예제 #1
파일: font.py 프로젝트: Neyunse/renpy
    def load(self):

        self.chars = {}  # W0201
        self.width = {}  # W0201
        self.advance = {}  # W0201
        self.offsets = {}  # W0201
        self.kerns = {}  # W0201
        self.default_kern = 0  # W0201

        pages = {}

        with renpy.loader.load(self.filename) as f:
            for l in f:

                kind, args = parse_bmfont_line(l)

                if kind == "common":
                    self.height = int(args["lineHeight"])  # W0201
                    self.baseline = int(args["base"])  # W0201
                elif kind == "page":
                    pages[int(args["id"])] = renpy.display.im.Image(
                elif kind == "char":
                    c = chr(int(args["id"]))
                    x = int(args["x"])
                    y = int(args["y"])
                    w = int(args["width"])
                    h = int(args["height"])
                    xo = int(args["xoffset"])
                    yo = int(args["yoffset"])
                    xadvance = int(args["xadvance"])
                    page = int(args["page"])

                    ss = pages[page].subsurface((x, y, w, h))
                    ss = renpy.display.scale.surface_scale(ss)

                    self.chars[c] = ss
                    self.width[c] = w + xo
                    self.advance[c] = xadvance
                    self.offsets[c] = (xo, yo)
                elif kind == "kerning":
                    first = chr(int(args["first"]))
                    second = chr(int(args["second"]))
                    self.kerns[first + second] = int(args["amount"])

        if u'\u00a0' not in self.chars:
            self.chars[u'\u00a0'] = self.chars[u' ']
            self.width[u'\u00a0'] = self.width[u' ']
            self.advance[u'\u00a0'] = self.advance[u' ']
            self.offsets[u'\u00a0'] = self.offsets[u' ']

        self.chars[u'\u200b'] = renpy.display.pgrender.surface(
            (0, self.height), True)
        self.width[u'\u200b'] = 0
        self.advance[u'\u200b'] = 0
        self.offsets[u'\u200b'] = (0, 0)
예제 #2
파일: font.py 프로젝트: Neyunse/renpy
    def draw(self, target, xo, yo, color, glyphs, underline, strikethrough,

        if black_color is None:

        for g in glyphs:

            if not g.width:

            c = chr(g.character)

            cxo, cyo = self.offsets[c]
            x = g.x + xo + cxo
            y = g.y + yo + cyo - g.ascent

            char_surf = self.chars[c]

            if renpy.config.recolor_sfonts:
                if color != WHITE or black_color != BLACK:
                    new_surf = renpy.display.pgrender.surface(
                        char_surf.get_size(), True)
                    renpy.display.module.twomap(char_surf, new_surf, color,

                    char_surf = new_surf

            target.blit(char_surf, (x, y))
예제 #3
파일: font.py 프로젝트: wwjiang007/renpy
    def load(self):

        self.chars = { } # W0201
        self.width = { } # W0201
        self.advance = { } # W0201
        self.offsets = { } # W0201

        # Load in the image.
        surf = renpy.display.im.Image(self.filename).load(unscaled=True)

        # Parse the xml file.
        with renpy.loader.load(self.xml) as f:
            tree = etree.fromstring(f.read())

        height = 0

        # Find each character.
        for e in tree.findall("char"):

            char = int(e.attrib["id"])
            if char < 0:

            c = chr(char)
            x = int(e.attrib["x"])
            y = int(e.attrib["y"])
            w = int(e.attrib["width"])
            h = int(e.attrib["height"])

            ss = surf.subsurface((x, y, w, h))
            ss = renpy.display.scale.surface_scale(ss)

            self.chars[c] = ss
            self.width[c] = w
            self.advance[c] = w
            self.offsets[c] = (0, 0)

            height = max(height, h)

        self.height = height # W0201
        self.baseline = height # W0201

        # Create space characters.
        if u' ' not in self.chars:
            self.chars[u' '] = renpy.display.pgrender.surface((self.spacewidth, height), True)
            self.width[u' '] = self.spacewidth
            self.advance[u' '] = self.spacewidth
            self.offsets[u' '] = (0, 0)

        if u'\u00a0' not in self.chars:
            self.chars[u'\u00a0'] = self.chars[u' ']
            self.width[u'\u00a0'] = self.width[u' ']
            self.advance[u'\u00a0'] = self.advance[u' ']
            self.offsets[u'\u00a0'] = self.offsets[u' ']

        self.chars[u'\u200b'] = renpy.display.pgrender.surface((0, height), True)
        self.width[u'\u200b'] = 0
        self.advance[u'\u200b'] = 0
        self.offsets[u'\u200b'] = (0, 0)
예제 #4
    def name(self):
        c = self.u16()

        rv = u""
        for _i in range(c):
            rv += chr(self.u16())

        return rv
예제 #5
파일: font.py 프로젝트: Neyunse/renpy
    def segment(self, s):
        Segments `s` into fonts. Generates (font, string) tuples.

        mark = 0
        pos = 0

        font = None
        old_font = None

        if self.char_map:
            s = [ord(i) for i in s]
            s = "".join(chr(self.char_map.get(i, i)) for i in s)

        for i, c in enumerate(s):

            n = ord(c)

            font = self.map.get(ord(c), None)

            if font is None:
                font = self.map.get(None, None)

                if font is None:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Character U+{0:04x} not found in FontGroup".format(n))

            if font != old_font:
                if pos:
                    yield old_font, s[mark:pos]

                old_font = font
                mark = pos

            pos += 1

        if font is not None:
            yield font, s[mark:]