def plot_height_profiles(): """ Plot the bilayer height profile with protein positions. """ #---one plot per simulation for sn in work.sns(): mesh = data[sn]['data']['mesh'] surf = mesh.mean(axis=0).mean(axis=0) surf -= surf.mean() hmax = np.abs(surf).max() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) vecs = data[sn]['data']['vecs'].mean(axis=0) im = ax.imshow(surf.T,origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',['RdBu_r'], extent=[0,vecs[0],0,vecs[1]],vmax=hmax,vmin=-1*hmax) #---! add a check for whether we have proteins or not if sn in data_prot: from render.wavevids import plothull points_all = data_prot[sn]['data']['points_all'] points_all_mean_time = points_all.mean(axis=0) plothull(ax,points_all_mean_time[...,:2],griddims=surf.shape,vecs=vecs,c='k',lw=0) from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes axins = inset_axes(ax,width="5%",height="100%",loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05,0.,1.,1.),bbox_transform=ax.transAxes,borderpad=0) cbar = plt.colorbar(im,cax=axins,orientation="vertical") cbar.set_label(r"$\mathrm{\langle z \rangle (nm)}$",labelpad=-40,y=1.05,rotation=0) axins.tick_params(axis='y',which='both',left='off',right='off',labelright='on') ax.set_title('average bilayer height') ax.set_xlabel('x (nm)') ax.set_ylabel('y (nm)') ax.tick_params(axis='y',which='both',left='off',right='off',labelleft='on') ax.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',top='off',bottom='off',labelbottom='on') picturesave('fig.height_average.%s'%sn,work.plotdir,backup=False,version=True,meta={})
def plot_hull_and_trial_centers(data, sn, ax, n_instances=None, debug_frame=0, color=None): """Plot the protein hull along with the positions of the trial functions.""" global postdat #---! currently only set for a single protein trials = data[sn]['drop_gaussians_points'].transpose(1, 0, 2) nframes = len(trials) if n_instances != None: samples = np.arange(0, nframes, nframes / n_instances) else: samples = np.array([debug_frame]) pts = np.concatenate(trials[samples]) for ptsnum, pts in enumerate(trials[samples]): color_this =['jet']( float(ptsnum) / len(samples)) if not color else color ax.scatter(*pts.T, s=1, c=color_this) griddims = data[sn]['cf'].shape vecs, points_protein = [postdat[sn][i] for i in ['vecs', 'points_protein']] for ptsnum, pts in enumerate(points_protein[samples][..., :2]): color_this =['jet']( float(ptsnum) / len(samples)) if not color else color plothull(ax, pts, griddims=griddims, vecs=vecs, lw=0, c=color_this) ax.set_xlim((0, vecs[0])) ax.set_ylim((0, vecs[1])) ax.set_aspect(1.0)
def plothull_protein_center_average(ax, sn, vecs, tag): """Plot the protein hull in the center of the box.""" dat_protein = data[protein_abstractor_name][sn]['data'] protein_noh = np.array([ ii for ii, i in enumerate(dat_protein['names']) if not re.match('^H', i) ]) protein_pts = dat_protein['points_all'] if protein_pts.shape[1] != 1: raise Exception('cannot center multiple proteins!') mean_prot_pts = protein_pts[:, 0].mean(axis=0)[:, :2] prot_center = mean_prot_pts - mean_prot_pts.mean(axis=0) + vecs[:2] / 2. plothull(ax, [prot_center], griddims=datas[tag][sn]['cf'].shape, vecs=vecs, c='k', lw=0)
