def __str__(self): base = repr(self) if not self: return base out = NStringIO() div = '=' * len(base) headings = ['OID', 'Length', 'Previous TID'] col_width = (len(base) - 5) // len(headings) print(base, file=out) print(div, file=out) print('| ', file=out, end='') for heading in headings: print('%-*s' % (col_width, heading), end='', file=out) print('| ', end='', file=out) - 3) print('|', file=out) print(div, file=out) items = sorted( (oid_int, endpos - startpos, prev_tid_int) for (startpos, endpos, oid_int, prev_tid_int) in self.items()) for oid_int, length, prev_tid_int in items: print('%*d |%*d |%*d' % (col_width, oid_int, col_width, length, col_width, prev_tid_int), file=out) return out.getvalue()
def __init__(self, root): self.buf = NStringIO() self.placeholders = {} self.root = root
class Compiler(object): def __init__(self, root): self.buf = NStringIO() self.placeholders = {} self.root = root def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s %r>" % ( type(self).__name__, self.buf.getvalue(), self.placeholders ) def compile(self): self.visit(self.root) return self.finalize() def can_prepare(self): # Obviously this needs to be more general. # Some drivers, for example, can't deal with parameters # in a prepared statement; we currently handle that by overriding # this method. return self.root.prepare _prepared_stmt_counter = 0 def _next_prepared_stmt_name(self, query): # Even with the GIL, this isn't fully safe to do; two threads # can still get the same value. We don't want to allocate a # lock because we might be patched by gevent later. So that's # where `query` comes in: we add the hash as a disambiguator. # Of course, for there to be a duplicate prepared statement # sent to the database, that would mean that we were somehow # using the same cursor or connection in multiple threads at # once (or perhaps we got more than one cursor from a # connection? We should only have one.) # # TODO: Sidestep this problem by allocating this earlier; # the SELECT or INSERT statement could pick it when it is created; # that happens at the class level at import time, when we should be # single-threaded. # # That may also help facilitate caching. Compiler._prepared_stmt_counter += 1 return 'rs_prep_stmt_%s_%d_%d' % ( getattr(self.root, "__name__", ''), Compiler._prepared_stmt_counter, abs(hash(query)), ) def _prepared_param(self, number): return '$' + str(number) _PREPARED_CONJUNCTION = 'AS' def _quote_query_for_prepare(self, query): return query def _find_datatypes_for_prepared_query(self): # Deduce the datatypes based on the types of the columns # we're sending as params. result = () param_provider = ITypedParams(self.root, None) if param_provider is not None: result = param_provider.datatypes_for_parameters() # pylint:disable=assignment-from-no-return return result def prepare(self): # This is correct for PostgreSQL. This needs moved to a dialect specific # spot. datatypes = self._find_datatypes_for_prepared_query() query = self.buf.getvalue() name = self._next_prepared_stmt_name(query) if datatypes: assert isinstance(datatypes, (list, tuple)) datatypes = ', '.join(datatypes) datatypes = ' (%s)' % (datatypes,) else: datatypes = '' q = query.strip() # PREPARE needs the query string to use $1, $2, $3, etc, # as placeholders. # In MySQL, it's a plain question mark. placeholder_to_number = {} counter = 0 for placeholder_name in self.placeholders.values(): counter += 1 placeholder = self._placeholder(placeholder_name) placeholder_to_number[placeholder_name] = counter param = self._prepared_param(counter) q = q.replace(placeholder, param, 1) q = self._quote_query_for_prepare(q) stmt = 'PREPARE {name}{datatypes} {conjunction} {query}'.format( name=name, datatypes=datatypes, query=q, conjunction=self._PREPARED_CONJUNCTION, ) if placeholder_to_number: execute = 'EXECUTE {name}({params})'.format( name=name, params=','.join(['%s'] * len(self.placeholders)), ) else: # Neither MySQL nor PostgreSQL like a set of empty parens: () execute = 'EXECUTE {name}'.format(name=name) if '%s' in placeholder_to_number: # There was an ordered param. If there was one, # they must all be ordered, so there's no need to convert anything. assert len(placeholder_to_number) == 1 def convert(p): return p else: def convert(d): # TODO: This may not actually be needed, since we issue a regular # cursor.execute(), it may be able to handle named? params = [None] * len(placeholder_to_number) for placeholder_name, ix in placeholder_to_number.items(): params[ix - 1] = d[placeholder_name] return params return intern(stmt), intern(execute), convert def finalize(self): return intern(self.buf.getvalue().strip()), {v: k for k, v in self.placeholders.items()} def visit(self, node): node.