def __init__(self, broker: Broker, schedule: List[ScheduledJob], *, namespace: str = None, lock_key: str = None, period: Union[int, float] = None, client: redis.Redis = None, url: str = None, **redis_parameters): """ The class that takes care of scheduling tasks :param broker: The broker for the remoulade app :param schedule: A map that gives the schedule you want to be running :param namespace: Where we should store our scheduled tasks on redis :param lock_key: The redis key that we use as a lock to make sure only one scheduler is working at a time :param period: At which period (in seconds) the scheduler should be running, default is 1 second :param client: The redis client we should use to access redis :param url: The URL of the redis client :param redis_parameters: Additional params to pass to redis """ self.schedule = schedule self.namespace = namespace if namespace is not None else DEFAULT_SCHEDULER_NAMESPACE self.period = period if period is not None else DEFAULT_SCHEDULER_PERIOD = broker self.lock_key = lock_key if lock_key is not None else DEFAULT_SCHEDULER_LOCK_KEY if url: redis_parameters[ "connection_pool"] = redis.ConnectionPool.from_url(url) self.client = client or redis.Redis(**redis_parameters) self.logger = get_logger(__name__, type(self))
def setup_worker_logging(args, worker_id, logging_pipe): # Redirect all output to the logging pipe so that all output goes # to stderr and output is serialized so there isn't any mangling. sys.stdout = logging_pipe sys.stderr = logging_pipe level = verbosity.get(args.verbose, logging.DEBUG) logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=logformat, stream=logging_pipe) return get_logger("remoulade", "WorkerProcess(%s)" % worker_id)
def main(): args = parse_arguments() for path in args.path: sys.path.insert(0, path) for module in args.modules: importlib.import_module(module) logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO if not args.verbose else logging.DEBUG, format=logformat) logger = get_logger("remoulade", "Scheduler") def signal_handler(signal, frame): logger.debug('Remoulade scheduler is shutting down') sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) logger.debug("Remoulade scheduler start") sys.exit(get_scheduler().start())
def setup_parent_logging(args, *, stream=sys.stderr): level = verbosity.get(args.verbose, logging.DEBUG) logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=logformat, stream=stream) return get_logger("remoulade", "MainProcess")