def render_hydrogen_bonding_pattern(fr, frameno): """...""" #status('drawing for %s'%sn,i=fr,looplen=nframes,tag='render') #---copy points so that we can smooth the points in the box points = np.array(lipid_mesh['%d.%d.points' % (top_mono, fr)]) if smooth_window: points[:nmol] = points_inside_smooth[fr] ax = plt.subplot(111) vec = dat_lipids['vecs'][fr] #---get the hydrogen bonds for this plot resname_inds = np.array([ bond_spec_keys.split().index(j) for j in ['resid_%d' % i for i in [1, 2]] ]) #---use frameno here because obs is over valid_frames only bonds_this_all = bonds[np.where(obs[frameno])[0]][:, resname_inds].astype(int) #---filter out intramolecular hyrogen bonds bonds_this = bonds_this_all[np.where( bonds_this_all[:, 0] != bonds_this_all[:, 1])[0]] #---! note no check for resname type #---get bonds that are in the mesh bonds_this_valid = np.where( [np.all([np.in1d(i, r2m.keys()) for i in b]) for b in bonds_this])[0] ghosts = lipid_mesh['%d.%d.ghost_ids' % (top_mono, fr)] #---draw a line for each bond for lnum, link_resids in enumerate(bonds_this[bonds_this_valid]): verts = np.array([r2m[j] for j in link_resids]) points_this = points[verts, :2] if not np.any(points_this.ptp(axis=0) >= vec[:2] / 2.): ax.plot(*points_this.T, c='k', lw=1, zorder=2) else: targs = np.where(np.in1d(ghosts, verts))[0] for target in targs: for urp in link_resids: possible_long_bond = np.array([target, r2m[urp]]) try: if not np.any((points[possible_long_bond].ptp(axis=0) >= vec / 2.)[:2]): ax.plot(*points[possible_long_bond][:, :2].T, c='k', lw=1, zorder=2) except: pass #---formulate the color list colors = np.array( [colorize(work.meta[sn], resname=r) for r in resnames_all[ghosts]]) #---stray dots are transparent ax.scatter(*points[:, :2].T, s=dot_size_small, color=colors, alpha=0.35, zorder=3, lw=0) #---active dots have color highlit = np.array( [r2m[j] for j in np.unique(bonds_this[bonds_this_valid])]) #---note that only the non-ghost points can be highlit so the color list below is complete if highlit.max() >= m2r.shape[0]: raise Exception('some highlit points are not in the mesh keys!') ax.scatter( *points[highlit, :2].T, lw=0.25, s=dot_size_small, zorder=4, edgecolor='k', c=[colorize(work.meta[sn], resname=r) for r in resnames_all[highlit]]) #---highlight the PIP2 highlit_pip2 = np.where( np.in1d(resnames_all[highlit], work.vars['selectors']['resnames_PIP2'] + ['PtdIns']))[0] ax.scatter(*points[highlit[highlit_pip2], :2].T, lw=0.25, s=dot_size_large, zorder=5, edgecolor='k', c=[ colorize(work.meta[sn], resname=r) for r in resnames_all[highlit[highlit_pip2]] ]) #---show protein hull if necessary if show_proteins: plothull(ax, [data_prot[sn]['data']['points'][fr][:, :2]], vecs=data_prot[sn]['data']['vecs'][fr], griddims=None, fill=True, lw=0, alpha=0.35, c='k') #---plot a box lims_prop = 0.1 ax.set_xlim((vec[0] * -lims_prop, vec[0] * (1. + lims_prop))) ax.set_ylim((vec[1] * -lims_prop, vec[1] * (1. + lims_prop))) box_prop = (lims_prop * 2 + 1.0) / lims_prop ax.axhline(0, xmin=1. / box_prop, xmax=(box_prop - 1.0) / box_prop, c='k', lw=1) ax.axhline(vec[1], xmin=1. / box_prop, xmax=(box_prop - 1.0) / (box_prop), c='k', lw=1) ax.axvline(0, ymin=1. / box_prop, ymax=(box_prop - 1.0) / (box_prop), c='k', lw=1) ax.axvline(vec[0], ymin=1. / box_prop, ymax=(box_prop - 1.0) / (box_prop), c='k', lw=1) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.tick_params(axis=u'both', which=u'both', length=0) ax.axis('off') picturesave('snap.%05d' % frameno, out_dn, backup=False, version=True, meta={}, extras=[], loud=False)
