예제 #1
파일: admin.py 프로젝트: vicnala/ampabooks
def ticket_get(id):
    itemlist = list()
    # get ORG and NIF from 'users'
    org = 'ORG'
    org = config.DB.select('users', where="username = $org limit 1", vars=locals()).list();
    nif = 'NIF'
    nif = config.DB.select('users', where="username = $nif limit 1", vars=locals()).list();
    # get books IDs
    ticket = config.DB.select('tickets', where="id=$id limit 1", vars=locals())
    stritems = ticket[0]['libros']
    splited = stritems.split(', ')
    # sort books IDs
    res = map(int, splited)
    for i in map(str, sorted(res)):
        itemlist.append(config.DB.select('books', where="id = $i limit 1", vars=locals()).list())
    # get ticket
    ticket = config.DB.select('tickets', where="id=$id limit 1", vars=locals())
    return render.printandarchive(ticket[0], itemlist, org[0], nif[0], enabled=False)
예제 #2
파일: view.py 프로젝트: vicnala/ampabooks
def printandarchive(session):
    # compute total
    del session.dbitems[:]
    total = 0
    for item in session.items:
        for i in item:
            s = int(i['stock'])
            iid = int(i['id'])

            if session.mode:
                total = total - float(i['precio'])
                s = s + 1
                total = total + float(i['precio'])
                s = s - 1
                # update socio

            # update stock
            config.DB.update('books', where="id = $iid", stock=s, vars=locals())

    # sort ticket db items as string
    res = str(sorted(session.dbitems)).strip('[]')

    # get student data
    student = config.DB.select('students', where="id = $session.studid limit 1", vars=locals()).list()
    sname = student[0]['nombre']
    grade = student[0]['curso']

    # archive
    config.DB.insert('tickets', dependiente=session.name, alumno=sname, curso=grade, libros=res, total=total, date=datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"))

    # get ORG and NIF from 'users'
    org = 'ORG'
    org = config.DB.select('users', where="username = $org limit 1", vars=locals()).list()
    nif = 'NIF'
    nif = config.DB.select('users', where="username = $nif limit 1", vars=locals()).list()

    # print
    ticket = config.DB.select('tickets', order="id desc limit 1").list()
    return render.printandarchive(ticket[0], sorted(session.items, key=lambda k: k[0]['id']), org[0], nif[0], enabled=True)