__compile_visit__(self) visit_clause = visit def emit(self, *contents): for content in contents: self.buf.write(content) def emit_null(self): self.emit('NULL') def emit_w_padding_space(self, value): ended_in_space = self.buf.getvalue().endswith(' ') value = value.strip() if not ended_in_space: self.buf.write(' ') self.emit(value, ' ') emit_keyword = emit_w_padding_space def emit_identifier(self, identifier): last_char = self.buf.getvalue()[-1] if last_char not in ('(', ' '): self.emit(' ', identifier) else: self.emit(identifier) def visit_select_list(self, column_list): clist = column_list.c if hasattr(column_list, 'c') else column_list self.visit(clist.as_select_list()) def visit_csv(self, nodes): self.visit(nodes[0]) for node in nodes[1:]: self.emit(', ') self.visit(node) visit_select_expression = visit def visit_select_list_csv(self, nodes): self.visit_select_expression(nodes[0]) for node in nodes[1:]: self.emit(', ') self.visit_select_expression(node) def visit_column(self, column_node): self.emit_identifier( def visit_from(self, from_): self.emit_keyword('FROM') self.visit(from_) def visit_grouped(self, clause): self.emit('(') self.visit(clause) self.emit(')') def visit_op(self, op): self.emit(' ' + op + ' ') def _next_placeholder_name(self, prefix='param'): return '%s_%d' % (prefix, len(self.placeholders),) def _placeholder(self, key): # Write things in `pyformat` style by default, assuming a # dictionary of params; this is supported by most drivers. if key == '%s': return key return '%%(%s)s' % (key,) def _placeholder_for_literal_param_value(self, value): placeholder = self.placeholders.get(value) if not placeholder: placeholder_name = self._next_placeholder_name(prefix='literal') placeholder = self._placeholder(placeholder_name) self.placeholders[value] = placeholder_name return placeholder def visit_literal_expression(self, value): placeholder = self._placeholder_for_literal_param_value(value) self.emit(placeholder) def visit_boolean_literal_expression(self, value): # In the oracle dialect, this needs to be # either "'Y'" or "'N'" assert isinstance(value, bool) self.emit(str(value).upper()) def visit_bind_param(self, bind_param): self.placeholders[bind_param] = bind_param.key self.emit(self._placeholder(bind_param.key)) def visit_ordered_bind_param(self, bind_param): self.placeholders[bind_param] = '%s' self.emit('%s')
def __init__(self, root, dialect): self.buf = NStringIO() self.placeholders = {} self.root = root self.dialect = dialect # type: DefaultDialect self._visit_name_stack = ('__compile_visit__',)
class Compiler(object): # pylint:disable=too-many-public-methods def __init__(self, root, dialect): self.buf = NStringIO() self.placeholders = {} self.root = root self.dialect = dialect # type: DefaultDialect self._visit_name_stack = ('__compile_visit__',) @contextmanager def using_visit_name(self, name): if name: name = '__compile_visit_for_' + name + '__' else: name = '__compile_visit__' cur_stack = self._visit_name_stack self._visit_name_stack = (name,) + self._visit_name_stack try: yield self finally: self._visit_name_stack = cur_stack def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s %r>" % ( type(self).