def plot_curvature(sn, **kwargs): """ Plot a map of the curvature. """ global curvs_map_all dat = data[sn]['data'] nframes = int(dat['nframes']) def get(mn, fr, name): return dat['%d.%d.%s' % (mn, fr, name)] spacing = kwargs.pop('spacing', 1.0) if kwargs: raise Exception('unprocessed kwargs %s' % kwargs) mvecs = np.mean([get(0, fr, 'vec') for fr in range(nframes)], axis=0) ngrid = np.round(mvecs / spacing).astype(int) #---curvature of each leaflet curvs_map_all = [np.zeros((ngrid[0], ngrid[1])) for mn in range(2)] for mn in range(2): curvs = np.zeros((ngrid[0], ngrid[1])) curvs_counts = np.zeros((ngrid[0], ngrid[1])) nmol = int(dat['%d.1.nmol' % mn]) for fr in range(nframes): simps = get(mn, fr, 'simplices') pts = get(mn, fr, 'points') vec = get(mn, fr, 'vec') curv = get(mn, fr, 'mean') #---repack the points in the box pts_repack = (pts - np.floor(pts / vec) * vec) pts_rounded = (pts_repack / (vec / ngrid)).astype(int)[:, :2] curvs[pts_rounded[:nmol, 0], pts_rounded[:nmol, 1]] += curv[:nmol] curvs_counts[pts_rounded[:nmol, 0], pts_rounded[:nmol, 1]] += 1 obs = np.where(curvs_counts > 0) means = curvs[obs] / curvs_counts[obs] curvs_map_all[mn][obs] = means from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes import scipy import scipy.ndimage #---average the leaflets curvs_map = np.mean(curvs_map_all, axis=0) #---! removed the following line which sets nan (white on imshow). not sure what it is for #---ironically back to nan for the imshow if False: curvs_map[np.where(curvs_counts == 0)] = np.nan #---! it might be nice to smooth the plots but beware! if False: curvs_map = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(curvs_map, sigma=(4, 4), order=0) vmax = max([abs(j) for j in [curvs_map.max(), curvs_map.min()]]) ax = plt.gca() im = ax.imshow(curvs_map,, vmax=vmax, vmin=-1 * vmax, origin='lower', extent=[0, mvecs[0], 0, mvecs[1]]) axins = inset_axes(ax, width="5%", height="100%", loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0., 1., 1.), bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, borderpad=0) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=axins, orientation="vertical") cbar.set_label(r'$C_0\,({nm}^{-1})$', labelpad=-40, y=1.05, rotation=0) ax.set_xlabel('x (nm)') ax.set_ylabel('y (nm)') ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left='off', right='off', labelleft='on') ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', top='off', bottom='off', labelbottom='on') axins.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left='off', right='off', labelright='on') ax.set_title('curvature map') if sn in data_prot: from render.wavevids import plothull points_all = data_prot[sn]['data']['points_all'] points_all_mean_time = points_all.mean(axis=0) plothull(ax, points_all_mean_time[..., :2], griddims=curvs_map.shape, vecs=mvecs, c='k', lw=0) picturesave('fig.%s.%s' % ('curvature', sn), work.plotdir, backup=False, version=True, meta={}) plt.close()
def plot_curvature_basic(sn, **kwargs): """ Plot a map of the curvature. Note: you must use a bin spacing of 2.0 or 5.0 and not 0.5 otherwise the curvature ends up biased very strongly in one direction (this is a methodology error of some kind, related to binnning.) A Gaussian blur is necessary to get usable information from the map, however this washes out the curvature magnitudes leaving only a relative pattern. """ dat = data[sn]['data'] nframes = int(dat['nframes']) def get(mn, fr, name): return dat['%d.%d.%s' % (mn, fr, name)] spacing = kwargs.pop('spacing', 2.0) sigma = kwargs.pop('blur', 0.0) if kwargs: raise Exception('unprocessed kwargs %s' % kwargs) mvecs = np.mean([get(0, fr, 'vec') for fr in range(nframes)], axis=0) ngrid = np.round(mvecs / spacing).astype(int) #---curvature of each leaflet curvs_mean_all = [] curvs_map_all = [np.zeros((ngrid[0], ngrid[1])) for mn in range(2)] for mn in range(2)[::-1]: curvs = np.zeros((ngrid[0], ngrid[1])) curvs_counts = np.zeros((ngrid[0], ngrid[1])) nmol = int(dat['%d.1.nmol' % mn]) curvs_mean = [] for fr in range(nframes): simps = get(mn, fr, 'simplices') pts = get(mn, fr, 'points') vec = get(mn, fr, 'vec') curv = get(mn, fr, 'mean') #---previously implemented a filter if False: filt = np.where(np.abs(curv) < 0.5) pts, curv = pts[filt], curv[filt] #---repack the points in the box pts_repack = (pts - np.floor(pts / vec) * vec) pts_rounded = (pts_repack / (vec / ngrid)).astype(int)[:, :2] curvs[pts_rounded[:nmol, 0], pts_rounded[:nmol, 1]] += curv[:nmol] curvs_mean.append(curv[:nmol].mean()) curvs_counts[pts_rounded[:nmol, 0], pts_rounded[:nmol, 1]] += 1 curvs_mean_all.append(curvs_mean) obs = np.where(curvs_counts > 0) means = curvs[obs] / curvs_counts[obs] curvs_map_all[mn][obs] = means #---average the leaflets curvs_map = np.mean(curvs_map_all, axis=0) #---! removed the following line which sets nan (white on imshow). not sure what it is for #---ironically back to nan for the imshow if False: curvs_map[np.where(curvs_counts == 0)] = np.nan #---! it might be nice to smooth the plots but beware! if True: curvs_map = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(curvs_map, sigma=(sigma, sigma), order=0) vmax = max([abs(j) for j in [curvs_map.max(), curvs_map.min()]]) ax = plt.gca() im = ax.imshow(curvs_map,, vmax=vmax, vmin=-1 * vmax, origin='lower', extent=[0, mvecs[0], 0, mvecs[1]]) axins = inset_axes(ax, width="5%", height="100%", loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0., 1., 1.), bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, borderpad=0) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=axins, orientation="vertical") cbar.set_label(r'$C_0\,({nm}^{-1})$', labelpad=-40, y=1.05, rotation=0) ax.set_xlabel('x (nm)') ax.set_ylabel('y (nm)') ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left='off', right='off', labelleft='on') ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', top='off', bottom='off', labelbottom='on') axins.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left='off', right='off', labelright='on') ax.set_title('curvature map') if sn in data_prot: from render.wavevids import plothull points_all = data_prot[sn]['data']['points_all'] points_all_mean_time = points_all.mean(axis=0) plothull(ax, points_all_mean_time[..., :2], griddims=curvs_map.shape, vecs=mvecs, c='k', lw=0) picturesave('fig.%s.%s' % ('curvature', sn), work.plotdir, backup=False, version=True, meta={}) plt.close()
def individual_reviews_plotter(viewnames, out_fn, seep=None, figsize=(10, 10), horizontal=False, wspace=0.4, **kwargs): """ Loop over all upstream curvature-undulation coupling calculations and plot a panel of review plots. """ #---seeping namespace if seep != None: for key, val in seep.items(): globals()[key] = val for tag in datas: for sn in work.sns(): status('reviewing curvature for %s' % sn, tag='plot') cmap_name = 'RdBu_r' square_tiles_args = {} if wspace != None: square_tiles_args.update(wspace=wspace) axes, fig = square_tiles(len(viewnames), figsize, hspace=0.4, favor_rows=horizontal, **square_tiles_args) #---several plots use the same data vecs = postdat[sn]['vecs'] if len(vecs.shape) == 2: vecs = vecs.mean(axis=0) griddims = datas[tag][sn]['cf'].shape #---shared variables for several plots cmax = np.abs(datas[tag][sn]['cf']).max() cmax_instant = np.abs(datas[tag][sn]['cf_first']).max() hicut = calcs[tag][sn]['calcs']['specs'].get('fitting', {}).get( 'high_cutoff', 1.0) #---PLOT the mean curvature field if 'average_field' in viewnames: ax = axes[viewnames.index('average_field')] im = ax.imshow(datas[tag][sn]['cf'].T, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmax=cmax, vmin=-1 * cmax,[cmap_name], extent=[0, vecs[0], 