY)
    assert isinstance(schal, SignedMessage)
    assert schal.is_valid()
    chal, pk_used = schal.unwrap()
    assert isinstance(chal, account.AuthChallenge)
    assert pk_used == server.IDKEY.pubkey
    assert chal.user == db.user_with_pk(db_conn, chal.user.pk)
    assert chal.expire > time.time()
예제 #29
def test_location_update_badcred_2():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    # ecred is correct and contains good SignedMessage, but the SignedMessage
    # is signed by the wrong key
    ecred = get_cred(u, cred_wrong_key=True)
    loc = location.Location(u, loca.Coords(42, 69), time.time())
    lu = location.LocationUpdate(loc, ecred)
    slu = SignedMessage.sign(lu, SK1)
    resp = server.handle_location_update(db_conn, slu)
    assert not resp.ok
    assert resp.cred is None  # TODO
    assert resp.err == CredChalErr.BadCred
예제 #30
def test_location_update_badsig():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn, U1.pk)
    ecred = get_cred(u)
    loc = location.Location(u, loca.Coords(42, 69), time.time())
    lu = location.LocationUpdate(loc, ecred)
    slu = SignedMessage.sign(lu, SK1)
    # ruin the sig in the signed location update
    slu.msg_bytes = b'foo'
    resp = server.handle_location_update(db_conn, slu)
    assert type(resp) == location.LocationUpdateResp
    assert not resp.ok
    assert resp.cred is None  # TODO
    assert resp.err == SignedMessageErr.BadSig