__name__, self.buf.getvalue(), self.placeholders ) def compile(self): self.visit(self.root) return self.finalize() def can_prepare(self): # Obviously this needs to be more general. # Some drivers, for example, can't deal with parameters # in a prepared statement; we currently handle that by overriding # this method. return self.root.prepare _prepared_stmt_counter = 0 def _next_prepared_stmt_name(self, query): # Even with the GIL, this isn't fully safe to do; two threads # can still get the same value. We don't want to allocate a # lock because we might be patched by gevent later. So that's # where `query` comes in: we add the hash as a disambiguator. # Of course, for there to be a duplicate prepared statement # sent to the database, that would mean that we were somehow # using the same cursor or connection in multiple threads at # once (or perhaps we got more than one cursor from a # connection? We should only have one.) # # TODO: Sidestep this problem by allocating this earlier; # the SELECT or INSERT statement could pick it when it is created; # that happens at the class level at import time, when we should be # single-threaded. # # That may also help facilitate caching. Compiler._prepared_stmt_counter += 1 return 'rs_prep_stmt_%s_%d_%d' % ( getattr(self.root, "__name__", ''), Compiler._prepared_stmt_counter, abs(hash(query)), ) def _prepared_param(self, number): return '$' + str(number) _PREPARED_CONJUNCTION = 'AS' def _quote_query_for_prepare(self, query): return query def _find_datatypes_for_prepared_query(self): # Deduce the datatypes based on the types of the columns # we're sending as params. result = () param_provider = ITypedParams(self.root, None) if param_provider is not None: result = param_provider.datatypes_for_parameters() # pylint:disable=assignment-from-no-return return result def prepare(self): # This is correct for PostgreSQL. This needs moved to a dialect specific # spot. datatypes = self._find_datatypes_for_prepared_query() query = self.buf.getvalue() name = self._next_prepared_stmt_name(query) if datatypes: assert isinstance(datatypes, (list, tuple)) datatypes = ', '.join(datatypes) datatypes = ' (%s)' % (datatypes,) else: datatypes = '' q = query.strip() # PREPARE needs the query string to use $1, $2, $3, etc, # as placeholders. # In MySQL, it's a plain question mark. placeholder_to_number = {} counter = 0 for placeholder_name in self.placeholders.values(): counter += 1 placeholder = self._placeholder(placeholder_name) placeholder_to_number[placeholder_name] = counter param = self._prepared_param(counter) q = q.replace(placeholder, param, 1) q = self._quote_query_for_prepare(q) stmt = 'PREPARE {name}{datatypes} {conjunction} {query}'.format( name=name, datatypes=datatypes, query=q, conjunction=self._PREPARED_CONJUNCTION, ) if placeholder_to_number: execute = 'EXECUTE {name}({params})'.format( name=name, params=','.join(['%s'] * len(self.placeholders)), ) else: # Neither MySQL nor PostgreSQL like a set of empty parens: () execute = 'EXECUTE {name}'.format(name=name) if '%s' in placeholder_to_number: # There was an ordered param. If there was one, # they must all be ordered, so there's no need to convert anything. assert len(placeholder_to_number) == 1 def convert(p): return p else: def convert(d): # TODO: This may not actually be needed, since we issue a regular # cursor.execute(), it may be able to handle named? params = [None] * len(placeholder_to_number) for placeholder_name, ix in placeholder_to_number.items(): params[ix - 1] = d[placeholder_name] return params return intern(stmt), intern(execute), convert def finalize(self): return intern(self.buf.getvalue().strip()), {v: k for k, v in self.placeholders.items()} def visit(self, node, **kwargs): """ Returns whatever the ``__compile_visit__`` method of the *node* returns. """ for visit_name in self._visit_name_stack: meth = getattr(node, visit_name, None) if meth: return meth(self, **kwargs) raise AttributeError("No way to visit node", node) visit_clause = visit visit_upsert = visit def emit(self, *contents): for content in contents: self.buf.write(content) def emit_null(self): self.emit('NULL') def emit_w_padding_space(self, value): ended_in_space = self.buf.getvalue().endswith(' ') value = value.strip() if not ended_in_space: self.buf.write(' ') self.emit(value, ' ') emit_keyword = emit_w_padding_space emit_column_constraint = emit_w_padding_space def emit_column_autoincrement(self): self.emit_keyword(self.dialect.CONSTRAINT_AUTO_INCREMENT) def