0, vecs[1]]) mean_trial = datas[tag][sn]['drop_gaussians_points'].transpose( 1, 0, 2).mean(axis=0) ax.scatter(*mean_trial.T, s=1, c='k') ax.set_title('average field') add_colorbar(ax, im, title=r'$\mathrm{\langle C_0(x,y) \rangle}$') #---PLOT a single instance of the neighborhood (good for debugging) if 'neighborhood_static' in viewnames: ax = axes[viewnames.index('neighborhood_static')] debug_frame = 0 plot_hull_and_trial_centers(datas[tag], sn, ax, debug_frame=debug_frame, color='k') ax.set_title('neighborhood, static, frame %d' % debug_frame) #---PLOT a composite of several frames of the neighborhood to see the dynamics if 'neighborhood_dynamic' in viewnames: ax = axes[viewnames.index('neighborhood_dynamic')] plot_hull_and_trial_centers(datas[tag], sn, ax, n_instances=10) ax.set_title('neighborhood, dynamic') #---PLOT the average height if 'average_height' in viewnames: mesh = data[undulations_name][sn]['data']['mesh'] surf = mesh.mean(axis=0).mean(axis=0) surf -= surf.mean() hmax = np.abs(surf).max() ax = axes[viewnames.index('average_height')] try: im = ax.imshow(surf.T, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',['RdBu_r'], extent=[0, vecs[0], 0, vecs[1]], vmax=hmax, vmin=-1 * hmax) except: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() try: mean_prot_pts = [postdat[sn]['points_protein_mean'][:, :2]] except: try: mean_prot_pts = data[protein_abstractor_name][sn][ 'data']['points_all'].mean(axis=0)[..., :2] except: mean_prot_pts = [ data[protein_abstractor_name][sn]['data'] ['points'].mean(axis=0)[:, :2] ] plothull(ax, mean_prot_pts, griddims=datas[tag][sn]['cf'].shape, vecs=vecs, c='k', lw=0) ax.set_title('height profile') ax.set_xlabel('x (nm)') ax.set_ylabel('y (nm)') add_colorbar(ax, im, title=r'$\mathrm{\langle z \rangle \, (nm)}$') #---PLOT an example curvature field ('first' is hard-coded, instead of saving each frame) if 'example_field' in viewnames: ax = axes[viewnames.index('example_field')] example_frame = 0 cf_first = datas[tag][sn]['cf_first'] im = ax.imshow(cf_first.T, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmax=cmax, vmin=-1 * cmax,[cmap_name], extent=[0, vecs[0], 0, vecs[1]]) add_colorbar(ax, im, title=r'$\mathrm{C_0\,({nm}^{-1})}$') ax.set_xlim((0, vecs[0])) ax.set_ylim((0, vecs[1])) ax.set_xlabel('x (nm)') ax.set_ylabel('y (nm)') mean_trial = datas[tag][sn]['drop_gaussians_points'].transpose( 1, 0, 2)[example_frame] ax.scatter(*mean_trial.T, s=1, c='k') ax.set_title('curvature field', fontsize=10) #---PLOT example curvature without the dots for the trial functions, including the protein hull if 'example_field_no_neighborhood' in viewnames: ax = axes[viewnames.index('example_field_no_neighborhood')] example_frame = 0 cf_first = datas[tag][sn]['cf_first'] im = ax.imshow(cf_first.T, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmax=cmax, vmin=-1 * cmax,[cmap_name], extent=[0, vecs[0], 0, vecs[1]]) add_colorbar(ax, im, title=r'$\mathrm{C_0\,({nm}^{-1})}$') ax.set_xlim((0, vecs[0])) ax.set_ylim((0, vecs[1])) ax.set_xlabel('x (nm)') ax.set_ylabel('y (nm)') mean_trial = datas[tag][sn]['drop_gaussians_points'].transpose( 1, 0, 2)[example_frame] ax.set_title('curvature field', fontsize=10) ex_prot_pts = data[protein_abstractor_name][sn]['data'][ 'points'][example_frame][:, :2] plothull(ax, [ex_prot_pts], griddims=datas[tag][sn]['cf'].shape, vecs=vecs, c='k', lw=0) #---PLOT periodic view of the example field if 'example_field_pbc' in viewnames: ax = axes[viewnames.index('example_field_pbc')] im = ax.imshow( np.tile(cf_first.T, (3, 