def feedforward_backprop(data, label, weights):

    # feedforward hidden layer and relu
    fully1_out = fullyconnect_feedforward(data, weights['fully1_weight'],
    #print('fully1_out', fully1_out)
    relu1_out = relu_feedforward(fully1_out)
    #print("relu1_out", relu1_out)

    # softmax loss (probs = e^(w*x+b) / sum(e^(w*x+b))) is implemented in two parts for convenience.
    # first part: y = w * x + b is a fullyconnect.
    fully2_out = fullyconnect_feedforward(relu1_out, weights['fully2_weight'],
    #print("fully2_out", fully2_out)
    # second part: probs = e^y / sum(e^y) is the so-called softmax_loss here.
    loss, accuracy, fully2_sensitivity = softmax_loss(fully2_out, label)
    #print("fully2_sensitivity", fully2_sensitivity)
    gradients = {}
    gradients['fully2_weight_grad'], gradients[
        'fully2_bias_grad'], relu1_sensitivity = fullyconnect_backprop(
            fully2_sensitivity, relu1_out, weights['fully2_weight'])
    # backprop of relu and then hidden layer
    fully1_sensitivity = relu_backprop(relu1_sensitivity, fully1_out)
    gradients['fully1_weight_grad'], gradients[
        'fully1_bias_grad'], _ = fullyconnect_backprop(
            fully1_sensitivity, data, weights['fully1_weight'])
    return loss, accuracy, gradients
예제 #2
def relu_backprop(in_sensitivity, in_):
    The backpropagation process of relu
      input paramter:
          in_sensitivity  : the sensitivity from the upper layer, shape: 
                          : [number of images, number of outputs in feedforward]
          in_             : the input in feedforward process, shape: same as in_sensitivity
      output paramter:
          out_sensitivity : the sensitivity to the lower layer, shape: same as in_sensitivity
    # TODO

    # begin answer
    relu = relu_feedforward(in_)
    out_sensitivity = relu / in_ * in_sensitivity
    # end answer
    return out_sensitivity