emit_keyword_truncate_table(self): self.emit_keyword(self.dialect.STMT_TRUNCATE) def emit_keyword_upsert(self): self.emit_keyword_insert_into() def emit_keyword_insert_into(self): self.emit_keyword("INSERT INTO") def emit_identifier(self, identifier, quoted=False): last_char = self.buf.getvalue()[-1] if quoted: emit = ('"', identifier, '"') else: emit = (identifier,) if last_char not in ('(', ' '): emit = (' ',) + emit self.emit(*emit) def emit_quoted_identifier(self, identifier): self.emit_identifier(identifier, quoted=True) def visit_select_list(self, column_list): clist = column_list.c if hasattr(column_list, 'c') else column_list self.visit(clist.as_select_list()) def visit_csv(self, nodes): self.visit(nodes[0]) for node in nodes[1:]: self.emit(', ') self.visit(node) visit_select_expression = visit def visit_select_list_csv(self, nodes): self.visit_select_expression(nodes[0]) for node in nodes[1:]: self.emit(', ') self.visit_select_expression(node) def visit_column(self, column_node): self.emit_identifier( def _visit_or_str(self, node_or_name): if hasattr(node_or_name, '__compile_visit__'): self.visit(node_or_name) else: self.emit_identifier(node_or_name) def visit_aliased_column(self, column_node): self._visit_or_str( self.emit_identifier(column_node.alias) def visit_qualified_column(self, column): self.emit_identifier(column.table + '.' + def visit_from(self, from_): self.emit_keyword('FROM') self.visit(from_) def visit_grouped(self, clause): self.emit('(') self.visit(clause) self.emit(')') def visit_no_values(self): self.emit('()') def visit_op(self, op): last_char = self.buf.getvalue()[-1] if last_char != ' ': self.emit(' ') self.emit(op, ' ') def _next_placeholder_name(self, prefix='param'): return '%s_%d' % (prefix, len(self.placeholders),) def _placeholder(self, key): # Write things in `pyformat` style by default, assuming a # dictionary of params; this is supported by most drivers. if key == '%s': return key return '%%(%s)s' % (key,) def _placeholder_for_literal_param_value(self, value): placeholder = self.placeholders.get(value) if not placeholder: placeholder_name = self._next_placeholder_name(prefix='literal') placeholder = self._placeholder(placeholder_name) self.placeholders[value] = placeholder_name return placeholder def visit_literal_expression(self, value): if isinstance(value, int): self.emit(str(value)) else: placeholder = self._placeholder_for_literal_param_value(value) self.emit(placeholder) def visit_boolean_literal_expression(self, value): # In the oracle dialect, this needs to be # either "'Y'" or "'N'". sqlite supports only 1 and 0, # prior to certain versions. assert isinstance(value, bool) self.emit(str(value).upper()) def visit_immediate_expression(self, value): # Like a literal, but never uses a placeholder. if isinstance(value, bool): self.visit_boolean_literal_expression(value) else: self.emit(str(value)) def visit_bind_param(self, bind_param): self.placeholders[bind_param] = bind_param.key self.emit(self._placeholder(bind_param.key)) def visit_ordered_bind_param(self, bind_param): self.placeholders[bind_param] = '%s' self.emit('%s') def create_table(self, table, if_not_exists, use_trailer=True): with self.using_visit_name('create'): self.visit(table, if_not_exists=if_not_exists) if use_trailer: self.emit(' ', self.dialect.STMT_TABLE_TRAILER) def emit_if_not_exists(self): if self.dialect.STMT_IF_NOT_EXISTS: self.emit(self.dialect.STMT_IF_NOT_EXISTS) @contextmanager def visit_limited_select(self, select, limit): # pylint:disable=unused-argument yield self def visit_limit(self, limit_literal): if limit_literal: self.emit_keyword('LIMIT') self.visit_immediate_expression(limit_literal) @contextmanager def visiting_upsert(self, upsert): # pylint:disable=unused-argument with self.using_visit_name('upsert'): yield self def visit_upsert_conflict_column(self, column): self.emit_keyword('ON CONFLICT') self.visit_grouped(column) def visit_upsert_conflict_update(self, update): self.emit_keyword('DO') self.visit(update) def visit_upsert_excluded_column(self, column): self.emit('excluded.') self.emit( def visit_upsert_after_select(self, select): # pylint:disable=unused-argument pass