3)), origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmax=cmax, vmin=-1 * cmax,[cmap_name], extent=[-vecs[0], 2 * vecs[0], -vecs[1], 2 * vecs[1]]) ax.set_title('curvature field (max %.3f)' % cmax_instant) add_colorbar(ax, im, title=r'$\mathrm{C_0\,({nm}^{-1})}$') #---PLOT periodic view of the average height if 'average_height_pbc' in viewnames: ax = axes[viewnames.index('average_height_pbc')] im = ax.imshow( np.tile(surf.T, (3, 3)), origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmax=hmax, vmin=-1 * hmax,[cmap_name], extent=[-vecs[0], 2 * vecs[0], -vecs[1], 2 * vecs[1]]) ax.set_title('average height') add_colorbar(ax, im, title=r'$\mathrm{\langle z \rangle}$') #---track the protein protein_pts = data[protein_abstractor_name][sn]['data'][ 'points_all'] #### if protein_pts.shape[1]!=1: raise Exception('only one protein') prot_traj = protein_pts[:, 0].mean(axis=1)[:, :2] #### more proteins prot_traj = np.concatenate( data[protein_abstractor_name][sn]['data'] ['points_all'].mean(axis=0)[..., :2]) for shift in np.concatenate( np.transpose(np.meshgrid([-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1]))) * vecs[:2]: ax.scatter(prot_traj[:, 0] + shift[0], prot_traj[:, 1] + shift[1], c='k', s=1) ax.set_xlim((-vecs[0], 2 * vecs[0])) ax.set_ylim((-vecs[1], 2 * vecs[1])) #---PLOT spectrum if 'spectrum' in viewnames: ax = axes[viewnames.index('spectrum')] if len(datas[tag][sn]['qs_binned']) == len( datas[tag][sn]['ratios']): qs = datas[tag][sn]['qs_binned'] else: datas[tag][sn]['qs'] ax.scatter(qs, datas[tag][sn]['ratios'], s=4, c='k', alpha=0.25) #---! high cutoff is hard-coded here but needs to be removed to the yaml #---! ...we need to get the default band = qs <= hicut ax.scatter(qs[band], datas[tag][sn]['ratios'][band], s=10, c='k', alpha=1.0) ax.axhline(1.0, c='k') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') error = datas[tag][sn]['bundle'][sn]['fun'] ax.set_title('full spectrum') ax.grid(True) ax.axvline(hicut, ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0, c='k', lw=2) #---PLOT spectrum, relevant section if 'spectrum_zoom' in viewnames: ax = axes[viewnames.index('spectrum_zoom')] qs = datas[tag][sn]['qs'] band = qs <= hicut ys = datas[tag][sn]['ratios'][band] ax.scatter(qs[band], ys, s=20, c='k', alpha=1.0, clip_on=False) ax.axhline(1.0, c='k') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log', subsy=[]) ax.set_yticks([min(ys), 1.0, max(ys)]) #---intransigent ticks! ax.set_yticklabels([ ('%.2f' % i if type(i) != bool else '') for i in [min(ys), False, max(ys)] ]) ax.set_xlim(min(qs), hicut) error = datas[tag][sn]['bundle'][sn]['fun'] ax.set_title('spectrum (error %.5f)' % error) #---PLOT average height profile RELATIVE TO THE PROTEIN POSITION if 'average_height_center' in viewnames: mesh = data[undulations_name][sn]['data']['mesh'] surfs = mesh.mean(axis=0) #.mean(axis=0) surfs_shifted = center_by_protein(sn, surfs) surf = np.mean(surfs_shifted, axis=0) surf -= surf.mean() hmax = np.abs(surf).max() ax = axes[viewnames.index('average_height_center')] im = ax.imshow(surf.T, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',['RdBu_r'], extent=[0, vecs[0], 0, vecs[1]], vmax=hmax, vmin=-1 * hmax) try: mean_prot_pts = postdat[sn]['points_protein_mean'][:, :2] except: mean_prot_pts = data[protein_abstractor_name][sn]['data'][ 'points'].mean(axis=0)[:, :2] #---! still need to move the protein if False: plothull(ax, [mean_prot_pts], griddims=datas[tag][sn]['cf'].shape, vecs=vecs, c='k', lw=0) plothull_protein_center_average(ax, sn, vecs, tag) ax.set_title('height profile (centered)') ax.set_xlabel('x (nm)') ax.set_ylabel('y (nm)') add_colorbar(ax, im, title=r'$\mathrm{\langle z \rangle \, (nm)}$') #---PLOT the average field shifted as if the protein were in the center #---we call this "naive" because it takes a single, average curvature field and moves it the average position of the protein. if the protein crosses the periodic bounds, #---...then moving *anything* to the average position of the protein makes no sense see the explicit version below called "curvature_field_center" if 'average_field_center' in viewnames: ax = axes[viewnames.index('average_field_center')] nframes = data[undulations_name][sn]['data']['mesh'].shape[1] cf_centered = center_by_protein(sn, np.array( [datas[tag][sn]['cf']]), static=True) im = ax.imshow(cf_centered.T, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmax=cmax, vmin=-1 * cmax,[cmap_name], extent=[0, vecs[0], 0, vecs[1]]) mean_trial = datas[tag][sn]['drop_gaussians_points'].transpose( 1, 0, 2).mean(axis=0) if False: ax.scatter(*mean_trial.T, s=1, c='k') ax.set_title('curvature field (centered,naive)') add_colorbar(ax, im, title=r'$\mathrm{C_0\,({nm}^{-1})}$') #---PLOT the average curvature field, shifted to the instantaneous position of the protein #---...and then averaged. this makes slightly more sense than "average_field_center" but we are #---...still assuming an average and then just smearing it around. see "curvature_field_center" if 'average_field_center_smear' in viewnames: ax = axes[viewnames.index('average_field_center_smear')] nframes = data[undulations_name][sn]['data']['mesh'].shape[1] cf_centered = center_by_protein( sn, np.tile(datas[tag][sn]['cf'], (nframes, 1, 1))).mean(axis=0) im = ax.imshow(cf_centered.T, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmax=cmax, vmin=-1 * cmax,[cmap_name], extent=[0, vecs[0], 0, vecs[1]]) mean_trial = datas[tag][sn]['drop_gaussians_points'].transpose( 1, 0, 2).mean(axis=0) if False: ax.scatter(*mean_trial.T, s=1, c='k') ax.set_title('curvature field (centered,smear)') add_colorbar(ax, im, title=r'$\mathrm{C_0\,({nm}^{-1})}$') #---PLOT the average of the protein-centered instantaneous curvature fields #---note that you have to add "store_instantaneous_fields: True" to the design of the calculation if 'curvature_field_center' in viewnames: ax = axes[viewnames.index('curvature_field_center')] nframes = data[undulations_name][sn]['data']['mesh'].shape[1] cf_centered = center_by_protein( sn, datas[tag][sn]['cfs']).mean(axis=0) im = ax.imshow(cf_centered.T, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmax=cmax, vmin=-1 * cmax,[cmap_name], extent=[0, vecs[0], 0, vecs[1]]) mean_trial = datas[tag][sn]['drop_gaussians_points'].transpose( 1, 0, 2).mean(axis=0) if False: ax.scatter(*mean_trial.T, s=1, c='k') ax.set_title('curvature field (centered)') ax.set_xlabel('x (nm)') ax.set_ylabel('y (nm)') add_colorbar( ax, im, title=r'$\mathrm{\langle C_0 \rangle \,({nm}^{-1})$') plothull_protein_center_average(ax, sn, vecs, tag) #---no tick marks on anything for ax in axes: ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', labelbottom='on') ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left='off', right='off', labelbottom='off') #---the metadata for this plot comes from the design section try: meta = calcs[tag][sn]['calcs']['specs']['specs'] #---! custom upstream calculations for e.g. dextran project put the specs one level down except: meta = calcs[tag][sn]['calcs']['specs'] #---add high cutoff (from fitting parameters if defined) to the meta meta['high_cutoff'] = hicut picturesave('fig.%s.%s' % (out_fn, sn), work.plotdir, backup=False, version=True, meta=meta)